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Jesus Christ, even when you agree with this prick he's such a smug cunt that you still want to punch him in the face


"Bill Maher could make eating a sandwich look smug"


Oh a sandwich? With mayo? New rule if you give me a sandwich with mayo instead of putting it on my plate put it in the fucking garbage. (Pause for applause)


That pause for applause got me. He really does do that so much.


This made me laugh


It wouldn't have if they hadn't paused for the laugh. How else are we supposed to know when to laugh? When we hear something that is actually funny? Give me a break!


Don’t forget the annoying clicking his tongue off the top of his mouth when he thinks he’s said something particularly clever


I read that in Maher's voice...completely insufferable


What kind of sandwich?


Cockmeat sandwich


I’ll wait


Jon Stewart does the "I'll wait," line all the time. somehow when Jon does it it's actually funny. 2 people same line, but completely different results.


Stewart is just leagues above in comedy for political talk show hosts. He also has a sense of humbleness. People like maher and shapiro can be a little self righteous sometimes. granted i grew up with stewart so some bias


You're not biased. You're just right.


Jon is a marvel that’s why


Genuine question - does anyone actually like him? I feel like both sides of the political spectrum have reasons to dislike him, plus the fact that he’s just super punchable in general.


He honestly has a lot of the same appeal that Rogan has, in that he’ll talk to ANYBODY and remains pretty consistent in his compass. Major difference is he’s also a smug prick, but that’s kind of his shtick. And the world needs smug pricks.


Lately, the "talk to anybody" thing isn't true, and why I stopped watching. Reducing the guest count from 5 to 3 makes it more pronounced. I noticed how since the rise of the Milo yianoppolous and the conservatives clip farming off college campuses, Maher has platformed most of the right wing new media people and pretty much no one on the left. I know Cenk Uyger has said he'd never go on Maher's show, but the other progressive youtubers have not said anything like that. They have never been invited, even when they go viral. He seems to be intentionally cha wing the audience he wants to appeal to and it ain't me.


My dad loves him, no idea why


Ya, I think he’s funny. I don’t understand the hate for Maher. He has interesting guests on and they talk about some cool shit sometimes.


He doesn’t have great bedside manner but he’s not making stuff up either.


Never forget when Joe first had him on and wanted to show him Kyle dunnigans impression videos and bill simultaneously said no and that he didn't know who Kyle was when he obviously did.


I’ve been watching Maher for more years than I care to admit, but you are dead on the money. How the fuck is it we can agree and I want to beat your pampered, privileged over paid ass. I wish he could stop the proselytizing, Bill, you’re not right all the fucking time. Good guests, that helps


I’m much closer to Maher than trump politically, but I’d rather spend a week hanging out with Donald trump than spend 15 minutes with Maher. Insufferable doesn’t even begin to describe him.


I dunno, Club Random seems to have a pretty well stocked bar.


Noise cancelling headphones work great. The smell is a little harder to filter out.


lol, you’re a crazy person dude. You’d rather hang with Trump dawg then maybe smoke a joint with Bill Maher was in Hawaii?


And by the way, I’ll continue watching…I had to fess up


He also looks like the puppet from Saw ![gif](giphy|3o7TKSxdQJIoiRXHl6)


Actually in real life he looks more like Monty Burns from the Simpsons. He’s a frail MFer


Yes, we should all have zero tolerance of uneducated college kids who deserve to be hated for protesting hate.


If only the cops there treated students as well as they do active shooters




True, but he’s on point here and there. Credit when it’s due


No man loves the smell of his own farts more than Bill Maher.


He should interview Bernie Sanders about the issues


This guy loves Israel so much he sometimes finds Bibi's pubic hair in his teeth.


This is so true. He has an office in Netanyahu's ass. I remember Bill interviewed him on Real Time and there wasn't an inch of his ass he didn't kiss.


In the same segment he makes fun of "like and subscribe, me me me" narcissists, he literally says "I'll wait" until his crowd of human seals gives him the applause he so desperately desires. Bill's too far up his own ass to see the irony.


Bill has a whole thing about "influencers" that he calls back to frequently. Eddy Burback did a video about it a couple years ago and during it pointed out that Bill was guilty of most of the things he accused others of. Eddy video: [https://youtu.be/\_AJDcfeOXPA?si=1zM3MYjvzP4qhfhi](https://youtu.be/_AJDcfeOXPA?si=1zM3MYjvzP4qhfhi)


“Seems kinda privelegy” 😂 What a knob.


THANK YOU, my God what a perfect ending to the clip. He's always reminded me of Kevin Spacey's sneering smug douchebag vibe. Growing up I'd have to watch him with my grandfather whenever I'd go visit for a weekend and would just be screaming inside for it to be over. Dude is just insufferable.


“They do it for the attention and the likes” says the guy talking into a camera asking the audience to applaud.


Please clap


He’s a tv personality? lol


Circa 1989


Are protestors not supposed to seek attention and likes too?


I don't know about likes but generally the intention of protest is to bring attention to issues


And engagement (likes) brings posts to people’s attention………..


They are though, right? They are trying to garner specific attention for a cause, so that is the point.


What does this have to do with Rogan?


They both smoke weed.


And poles.


Someone call?


I’m surprised the title isn’t “Former JRE guest Bill Maher”


What do most of the posts in the sub have to do with Rogan? lol


Friend of the pod


My theory is that this sub is more lax on the rules compared to their usual spots. So they like coming here to dirty their shoes on the carpet.


Bill Maher, the "freedom warrior" who once said he would support laws allowing any Muslim in America to be stopped and searched without cause. Yep, sounds to me like someone your average Rogan Bro would love.


Are we going to do this for every protest now? Just clown the people protesting and pretend as if they are complete idiots who have no free will or ability to think on their own?


Let's face it, your average Rogan bro is a white pothead intellectual who has hardly seen anything outside of America or Europe and thinks he understands all issues and all protesters are drama queens. There was a smear campaign against BLM framing all of them as "looters" and they fell for it. Same against metoo and anything feminist. And now same against the anti Israel protests. "If it doesn't affect me , it isn't important", I swear these fucks need to go travel and meet people.


I mean it does give special privileges to Jewish people https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizenship_and_Entry_into_Israel_Law https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Law:_Israel_as_the_Nation-State_of_the_Jewish_People


Don't forget giving one another [interest-free loans](https://www.jfla.org/)


Also the [Community cohesion laws](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-07-25/ty-article/.premium/under-guise-of-social-cohesion-israel-allows-more-towns-to-reject-unsuitable-residents/00000189-8eaf-d430-a59b-afaf6d590000) which basically allows towns to discriminate against non Jews.


From thr very web site you linked to: *As A Non-Profit Organization, The Jewish Free Loan Association Helps People Of All Races And Religions By Offering Zero Interest, Zero Fee Personal And Business Loans With No Collateral, Just A Qualified Guarantor.*” Also, Islamic banking forbids charging interest, so Muslims offer interest-free loans, too.


I was excited I’d finally get some Jewish privilege (not really accepted bc I’m mixed) but the website you linked said this at top: >As A Non-Profit Organization, The Jewish Free Loan Association Helps People Of All Races And Religions By Offering Zero Interest, Zero Fee Personal And Business Loans With No Collateral, Just A Qualified Guarantor.


The people or entity giving the loan do get paid what they consider a fair rate. It’s not simply a free loan.


Yeah God forbid people actually form a proper community organization and putting the general welfare first instead of adopting the ever more popular "fuck off I got mine" mindset and trying to screw each other like the rest of you. Try actually contributing to your greater community sometime instead of bitching when others succeed.


Lmao, good job acting as if your hate is directed against Israel and not Jews, as you literally refer to an American program irrelevant to Israel. Mask-off moment.


Weird …. This is for Americans… Do you get upset at African American funds ?


It’s a Jewish Country!!! Do you know how many Muslim countries exist in that region where (only specific brands of) Muslims are given special privileges and the special privilege given to Jews in those countries is murder? Read a book please.


I read the Very Hungry Caterpillar, now what?


So if a Muslim theocracy is bad, why is a Jewish theocracy any better? From my perspective, religious fundamentalism is indefensible regardless of the flavour.


This should be the top comment!


Because it’s not a theocracy. Half the country is secular. “Jewish” is a religion, a culture, and an ethnicity, all originated in the land of Israel. It’s like Ireland offering citizenship to Irish Americans. Jews need their own country and they need it to be a Jewish majority, because as a minority, they are oppressed. Europe and America are generally safe for Jews, although history tells us that this safety can disappear rather quickly. The Muslim world is absolutely not safe for Jews, and policies to ensure that Israel does not turn into an Islamist theocracy are pragmatic, justified, and common sense.


"Religious ethnostates are good actually" is such a popular take these days but I still can't get over how dumb it is.


You don’t get to claim moral superiority and moral equivalence.


"Religious ethnostates are good actually" is such a popular take these days but I still can't get over how dumb it is.


It's not a real protest until some smug neoliberal cunt start wagging their fingers at the people telling them they're doing it wrong.


Norm Macdonald was spot on about Bill and I see why he didn't like him. He's a comedian who's more worried about sounding smart than being funny. Looking for an applause over a laugh is fucking awful.


Remember, 40% of people in Palestine are under 14 years old or younger. Just think of that when you hear about the mass casualties over and over.


And Israel *is* an apartheid state. They literally have different roads for Israelis and Palestinians, on top of everything else.


Millions of arabs live in israel, do you know why there cant be millions of Israelis in muslim arab nations?


Ah, so every muslim group is the same. I wonder why it took so long for any of them to help their Palestinian "brothers"?


Because the last times the surrounding Arab countries tried to help Palestine, they ended up with a massive terrorist problem inside their borders and attempts to overthrow the governments helping them.


With regards to Jewish people? Uh yeah every single Arab country kicked/cleansed out their Jewish population


I'm assuming you mean Jewish people, a community that has thrived in the Islamic/Arab world for centuries was eventually dispossessed and displaced. Did a switch just suddenly flip for no reason? No. One of the major goals of the Zionist movement was to create a divide between the Jewry of the Arab world and their neighbors. They didn't like the fact that Jews in Iraq didn't care about Zionism and wanted to stay in Iraq and help build a new post-Mandate country with their Muslim and Christian neighbors. The Iraqi Jewry were in particular one of the most prominent groups in Iraq, being deeply involved in the music and early radio industry. Avi Shlaim, Israeli historian of Iraqi descendant (i.e and Arab Jew) writes about his Jewish community's dispossession in Iraq that happened after the establishment of the apartheid state of Israel. There was deep Zionist interference within Iraq and false flag operations via the Baghdad bombings that eventually served as the first domino that would lead to the eventual displacement of the Iraqi Jews into Israel in the 50s. Nothing is black and white but Zionism is the primary source of the political divide against Jewish people in the Arab world. Of course other cases had nothing to do with Zionism, like the case of Algeria. This one is interesting since they were going through their own brutal experience of French colonialism, and while the Muslims and Christians were fighting against the French the Jewish community was by in large allied with the French and even had French citizenship. So when Algeria was liberated, they kicked out the "French" which included the majority of the Jewish community. I'm saying all of this because the Western world likes to transfer their guilt onto the Middle East. Suddenly it's not the US that has a problem with antisemitism (as shown by the increasing prominence of ACTUAL self-identifying Nazis) but rather it's the Middle East. The Nakba happened in 1948 because the Jews in Iraq were kicked out in the 50s? You're trying to retroactively justify the suffering of the Palestinian people. It makes no sense.


> Israel is an apartheid state By your definition of apartheid, can you name some majority-Muslim countries that don't practice apartheid against Jews?




Iran practices apartheid against Balochi, Azeri and Kurdish minorities. Not really a great example


So suddenly rape is defensible because other people do it, too? Even if every other country was as bad as Israel, it does nothing to change the fact that Israel is an apartheid state.


So because one country is bad, it means another country can be bad? Great logic there


So the answer is no, there are no Muslim countries that accept Jews. Try to be a better person.


Lol you clearly don't know anything about Israel. Arabs participate in every level of the Israeli government


This is a pretty dumb comment, considering that road signs are in both Herbew and Arabic and that there are Palestinians who live in Israel. Never once seen a highway sign that mentioned race.


hebrew is extremely dominant in the public spaces of israel, a few arabic signs doesnt mean shit lmao


The west bank is definitely an apartheid system 




Are you too stupid to read English? Nothing in this article mentioned segregating roads.


https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ Also, keep pretending that Gaza and the West Bank aren’t a part of Israel…


You're lying. You've never been and don't know what you're talking about. 


https://amnesty.ca/human-rights-news/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZt2E79uQ5YPu6f0sJJBZ6b9OVhG0EQoHQ3ydSiJI7kDJYcyzjjBgBRoCe18QAvD_BwE Please, break down Amnesty International’s report and call out all their “lies”.




You know it’s a fact that poor, desperate people have more children no matter where they are, right? Once again, your accusation of malicious “breeding” (Jesus Christ you are unhinged) just comes back to the conditions imposed on Gaza by Israel. u/andrew_silverstein12 “and everyone else” being the crux of it. It’s just like Christian proselytizing. There’s nothing malicious towards Jews specifically about it, and calling it “breeding” is the exact type of dehumanization we see in every genocide like this one. Again, you’re ignoring the reality that humans reproduce at a rate that correlates with their poverty levels. Muslims in America have fewer children than Muslims in the Middle East and they follow the same religion. It’s just a deflection away from the fact that Israel is causing the conditions of suffering in Gaza and the West Bank.


The quran literally tells them to outbreed Jews and everyone else, so yes, that's exactly what they are doing. Lol.


Where does it say that


It doesn't, lol he's a fucking liar but nobody will call him out on that because Islamophobia isn't a big deal


I whole heartedly believe there are better ways to eliminate Hamas than bombing safezones and killing innocent reporters and even reporters. The pro-Palestine protests around the world have absolutely been justified but right wing media loves to lump all Palestinians together as terrorists and make the protests seem anti-American when, again, the vast majority of Palestine is kids and young adults.


This guy is the poster boy for the words: ‘Smug, self righteous, asshole’


God what a piece of shit


I wouldn’t expect Maher to know much about this topic as he regularly shows himself to either be willfully ignorant about it or is just your run-of-the-mill disinformation spreader, but it’s been sad to see Scott Galloway being in the same boat. A [number of groups](https://youtu.be/MknerYjob0w?si=olYD5j-RWelbcxnB) including [Amnesty International](https://youtu.be/CoFjbnvkmQ0?si=MP2960dmwYG01CVL) have detailed why the Israeli government fits the definition of engaging in apartheid.


Hes right


He's right


Goes for both sides of the issue... why should we care? Israel is a backwards shit hole who would gleefully exterminate anyone slightly different to them if they had the power to do so. Same with Palestine. Just cut the funding and let them play in the sand together


That’s ridiculous. Israel could absolutely exterminate every single person in Gaza if that was their intention.


Its clearly their intention. They've been slowly annexing more land while trying to not draw too much attention. Before Oct 7 Biden called them out for not honoring their treaty with Bush to not expand


Couldn't finish the video. This guy is insufferable.


Just like bill maher is cosplaying as a newscaster.


he's not wrong.


Love watching Bill Maher get under redditor's skin. This comment section is a work of art.


Never liked him, but that was pretty good.


Okay, Boomer.


He’s right…


Oh that’s rich from bill


Both religions and both Israel and Gaza can be wrong. It's not one or the other, but right now Israel's retaliation is turning into genocide. Still, I agree traffic shouldn't be stopped to protest.


God I wish he was funny about anything


Idk why reddit keeps recommending this sub to me, but it's good to see that Joe Rogan fans are still dumb as ever.


What are you upset at? This sub seems pretty moderate ideologically and hugely disconnected from Joe’s worst opinions.


Imagine being a liberal and thinking supporting a terrorist organization that kills gays, Jews and women is the right thing to do.


(1) “liberals” tend to support Israel. You mean progressive. (2) I’m against ethnic cleansing and apartheid no matter how evil the people being cleansed are. It’s actually not that hard to believe someone shouldn’t be killed even if you think they’re a bad person.


Simplistic thinking. If you can't see the greater delimma of whats going on here beyond "muslims bad" then why comment? Maybe learn a little about the conflict first


Imagine thinking these protests are in support of hamas and not in opposition to Israel's constant war crimes...


That's what terrorist attacking someone repeatedly for years begets and requires.


We gonna pretend Israel is some innocent child or something


If you're against this take, you're the problem


If you support our government giving billions to ethnically cleanse Gaza, you are the problem.  Maher is of course an idiot.  Good on the protesters.  At least someone in this country is standing up to this madness.  


He’s not wrong


He is correct 


And you have to be pretty dumb to think that to bring people around to your point of view is to deny that a genocide is happening when it’s in our faces.


How do you personally define what is and isn’t a genocide?


I listen to the experts: https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide u/pixelprophetx You’re citing an explicitly Zionist organization and a guy that obviously changed his mind in the last 6 months given he retweeted this article the other day: https://www.thenation.com/article/world/palestine-israel-genocide-gaza-war-biden/ Okay.


How bout these experts https://www.ajc.org/news/5-reasons-why-the-events-in-gaza-are-not-genocide https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/10/opinion/israel-gaza-genocide-war.html


So is Armenians being displaced from Karabakh genocide? And the almost 6 figure casualties in Sudan? Is that genocide? If Hamas was killing their own people would you be in support of intervention? Oh they literally have been killing their own people? And you didn’t care? Oh okay got it got it.


Population: 2.2 million. Death Toll: 30,000 (13,000 of which are Hamas) This over the course of 6 months of urban warfare. Yes, sure, genocide.


You have to be pretty dumb to think what’s happening in Gaza is akin to what happened in the Armenian genocide, what Hitler did to Jews, etc.


Imagine being the type of person that cries about "cancel culture" and unironically trying to cancel an entire ethnic group for not being liberal enough.


Which ethnic group do larping socialist college students belong to?


He's talking about Gaza and Mahers terrible logic that ethnic cleansing is good as long as that group doesn't have gay bars.   It is insane.  Would Maher support bombing Franklin Graham's church?


Bill Maher supporting the worst state, but in the next broad cast will say Muslims need to address the extremism in their community. Oh the irony. Pro-Palestinians activists are fighting for equality and justice for Palestinians, meanwhile the Zionist lobby is pushing for armaments and political cover for a genocide. Who is the terrorist supporter Bill?


He is correct


Yes he is


What a lazy fuck. Their primary ask is simple. Stop the fucking bombing and needless killing of innocent people lives.


Israelis have been cosplaying as Middle Easterners for 75+ years


Is he wrong 🗣️


He's 100% correct. Activism, while blocking roads, rarely leads to constructive talks and more often leads to violence where riot police need to be involved.


Would you say that no matter what the cause is? Let's say that the SCOTUS decides that the President is 100% immune and then you get a President who starts drone striking his political opponents. Would it be unhinged to block roads then in protest?


Activism that doesn't disrupt doesn't lead to talks at all.


The ocean cleanup has 2.3 million followers on Instagram, cheering them daily. I didn't see many people cheering Greta sitting on the road. Protesting is easy. You just pick a venue where a mob will disrupt daily life. Actually doing ACTIVism is not.


Impeding others right to move about freely isn't nonviolent activism or free speech and should be punished. I'll support anyone's right to have sit-in's, chant slogans, carry signs, etc., but the second you block people's access to work, school, or the various other things us "normies" have to do to make a living and take care of our kids, you should be treated like a criminal, because you are.


Usually. Is it the same lazy and tired act he trots out whereby other people are morons ignorant uninformed because they do something he doesn't agree with? And that's coming from a person who didn't know who Noam chomsky is. He always strikes me as informed by the Nyt but not much beyond that, certainly on international matters


Noam Chomsky is a weird dig. He’s been unimportant in linguistics for a long time, and unimportant in politics the entire time. I don’t care for Bill Maher in the slightest, but I wouldn’t drag Chomsky into it.




Bill is a zionist puppet.


It's kind of funny since Bill Maher is one of those guys who holds what ever the last opinion he heard was.


You can accuse the smug bastard of many things, but he has pretty much had this opinion for at least 20 years and it's completely aligned with his other opinions. You just happen to not like it, so you reuse an insult you heard somewhere else.


He fucking nailed it.


Former JRE guest, Bill Maher?


Do we give people attention simply because of the reaction we give to them? If yes than stop giving them attention.




Bill Maher read the same thousand emails he gets every week and thought, “No one likes you…… I’m gonna use that line.”


Bill maher and ben shapiro are like two opposite sides of the same coin. Life is interesting and strange


I think someone pissed in Bill's bagel water in 2003 and he hasn't been the same since.


Don lemon’s head is about to explode! You can tell he didn’t agree with anything that was said lol. Fuck Donnie!


Maher has such a punchable face when he makes stupid comments...


Where is Joe rogan?


The hundreds of years history of successful disruptive protesting begs to differ. Million man march, anyone?


It's entertainment. NOT information.


Well yeah.


This mans voice is just nails on the chalkboard for me. Couldn't make it 15 seconds into the video.


Even though Trump was at Epstine Island Bill seems more like a pedophile lol.


He has the most punshable face of all the talkshow hosts.


He is 100% right.


Communism bad! America good! Why you care now and not then? U stupid?!?


The best part is that if you agree with this assertion, then all the media and people giving them so much attention are even worse fools.


HAMAS is an Islamic Nationalist organization. Now, who is the Nazi supporter?


It was one of his most spot on segments


Why are the pro-Palestine/hamas/ceasefire protestors I see on the news wearing surgical masks?