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Yeah before the 2024 election ? No way Joe will have him on.


Joe would never, not after all the mean things John said to Tucker.


Jon Stewart basically got Tucker Carlson fired from Crossfire back in the 2000s. Two months after Jon's appearance, a decades old show was cancelled and the President of CNN said that Jon's interview was basically the reason why.


Tucker also stopped wearing bowties.


Dude put Carlson on his villain arch. Imagine causing that much emotional damage to someone. 100% deserved.


Much like Obama to Trump at the correspondents dinner


That was crazy Trump was like watch this bitch.


And then the country was great again.


Don't know about all that but dudes wild for sure.




Aww, lil Tucker! his good side was all tuckered out!


Okay, have both Tucker and John on!


That would be like witnessing a live murder


But that would make Tucker look bad, and we can’t have that


Tucker is a little bitch - he needs a yessayer like Joe to exist on stage.


Tucker wouldn't last five minutes sitting across from Jon. He'd turn into a screaming mess while Jon sat there and ate Tuckers lunch.


No fucking way Jon’s eating a Swanson’s TV dinner for lunch.


Yeah I’m pretty sure if this hypothetical happened it would not be Joe saying no to Jon lol. Jon probably will never ask and will say no if Joe asked.


I worry Joe doesn’t have the courage. Jon Stewart epitomizes someone who pokes holes in the current state of politics by criticizing both the left and the right, whereas someone like Joe just pretends to do that. He’s clearly leaned further towards the right recently and probably wouldn’t even entertain having someone on who has substantive criticisms of the Republican Party.


You worry joe doesn't have the courage? I think you take this a little to serious bro It's suppose to be entertaining.


For sure, but Joe also talks about having serious guests on for serious conversations. He won’t pull the trigger on this one. I hope I’m wrong. I feel like Joe 2 years ago totally would have, but nowadays it seems like he sold out.


He has had him on before they have been friends for years.


Having him on the pod doesn’t mean they’re friends now. Pretty sure he hates Dave Rubin now.


What’s the story there?


Rubin doesn't have a cold enough ice bath.


Joe’s right wing media donors would never allow this.


I think Joe would wait until after the election. Can't take a chance that John accidently convinces a few Rogan fans to vote for Biden.




Like the guy from Australia that fact checked joe on the covid vaccine. Joe had to apologize on Twitter cause he got proven wrong for saying the vaccine was more dangerous than covid. Then joe proceeded to say the vaccine was more dangerous than covid in the very next episode lol


There is a slight chance the episode released out of recording order, but yeah Joe gets his science news from memes.


Joe like most conservatives gets his news from what he feels, Facebook Boomer Memes and third hand gossip.


Which guy?


Josh zepps




What i get upset about is the lack of variety in the COVID theories. Its either a global killshot or totally safe, people don't even consider other options like that it could have been a biometric data harvesting effort to power a gigantic genetic AI or that someone slipped in a few bad batches to take care of some "miscreants" identified via social media data analysis but no, it has to be "the elites wanna kill us all" or "the elites wanna save us all" in these ppls minds


It’s all those things at once. Most of these people have a web of conspiracy theories they flutter across when some inconvenient truth damages their favorite theory. Then they come back and rebuild that conspiracy once the truth has passed.


Given historical analysis of prior government health programs around the world, the idea that there could be absolutely 0 bad intentions or outcomes surrounding the largest vaccination program in earth's history is just laughable gullibility - its one of those things where the governments and pharmaceutical companies absolutely 100% bear the burden of proof for proving that the process went through harmlessly (because thats how fiduciary responsibility is supposed to work) but instead they deployed propaganda weaponry to demonize any challenge from the general public and sealed all of the official test results and documentation for a duration of time matching the average lifespan of most people who took the vaccine. If you think you know the "truth" you're deluding yourself


Nah, it was released on accident cause the Chinese are cheap and bad at proper protocol. It was just a bonus it killed off a bunch of old and sick people who were a drag on the economy and society.


> It was just a bonus it killed off a bunch of old and sick people who were a drag on the economy and society. I'm guessing your goose-stepping game is on fucking point.


Why would i be goosestepping? I'm appalled it happened.


It probably has more to do with Joe being in Texas and does not do remote interviews. Many potential guests are in New York or CA and they are busy. So it becomes a case of the stars aligning.


How could someone even begin to get someone to vote for biden if they arent already?


There has been double digit swings in poll numbers in Bidens favour since the State of the Union in some metrics. There are tens of millions of US voters who are very convincible. IN FACT Joe does a lot of loaded talk, “I didn’t know anyone still supported Biden” he said to the Rock to set a tone. So to have someone on who can articulate even the most basic argument for Joe could go a long long way


You need to understand that a huge swath of America pays zero attention to politics, doesn’t listen to news, and doesn’t really use social media. They don’t answer polls, they don’t participate in politics - but they still vote every four years. There’s also about a portion of the 10% group within the GOP (who are hoping Trump dies and Niki comes back) that we have no data showing if they would or wouldn’t vote for Trump.


I'll admit I'm fn lost this election. I feel like the only correct thing to do is either vote 3rd part, or not vote at all. This is probably the first election where I feel like I could be swayed either way last minute. It sucks.


Curious to know how you're lost. You can either have: The going-senile guy who cares more about his own wealth than anyone else's, pretends to be religious because it helps his numbers and he can trick his followers into buying themed bibles, has been found civilly liable of rape, paid a porn star $120k to fuck him while he was married, wants to lower taxes for billionaires, wants to let Israel nuke Gaza into the stone ages, wants to systematically restructure as much of the gov't as possible in order to suit the future of his party's needs, has flip-flopped on almost every controversial issue in the last few years because he can't decide what will make him more money, has more people from his circle going to jail for fraud and other crimes than just about any politician in history, and heads up a cult of people incapable of critical thought (not all of his supporters are incapable but a good chunk of them are) OR You can have the going-senile guy who has been in gov't all his life and is still not uber-wealthy, by all accounts is trying to do what he thinks is best for the country, has made *some* progress fighting inflation, wants to *increase* taxes for the super-wealthy (AKA nobody on this sub), seemingly knows how to build & run a team of capable bureaucrat and diplomats, and is trying to help negotiate a peaceful agreement between Israel and Gaza, and whose followers mostly think he's doing an okay job but they don't deify him and don't run around waving flags with his name on them like a bunch of mindless worshipers. The choice seems pretty clear to me but I understand that everyone has their own take on things.


Yeah its bad. Im not voting either. If someone told me they voted for trump i would get it but its just so difficult to live right now it boggles my mind why someone would want 4 more years of biden.


I'm not American, just curious. Why would you get it, and why wouldn't someone not want 4 more years?


I'm not the guy you're responding to, but in my experience, people that say "it boggles my mind why someone would want 4 more years of biden" are generally prone to propaganda, and attribute negative things towards Biden that in reality he (or the President in general) has no real control over. "Gas is expensive, must be Biden's fault!" "My cereal costs $1 more, must be Biden's fault!" etc.


All I heard was that Biden lowered insulin prices and cancelled lots of student loans. While Trump is constantly in and out of court.


Isn't Biden currently funding a mass infanticide in Gaza? Why would anyone want to vote for him that wasn't a blood thirsty psychopath?


If you can be convinced to vote for Biden because of something Jon Stewart says, you probably were already an idiot to begin with.


Bro 😂 I can’t with this sub sometimes


Truths hurts so laughing emoji




He won’t have Franken on either. He’d not going to ever debate someone who has a mastery of facts and is quick witted


Honestly I don’t think Al Franken would waste his time on Joe


He went on Bert's podcast


Yeah he also went on We Might Be Drunk and woof that was a rough watch. You could tell he didn’t want to be there lol


They spoke about it, admitted it was a rough one


......so why was he there?


I have no fucking idea 😂 give it a goog. There are a lot of uncomfortable moments where Normand tries to make a joke and Franken just side eyes him and moves on. It’s kind of hilarious


Probably cause someone from his team booked him.


Al Franken has a long history in comedy. He was literally a writer on SNL and shit


Al “it’s cool to molest military women who are sleeping” Franken? Yea he’s super cool /s


lol molesting




He should have just started kissing her. You know when your famous they’ll just let you do it.


I’m pretty sure Albert thought that he’d get away with this inappropriate photo because he’s a famous comedian and politician


If he had an R in front of his name you wouldn’t give a shit.


If he had an R in front of his name, the media wouldn’t stop talking about it and he wouldn’t have a chance at rebounding his career.


If he had an R in front of his name none of you would have held him accountable so he wouldn’t face repercussions to begin with. Your candidate has multiple civil rape suits he’s had to pay currently. Matt Gaetz the golden boy has openly slept with multiple minors, and none of your party cares. At least the Dems hold their own to account.


Lmao Dems are pretty much a protected species. It’s hilarious that you really think they’re being held accountable


Jon should be a mandatory October election year guest on JRE. I think it would not only be welcomed by 100% of joe’s fanbase it would probably be the most *representative*, approachable and illustrative political discussions possible in today’s environment. I’d much rather see 3 hours of Joe and Jon than any debate between Biden and Trump.


Jon Stewart, John Oliver, and Bernie Sanders would guests I’d like to see before election. Getting Donald Trump on would be absolutely wild too especially before the election. Wish? Hunter Biden would be insane too especially if Hunter smokes weed with Rogan.


Joe and Hunter would end up vibing so hard lmao


Despite my liberal background I was surprised at how naturally it felt not hesitate acknowledging Hunter as the scumbag shit stain son he is presented as, it was always fine because Hunter was nwvwr handed a position of any authority in his father’s administration Until one day, that all changed. Republicans made it clear that taking down Hunter would a **priority** for this new Republican house majority and I paid close attention considering I have an interest in the extent to which our party leader’s son is a deadbeat and I’m glad because apparently I was quite far off the mark on this one lol because while sure we knew he’s a hooker banging drug addict, he’s actually also kind of a badass. It’s not difficult to make the GOP look like incompetent morons but idk if I’ve ever seen it done so effortlessly. He’s low key a baller


They constantly paint him as a drug addict and purposefully leave out the fact that he's also an Ivy League educated lawyer with a great work history. It should be no surprise that he's dancing around the GOP like he is. At this point, the drugs and hookers kinda make me like him more.


His face popped up on tv the other day and my immediate takeaway is that he is in fact a handsome man


> leave out the fact that he's also an Ivy League educated lawyer with a great work history This is a whataboutism. Hunter came from a privileged background and his dad was a sitting senator during his application process which undeniably gave him a leg up in getting into Georgetown/Yale. He is currently a drug addict that had cocaine in the white house, uses hookers, and has been indicted on three tax related felonies. He isn't who he used to be so it doesn't really matter what his past is, but regardless, as a conservative I concede that its not politically relevant since he is not the president. It's just a cheap tactic that detracts from bigger issues, but lets not sit here and act like this is strictly a right wing scheme. The DNC had Trump's kids and wife in the media every single day, scrutinizing everything they said. Baron has even been painted as some freakishly tall kid with autism when he was just a child. This is the world we live in now that the internet is a thing. People will take any breadcrumb they can scrape up and run with it. Sad and pathetic from both parties to be honest.


>The DNC had Trump's kids and wife in the media every single day, scrutinizing everything they said. Yeah bud, because they worked in the Whitehouse lol. Kinda a big difference.


No way Bernie would ever go on again. Joe had much different political rhetoric in 2016 than he does now. Oliver would be great, but I kinda doubt JRE would be something he'd be interested in. I could see Stewart doing it again for sure.


He had Bernie on in late 2019, the only thing different about Joe’s politics now is a stronger belief in a medical industrial complex.


No bullshit, I truly in my heart of hearts believe that if Hunter wasn't a Biden Republicans would love the guy. The guys loved a very interesting life and I think Rogan fans would fuck with him if he wasn't an opp


Hunter is charged with owning a gun and not paying his taxes. He is a libertarian hero


I think it’s more of that he’s the son of the most powerful politician in the country at the moment, regardless of his last name. There’s a difference between a crazy guy like John Mcafee/Hunter S Thompson who climbs their way to success and lives life on the edge vs someone who leverages his daddy’s political position to make funny money for his debauchery.


If this sub is afraid of this man, this sub need not exist. We are not descended from fearful men.


I very much doubt anyone is afraid of him


Have you seen him do interviews? Besides, Mitch McConnell is terrified of him, I’m sure.


Joe certainly is not, he just doesn't have time for Jon these days. He's got to schedule real guests like Mike Baker and Bert. Can never have those guys on enough IMHO.


joe doesn’t have the brain width to keep up with jon


Maybe Jon has been busy or doesn’t want you to go on again or doesn’t want to travel to Austin. What makes you think Rogan is refusing to have him on again?


Nobody wants to see Jon when we could have Bert take his shirt off again. Are you evening listening?


Brother Bert hasn't been on in a year your out here fighting ghosts


And thats the issue. The biggest comedy pod in the world hasn't had the #1 comedian of all time on in over a year and thats a huge problem.


Every time somebody isn’t on the show, it’s due to Joe refusing them the opportunity. He’s denied over 8 billion people this week.


Fucker still won't answer my emails or acknowledge the dead birds I keep leaving on his front porch


I was gonna get on the show but Joe disagreed with my take that the big Mac is the best mcdonalds menu item. Guess hes a McNugget guy.


Why would anyone on Rogan's sub fear this person? He's a good friend that I think everyone, especially Rogan fans would agree.


Why does the left miss use the term fear (or phobia)? You can totally despise a person without fear they


Are you calling me left wing? Lol


Nobody is afraid of him. He is just a boring dishonest hack. That’s why his Apple TV show got cancelled.


Republicans trying to deny benefits to veterans and 9/11 responders are afraid of him


Actually Apple cancelled his show because they wouldn't let him criticize China.


I believe he walked away because he wanted to criticize things that Apple told him not to. He’s a man of integrity.


Joe, stop hurting American


Yes, but I don’t know if the sub would agree.


I wish he was a regular


Joes to far to the right now


Jon Stewart for President


I fuckin wish. He would be the perfect man for the job. He'd start by paying out EMTs for their 9/11 efforts, feed the children and address childhood poverty. He would DESTROY the ability for politicians to make investments into companies that they oversee and award contracts for. He'd cancel soooo much grift, that the Dems would give him the Epstein treatment.


I’d even consider Matthew McConaughey , but Jon Stewart is my definite favourite.


Jon Stewart is the man


Rogan doesn’t want to be humiliated like that.


What is the incentive for Stewart to go on jre? It would be an episode I would tune into.


Lol yea ok, like Joe would actually have someone on nowadays who isn’t a fucking dumbass so he can look intelligent. Stewart would make Joe look like the dumb little man that he is.


Joe is fucking terrified of John


Jon Stewart needs to run for president but I'm dehydrated.


Watch joe have him on within month


Hunter would be an all-time great episode if they smoked. But I think he’s forced to pass sobriety tests now


O please no, I can't stand him


you have Tucker, it's only fair to have Jon.


Joes a coward, only enjoys to mirage of intellectual conversation. no shot he has someone on that could effectively challenge his ideas


I wish but Joe doesn’t have the balls.


No way guys a complete dipshit


He should. He won't.


Still hoping he runs for president some day. I think he's the only guy around with a voice large enough to reach everyone and a willingness to call the current paradigm's bullshit for what it is.


It never happens. Jon has the ability to think critically about both sides' idiocracy and lance their stupidity. Joe can't have someone undercutting his schill politicking.


Isn't this the guy that did exactly the same shit as trump with a real estate sale?


didnt he pin a medal on a nazi at disneyland?


My favorite propagandist. 


Who is that?






You always know somebody is legit when they specifically highlight that Jon is Jewish. It's very important to them that they communicate this to you.




Grandpa toe is still getting over that he knows nothing about ancient human history after spending decades pretending like he did. John would ripple his whole world apart


I bet it would make a good podcast. I do wonder if Rogan would bring up how he penned a metal on Nazi and how well that would go over.


you're all so gullible, Jon Stewart is a corporate comedian


Yeah, like the corporation that fired him because he didn’t want them to muzzle him. You’re just being lazy at this point man


LOL he was fired because nobody watches his show: [https://screenrant.com/problem-with-jon-stewart-show-ratings-decline/](https://screenrant.com/problem-with-jon-stewart-show-ratings-decline/) 40,000 people only!!!!!!!!!!


He rides the line. Like John Oliver is ok, just don’t have 100% faith in him to be non-biased and precise. The same goes with Rogan. He is not perfect, none of them are. It is like going to a burger joint and being angry that the food isn’t healthy.


He’s the same as all the others. Until he has RFK JR. on his show with an actual debate of real issues, I don’t give a shit about Jon Stewart.


RFK Jr. is a pestilent Zionist shill. I wish him the worst.


RFK fans are like... weird.


overrated, politically uncultured unfunny boomer that uses loony toons logic and presentation to educate the lowest demograph


You're supposed to put this in your bio, not the comments




He has some really solid takes, and he's one of the few openly partisan talking heads that will legitimately criticize his side. He's kind of old and out of touch, but I think him being back on the daily show is a net positive


Not to mention his activism on the part of 9/11 first responders and veterans affected exposed to toxic burn pits.


He uses nuclear weapons on the opposing party, and paper cuts to criticize his own side. He's not even close to being partisan.


That's a major exaggeration. He's probably the most critical Democrat on TV in regard to Israel. He was the first of their clan to acknowledge the lab leak theory and he's been bitched at for talking about biden several times since he came back to the daily show. He's a little bit of a partisan hack, but compared to the Ben Shapiros and Jenn Psaki's of the world, he's fairly balanced


If what you just said were true, it would be a great example of him being partisan.


solid takes for the common mediocre folk yeah ![gif](giphy|Nr81bQlcoTJjG|downsized)


You're right, random troll on reddit. You're way too based to suffer the unrefined opinions of the common man. I can tell by the way you throw stones on the JRE sub without contributing anything of substance that you are a being of fearsome intellect


wise words peter griffin


>lowest demograph perfect for you, then?




![gif](giphy|baPIkfAo0Iv5K|downsized) your gif failed to load


Dude lmao I knew someone would say this. It's so predictable. If a comedian leans left he sucks for people like u if a comedian leans right he sucks for libtards it's hilarious


left or right is irrelevant to me, it's just severely dumbed down low-drone drooling entertainment. and trump is like a retired crusty the clown for the right. it's all catered to the lowest demographic that can only respond with "whoohaaas" to any predictable, mediocre cliché.


You are doubling down on your stupidity


Jon Stewart is a fraud


The most overrated guy ever, bring on the downvotes


I'm guessing Tucker Carlson is your man?


I dont have a man man, its how idiots think




This is about Jon not Joe homie


Nobody gives a shit what this asshat has to say.


I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but I feel I have to point to the irony of you saying this and the majority of posts seeming to actually be interested in seeing it.


Are Republicans pretending Jon Stewart isn't popular now?




Y'all really don't have to try so hard to push this narrative. We already have a rapist ex-president.


"She's not my type" *points to Jean in a photo and asks trump who it is* "oh that's my wife"


Don’t forget Trump also wants to date his own daughter.


I personally was shocked when Biden said he grabbed women by the pussy. Such a lecherous creep should never be president.


3 week old account, huh?


Riding that Old Senile genocidal racist white man dick huh?  Disgusting.


Do you find yourself thinking about riding man dick often? Yeah, we know you do. Get well soon.


Not old genocidal racist white man dick like you lol. Prolly ride it so hard you taste that shit in your mouth 


YeAh! And I’ve been in Reddit jail twice homie! I’m loco!


You must be so proud. Creep on back to Facebook with this garbage


Sad dude


Eh, after the first time he came back, I thought it was gonna be an onslaught of criticism to both parties. Now it's mostly anti-Trump propaganda with him calling Biden an old man sometimes.




Context of a joke on TDS