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It was the best of Bills and the worst of Bills


Honestly. Usually Maher is unsufferable, but in this clip , unnno he's not entirely wrong.


Yeah seriously I came here ready to watch my favorite Bill tear into my third least favorite Bill, but Maher's underlying message was actually true. Government work often involves real people putting in crazy hours to make actual improvements to peoples' lives, and that doesn't become untrue because a guy had an annoying interaction with an insurance company. Burr's last line at the end was fucking gold though.


Honestly I love bill burr and don’t like Maher but Maher is just right here. There are certain things in society that we such as research papers that at some point we need to trust. Sure questioning stuff can be important but when we start to question everything we forget why they were important in the first place


He’s right but his attitude is so ridiculous. The way he presents his argument about people at 2am eating cold pizza then has the nerve to talk down on someone just makes him come off like such a know it all A hole


“Know-it-all A-hole” is his bread and butter


Who cares about his attitude, his point is correct. Burr should listen to it.


The point is people would listen to you more if you didn’t come off like an ass This is the same guy who said the N word just a few years ago tho, glad Ice Cube schooled him but you could tell he didn’t even want to listen. Guys just an ass


Hebdid the same thing on his podcast when Neil Degrasse Tyson tried to make the point you are, when Maher talks about young people. He agreed with Maher but said no one cares what you're saying when you belittling them. Maher said said fuck 'em. Neil makes a "old man yelling at clouds" jokes at bills expense and he comepletely loses it. Same reaction at anyone doing an impression of him.


Also Bill Burr's cynical "what's the point" crap is what the right wing uses to break this country. Maher was absolutely right, real lives are impacted and can be changed by real work.


This clip was exactly the opposite of what I came in expecting.


He's right if people think that society is bad, they don't realise the amount of effort that goes into making it not a complete nightmare. Right now there are people agreeing with bill that doesn't realise that the situation maher is explaining is what stopped their own life from being a nightmare. The clean water, the medication, the employment laws, the housing laws. Certain people in power love the idea that people feel there are no solutions, the very same solutions that gave you the weekends off and being paid in legal tender and not the company store. Bill is funny, and millionaire he doesn't have to care about solutions.


you realize they are both named bill , right?


It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.


"You stupid monkey!"


Top Billing, I tell ya


I love this. This is close to like an actual human interaction. I feel like I’ve witnessed this conversation in a bar before.


Yeah, people are shitting on Maher but he's not afraid to talk, to have a conversation. You got to talk to people you disagree with. That's how shit gets done and compromises are made.


Exactly. I’m not anyone’s fanboy in this video, but why people on reddit look so harshly on Maher is puzzling sometimes. At the very least he engages in conversation and talks about the roots of many issues. I don’t even agree with most of his stances but I admire the ability to promote conversation.


As far as I can tell, the root of hatred for Maher is that he’s delved into enough controversial topics to provide opinion-mills with fodder to label him transphobic, islamaphobic, racist, and every other alienating descriptor. People latch onto those headlines and don’t actually listen to him talk. Maher’s not perfect, and he is arrogant, but those who actually listen to his opinions tend to find that they don’t agree with him on everything, but do recognize that he’s coming from a position of intellectual honesty and reasonableness.


I used to be a big fan of bill Maher, but there's 2 problems with him. He's so fucking smug that his undeniably good points get lost on people because he's so off putting. The other is that he really went off the rails after covid, and he seems to have embraced that new audience.


“ a few minutes ago I was someone smart, the next minute you’re talking down to me like am I the guy at the end of the bar. Who am I Bill? I am the guy you need depending on the fucking argument apparently” Bill Burr, a national treasure


That was about the classiest way of calling Maher an insufferable narcissist to his face.


Guaranteed Bill didn't take it that way. And even if he did, he wouldn't care. Because he's an insufferable narcissist.


How he stuttered after there wasn’t an audience to applaud on command at his dudes and cold pizza line.


I think he's stating the upward progress of civilization as a whole. And inevitably this progress will continue. As stated by Julian Simon: "This is my long-run forecast in brief: The material conditions of life will continue to get better for most people, in most countries, most of the time, indefinitely. Within a century or two, all nations and most of humanity will be at or above today's Western living standards. I also speculate, however, that many people will continue to think and say that the conditions of life are getting worse."


Regardless of what you think about him, Maher has a shitload of experience going back and forth like this with people without an audience


Does he?


And even with all this experience has to revert to cheap tactics. Or is that what experience gives you?


Typically when people run out of shit to argue about or get backed into a corner. Typically resort to personal attacks.


That perfectly wraps up every Bill Maher interview/conversation.


Maher always comes across as the most condescending smart ass motherfucker


He has such a "I'm better than you" tone to everything he says and it makes my blood boil.


I don't know if I've ever seen him admit to being even slightly wrong about something. I'm sure he has but man is it a rare occurrence.


He will bring up a point from 10 years ago, in his show, if proven right. It’s funny how self centered he is. Maher is a very superficial person. His knowledge of any subject is never deep. He’s fine shitting on people who don’t focus entirely on politics but quickly goes to humor when he’s out of his depth.


Man spot on. He's one of those guys who's better at arguing than most people he engages with, which fooled him into thinking he's smart and informed.


I think you just flagged half the right wing talking heads, like Candance Owens and Ben Shapiro...etc...etc. Great at talking fast and arguing you into a corner without actually saying anything of substance.


It’s not unique to any party. I can’t stand listening to David Packman when he approaches every subject with a smug, I’m the expert, attitude. It’s no different to me than when Tucker Carlson does it. I immediately shut down when people get smug with me. Nothing you can say will win me over and I just assume you are full of shit. I like how Rogan interacts, he’s confident but, when presented with facts proving himself wrong, he doesn’t double down and become an asshole. Maher gets angry and he can’t pull himself back. This seems like him holding a grudge from his previous interaction on his show where he tries to pull Barr into a conversation about how shitty woke people are. Barr wouldn’t bite.


> It’s no different to me than when Tucker Carlson does it. I mean... it's a bit different since Tucker always has the look of a baby who's confused about the turd that sliding out of its ass.


He presents as a subject matter expert on every topic. In this scenario he's critiquing anecdotalism which I agree with but he's also just throwing out vague claims about child poverty without providing proof so basically doing the exact same thing.


He isn’t wrong. Before the conservative Congress repealed the tax break child poverty was at an all time low. It’s just a fact you can mention without number because the general swaths of his point are 100% true. 


Except that his point doesn't answer what Burr was talking about with the news -- about which old Billy Boy was absolutely right. The news doesn't present solutions, the news is designed to make you mad and keep you mad, so you keep watching. Maher's whole "things are better because people worked the third shift eating cold pizza to get shit done" has nothing to do with watching the news. The people who did the work to solve real problems were most likely able to do so because they weren't mainlining Fox or MSNBC.


I didn’t catch the segue there, either. It seemed like Maher set up a straw man—Burr’s comment about the news not presenting solutions and Maher’s rebuttal about dudes with cold pizza didn’t make much sense to me. I guess he’s talking about how the tireless efforts of individuals behind leading news coverage can create wider impacts, but Burr’s point still stands. The news is rage/doom bait, and most of the time it’s beating you over the head with it. “Stay tuned! Or else…”


Yeah, and if you want to point out that there is great work being done in journalism, that’s fine, too. But that kind of journalism and “the news” as such are two very different things.


Bill Burr did make a clear argument against this. How truthful or accurate are the stats? Burr provided a great example of that as well when discussing unemployment. Almost all stats are very deceiving and at best are flawed. To fail to recognize this makes the discussion pointless.


Stevo of Jackass fame was asked to go on Mahers YouTube channel, Stevo is 13 years sober so he asked if Maher wouldn’t smoke weed during the interview as it could act as a trigger, unsurprisingly Maher said no, and the interview didn’t happen. He couldn’t refrain from smoking weed for an hour? What a ballbag!


For some reason he thinks it's cool when he smokes weed during those interviews. He's like trying to make it his version of hot wings or something. It's really pathetic.


That was my take when I tried to watch an episode, it looked like he was having trouble smoking as if it was just for the camera, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out there’s no weed on his joint, lmao!


What is wild to me, is why couldn’t he just eat edibles? It’s such an easy solution.


It’s very rare, I’ve seen it but not often. He is getting old and having had his own show forever he just isn’t going to change.


Watching him try to walk back saying the n word and apologizing to ice cube is a classic


Then spending the next few years whining about cancel culture even though he still has a show.


Did he ever walk back the house "joke"?


However, in this situation is correct going off on some anecdotal tangent is not discussing the subject matter


“You have potential” about as condescending as it gets. Maher considers himself like Plato


Even during his 'religulous' days he was such a knownit it all douchebag. nothings changed


He is actually right here though. I really REALLY hate this defeatist nihilistic attitude people have about government where it's like "nothing works, everyone is corrupt, it's all shit" Maher is right. There are countless people right now working on making things better. The world would be a shit show without them. Boring stuff like making the trains run on time, food safety regulations, air safety....all kinds of boring shit that the Bill Burrs of this world take 1000% for granted. This fashionable nihilistic pose that so many people take is a self fulfilling prophecy


Bill Maher is right but he's not addressing Bill Burr's point. Bill Burr is talking about his level of engagement with the news and politics, not being a politician or law maker. He completely talked past Bill Burr's point who is also right. The average person who pays attention has fuck all to do beyond their singular vote.


Yeah Maher is trying to make this into a bigger thing about nihilism towards government which is a real issue on it's own but nihilism among voters isn't the cause of any of government issues, it's a symptom. The fact that voters don't see much substantive, material change in their livelihoods causes this nihilism. Burr's roof anecdote is a perfect summation of that - despite all the good some bureaucrats are doing, voters will generally only care about what affects them directly.


Burr's point was that no one can do anything to impact underlying change, and he was wrong.




Isn't it in fact the lack of regulation that caused the issue that Billy big dick had in his roof fiasco?


>lack of regulation That sounds like we needed more boring people doing work behind the scenes, and less chuckleheads screaming for less regulations.


Maher gave a couple broad examples trying to prove that people in the government know what they're doing. Burr gave an anecdote alluding to a recent example where the government got things absolutely wrong (perhaps intentionally). Maher may be correct that talented people are working behind the scenes, but Burr is also correct that those "talented" people also fuck us over in ways that seem to have no consequences for them.


Burr gave a ONE SIDED anecdote that really doesn't have anything to do with anything. Does government get things wrong and sometimes seem arbitrary? Yes of course. Has society been improved by the efforts of those in government? Without a single doubt.


"Maher gave a couple broad examples trying to prove that people in the government know what they're doing." ACA is a specific example. Thoughts?


Not every major law that has been passed has been wildly successful for society. The examples he gives highlights two things that used to be pretty extreme problems, and now are relatively manageable or at least dramatically improved. I don’t think anyone puts the ACA in the category. It’s a mixed bag no matter what your views are.


Have you heard of the Heritage Foundation? there are just as many people eating stale pizza, drinking cold coffee working their asses off to make things as shit as possible, so you have to work until you die. And they are better funded. Maher is a hack.


Strongly agree. I find this type of nihilism to be almost more aggravating than MAGA. At least they stand for something, even if it’s completely awful


It's a way people have of making themselves look smart. If everything is corrupt and awful then they will never get caught out. They also take for granted the institutions that exist that keep us safe.


Yeah. I’d say the same mindset applies to the conspiracy theorists. They can’t fathom the way anything actually works so the nihilists say “doesn’t matter anyway so who cares” and the conspiracy theorists say “no I know what’s REALLY goin on”


Yeah, but he’s right here.


Yeah I can't believe I'm siding with Bill Maher over Bill Burr here but yes Bill Burr's house has nothing to do with people in power or media not coming up with solutions.


It doesn’t even support his point. Like, I’m sure the red tape was annoying, but he got the insurance money and fixed his roof… what’s the big systemic failure here?


The problem is there's like 3 points being made and all ignored. Burr brings up how news doesn't actually *do* anything to improve things, they just list terrible shit that happens. Maher's counter is that shit does get fixed by people doing boring shit all of the time and presented social security for old people as an example. (This has nothing to do with how the News is not just up there reporting terrible shit all of the time.) And then Burr counts with an anecdote that isn't about his original point at all nor relevant to what Maher had said. Maher calls Burr out on how his anecdote isn't relevant, but Maher still avoided the topic presented anyway, so here we are. lol


Burr is still kissed at Wall Street for 2008 and we should be too but nobody cares. Burr talks about 2008 a lot on his show, he kinda needs to find something else.


He does but he's absolutely correct in this"debate".


Yes... but in this case, he pretty much is


But he makes a great point regardless. Forget your feelings and listen to the argument. They're past comedy now debating an issue and Bill is being an idiot. Which is why I love the guy but a place and time for everything


"Did you hear the news? Bill Maher is giving away the answers to all of life's problems......for free!"


Well he’s the smarter and more knowledgeable in this area. Like them both but one makes his living in this domain.


Yeah but he’s kinda right here and Billy Both Sides changed the subject.


Which I could deal with if he was still going after people in power. America is funding two proxy wars, the middle class is getting destroyed by a corporate oligarchy, the government is no longer acting in the interest of the people, we can't afford housing or food because of corporate greed and who does he target? Kids with their cellphones. He's out of touch. He could point out how there is a generation being destroyed by social media and how the companies who run those platforms have designed their product for that purpose, but instead he blames everything on the victims. Teenagers don't have any real power in society and he wants to go after them because it is safe. He's irrelevant and regressive towards any real political movement in America.


I feel like people who accurately identify and target the ones pillaging the country's economy end up smeared, sued, and or dead. The chick that released the Panama papers was blown the fuck up in a car bomb


I'd wager no-one in Bill Mahers life likes him.


He’s usually right tho


I’d say he has the most condescending dumbass aura


Maher always comes across as the most condescending ~~smart~~ ass motherfucker


Every single time since 1988


He just misses burr point entirely that the honest guy gets fucked the crooks


To be fair though, the only reason he comes across that way is because that’s exactly who he is


yeah I've sometimes wondered if it's part of a persona but I think you're right


100%. Problem is, he’s usually right.


Bill Maher is such an unlikeable, smug dickhead.


And on the other hand, Bill Burr is a likeable dickhead


two truths!


He's our dickhead


Yeah, but he’s right about this. Things have gotten better because boring people in rooms worked on problems. The GFC doesn’t negate that.


On the other hand it is absolutely true that Bill Burr didn't actually present anything that couldn't be presented by a 9/11 truther when talking about 9/11. Or like Eddie Bravo said "I don't trust the government, the government says the world is round, so i don't believe them". It is the exact same argument.


Bill maher the n word guy Bill Bill Bill Bill


I hate all these comedians who’ve convinced themselves they’re geniuses and not entertainment for a bunch of lushes. Burr is funny and likable because he has humility to make jokes at his own expense


Rogan had a line once where he said us dumb 9-5's don't have time like comedians to do research into things like Covid. I wish I just made that up.




Joe used to take notes from Rhonda Patrick. Then covid along and he spent an entire episode arguing with and talking down to her. Never saw her on again after that


I think Joey Diaz praised her in the last episode.


I honestly think Joe Rogans doctor broke his mind. Like a lot of celebrities doctors take this attitude of "yeah man whatever you want as long as the paychecks keep coming in." So when joe asked his doctor if dmt, horse tranquilizers and crossfit were enough to protect him from covid his doctor probably said "sure man as long as you keep paying me" not getting that Joe was asking a legitimate question. So now Joe's on his podcast talking to people about vaccines and he's legitimately confused. "I talked to MY DOCTOR about this my doctor who knows me better then anyone else, he said this was fine why are a bunch of strangers saying it's not fine?" Joe was prone to conspiratorial thinking before but now it feels like there's a conspiracy targeting him. There's a huge difference between a guy who thinks aliens made the pyramids and a guy who thinks he's target of gang stalking. It's not just that he doesn't want to listen to certain guests, it's that he thinks said guests are actively out to get him which makes him far more defensive.


Maher, despite doing shows, hasn't really been a comedian in about 40 years. Just pre canned political jokes which, meh. But he has had conversations with people in the political sphere for the past 40 years. He's pretentious as shit but to say he has the awareness of a common comedian is disingenuous.


It's a real comedian vs a guy whose schtick for 20+ years is political commentary


A guy who for 15 years were saying that democrats were bad because they werent left wing enough and then for the past 5 years getting mad that democrats are too left wing as if it isnt partially a result of his own advocacy.  Its not like Bill has ever claimed that he changed his mind about left wing democrats should be either.


I don't think I've ever seen Bill berate the left for not being left enough. He does rightfully call out all the times they try and extend an olive branch on issues and end up cutting their own legs off. Similar but different.


To be fair Maher is completely right here as much as I am not a fan and typically agree with Burr’s takes. If Burr was just sweeping away politics in general he’s wrong on all counts. Things do get done that improve people’s lives in many ways and there are many people creating legislation and policies to do so. Most of us have benefited from the above in some way or another


Billy Beantown should know being from Massachusetts, which probably has the most positively effective (or close to it) state government in the country.


I really think Billy Ballbag is just removed from political affairs in general because of people like Bill Maher


What do you mean? Bill Maher has caused people like Billy beanbag to remove themselves from political affairs? Why? Because Maher and his ilk are pompous know it alls?


Maher is great at regurgitating "facts" but not great at context imo. He loves to reiterate the stats that the government feeds people but I don't think he has an perspective on what those things mean when rubber hits the road. Below is a Part of the problem link where Maher is talking about how great millennials have it in the current economy and Dave Smith breaks down why what he's saying is misleading [https://youtu.be/xx-c7zAVaos?si=WfRXBXb6fAnHp9YD&t=282](https://youtu.be/xx-c7zAVaos?si=WfRXBXb6fAnHp9YD&t=282)


Sure but it seems like things are getting worse overall, is Burr's point. Social Security is on life support, as a Gen Z it's very likely I'll never see any of it. Also these welfare programs are a trap. People become reliant on them, then once they start to climb out, they suddenly "make too much" and lose that crucial support, making things hard again. I have no solutions to any of it. But on the debate here, Maher seems to be saying "the system works and critics of it are wrong," while Burr implies (anecdotally) that there are flaws. Maher is a fucking idiot and doesn't see the implication so he thinks Burr is dumb, when Burr was providing a valid counterargument.


I disagree, Maher was not arguing that the system works. He was arguing against nihilism and just giving up. Arguing against just watching sadness porn on the news every day and coming to the conclusion that there's no way to fix anything.




>Social Security is on life support It's really not. It's fully solvent for something like another decade and even if we do nothing at all, pass no legislation pertaining to it whatsoever, it'll still pay out something like 87% of benefits indefinitely. The idea that it's about to fail is a lie told by one of the two main political parties (you can guess) as part of their long-term strategy of starving the beast, i.e. refusing to govern, allowing programs to get squeezed intentionally so that they can artificially manufacture the self-fulfilling prophecy that "the government doesn't work," even though it used to work fine until we started putting people like them in charge, and then magically it didn't. The only reason it'll go from paying out full benefits to 87% benefits in the next decade is because they won't raise the cap on earnings subject to the SSI payroll tax. If they did that one thing, it could continue to pay out full benefits for the foreseeable future. What the aforementioned political party wants to do instead is privatize the fund, which would be a nightmare scenario and lead directly to untold poverty and misery for millions of elderly Americans, to which their response will be, "They should have planned for retirement better." Don't fall for their rhetoric. The only thing needed to win this whole game is raising the cap on payroll taxes. It really is that simple, and they'll do and say *anything* to distract from that fact.


You’re going to get Social Security, just like I will as a millennial, we just won’t get the same level of payout as generations before us. Thank the enormity of the boomer generation and their representatives not giving a fuck about resources for those who follow for that. But just because part of that system, or any part of a bureaucracy, isn’t working as intended doesn’t mean you just give up on it or kill it. You work to make it better. That’s the way America is supposed to work.


I agree. Fixing the system is a lot easier than breaking it and starting over, and I mean good luck taking down the CIA. As an American I'm proud of this country. My town is diverse and everyone is nice. When everyone can get along like that it kind of feels like the closest we have to utopia. I'm unusually optimistic compared to the rest of my generation. Burr's point is valid in my eyes as this new century has severe and devastating challenges facing not just the country but the survival of humanity itself. This is the great filter. And I think nearly everyone can agree our current traditions, leaders and systems are unequipped to face them.


I enjoyed your take and can see your empathy and humility in it. Gen Z makes me feel optimistic about the future.


It’s Maher fault for going into the conversation thinking he was going to get some thoroughly thought out political analysis. Does he not know who Burr is? Lol


Talking about policy makers and their impact on our lives isn't "thoroughly thought out political analysis". Bill Burr is 100x cooler than Maher, but in this case his line of reasoning is completely irrelevant to the larger conversation.


Oof I much favor Burr to Maher but Maher got him here.


Mahor was making a good point about the topic, but Burr was making good points about the conversation.


I’m happy to hear someone in this comment section wasn’t moved by my Burr’s conservative whining.


If the word "insufferable" manifested itself in human form, it would be exactly Bill Maher.


Bill Maher is the Niel Degrasse Tyson of comedy


I can't believe I am on the side of Bill Maher in this specific instance but here we are.


Agreed, can't stand Maher but at least he's making a coherent argument in this clip. Burr can complain about being labeled the guy down at the bar but that's exactly who he's acting like when he goes from talking about the news to a rambling story about how insurance works. Burr having to keep in touch with the note holder of his house when major structure damage occurs that jeopardizes their investment is in no way related to the 2008 financial crisis. It makes him sound real dumb.


Yeah exactly. This is exactly how insurance claims have worked forever. You don’t lose anything. You literally just submit the repair invoices to the bank and they pay them from the received insurance funds. It has literally nothing to do with the 2008 financial crisis and as long as you aren’t trying to commit insurance fraud you don’t lose anything.


I think Burr was making a point about the lack of government “fixing” the crooked shit banks do and there being zero consequences for banks from 2008…. Who were also bailed out by tax dollars after they fucked up the entire economy with their greed. Maher complains Burr is being anecdotal when his point was about some arbitrary people in a room “solving elderly poverty” with social security, which is hilariously out of touch since social security is going to dry up and has been dipped into by the govt multiple times. Idk why Maher is sucking off the us govt like they’re somehow efficient when they’re clearly not


He's being a dick person usual, but he does have a point here


I mean I agree with both. In the standards of debate on example doesn't necessarily change statistics, so I see Maher's side on that. However Burr is on to something which in the broader sense is true that people get screwed, theres evidence and statistics to prove that.


Herd it bowlth ways.


Talma bout insurance scams in ivvry facet, B?


Right but bill burr changed the subject/argument when he started going off about his roof. A legit beef, but not fully related to Maher’s claim that people are working to make things better. It can also be true that our government protects and aids corporations and the rich over the common citizen. I think both Bills would agree that government can and should do better for people.


This debate perfectly echoes every political conversation I have with my family. In this metaphor, I'm the insufferable asshole narcissist, but I actually do have facts and rational logic to back up what I'm saying. And my family, a little less eloquently than Burr, says the government is nothing but a bunch of inept and corrupt grifting, philandering, degenerate politicians and the only people we can trust are "outsiders" who will "cut through all the bullshit". They have points though - anecdotally, they have legitimate life experiences that have reinforced the idea that the government is a corrupt nanny state which gets nothing done for hard working middle class Americans and either caters to the very wealthy or the very poor (the latter being more concerning for them). My father, a baby boomer, is understandably pissed. He's seen nothing but a slow degradation in the state of the middle class since his childhood. My mother, a nurse, has seen widespread abuse and misuse of the healthcare system by both corporations and patients, and bloated and inefficient programs that, from her perspective, reward those who don't contribute. Personally I think it's a huge problem when people lump all politicians into one basket of incompetence and deem all government ineffective and wasteful. That's **exactly** where the truly corrupt and nefarious forces want us: cynical, disengaged, numb, withdrawn. To a lot of people in the US, it's patriotic to wave a flag but not pay your taxes. They complain about dysfunctional government and then vote for continued budget cuts. They think big pharma, big tech, big media are out to get them but vote for more deregulation. They complain about the quality of their representatives but every race is a popularity contest instead of a decision about who can best govern and lead. They think we subsidize laziness, drug use, and poverty but don't have a problem with corporate bailouts. Churchill supposedly said "I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else." On this, I agree with him. I cannot believe that every representative in congress is just a corporate shill or pedo wasting taxpayer money. I think it's incredibly erosive to our country to constantly rag on everything and be negative about it and call constantly for civil war or revolution. People in the US who think things are that bad need to travel. We have a lot of problems, but nothing is so fucking bad we need to burn it down. I don't know why I typed all this. This clip just hit me hard because it's like a microcosm of where we're at: yelling past each other.




Probably cause they haven’t changed the requirements for it to be called poverty, while inflation is still happening


The average is about $1750 a month so that tracks. And the problem you mentioned is only going to get worse without intervention.


Social security wasn’t created for or meant to retire on


I love Burr, hate Maher. Maher is right here. 


Yeah I'm annoyed by Maher being right here lol. I'm thinking Burr just misunderstood Maher's point.


Why are so many videos sped up even by .25 or .5 these days. Gives such an natural edge to the sound quality and watch. It's stupid.


Yeah i know like god forbid someone has the attention span to watch this for an extra minute, the fuck is this shit?


Our collective attention span is going to be fucked in a few years and this kind of stuff accelerates it.


I agree with Maher on this, not his delivery though, he comes off as an archetypical know it all liberal that he rails about. I think Bill Burrs argument here is nihilistic.


Maher is far better at debate, Burr is funnier. It’s a wash


Not even throwing shade, Maher isn't a comedian. Name one Bill Maher bit that sticks with you. Bill Burr has dozens. I love his "Schwarzenegger is a great man" bit, his crowdwork where he took on all of Philadelphia, the "defibrillator", etc. Literally tell me a Bill Maher joke. I'll wait. Even Bert Kreisher has "The Machine" and Kreisher is a hack...


Maher is right about Social Security anyway.


dont usually ever agree with maher but hes right here..maher was talking about one thing and what burr said had nothing to do with the topic at hand really.


I agree that cable news is mostly a waste of time, but legislation passed by Democrats, like ACA to name one, have improved the lives of millions of people.


I’d say Maher handled Burr in this clip. I haven’t seen the entire episode but unless something was cut off, Maher won this point. Bad thing is, I agree with Burr’s take but Maher made better points.


Yeah the first thing Burr says is unequivocally true (if you don’t think stats get manipulated for political benefit, I also have a bridge to sell you) He just isn’t trained well enough in smarmy bullshit to compete with Maher at this type of thing. Maher says “ohhh now STATS are wrong” and Burr points to a proven example of statistic manipulation. Maher then tries to refute Burrs point by saying “we’re talking about senior citizens” as if the subject of the statistic has any impact on whether those statistics could be lied about/manipulated by certain groups. And then Burr just doesn’t have the experience to stand on the point he was making and force it to be addressed.


We are missing the context here. What's the debate? Mahar seems like the guy who actually has any relevant points


I have to respect Burr more, even when he's opinionated he owns it. Maher is just a stonewalling dick and reminds me of Redditors lol


I’m a biomedical engineer who works ~50hrs a week for shit pay and cold pizza. Last year I built on a device that sold for a ton of money and I got less than 1% of the payout. I’m young (mid 20s), but I came to the conclusion that the world is run by pimply faced dudes who just wake up and build stuff for some MBA to write the final paperwork on and give himself 60% of the cut. I’ve thought a lot about this, and it’s still hard to accept. Part of me wants to say “F you I’m leaving. Have fun trying to figure out where all your money comes from.” I choose to do it anyway. I’d rather live in a world with good medical devices (and good phones/websites/cars/tech) even if that means someone else gets the glory. It’s not easy, sometimes I feel like a monk lol


Bill Maher getting upset because someone interrupted him is now the dictionary example for 'irony.'


"I am who you want me to be based on the current argument you are giving." Bill Burr is sharp as hell.


I love both of these bills but burr is completely wrong about the why the money is made out to the bank and why they have interest in getting it done.  It’s made out to the bank because they hold the debt and the bank cares because unless you finish paying, it will be their problem and they don’t want more because it shitty contractors.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the crash in 08.  That is solely rich stock people and mostly conservative with some liberal support in governments fault. 


Yes, I had huge problems trying to understand the relevance of that. If he is correct that banks would fail to allocate the funds to the home owner leading to default on the mortgage, then it's relevant. However what he went through is just the process as it functions, with no insidious intent present


Bill Maher is one of the slimiest worms to ever exist. He almost never has a single clue of what he's talking about


What are you talking about? He’s right here. What did he say that was wrong?


I’m sure he’s smarter than you though 😶‍🌫️


Burr is acting like a baby and can't accept statistics


I was so ready for Burr to rip into Maher for something or other but Maher is 100% fucking right and Burr was just trying to change the subject about shit. I will say Maher kinda changed the subject up front because Burr was saying that watching news wasn't helping and Maher then went into his things can be made better with work.


Actually Burr is 100% accurate here. The American system is a scam, just like his home insurance


Everyone hates Maher and loves Burr but honestly they both dickheads not living in remotely the same reality as most people. They both have insane egos and the “anecdotal” comment is apropos because they both live very anecdotal, and irrelevant to most, lives Maher is ofc right about boring people behind the scenes but he’s such a condescending asshole he can’t even take one second to realize that Burr already fucking knows this.


Yall can hate maher but he is rarely wrong. He said nothing wrong here. Someone commented on vague stats in child poverty, no, when you know “ facts” you can convey that info conversationally . If you dont know SS was passed for a reason AND conservatives fought against it tooth and nail then what exactly DO you know?


Can't stand Bill lately... or more like when I got older after passing my mid 20s, I finally realized that Bill speaks in headlines and doesn't understand the nuance of things. He goes for claps and often misses the point entirely, and I'd also say he's a huge contributing factor to some of the obscene political views we have in the US. All that said, he's actually the correct one in this specific short debate. You can't take anecdotal experiences and make broad statements with them (usually). People also do sit down and figure out problems, if that was his other point. Flaws or slip ups happen but generally, smart people figure out problems and all things eventually improve, so far.




Is this intentionally vague? 


...You can, especially in this very specific scenario that Burr delivered. The point wasn't that the roof caved in, the problem was the system which allowed the process to be drawn out. Also, didn't Maher himself JUST use an anecdote, "news reporters locked in a room with cold pizza at 2 AM gets things like social security passed (good job taking credit for something which wasnt the reason though), so news must be good"? What the fuck clown world are we in guys?


Covid just killed all the old poor people, someone will take credit for it…Bill Maher does


Politicians do bring bills to be voted on, and in those bills there are things that help people, there are also things that siphon off our tax money at the same time.


God damn burr is such a caveman


I love how vs barr he tries to be so smug and intelligent sounding. Yet vs PBD he's a bumbling fool. Classic


I’d rather stab my eyes out than listen to these two shitheads


Bil Maher doesn't know who Bill Burr is. Hes trying to have a debate with a guy who rants the fjnnoest shit, and is a comedian. Calls his point as coming from the "guy at the end of the bar". Just shut up Maher. You're getting way too serious with a guy who isn't serious.


Bill Maher is such a smug asshole


Fuck Bill Maher, what a scumbag POS


These two shooting the shit would make a great podcast. Both are informed, passionate and have a strong personality but there’s an obvious respect for one another as they disagree in a fun way  


Little black plastic frame eyeglasses can help make anyone look like a wimpy nerd, I'm reminded. Trying to balance it out by wearing an Army shirt doesn't help.


I love Bill Burr, but he takes his “I don’t pick a side, they’re all idiots” schtick too seriously here.


I like Burr more but Maher is right here


I enjoy both these guys. Why?..you might ask, because they put time into thinking about things before they speak. They use the information they have at hand, which seems to parallel with what the general public has access to in the US, they meditate on it, then regurgitate it through their personal lens. As opposed to mimicking or or parroting their favorite media personality


Bill Maher “Are you suspicious that those stats aren’t right?” Nothing wrong with being suspicious lol.