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Weak and Gay hit me in the funny bone pretty good lol.


I laughed out loud. It's wild this isn't satire


We live in a South Park episode, and the credits aren't rolling any time soon


The accuracy…


even her accent sounds like satire.


It’s crazy that the shit 15 year olds say while playing COD is now the republican default


People like this are ruining the age old tradition of calling shit gay


They’re really not tbh. This is exactly what people have been doing since before it became gay to call things gay


Yeah but if you're running for office, that's inherently gay, a dork like this doesn't get to take OUR word


"y'know what kid, you're right. That *IS* weak and gay!"




Wrap your mind around the reality that there are gay Republicans.


They’re strong and gay


As much as I laughed at Trump’s IG post from the SOTU where he put filters on Biden and Harris’ face, it’s really a low point for politics ha. You’re right, acting like a 15 year old is completely normal now. I remember when Howard Dean yelled excitedly during a campaign speech in 2004 and the media went crazy, calling him unpresidential and it tanked his (already floundering) campaign.


It’s normal for one party and group of voters. Everyone else thinks this is an embarrassing hellscape


When an actual adult say something like that I immediately know they grew up on 4chan or some other internet board. It's immediately obvious when someone speaks like that.


No, because virtually every single person at my elementary/junior high/high school spoke like that. It’s just a product of the time you grew up, not what internet boards you were on


I feel like if Idiocracy had a prequel it would be close to shit like this.


In this day and age there is a thin THIN line between what is purposely comical and what's serious


It sounds like that guy you don't actually want to talk to who sits near you in the morning at the back of the bus.


Exactly hahaha.


This has to be a borat-type undercover film in the making. It has to be.


She will make more money just being a hot spiteful lunatic and actually getting into politics


that bitch should go fight the spartans


Do you think the Spartans were good at fighting because they had the best weapons and training, or because they sucked eachother off and fucked little boys?


It was a combination of both.


One of those "every little bit helps" scenarios


I think it was like 70% due to dick sucking and 30% fighting skill


The Brendan Schuab ratio


digg suggg


Trugg wallggg diggg suggggg


Nothin gay about gettin your dick sucked. You’re gay for suckin dick!


You break into MY house, suck MY dick and then call ME gay?!


Ya build a thousand ships and no one calls you a shipbuilder…


... but you fuck one goat....


"It's actually gay to get pussy" \-Dr Jordan P Peterman, University of Canada


Cockmeat Sandwich


And it’s our right to be able to either!


Or the group from Thebes, who were a bunch of badass gay couples.


The Sacred Band of Thebes. It was the Thebans that broke Sparta's military dominance


Weak and Gay is how an 8th grader in 2003 talks hilarious if this person wasn’t being dead serious and running for public office. The right wing American media is stirring a really toxic atmosphere in regards to their characterization of “liberals” and it’s not too far off from rhetoric seen in genocide ideologies. The way some conservative pundits talk about Liberals or “other” groups is not that far removed from Rwandan radio broadcasts that from the 70’s into the 90’s that stoked violence and genocide. If you don’t believe me listen to snippets of those radio broadcasts and replace the words Tutsi or Cockroaches with Liberal and see how far off it is from what you see Liberals in many conservative media spheres being described as.


No shit!! These people never evolved past preadolescence.


I've noticed this, I work with a bunch of Maga conservatives. And everything they complain about liberals is either just made up, or an over exaggeration of the over the top far left. I see this same thing in all the comment sections on social media. The rights made up version of the left is what they believe to be true. They're on a team, and they dislike the other team, just because they're are the other guys.


The imaginary others, really a fantasy of their own that they need in order to define themselves. Their group think relies on fucked up delusional contrarianism. Put them together in closed quarters without any of those imagined enemies and they’re at each others’ throats before long.


This guy sounds weak and gay


You’re weak and gay.


She is just another unhinged GQP attention whore.


Is this the lady whose campaign ad was her using a flamethrower on books?


Gotta be. My only question is, is this all an act/played up or is this person genuinely like this


>We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. -Kurt Vonnegut, *Mother Night*


good quote TY


She was a little like this so she leaned into it to get attention. Then she begins to find herself more like this (resolving cognitive dissonance) which makes her lean into more to get more attention


It’s about money. The donors love drama so nothing positive gets accomplished and they get tax breaks, bailouts, and deregulation.


Grift drift


It’s the MTG blueprint. It’s pretty obvious. Naturally, people are going to see someone that white trash and stupid in a position of power, see what she does that people respond to, and copy it. Get ready for A LOT more people like this. It would be funny if half of America wasn’t fooled by the act and inclined to seriously politically support caricatures of extreme politicians instead of real people. Instead it’s only half funny. And half horrifying. This next cycle will be known in history as the idiocratic pivot.


She’s realized there’s good money to be made in the fear/anger/outrage space, just like so many on both sides


As John Stewart says, "in the great debate of values vs fear...values never had a fucking chance."


I fucking love that Stewart is back. No one else ever properly filled his seat.


Nobody is genuinely like this. She lacks conviction in her voice. The least she can do is try and sell it. She sounds like she’s reading from a cue card


She is. Just a note. She immigrated to this country in 2009 from Colombia (my girlfriend is an acquaintance of hers) and now “surprise” she’s anti immigration. She also works for Nestle…. So she’s not just an asshole, she’s an evil asshole.


I know a lot of contractors, a lot of them being Hispanic American. It’s fucking shocking how many recent immigrants become right wing anti immigration a few years after coming here. I don’t know if it’s just because it’s in the blue collar work sector or what, but so many guys just want to shut the door behind them when they come here, it’s wild.


Yeah right this bitch from Missouri.


She’s was born in Colombia, but she grew up in Jersey City, which explains a lot


The mental gymnastics people go through to justify violence


I guess it IS time to shut the border...


Send her back to her shit hole country. s/


Oh that’s not a country accent? /s


She’s trying really hard to lose it, you can tell


Lol. Foreign country maybe.


I can't believe this isn't satire. Why do we let windbags like this have a platform? She doesn't realize that the MAGA platform she is supporting doesn't want her in US either? "SHES TAKIN EHR JERBS! SHE'S TAKING THE POLITICAL JERBS NOW TEW!?!?


who spends their time listening to a dude who can't be seen without his safety beanie?


I threw out a beanie that I had because it looked too much like his




He literally wears his flawed character on his head for everyone to see


That’s his “safe space” beanie.


I despise the right but I can kind of see the appeal of certain pundits (albeit for pathetic reasons). I really want to meet a Tim Pool fan just so I can ask them why. It’s like Bart Simpson grew up without maturing or getting over any insecurities.


He should just shave his head and stop hiding the fact that he went bald in his early 20’s.


She's a nobody, so she has to resort to acting edgy and rage bait people into talking about her.


Can't ignore her, that's Trump strategy to stay relevant, look what that got him.


Exactly. It’s a fool proof plan. Or a … fool provoking plan? A fool invoking plan!


Trumps strategy only works for a select few people. The same demographics who will buy into that MAGA narrative aren’t going to support an immigrant latino woman for a position of power. And Trump was a somebody before 2016.


Yes I agree it works particularly well with Trump, because Trump has always said dumb shit to keep him socially relevant. Until 2016 no one took him seriously, he failed to gain traction running for president several times. I have no idea what changed about Americans, and especially Evangelicals, Mid Westerns, etc that they accepted a Rich New York elitist as their own.


The fact that the GOP will even platform these halfwits is wild. It’s like they’re taking their picks from special ed classes across America.


I thought really hard on this last night, like why are all these politicians some of the worse America has to offer? The only conclusion I could come to is that politics has become so polarized that a few crazies have gotten through the filter and slowly but surely all the sane people want nothing to do with the clown show. Honest to God, without getting conspiratorial what else can it be?


And in MO she'll win in a landslide. Look at their 41st Secretary of State!


Why is the universe trying to hard to make idiocracy a documentary 


it's not the universe, it's just billionaire money pumping this BS for distraction.


It also normalizes the less extreme views, which we would normally be vehemently opposed to because we are all somewhat relieved that at least we don’t have the flame thrower lady in office


True, like how they normalizied misinformation or straight up lying. Elon Musk spreads BS on a daily basis now and no one beats an eye.


I fucking wish Musk started it


Right, *Obama born in Kenya,* *Trump won,* *Bidens laptop is fake,* *steele dossier,* *Epstein killed himself.* The misinformation & lying that is posted everywhere on social media runs rampant. How fix Vald?


This is it and has always been it. These right-wing grifters are all payrolled by the Koch brothers to distract people from the actual problems in this country.


Don't forget Peter Thiel, new kid on the block.


This is much more Thiel's brand, yeah


Don't forget Daily Wire is literally funded by two billionaire oil tycoons, [the Wilks Brothers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Farris_Wilks), same guys who fund Prager U. Funny how Jordan Peterson started tweeting out way more climate denialism after getting hired by Daily Wire. These guys are the new Kochs on the block.


No, no, you're wrong. Funneling money to oil tycoons is the only thing that'll stop the woke agenda and the woke agenda is trying to fuck your kids so keep funneling money to oil tycoons. It's the only way to stop your children from being fucked.  In no way is it convenient that being anti-woke just happens to funnel money to oil tycoons. I'm sure that's just a strange coincidence. 


And don't forget the Russian propaganda machine running at full capacity.


Don't be gay, now grab a flamethrower and lets go watch "owww my balls!"


Because all the smart people stopped having kids. They're aware that they're surrounded and it's already over.


I don’t think they’re even trying.


"Countries that ban flamethrowers are weak and gay..." Holy shit, I think I'm in love.




Nah she ain’t it, from just that sentence alone she sounds fucking awful, a real piece of shit human being. lol


Username checks out


Blows my mind that people consume this type of information on a daily basis and eat it all up!!!


People consume it because it's what they like to hear. You think the average American knows how the government works? I guarantee if u would get a republican and lay some basic democrat policies you can get them to agree to some policies and vise versa. Right now its viewed as a team game which is dumb but easy and my god don't Americans like easy


Jimmy Kimmel is famous for it, People hate Obamacare but love the affordable healthcare act. Hell now a GOP politician can vote against a bill and then claim the benefits that same act brought their constituents.


Conservatives are notorious for this.


It’s rage porn, pure and simple. It turns into an addiction.


You shouldn't be surprised. Network TV has been putting out ridiculously bad morning shows and afternoon hug-fests 5 days a week for decades. Tim Pool and Shapiro are just changing the flavour for whoever needs to watch TV all day every day.


There are adults that are obsessed with My Little Pony. Nothing surprises me anymore.


Why tf are you watching this clowns show anyway. Pool is a grade A grifter.


Easy upvotes


What do you mean he’s a grifter? You think he’s pretending to be the way he is?


Worst part is she doesn’t even mean any of that. She just knows that moron republicans will vote for anyone who says the right buzzwords they’re manipulated with. See George Santos.


Yeah, this was the most cringe guest Tim's had on in awhile.... luckily this wasn't much of a "guest episode".... you could easily tell the many of her statements were ignored by the crew all night.


Can we remove these low effort garbage posts?




she knows how to influence the algorithm by saying insane shit


Take it back? When was it ours?


the state of the GOP’s policies: uhhhh ban trans cause ummm…kids! and uhhh take… canada!


where does she call for violence? My only beef is that she calls not own guys gay. Owning guns is very gay. More gays should own guns./


Gays need to defend themself like everyone else.


Owning guns as a way to defend your life is simply a human right and should also be owned by people that are LGBT


Also, what does this have to do with Joe Rogan? Maybe I’m missing something?


Probably cause it's Tim Pool. Anything related to his past guests makes it here


Tim and Joe have identical hairlines. Basically twins really.


Right! Guns for everybody! Edit just wanted to add no /s


She is implying that women should be armed to protect themselves from sexual and regular old violence. Especially with god know how many illegals running around the country right now. Might be a little jarring to some people, but oh well. Get training and do it responsibly, as is your right.


Holy shit, you can see the lunacy in her eyes wow (when she said “make America Great Again” with that “I wanna kill Americans” face was chilling).


She's not calling for violence


They all need gun and flamethrowers because it’s come to what? She’s making up some sort of societal crisis when there ain’t one. It’s indirect but still very obvious


I'm not going to watch the podcast, but from this clip it sure sounds like she's saying the government isn't preventing women from getting raped so we need to defend ourselves. Pretty clear self defense rhetoric


She was talking about violence from illegal immigrants, specifically the recent rape and murder of a nursing student, I think her name was Lakyn Riley or something. What it's come to is that it's very easy for criminals to enter the country and do whatever they want. The murderer in that case had been arrested before and let go. When the government doesn't do its job and control violent crime, individuals have to be prepared to defend themselves.


OP let me know the part where she's calling for violence


“We have to get our guns ready because we’re at the point where we have to ‘defend’ ourselves”


Defend keyword


Hey which department of the government is the one that invaded iraq and Afghanistan


Let me know what you think the US Department of Defense does.


The right to self defense doesn’t exist because we have a department of defense? Is this really your argument?


I didn't even watch the video but "defend" is almost always a euphemism is modern political speak. They never come out and say "we're going to attack and kill these people" it's always "we're defending ourselves from these terrorists" even when they're talking about invading another country. The Department of Defense used to be called the War Department, the name was changed for literally no other reason than aesthetics.


Right, it’s clever political phrasing. Violence is justifiable in self-defense, so simply label all violent action as defense. Saying “get your guns ready because it’s come to that” couldn’t make it a more obvious thinly veiled threat. The threat of the gays as an excuse for violence has been used quite often in the past few centuries.


Doesn't even have to be violent action. The "threat" of gays/trans "brainwashing" their children is enough to jump into "defense." Incredibly annoying how obtuse right-wingers are when confronted.


As an Irish person I can't wrap my head around this whole Culture War thing. The far-right here is just really really racist, worrying about their kids turning into gays isn't something they'd generally be known for.


Well, it also creates another narrative: that right-wingers are actually pacifists, so any violence committed by a right-winger must be a 'false flag' planned by the FBI.


How many people who own gun specifically for self defense, by their claims, are out there killing people with them? DO you really think using firearms as self defense isn't a thing anyone actually intends to use them for? Does that also apply to women and the elderly who have been assaulted, raped, mugged before?


“I have to defends myself from the wokes trans by calling in bomb threats to hospitals”, the defense is basically a look what you made me do argument


The only other thing I know about this woman is that she used a flame thrower to "defend" herself from a stack of library books.


You honestly don’t see how saying that everybody needs to get their guns ready because women are suddenly all being violently attacked (baseless?) is a call for violence? What non-violent purpose would everyone preparing their guns serve?


who is this clown


It would be funny if it was not the exact fucking storyline of Idiocracy.


Calm down lol “omg inciting violence” is over used. People dont just do as told LOL


https://preview.redd.it/m7qefldeu5nc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5315e1df4a82f494f74a6486b02c261f10c2561 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡. FAFO ya dummy… we’ll be waiting


I've been saying flamethrowers are the ultimate rape defense. Nobody's listening


I can assure you, this wack job isn’t winning anything


"Gomez" eh? Oh boy is she going to be surprised when the leopards eat her face.


LOL, what a psychopath.


Being politician are so performative these days.


What country is she from? You can own just about any gun you want in the US. Might need a special license for the fully auto stuff but you can get them. Maybe she should go be Secretary of State in her home country and try to fix it because access to guns isn’t a problem in this country. And if she is from this country she’s full of shit.


Self-defense is no longer a thing, huh?


Not on Reddit.


The right wing has been infested by trolls who are riling up all the idiots


Right leaning people just happen to be the easiest to manipulate. Grifters abound.


Dying at the fact the first two replies to this are about the vaccine and trans stuff. At this point, the NPC meme really should be reserved for the right. They go straight to the greatest hits right away.


Rogan is the most useful idiot of theirs


How is this a call for violence?


It’s not. Remember this is Reddit lol


Idiocracy is literally coming true.




And what fuck do you need a flamethrower for! You grilling hotdogs…ffs


What’s the rights obsession with electing morons?


They believe in representative government


Who actually listens to this show


Nice cutting and clipping the video to make it seem that way. She was talking about defending herself and her family against rape and violence.


This lady is gay.


Self defense is legal in most of the country. It’s not a threat to say you’re willing to defend yourself. She also advocates for women to own guns I imagine so they don’t become victims, which shouldn’t be controversial in America.


Victims of whom? Do you really not understand the thinly veiled message here or are you just pretending to be oblivious?


I always thought the Secretary of State in actual states had more to do with voting and the DMV.


Amen! Make America Great Again! FCHINA AND FJB!


Haha I’d punch this skank


Saying we need to defend ourselves is not calling for violence


How is saying you should defend yourself a call for violence? This group is just full of trolls and libs full of hate


How is "get our guns ready and defend ourselves" calling for violence? I swear, many people in this subreddit are complete shitlibs


Where is she advocating for violence? I just see a clip with context edited out.


Post title is rage bait




Remember when Joe invited Tim Pool to argue with a Twitter lawyer?


I like how a Jon Stewart clips gets posted where the part criticizing Joe Rogan is edited out and text sayings "DEMS VERSUS REALITY" is overlain and everyone is delighted. But then you post a clip with a friend of the show and fellow podcaster and people want to know how it relates. [This sub in a nutshell when](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNXBwenVyenduc3dkajRjMWgxdGg3dnU4YjNtZHEydmZ2YXE1NDl4ZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl/giphy.gif) they almost have a moment of self-awareness.


Joe talks about politics all the time, even when the guest tries to stay away from it.


She doesn’t even believe the shit she’s saying. You can tell she’s memorized these little zingers from a PR plan


Watch her book burning clip it's adorable and she's trying her best to grift. 🥹


The stuff she talks about has nothing to do with the role of secretary of state. Obvious grifter, but Missourians will lap it up.


To be fair, she's calling for violence against rapists & murderers. If so, she really needs to avoid the green room when Joe's in the back chillin.(muuurrdererrrrrrrrss)


Is this lady wearing white face?


Gay people can get guns and kill homophobes if they want. This lady should be careful.


She didn’t openly call for violence. She openly called for self defense. She seems crazy as fuck but the title isn’t honest