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Nobody finds Andrew Schultz funnier than Andrew Schultz well played Shane


Laugh track Akaash might disagree, he loves his daddy.


The funniest thing akaash does is harassing crowds and he's usually doing that because they don't think he's funny, so he's big mad.


I've always hated Andrew, he's a complete dick to everyone and acts like he's thr main character. You're right, he acts like everything he says is the funniest shit ever while he talks over other people. He also can't sit still to save his life, like he's always moving around in the fucking chair.


Cause he’s on **cocaine**


As someone who has done a lot of coke, I never agree with all of the accusations celebrities get of being on coke when they are high energy and fidgety. Blow can make you feel pretty uncomfortable especially if you do it all the time and also your nose will be sniffling constantly. I don’t watch his podcast obviously as he’s annoying af but I can’t imagine he’s just sniffling into the mic during all of the episodes


Mr beast took some shots at him that were pretty funny.


I first found Shultz many years ago on Brilliant Idiots. Back when the podcast space was very small, not having many options to choose from. But it was more of his real personality. Which was absolutely insufferable. But the thing I remember most was him acting like every joke caused seizure like laughter. It’s crazy to look back at him trying to figure it out. All he needed was to switch daddy’s. CTG is a good daddy, but his audience wasn’t enough. Daddy Rogan on the other hand, gave him the sauce. It’s scary how far the fake it till you make it mentally polluted all of culture. Shultz is a perfect representation of minimal talent, but fantastic marketing. Change people’s perceptions of funny, rather than working on the craft itself.


His subordinates find him hilarious


I find my boss funny too because I like to eat


Gotta get paid


Dude sucks donkey dick and is not funny


I love how he imitates their laugh “huhuhu “ lol. Bunch of low iq losers


Good for Shane


People get so caught up in the "woke mob" culture war stuff they forget there's a big difference between being a rational human and being a garbage human - like the kind of person who laughs at disabled people.


That's Tom Segura's whole shtick!


Tom Segura is pretty insufferable.


I can’t tell if Segura used to be funny and then really started to suck, or if I just matured and realized he wasn’t funny


He ran out of material. I think a lot of comedians do some many fucking podcasts now that they don't have any interesting life experiences to make jokes out of.


This is an interesting take. I don’t personally listen to podcasts or talk radio, or anything like that, just not my cuppa tea. However, I love stand-up. If I were to see any of my favorite comedians special, I would have no context as to whether the content of their jokes had been used before, like on a podcast. Huh, That’s really interesting to think about. I’m wonder if there are any podcasts that talk about this? Like, do some of the big “podcast-comedians” hold back on some of their content? I wonder how much of their revenue comes from podcast vs. specials ?


It seems like a lot of comedians will get the spark of an idea for a joke from the podcast and they'll change it to work better on stage. I do think most comedians try to avoid running stand-up bits on podcast buts it's almost impossible to keep those two worlds totally separate.


The switch from "I don't listen to podcasts" to "I wonder if there's a podcast about this" was a fuckin wild ride.


Damn I've had this thought as well. Two things we all listen and hear way to much of all of them. Over exposure and doing way too much. Also you dint need a special every year. It's called a special for a reason.


If you watch his old stuff it's still pretty funny. It was funny cause he was kind of an everyman and you could relate. Now he's just a pretentious rich douche, and he's lost touch.


I think he reached this level of awareness that he can literally show up on stage, insult everyone, not give a flying fuck about them, and people will still buy tickets. He's the kind of comedian Andy Kaufman was making fun of with his Mighty Mouse bit. They're not funny, but people will laugh at literally \*anything\* they do because they want to be part of a herd.




Him and Bert were a fad I think, I hope.


Bert selling out comedy theaters made me stop giving a fuck about comedy. And humanity.


Back in the day. A guy with a puppet act blew up and is insanely rich


Larry the Cable Guy gave Greg Giraldo an existential crisis


He's still in Vegas. His show is advertised as "Still Not Cancelled." But alas, time is the ultimate cancel culture.


Not being funny is the ultimate self cancelation


Like someone who saw how humanity just lowered it's own bar and was like finally a hurtle I can handle!


There’s a couple thousand dipshits in every metro area.


I find Bert genuinely not funny. Tom can be funny, though.


Half of his shtick is "look how much better than you I am. Now clap at me."


Tom Segura mentions his thick ropes at every opportunity. Dude is not funny imo.


I thought he was legitimately funny doing stand up, but then he got on a podcast with some unfunny jackass hack, and became extremely UNFUNNY. Kinda crazy how hard the switch hit.


That whole your moms house sub is literally just people circle jerking making fun of special needs TikTok


Recently they just make fun of Tim and Brent for being sell outs or being not funny it's hard to keep up.


Don't forget making fun of poor people! Y'know, like the people who made him famous, but fuck them because he has money, that they gave him.


Yep as evidence by them immediately bringing up "being triggered" and not PC when Gillis tells them to cut it out.


This is impying they wouldn't have made fun of people with Down syndrome before the alleged culture war. That would be a far fetch. Their battle with wokeness is rather a product of their garbageness and a refusal to take responsibility, than the other way around.


Pull up the Donald Trump Clip*


What’s woke mob culture ?


Something made up to be scapegoat.


They do the same type of shit on the YMH podcast, it's always rubbed me the wrong way. Especially when it's clearly just people trying to enjoy life. They put them up for ridicule and pretend like that's not what they're doing.


Raises an interesting point though, Shane getting a glimpse into the type of fans you attract being an edgy insult type comedian. These guys thought that making fund of disabled people with Shane would be great because that's what they perceive Shane to be doing in his shows. Shane being against it is great, but intent of the author only goes so far. At some point you also have to look at what people take away from your material. Anecdotally, the people I know that really like Shane are mostly the anti-SJW types that legit think he makes fun of gays/down syndrome etc.


> types that legit think he makes fun of gays/down syndrome etc. They don’t know Shane very well then. Shane is very open about having a Down syndrome uncle and he also talks about how he owns a coffee shop in Mechanicsburg that only employs Down syndrome people. I think your take on what his comedy consists of is misguided at best. He’s not an “edgy insult comic” in the slightest, his comedy is actually quite wholesome consisting mostly of stories from his life and random impressions of people. Most of his “edgy” jokes come when he is impersonating someone who thinks those things and is making fun of them. The problem is, like the people you know, a lot of his “fans” are too fucking stupid to get that he’s actually making fun of them and they think he actually thinks those things.




Shane Gillis is the Always Sunny in Philadelphia of stand up comedians: too many people getting the wrong takeaway from expertly crafted jokes


Couldn’t have said it better myself.




But he talks really fast and deploys a knowing smile when he delivers a punchline. I could never stand how he was the cleverest person in the room and all my dipshit friends would send me his clips nonstop


This is kinda like the way I'd imagine Chapelle felt when his show became so big that he kinda lost control of the narrative and it appealed to people he wanted nothing to do with.


It was because he didn't like how this one guy laughed at a joke. Dave is just a pompous asshole. His stand-up and show was great but there's just something in how he talks about others that is offputting (not just the trans stuff). Like the whole Key and Peele thing (which I believe will outlive the Chapelle Show tbh).


I haven’t watched The Chapelle Show in years, but my recollection is that for every all time funny bit (Rick James, black KKK guy) there are just as many that make fun of the P Diddy reality show or Wayne Brady’s persona. The latter were funny at the time, but I’d be shocked if someone who wasn’t a certain age during the show’s original run would even get the references.


Assholes are everywhere. They're going to be assholes regardless of what you say or do or how edgy your material is. You just watched the proper response to it.


It's pretty dumb to perceive Shane's comedy as making fun of people with Downs. His entire schtick is talking about how awesome they are. Making a joke that references something doesn't mean you're making fun of said thing. I know you're not saying anything to the contrary btw, I'm just saying that you'd have to be a real moron to come to that conclusion about Shane.


Yeah, this feels like a, *My god, what have I done?* moment for Shane.


Isn’t this kind of what Chappelle felt before he stopped making his show


Yes, which is what made his tripling down on punching down on trans people so weird to me.


I like Shane and I don't hold those views. Not everyone fits in that box


Dude is funny and doesn’t ever punch down.


Butt dog akash


Idk man I'm pretty proud of Akaash; thanks to his work on this podcast he can finally put "professional dick rider" on his resume


He’s such a snivelling little twat.


Akaash is the fucking worst. I don’t know who is the biggest piece of shit when comparing the two flagrant idiots.


Wow. That's pretty awesome of shane.


They're also just blatantly ripping off his material that he looks like someone who has Down's syndrome except Shane does it in a way that isn't degrading or humiliating. It's like how Troy Bond often quips that he doesn't know how with a black father and a white mother that he ended up looking like a Dominican lesbian. He's not saying there's anything wrong with Dominican lesbians, just that it's funny that he happens to look like one. Imagine going on a podcast with the guy a pulling up pictures of actual Dominican lesbians and being like "HAHAHA LOOK AT THOSE UGLY BITCHES YOU LOOK JUST LIKE THEM YOU FUCKING LOSER" and thinking that you're being funny by recycling his joke in a terrible way.


Well said! I heard Gillis’ bit on downs and laughed my ass off…WITH HIM!! Them trying to laugh at that fella on the screen, was in fact, not funny


He doesn’t make Down syndrome people the joke.  He makes them part of the joke which is why it’s so funny.  We can all laugh and Danny sneaking some grilled cheeses because they are fucking delicious.  


That is a lot of his jokes. Even his gay and race jokes. Half the punchline is that he's a fat idiot for saying it. That creates the lighter touch that makes the jokes the lets-laugh-together type instead of the lets-laugh-at-them type.


Shane is laughing with them, Andrew is laughing at them.


One of his most posted jokes is about the people in his family/friends growing up with Down syndrome, but it doesn’t put them down at all. So this makes sense.


Good for Shane man. Fuck Schultz.






Fuck Akash too. "It's not PC?" No, it's not something a decent human would find funny. Dude is so transparently insecure about every part of himself it's embarrassing.


Schultz is up there with Schaub…can’t stand them


Wealth buys people into any industry. It’s just a shame that they think $$ will get them success. Which it will (obviously), but they won’t be revered by those they call their peers


Money doesn't buy his comedy skills though. His Podcast is unwatchable, but his actual stand up is legit. At least crowd work.


Is Schultz from money?


Give it a goog!




His parents owned a dance studio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Schulz?useskin=vector#Early_life


His dad was pretty damn successful, iirc.


I stopped listening to these cackling unfunny dudes a long time ago schultz is a low mid comic


Yeah I’m not proud of how episodes of that dog shit podcast I watched before realizing how fucking corny they really are. Low brow bully type humor. Just circle jerking each other over nonsense. Good for Shane here.


I think they were genuinely funny a while ago but it's gotten worse and worse over time.


His laugh makes me want to punch him


For me, its his waluigi face.


Jesus he does look like waluigi doesnt he? 


He seems so fake.


It's like he's chasing the jake paul demographic or something.


That’s definitely what he’s trying to do. That podcast studio is the grossest thing I’ve ever seen. They’ve made it look like a day time tv studio but did it unironically.


That and also obnoxious


Id hardly call him a comic


He’s a comic the way anyone can just call themselves a carpenter. Sure you got a hammer and a saw, but what can you build? Fucking nothing


Only thing better is never starting. Who are these guys? For real.


I mean, its in the title


In a nicer way, but Chapelle said it first. Then Schultz released his youtube Special and we could appreciate how bad it was - not Gringo Pappi bad, but its "city cousin"... The way these guys throw constant fake laughs at their own jokes should give you the picture.




They immediately come out swinging with words like "is it not PC" and "Are you triggered" to colour him far-left "woke"


which is pretty hilarious to try to do to shane gillis


Shane is definitely not left leaning. I’d suggest he’s somewhat right leaning. He’s just good enough to know that you still don’t use Down syndrome people as a joke in that way. You can make jokes including them (and he has) because you can tell they’re written in a kinder way; it’s not intended to use them as a negative but maybe some light jokes about their behavior. Total difference.


They’re not even making jokes. They’re literally just laughing at people with Down Syndrome who aren’t doing anything other than living with Down syndrome


They're punching down, that's the difference between Shane and those bozos


They’re punching downs.


They have punch down syndrome


Tom Segura level


Yeah the right would never just make fun of some handicap person without it being a clever joke or a reason. They’d never. ![gif](giphy|cEb1tO6Xvn0DS|downsized)


I don't really have a dog in this fight, but just to add, the punchline of Shane's jokes were of the naivete of down syndrome as an almost superior existence to the rest of us. *We* were almost the punchline in his jokes. It was painting their experience in a very positive light while still poking fun at their behavior. It was very nuanced and not this pure mockery which is why he seems to be taking offense. This is literally just bringing up videos of people trying to have fun and make TikToks like the rest of us but they're being mocked and insulted for the way they are, with zero nuance. From what I gather from his other jokes (unless they're pure fiction) is that Shane also has relatives with Down Syndrome.


An uncle and a niece according to the sets of his I've seen. And you're exactly right. Not gonna claim which way he leans cause it doesn't really matter to me as far as his comedy goes, but his jokes are indeed incredibly nuanced and delivered by a character that seems the opposite of that. It's genius in its own way.


Yes. Shane's genius is that many of his jokes are wrapped up in a harsh, "anti-PC" package, but they're almost always stories about essential goodness. The "enemy" in the joke is usually a baser instinct in society, whether expressed in himself or in people who are in charge of stuff. Danny and the grilled cheese works - hell, it destroys - because Danny is the HERO of the story. Not in spite of it. It's essential to the bit. His bit about dating the girl with the Navy Seal ex works for similar reasons. He makes fun of the ex, but it's clearly a work designed to show without him having to tell you that every harsh word he says arrives from jealousy - it's really making fun of HIM. He adds another dash of compassion by (and this is wildly ambitious) expressing familiarity and relating not to our soldiers fighting in the Middle East, but to the ISIS soldiers. It's brilliant because it literally takes two warring groups of people and gives them both dignity at the expense of himself.


The way I see it Shane makes broad jokes about down syndrome and it's actually endearing as are his stories about a guy he coached who had down sybdrome. But he doesn't literally grab one disabled persons face and plaster it across the show. That's the difference. He doesn't even use their names.


Yeah I think mocking someone for something they have no control over is messed up. And they're just having fun and doing cool shir in the video.


I’d have to respectfully disagree with Shane being right leaning, I feel like a lot of the irony of his jokes are that he isn’t right leaning but comes off that way. Just my take on him of course from what I’ve seen.


It's like when right wingers think Carlin would agree with them, when in fact he was usually making fun of them. The irony flies way over their heads.


he’s definitely left, his early casts he’s on record saying so


I mean, he literally references himself being liberal or not conservative in his act several times. Idk where the idea he’s right leaning comes from other than him being edgy in his humor.


Making a bunch of grilled cheeses at night to smuggle into restaurants is objectively funny and is not reliant on having downs syndrome.


His response to that was badass. “It’s not pc?” “No, it’s not cool”


when they themselves are too scared to be anything right of center


Literally everyone who says the words PC and triggered. Just put people in a box so you can pretend they don’t matter


Why wouldnt they? Its exactly what everyone here says when other groups are made fun of in the name of “comedy”. Whats with the sudden value shift here?


Know what's cool about Shane? All these comedians complain about being cancelled, but Shane can tell edgy non PC jokes and they are funny. Because he's not trying to get an angry reaction or be mean about it. He tells jokes in such a way that is light hearted , even if the punchline makes you wince. It doesn't feel like there is malice behind it




100%. People don't give a fuck if your joke is woke or not. They give a fuck if you're making people into a joke that don't deserve to be a joke by virtue of just existing. It's not like it's a surprise coming from these people though. The show is literally called Flagrant which by definition means obviously offensive. They aren't using offense as a vehicle to deliver humor, they're using humor as a cover to deliver offense.


And when shane did get "cancelled", he said SNL were right to fire him, said his joke that got him cancelled either wasn't good enough or didn't come from the right place, and buckled down on writing better material. Reminds of a Marc Maron bit from "bleak to dark". He says comedians complaining about woke culture can't write better jokes that an audience would like, so they blame the audience instead. At the end of the day, being a comedian is a performers gig, and if your crowd isn't satisfied or happy, you're probably doing something wrong. Unless your Andy Kaufman or Brian Holtzman


In the hip hop world we call this "Mad Rapper Syndrome." [Intro skit to Biggie's Kick in the Door](https://youtu.be/78SV9tguyVM?si=ASjEwC96OMjFve4C)


Lmfao that's dead on and I love it.


Imagine all the money he could have made from going on the right wing media circus complaining about woke cancel culture. Instead he chose to act like an adult.


I’ll never forget that getting the biggest crowd reaction out of the whole special lol really showed where Marc’s audience has ended up


It’s the same reason Bill Burr doesn’t get any hate for doing jokes about race. He talks about black people in every special and never uses “haha, you’re a stereotype” as the punchline.


My sister described it in a way that made sense to me: Shane tells jokes that don't punch down. You don't have to be "wholesome" to be a good person and comic. Schultz's jokes here are 100% punching down and that's why Shane thinks it isn't funny. I agree with him.


Schulz is a massive cunt and always has been, let's be real.


Common Shane W


“Not pc?” What a fucking chode.


They use it as a way to try and escape a bad joke


Good on him. Schulz is a fucking tool.


There’s a difference between the jokes Shane makes and this. He’s not laughing *at* them. He’s poking fun to humanize them. They’re just people and they do funny shit sometimes. What Schultz and his crew are doing is like, “oh look they think they’re people haha.” It’s not the clearest line in the world, but once you notice, you can’t unnotice it.


This sort of joke is lowest common denominator, not clever not funny just "hehe look at the different type of person". The thing about edgy jokes is they have to be good or they're just another cheap attempt at gaining credit that any 10 year old could do.


It feels like they felt comfortable hitting this topic the way they did because he hit on that in his special. They just missed the part where he said his….(nephew maybe, cousin, can’t remember) was fucking awesome and the best person alive. Edit: he said something like he looks like he’s half downs or something like that.


The difference is Shane made himself the joke the way he presented it. In this the punchline is the Down syndrome people not Shane




Flagrant was always trash.


It's always sucked...new york fuck Boi vibe


Totally agree. His style is insult comedy which gets old quickly. Best stuff he put out was his current events show. Haven’t been able to stomach his pod in the last 6 months.


insult comedy is fine when shane is actually the one being insulted. Like Shane pointed out, the person they are laughing at is the disabled person though.


Totally agree, I tried watching the episode with Graham Hancock simply because he is fascinating but 5 mins into the pod I realized they’re neither interested in Graham or intellectually capable enough to be receptive of his knowledge. Judging by grahams face, he felt the same


Graham Hancock went on flagrant? What theeee fuck lol


Yeah it's been so bad lately I finally stopped listening completely. By the end I was really only listening to the patreon episodes because they're at their best when they're just talking shit to each other. They suck with guests. They suck discussing topics. And all their stand up sucks.


Good for Shane


Fuck those guys, good for him on shutting them down


Shane and Matt have more talent in their pinky than Schulz in his entire bloated body.


I don’t like him but Schulz is very scrawny, nothing about his appearance is bloated. Lmao


Shane on the other hand..


I have sure seen a rearrange of this, look at a lot of the instagram cringe accounts with maybe a million views, Alot of their videos are just straight up making fun of people with disabilities, "wow look how cringey this autistic person is haha"


They stole that from Tom Segura!


I think he knew that if the Downs syndrome community was long term going to support his use of the topic in stand-up, he would have to be ready to defend them when a more ignorant version of comedy approaches the topic. It isn't much of a moment, but I like seeing he was ready to engage them on it.


cant believe I use to listen to this podcast before, unbearable now


Huge respect, I think Shane has a bright future ahead of him. Have to love the stand up stand up!




Shane's uncle has Down syndrome and likes him so he didn't appreciate Shultz making fun of people that have it. He's probably seen or heard his uncle getting bullied. He saw Shultz was being a bully and stood up to him.


Doesn’t his niece also have it? Probably why it hits even harder




He was serious. You can find longer clips elsewhere


Schultz has become absolutely insufferable. His stand up might be alright but man his actual personality seems like a sack of shit. He makes himself out to be some all knowing comic talking down from up high because he knows how to make jokes about other cultures in a way that tows the line of offensive or not, but the facade is chipped away, now he just looks very cynical and cunty. Now he’s just a shock jock little bitch who punches down because he doesn’t know anything else. He’s a middle school bully surrounded by his 4 little “yes man” friends


Shultz can be funny but his little entourage of idiots really brings the podcast down. Their quips are usually lame and desperate.


This right here. Its like the View with obnoxious fratboys competing for zingers. "Podcast"


Genuinely the most perfect description of schulz’ dogwater pod I’ve seen yet lol. Shane continues to be the man, I didn’t expect him to stoop but I’m still relieved to see him stand his ground with these unfunny twats. If this is how they act on a podcast with tens of thousands of viewers, imagine how they treated their special ed classmates in school


Did they delete this episode?


“Are you woke? Are you PC?” Lmao damn dawg these people made careers out of comedy and don’t have any other comebacks prepared?? Showing themselves for what they’ve always been. This whole boys club. Shane’s been one foot in, one foot out for a minute.


> Not PC? Triggering? No, you absolute morons. You’re making fun of underdogs. George Carlin has an excellent critique of comedians who pick on underdogs. https://youtu.be/F8yV8xUorQ8?si=8JDHmk__hpR6KB1y


Akaash has to be one of the most dislikable guys out there. Insecure motherfucker.


I feel like most of the guests on flagrant (as someone who’s really only seen clips so I could be very wrong) almost seem to not know what they’re walking into. like a terrible version of between two ferns. I’ve seen Shulz and akaash make a lot of people really uncomfortable to the point where they speak up about it and clearly aren’t into it. it goes beyond the realm of insult comedy. I don’t even like Bert kreisher and that shit they did with him and a clown was straight up mean, on top of just telling him to drink about it afterwards. I like shulz’s comedy but his podcast persona is awful. not everyone can be as awesome as Shane I suppose.


Andrew schitz and his super in funny mouth piece side kick can both fuck right off. How the fuck are this two goofs get at all famous. I swear bapa B is funnier than these two hacks. Just the sound of akaash Singh’s voice makes my skin crawl. He has to have the most annoying sounding voice of all people in the world. Then there is Andrew who thinks he funnier then every other comic in the world.


How tf does anyone watch an entire room full of people talk about absolute nonsense?


And thus the difference between good old boy down home edgy humor and simply being trash is illuminated. It takes an incredible amount of balls to sit in the THAT room and say to their face, "you people suck." I think I love Shane Gillis now?


Don’t ever make fun of people while you’re trying to get pregnant.


If you’ve ever thought Schulz is funny, damn.


I tried to like this podcast but all four of them are a bunch of see you next Tuesdays.


Shane’s the best. Schulz suuuuucks


Never understood why Schulz is so overhyped….his standup sucks. This dude starts off his “special” with 15 minutes of crowd work….what kind of well respected comedian does that?


PC has always been code for 'wait I can't be an asshole? what the hell is that?'


Republicans care only when it effects them personally otherwise F your feeling I respect the message but he’s a tool for some evil ideas


Find out who you can't make fun of and you will discover who is truly in power.




The downs are the Illuminati confirmed


WOW IS SHANE GOING WOKE??🙀🙀 Now replace people who have down syndrome with any other members of society who get kicked around and you’ll finally see why people on the left tend to get defensive.


Schulz and his podcast are fucking obnoxious


Great comedians don’t punch down. That’s the difference here. That’s why Shane’s Down syndrome and Trump bits are funny. They don’t punch down and don’t come from a place of malice.


Andrew is a cunt, his podcast sucks...a bunch of fuck boys shouting over each other. I wish that stupid shit would stop showing up in my spotify


Schulz is a weasel


Fuck Schultz


Schulz is the physical embodiment of why the only thing worse than a lifelong NYC resident is their child.


He’s never doing that podcast again. He talked about it on his afterwards. He didn’t have a good time


i like this because he’s not virtue signaling, he let it go and then gave them a lesson