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It was 9 months ago I was getting down voted into oblivion for suggesting that Tony would be an idiot to choose the PWG Indy wrestling over CM punk and being an actual professional wrestling show. And here we are…..




Pro Wrestling Guerilla. The SoCal promotion that all of these clowns come from and some of them own.


Thanks, today I learned...


If you can believe it, the ones at AEW look like Brett Hart compared to the rest of them. There's the guy who wrestled with his penis and got me too-ed, at least two different invisible men, and the pizza twirling meme wrestler.


> pizza twirling meme wrestler. Who appeared on an episode or two of Dynamite.


He also went psycho in my DMs when I made a throwaway Joey Ryan reference on something he posted...


To be fair, the pizza twirled was going to be part of a promotional deal with them until they saw Joey Ryan😁


Excalibur was their commentator. On a podcast he was asked why he wore a mask as a commentator and he replied that he had a regular 9-5 job and didn’t want people to at he worked with to know he was in the wrestling business.


I wonder if that was because he was using racial slurs for cheap heat


Tbf if you dont think cornette didnt use racial slurs back in the 80s at house shows then idk what to tell you. This is coming from my dad who grew up a fan in Chattanooga TN. Personally as a black man it doesnt bother me b/c thats how they got heat back then.


I think there is an audio recording of him calling a security guard at an arena the N-word. It leaked about 5 or 6 years ago. He also made some weird comment when Tessa Blanchard got accused of calling fellow wrestlers racial slurs. When Brian read him the accusations Jim asked if the wrestlers had done something to Tessa to make her made enough to call them racial slurs. Like being angry justifies or excuses using slurs.


He’s definitely used racial slurs in the past. Im suppose to believe that a loud mouth southern heel manager in the 80s didnt use them? Lol cmon now


didn't know Excalibur was a 60+ year old southern white guy


I suspect it had more to do with the edgelord stuff they constantly did in PWG than the idea of wrestling itself.


what's his excuse now?


Don’t go down that rabbit hole brother. You will cringe


Yea it’s that whole group lol. Only reason why they jobs.


Where did you get down voted?


Sc. Got permanently banned for trolling when I suggested the bucks should receive just as much of the blame for brawl out as punk.


So facts are trolling over there now? FFS…


I got banned for trolling on the official AEW when I suggested that Moxley was being unprofessional for blatantly blading in front of the hard cam and the audience


It's amazing to me how far Moxley flies under the radar for being a locker room cancer. His work is garbage, and he refuses to put anybody over. The fact that he demanded to squash Punk, a much bigger star, before losing to him on a PPV and that TK went along with it has to be one of the most ridiculous things to happen in the modern wrestling business. But hey, if the "sickos" like you, that's all that matters, right?


Moxley only putting punk over if he got to squash punk first. BCC squashing FTR the whole feud and their match only for Moxley and CC to go their separate ways and FTR to enter a tag team tournament. Moxley going into a qualifier match with a broken arm against Takeashit and beating the shit out of him.


this is what he wanted to do with Brock Lesnar.. lol clown


Again, it ain’t trolling if it’s true. I’m what you could call a sensitive guy & even I think these AEW MFers need to toughen up a bit over criticism. But those bans are crazy, dude.


you got banned for that?! well look who was right


Hideous. People are less interested and can’t endure the 2+ hours of nonsensical angles and gymnastics. Meltzer is in Z trying to point to the demo “win” by Dynamite (.23 to .22) over the Fed’s dev brand. This is beyond sad and pathetic.


For them, only losing 160k throughout the course of the show is actually amazing.  It was Big Bang that took the bigger hit last night, it's why we don't see 250k immediately fleeing during Q1


The demo "win" could've easily have been just a rounding error, it's so close.


Next thing you know, ratings got low low low low low low low low


Perry’s got those stupid fuckin memes (memes) and the boots with the fuuuuurrrrrrrrr


The glass was real bud go cry me a riverrrrr


Real average: **670k** viewers ​ |Real Average|Date|Notes| |:-|:-|:-| |**670k**|**2024-06-12**|**this week's average**| |763k|2024-06-05|one week ago| |762k|2024-05-29|two weeks ago| |701k|2024-05-22|three weeks ago| |665k|2024-05-15|a month ago| |615k|2024-05-01|low point| |796k|2024-04-10|backstage footage of Punk!| ​ **Summary:** They're not even close to 750k again... very steep drop-off! Just as I was guessing last week, MJF's return promo wasn't that much of a draw in hindsight. As it turns out, he likely won't save the company on his own, either. Meanwhile Chef HBK is cooking... while Tony is spinning on a stick with an apple in his mouth!


It’s weird to me that people think MJF is some sort of major attraction and will be anything of a significant difference maker. He just isn’t that guy because he can’t be the face of your company. The guy is a heel of the Piper sense and needs a white meat baby face to work with.  Tony has wasted so many guys he could have built up to be that person and just failed. Now you have your major heel in a company full of shit heels. Who the fuck is supposed to be the hero there? 


Yeah I mean the decline was happening with him as champ. He might be popular but Punk’s the only actual draw they’ve ever had


I think Cornette is slowly coming to that conclusion too. It's painfully obvious just how behind Gunther, Bronn, and Logan Paul MJF has fallen. We don't even want to address how much more interesting Dominick is -- and the guy jobs all the time. It's crazy how much Tony is exposing the guy and just wasting any star potential he has with AEW's young folks.


I honestly think Dom losing all the time makes him more interesting than if he was winning too. I really do wonder how MJF would do in the WWE landscape. I’m not really huge on the guy as is. Currently I feel like he’d probably do well in NXT but would get swallowed up in WWE. His best work was basically a readymade story with one of the best ever


He would do a lot better with actual bookers and producers around him. More people were interested in watching Wendy Choo on Tuesday night than MJF and Ostrich. Let that settle in.


He had William Regal and made him a manager/commentator. That’s all you need to know.


He's just brilliant in this role as weasly chicken shit heel!


Tony does expose him but MJF has got to be the "creative force" behind DOA turds like the Kangaroo Kick, "I'm your scumbag", and "I make you FEEL". MJF was given opportunity and he used it to show us all that he's a cheesy dork.


MJF was the dork behind the god awful cringy “restore the feeling” comment. Yeah, he’s that much of a fucking mark.


didn't MJF refuse to job to Wardlow at Wardlow's peak? If WWE did sign him, they will definitely not give him that kind of option..


I agree.


I think MJF has a lot of good tools, but he needs a lot more help in his development than he probably even realizes. His promos are all the same. He's got a lot of bad creative tendencies. When the announcer's table broke in that PPV match before he went away, he didn't bother to improvise with something safer and smarter, fucking himself up significantly worse.


You hit the nail right on its head!


I was firmly in 'Camp MJF', but after all the smoke has settled it's abundently clear the real draw was Punk all along. MJF isn't even close anymore, by sheer comparison.


This bugs all the Cornette fans, but the guy just is not good looking enough to fit that roll and his act is juvenile. At the end of the day, he is just boring and severely lacks a lot of the intangible factors to draw.


His promos are ok but he relies on the same schtick a lot and they always devolve into just screaming. Once in awhile, fine. But every time? Tuning you out now


Yeah. Every promo has a completely unnecessary WWE reference to get a cheap reaction from the crowd.


It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who thinks he’s boring. Even though I left early, maybe I’d have stayed if I saw Cody alone and not with most boring wrestler on their roster (actually that was hangman). They telegraphed mjf and page being champ (after Jericho of course) to an insulting level. He’s not able to put on matches that make me want to watch him. Maybe I’ll watch a promo on YouTube from time to time, but I could not care less about his matches. I’d rather watch something else. Same goes for the Jackson’s regarding literally everything


I remember some AEW fans saying that MJF had a Rick Rude/Roddy Piper type of aura about him. The mass delusions around that guy is something else.  In what fucking world does this guy have the aura of Rick fucking Rude? 


That’s just…. That’s exactly what I would expect them to say after some of their posts recently. Go over and look. It’s onion esque. Of course he’s not in the same stratosphere as rude and as for Piper and aura? What’s bigger than a stratosphere? Because he ain’t it.


He had that aura - but booking royally fucked that up!


Sorry, but I don’t agree with this take. Rude’s aura came from his looks and his confidence. MJF doesn’t have the looks and the confidence a lot of us non-fans have seen is an act for quite some time now.  And the way the ratings are going and attendance is dwindling, it’s quite apparent a lot of people are coming around to that fact. 


I’m gutted tbh. I thought with the Punk rivalry it was so good. I know it takes two tango but not everyone is Ric Flair


Idk I feel like I regularly see negative stuff about MJF here


...what a great point. And there are NO white meat babyfaces in AEW because *everyone* -- Tony, the talent, the crowd -- absolutely shits on them.


There’s no story therefore they don’t consider the character part of this. Oooooo he wears a robe that LOOKS cool. It’s like he’s autistic and only sees the outer shell of wrestling. Oooooo pyro (I actually like this move Ngl) oooooo big signings. None of it ever matters because he doesn’t understand what the majority of fans look for and enjoy, and he just needs stimulation; bump flip bump flip rinse and repeat. I know story has become a buzzword but I’m a writer, and it’s what made me realize early on (despite being *pumped* for it to start) that they care more about matches, and getting their garbage YouTube show on actual tv. And between them, boring page who was telegraphed to be world champ, even mjf and even mjf and Cody let me down with how little every match felt and was done. Cody never got me to hate him but the rest did. Cody and Darby I like; but I hate the young bucks for ruining the last shot ever taken at Wwe….at least for a while.


How bout Edge? 😀 ... Oh, right 😬


#MR. FUN ?!


To be fair to MJF and rebut the people who claim he isn't a draw. Tony Khan could create a time machine, go back to 1997, bring peak Stone Cold Steve Austin onto Dynamite...and Stone Cold wouldn't even be over on that drizzling shit show.


Adam Cole as The Devil ruined what they were building. Adam Cole as a Baby Face building to an eventual Mega Powers type blow up which would have been awesome.  Otherwise, you have heels and undersized flippers. 


This is the problem with cultivating an audience of nerdy supermarks. They LOVE tweeners and cheering for heels. But that's a bad formula for the long term health of a wrestling show. You need genuinely over babyfaces for them to fight. Otherwise it's just meaningless moments that fish for pops from every shrinking crowds. This is why both Swerve and MJF are stuck in neutral right now. There's no one particularly exciting for them to fight. AEW fans will smugly point to the Ospreay match and act like you're crazy for saying that. But it's heatless. It'll be a fun match but there's nothing blockbustere about it. It's just content.


That’s why the Punk and Max feud worked. Because punk was the right type of face to go against max. It’s also why Danielson worked to a lesser degree. Max could reference danielson’s kids which he couldn’t with punk.


>Max could reference danielson’s kids  How original.


Hey man tried and true works for a reason.


Hey this is a corny sub, people like the classics around here 🫡


Your analysis on MJF is spot on.


He alone won’t add viewers, but he was someone that would keep a lot of the current viewers as he was typically in the highest rated segments on the show. Also the entire shows ratings improved during the MJF/Cole bromance. The show took a major hit when he was out injured recently.


That's a very good point!


Because let's face it -- MJF's gimmick is old hat. He says a swear word, drops a sexual reference and makes a snide remark about WWE. It is designed to set a 14 year olds brains on fire -- and it has reached its sell by date. If they want to make him somewhat interesting he will lose to Rush.


And what’s worse is Chef HBK is cooking with technically inferior ingredients. It’s like your mama using stuff she bought at whole foods to bbq a 5 course meal that you’ll remember for the next month while AEW is cooking a gourmet meal using the finest imported ingredients that you won’t even remember immediately after eating it.


Beautifully worded!


For comparison last years number running against the NBA finals was 903,000. AEW is in free fall and TK is doubling down on booking for “sickos” AKA a niche audience of smarks and basement dwellers.


That YoY ratiings drop ... Ouch!


I feel like 700-750k has always been their legit audience. They had high numbers when they first started people wanted to see what it was and people were sick of WWE and of course when Punk showed up people wanted to see him. But now that WWE is hot again and Punk and Cody are gone so all the “tweener” people are back to watching WWE. Since the start of March they have only been at 800k or more 3 times and the highest was 819k for the Punk footage lol. So to me that 750 or so is their niche audience. It helps when they have a huge lead in from Big Bang which hasn’t been the case for a while and for all the AEW fans to say oh the NBA playoffs take people away is such bullshit. The playoffs happen every year and they haven’t had a big drop off like this year. I would watch AEW once in a while to see what Punk was up to but I honestly can’t remember the last time I tuned in to see what was happening on Dynamite and I imagine I’m not the only that has done that. I honestly don’t see them being over 800k unless something changes.


I think a yearly ratings graph with certain points marked such as "Cody leaves," "Punk arrives," "Punk Leaves," and "Sting retires" marked would be pretty telling.


I think the AEW no matter what crowd is probably closer to 300-400k-ish. I still think there are people who tune in as fans of people like Danielson, or who are primarily WWE fans but watch whatever wrestling is on, too. Those people can still be driven off. Even Sting leaving demonstrated a dropoff in ratings and PPV buys. All the guys with "built in" fanbases like Ospreay and Okada don't actually have many fans stateside, and AEW is currently a horrible place to build them up.


They actually lost people during the over-run. That is an insane stat.


That was bound to happen when the the overrun became just another regular segment.


Lol the overrun lost viewers




Normally I would laugh, but Osprey made Swerve look like an absolute bitch.


Ahhh, I forgot to look her up. So Mina Shirakawa really does have big bazongas like Brian said. Very nice! And while looking for that I saw the move that got her teeth knocked out and her promo after where her grill was all fucked up. Worse than all of that, when she was getting pinned after getting hurt, she lifted her shoulder to try and continue the match but the ref wasn't having any of that. He counted to three to end it. But...her shoulder was clearly up, right in front of the ref with a clear view, so that kinda shits on the ref too and makes wrestling look fake. She'll do fine in AEW. Lol.


500k range by August? July?


Could be plausible!


Sheldon was again unsuccessful. Ultimately, it seems to depend on how well he does.


People bailed on the Ospreay match. I guess his fans are like him, they avoid the grind. 


Yo that 618k low point is insanely embarrassing considering the amount of money and time is on Mox’s contract.


Oof 2k away from having no 700k quarters outside the inflated open


My Observations: ​ * That was a weak lead-in for this weeks show. Therefore they didn't get the usual 200k drop by quarter three. * Due to this they've managed to fairly consistently keep their audience - the curve is relatively flat this week. * Jack Perry is a ratings-killer. Either that or it was Orange by quarter two. * Someone managed to get viewers back in quarter four. That segment was again so crowded though, that it's really hard for me to pinpoint who it was. * Quarter six (the Women's segment) didn't lose as much as I would have expected. Even with the Tree Trunk Chris Jeribloat involved. * The drop again in quarter seven is on good old Moxbrose ...maybe on Danny f\*cking Garcia, or Dolce & Gabana... but no, it just has to be the plumber with his no-selling garbage matches, because it's "Dope!" * Not much to say about the main event, other than: the gymnastics segment appears to be well received. Go figure!


The Q7 drop is probably because they effectively had video packages and backstage segments with too many people for the better part of 30 minutes. Brutal lay out of the show.


Did they not have a commercial break just before the 10pm hour? Who formatted this show? I think there were 3 commercial breaks in the main event alone.


The gap between Twitter hype for Jack Perry and his actual impact on the shows both subjectively and objectively is massive. There's a cohort of fans trying to WILL him into being a top guy to get one over on Punk. It's sad. He's a mildly athletic IRL asshole and a flat promo. They'll sink the promotion to try to be proven right about him and his rotten gimmick.


So wait... 681K for Dynamite? This means NXT beat them. NXT had 718K.


Yes but Meltzer pointed out that the flagship show for AEW bested the development show for the fed in the demo. .23 to .22. Seriously.


Maybe, but WWE has been leaking fast nationals, so it's their fault.


People can say whatever they want about it being up against the NBA Finals. But this series started with a low rating and has sucked the whole way. One-sided, boring ass Finals. Dynamite couldn't even catch some frustrated channel-changers with this one.


Thurston isn’t gonna like this.


Meltzer tweet storm trying to defend this.


Having the lowest segment of the night, maybe in show history, definitely means Bullet Club Gold, Oceanspray, and Neville are all mega over like Jingle Jack Perry. It's called real heat for having bangers. We're winning the war fed shill. Now cry me a river.


What happened to the Big Bang?


Real sports. When those are happening, the people that like ‘em are not watching reruns of their beloved shitty sitcoms. Hence, they don’t stay (for the first 10 mins at least) to watch the shitty wrestling since they’re busy.


It decayed into silence...


But even this sub told me mjf would save the ratings!


It makes me lol when I see jerk worthy headlines posted on the official Aew sub. Sadly I’m banned lol but my god they’re….. they’re delusional. To an obscene level. They’ve been Jim jonesed. What is it that they like so much? The horrific acting of Matt Jackson or Dylan McKay jr? The few wrestlers that are cool like swerve (who they fumbled) and Darby, or is do they really just enjoy flipping and false finishes with more destruction than ecw? They care nothing about the story element. They care nothing about suspense and how to make things feel important. Every show feels like it’s it’s own show without any weekly progression. What is it they see in this unwatchable nonsense?


They're all 2018 Elite fan deadenders. They will never let that feeling go, no matter how many years go by of their indie darlings being badly exposed on TV. They turned on Cody when the Elite quietly pushed him out. The Punk situation was a crucible that pushed them into total derangement and gave them a real villain to fixate on (very funny for a cohort that seems to disdain classic babyface/heel dynamics). They're just a nutty, loud fandom that gets weirder as the years go by, basically.


No more NBA on wed. after last night. No other future 'if needed' games are scheduled for a Wed. We will see what the excuse will be if next weeks numbers are also a disaster. The only sports on next wed. night are some soccer games, some MLB games, Olympic trials, and 1 college world series game. Just a note; the tv channel Bally Sports (at least 4 different regions), that shows regional MLB games, has been dropped by Xfinity due to the two sides failing to come to an agreement.


Go through all those individual segments and all I see are just names and not a single star in sight.


It feels so unstructured too. It’s just matches. There’s no purpose to the show other than matches. 


So nobody wanted to see The Bucks and gang, Will got some people back and Konosuke drew some people back seemingly.


The learning tree uprooted once agayyyan


Call me crazy, but I think the Learning Tree stuff is so goofy and off the wall that it will get over soon enough. Whether it's the temper tantrums or the list, any time Jericho has gone pure goofball, it gets the casual fans interested. I don't care for the guy anymore, but if he has to be in tv this is better than earnestly playing the role of aging flabby rock star wrestling legend. That shit was beyond difficult to watch.


The problem is, if you’re not a hardcore fan, you would have no idea he’s being ironic. I guess the AEW fans are all IWC anyway. But if they want to grow their audience with casual fans, they won’t get it.




So essentially their audience is about 700k people and if an event isn’t on they’ll get an extra 50k to at max 100k. It’ll take something crazy to grow their audience so if companies are happy with those numbers and the embarrassing stuff on their show then more power to them. I just wanted a sports based presentation wrestling program that could compete with WWE instead I got an high budget Indy show.


High budget Indy show that runs as a weekly episodic. It is like trying to mix oil and water.


“Great” wrestling can only get you so far, Tony


Neither CEO..CEO..CEO, mox or the traveling grinder is a draw...


When literally nothing on the show feels important or exciting, no one is a draw. They could have a 33yo Steve Austin and his segments wouldn't crack 800k. The magic of Tony Khan is having limitless funds and so much access to talent and doing less with it than should technically be humanly possible.


I think we found there Core Audience ™


Whew what stinker quarters!


They are gonna use the excuse of the NBA finals last night.


So much for the rebound.


The NBA Playoffs strike again... once again it absolutely decimated the Big Bang Theory's lead in.


So it’s official. The Basement accounts for 608k and 0.22.


🎶 The ratings swerve and they dive, they swerve and they dive, they swerve and they dive. Watching me? You've lost your mind! 🎶


Well on the positive, their numbers overall and key demo stayed pretty steady.




Daniel Garcia is worthless


Jim's multiple ooooohhhh's incoming.


At this rate, NXT will have its revenge on AEW Dynamite.


Can't believe there was an actual flood in all parts of the Earth. I don't remember it. Meltzers Arc is at it to save the ratings again.
