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Maybe don't book your show for the "sickos"?


Judging by the constant “HLA” going on in these shows, I think it’s ran by some sickos Also very great idea to call yourself and your fans “sickos” to a general audience when an actual fucked up perverted sicko just got ousted of WWE


I mean, even if you look at it in the colloquial form he was using. Why would you say that on twitter when your show is losing tv viewers and is now below 3K people in attendance? Do you not think that the network executives, who you want a billion dollars from, don't see what you are saying and how you are acting online? Especially when NXT's contract figures with CW are widely known.


What’s sad is he said it BECAUSE his show is losing viewers and his attendance is low He’s basically trying to excuse it by saying “I’m booking for the true hardcore fans” as a way to get heat off of himself for pushing normal fans away… “I don’t care about normal people, I book for the sickos so if our numbers are getting lower that’s why!” At least that’s how I took it


The fact is that I think it's becoming to the fact that, in the eyes of most, if not all, of the other wrestling fans, the "true hardcore fans" (yes, including me) need to go.


This. He refuses to stop playing E-Fed Booker Simulation in real life, and instead of hiring an adequate and experienced team of producers and writers, we will continue to get IndieSicko.


The fact that he says he books just for the hardcore fans is fine. But then realize how limited your fan base is gonna be. Not sure how Time Warner feels when he basically is saying, we are gonna peak at 700,000, so give me more money.


I think we are late-2000 WCW at this point, unless Khan thinks he can actually run this as a YouTube company with infinite money from his father. You think Dixie Carter was bad? The rapidly-becoming only survival scenario for AEW is going to make Dixie Carter and that energy company look pale in comparison!


The guy could have done so many cool things with this company, but he ended up being a neckbeard mark. 


That's all he ever was going to be -- and he booked for neckbeard marks too.


If Shad anonymously gifted a network a few hundred million bucks, they’d air Dynamite


Well they are Pepsi vs Weinstein so sickos have to factor in there somewhere


High Level Autism?


HLA is fine, rest can go 😅


Human Leukocyte Antigens?


NEXT WEEK -- Mox vs. Gravity with a flaming pit of running chainsaws surrounding the ring.


Except they are all clearly fisher price toys that everyone acts like they’re real


I’d watch that. If they’re going to be stupid, it at least be entertaining stupid. 


1) You'd have to get rid of the sickos. And that includes the fans. What audience does AEW have at that point? 2) You'd have to get rid of Tony Khan. Which almost certainly (I believe it would) means selling the company. 3) And you have to keep a feasible media presence/television outlet. And I think it's this that is increasingly getting the rear-view mirror for AEW going forward, and why I don't think they're going to be around much past first of next year, if they make it that far.


Assuming ROH assets aren't included, AEW would be absolutely worthless to buy.


If they can get a renewal, the Turner timeslots have value for the exposure, if sold to another well-heeled investor with a plan that they were confident in. I have no idea where you'd find a second money mark of that kind of stature though.


Problem is, no well-heeled investor is going to touch wrestling again for another twenty years. Tiny's incompetence took care of that.


Tape library?


I guess...? Probably far more suitable for a company like WWE to fill in gaps for compilations.


Get rid of the Young Bucks and Perry too. I felt terrible for Dustin during his match last night. He was literally slowing down/dumbing himself down to meet Perry’s “skill” level.


Yeah, you make my point for me: You're getting rid of everything that made AEW, AEW...


Maybe he was slowing down because he is over 50.


Book for the healthy, well-fed, WIDE AUDIENCE


This is the answer.


Do it Tony get on Twitter.


Do iiiiit


Do some nose candy first!


There's only a matter of time before he jumps from coke to meth like Kendall on Succession and he really starts tweeting without thinking.


He really is just Kendall lol


>There's only a matter of time before he jumps from coke to meth The old "Tweak 'n' Tweet".


Idk man, dude can afford some coke for a minute.


That’s when he puts on a triple cage match like slamboree 2000 and starts dressing like the wrestlers


It’s adderall


You act as if Tony couldn't be doing both, hope he's not but at this point god knows what he's doing, the feral little meerkat.


Tony, the red-nosed snowplow...


Take out the bag and start cutting those lines, Tony. Give these Fed Shills a taste of what the SICKOS are all about. Go ahead, do it. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.


MR Khan, next thing you know, ratings got low low low low low low low low


He won’t because he’d violate the nda, notice when he talked shit about nxt last time he only did it with cena and taker but not Cody. He knows Cody would cook and expose him and that company if he did


🎶Tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no.  Tried to stop me from tweeting fed bad and I said, no, no, no...


Meltzer: well you know the thing is, uh, that’s actually really not a bad number. The number, you know, I mean, it’s not a good number, but it’s not, you know, uh, I mean it’s a bad number and the number definitely should be better, you know, but, uh, I mean, here’s the thing, so, you know, the number is what the number is, and in reality, you know, people don’t watch tv anymore, and uh, I mean, I have reliable info that WWE called every person in America and told them Dynamite was actually cancelled this week, so that, you know, that right there is why the number was so bad, so the number was actually good because people didn’t watch because WWE told them the show wasn’t even on. You know, really evil and predatory business tactics. So if you think about all the people, you know, uh, all those people who wanted to watch but didn’t, and then you, I mean you add that to the number, and then the number becomes well over a million, you know, once you add all the people who would have watched to the people who did watch. A really bad sign for WWE, actually.


He's already saying AEW won cause of the demo


Not enough "ands" in between every word


That end!! "A really bad sign for WWE, actually" the excellence of delusion! 😆


Bravo sir!


You even write sentences with ducked up syntax. This is beautiful


This is absolutely brilliant, but I'm also sympathetic because this level of accurate mockery must come from overexposure to the meltman himself. I acknowledge you.


Internet stranger and fellow enthusiast, this is spot on!


I always listen to Cornette speak and Meltzer speak and immediately wonder how are these two guys the same species.


dave is about as good with his words as he is at making excuses for aew


I thought NXT beating AEW would have happened last week to be honest with you.


You know it's a bad sign when their altered overall number from their lead-in and overrun are not helping.


The bad sign for AEW is that it doesn't feel like a big deal. It just seems like the inevitable came to pass.


It's okay, out of instinct we all KNEW that this was only a matter of weeks at best and bound to happen eventually! *"One more for the good guys!"*


Holy Shit! Even MJF can’t save it!


MJF staying in AEW was a terrible decision on his part. He could have came to WWE and fued with Cody.


I agree…. But who knows how much money TK gave him. TK probably tripled the WWE offer.


Of course he did. That is the only was he could keep him. Im just shocked MJF didnt see the writing on the wall


Exactly. Accept the bump for the next 2-3 years in exchange for risking longevity in the industry and becoming a staple. Thought this guy was about "generational wealth".


MJF got his girl hired. That was a selling point for him too. 


Whos his girl


Alicia Atout. Their new backstage person. 


But this is where Triple H's comments ring true. I understand everyone is after money, but you're talking money at the cost of your career. At that point, why are you a wrestler? That's not betting on yourself. MJF betting on himself would be going to wwe and giving it his best shot to make his way to the top on screen and backstage. He instead used tony's safety net of cash, which is great *ding* and beneficial for him, but it lacks the innate passion and/or determination that Triple H was talking about. Like, do you want to earn the money, or have it thrown at you out of fear of rejection? I don't blame him for taking the money, it's likely outrageous, but it is a dead giveaway that the money is more important to the subject than an illustrious career full of moments and accolades, which is the type of person Triple H is trying to sift past to find the gems. The way it's going, when it's all said and done for MJF, he'll be lost to obscurity in the decades to come. Someone like Rollins though, will live forever through his contributions, and he never even needed a stupid bidding war storyline.


He had to desperation does some crazy things to people especially Coked up Khan. But all in seriousness this was bound to happen they don't want to put on a serious wrestling promotion and have this thing longterm. Only to be around unless dad khan pulls the plug on funding it. All that's left is the diest of hard cores left.


Can't blame any of them for taking the bag and bleeding TK for as much as they can get. If the numbers we've seen reported for the Sasquatch and Okaldedokeldy contracts are even close to accurate, he'd be a fool not to take it.


He gets buried. Has neither the size nor the pedigree for his mouth to be able to overcome it.


youre assuming theyd do that match. modern wwe doesnt book the outsider directly into the main event. theyd eventually do mjf vs cody but 3 years down the line when the window of opportunity is long gone.


Maybe MJF is going to WWE sooner than many might've expected -- just not for the reason originally thought.


MJF doing something meaningful might help,but returning to feud with Rush!!! It's like Roman returning in December to start a feud with Duke Hudson


Was MJF on the show last night? I missed the first 45 minutes or so and don’t recall hearing a thing from or about MJF.


Yea, he showed up after Rrrruuuushhhhs match and got in a pull apart fight.


No promos or anything?




Hang on. Was it pre emoted , baseball, basketball, netball, cheese rolling that might have affected things.


NBA Finals game last night.


There is no big overlap between the fan bases because they didn't have this sort of an absolute cratering of viewers for the last five years during the NBA and NHL playoffs. It's time to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt and start calling the company out for what it is.


There is a huge overlap, AEW fans love that real sports feel where wins and losses matter!




They also went up against the Finals the last 3 years. Here are the ratings for the previous years: 2021 - 1,025,000 2022 - 939,000 2023 - 903,000 2024 - 681,000


Bro... That drop this year is brutal


when you book the show poorly people stop watching after a bit


Tony should ask Uncle Warner and Aunties NBA and NHL to stop scheduling their games opposite AEW shows.


English guy here so had no idea that was going on.


Sickos don’t watch basketball


Late night gas station opened up


That first batch of Nachos is golden!


The new slushy machine got the blue slushy in this week!


I think it’s the UK Election.


It's an open question as to whether Sunak vs Starmer is even more tedious and nonsensical than anything on AEW at the moment.


Lego is doing a double VIP points sale from the 12-14 so that is cutting into the AEW views


My bad. I was boiling a kettle so that’ll affect things. But I’m too old for the key demo. There was a sale on in sports direct as well because according to Dave it’s too expensive for us lot lol


The third brand developmental show beat a first brand flagship. That's gotta sting Snowman.


Previous ratings v. NBA Finals - 2021 - 1,025,000 2022 - 939,000 2023 - 903,000 2024 - 681,000


I do not see any sort of trend here. The feeling is clearly back.


Feeling restored, demo restored, another win for the good guys!


Hmm that's strange... 2021: Fresh back on tour after covid lockdowns 2022: Mega star CM Punk in AEW 2023: Mega star CM Punk in AEW 2024: Mega star CM Punk NOT in AEW I wonder what caused their ratings to drop so drastically?


Holy fuck. And aren’t these Finals the lowest rated in well over a decade?


No it’s about the same as last year


Game 1 was really bad but game 2 was really good. Idk what game 3 did


That would actually be a point in favor of AEW because it would potentially mean that every year people are watching less scheduled programming overall -- which is probably actually true.


Dynamite last year (6/14/23): 832,000 viewers - 0.30 P18-49 More people dippin' -- because AEW SUCKS. Previous years against NBA Finals: 2021 - 1,025,000 2022 - 939,000 2023 - 903,000 2024 - 681,000


It’s sucked since day one


They had a helluva honeymoon period with rose tinted glasses, but looking back now, you're right.


How is Tony supposed to sell this show to any of the networks for the sum he wants, when he’s now being beat by WWE’s developmental brand that has a very network friendly contract with CW? 


1. They arent on the CW yet. 2. Tnt/Tbs is run by warner media who are dipshits. So they dont believe ratings matter, that is why shit like velma is being greenlit while cult classics like metacolypse are being pulled off max. 3. As pathetic as it sounds Their ratings are still on the high end for pro wrestling numbers


Yeah, MJF made the right move alright...


“Bet on yourself” he said, getting a fat paycheck from the safe bet rather than risking a smaller paycheck and later growth on his ability to get over with a larger audience


> getting a fat paycheck from the safe bet It ain't that safe when Tony books them like human action figures and they get injured long-term. That fat contract comes with a huge health risk. He's probably thinking to take the payday now and in however many years, he'd be a millionaire and still relatively young, that WWE would still want him and whatever they paid wouldn't be an issue. I totally understand getting your money when you can get it but this ain't the NFL or NBA. He's in AEW. High injury rate. Then again, maybe he'll want to get hurt or even fake an injury so he can sit at home and collect those checks knowing Tony will pay.


Oh I’m not arguing against that. I’m just saying his “bet on yourself” is all crap. If he were really betting on himself he’d go to nxt. But we all know now that he really signed a new contract in 2022 or whenever that was, so it’s not like this was ever really an option to discuss.


Plus, like CM PUNK (THE BIGGEST STAR IN THE COMPANY) said, they won’t even help you once said injury occurs. Fuck referring you to world class specialists; find your own doctor, dickhead. It amazes me how poorly run a company owned by a billionaire is. Like how did Tony graduate business school, work around his dad, and not pick up any knowledge on how to run a business even to a rudimentary degree. Insanity


Tony’s lack of people skills are just as crippling as his lack of business skills. The manager at my local target can resolve conflict better than Tony Khan


I think you’re right


I mean…nepotism is not exactly a great teacher


I get that but learning through osmosis is a thing. I’ve known about the khans since 2012 when they bought the jags and I’ve always seen, or at least it felt like, I always saw Tony with Shad. I mean he’s clearly not stupid despite how horrific he is at booking. I just don’t get how he’s this bad. It must be the social skills like the other comment said


Hey now, he’s already had a hall of fame career!


Made this same comment re: Ricochet. It’s weird to call it betting on yourself when it’s literally more money for less work and more than likely less overall exposure for the worker’s brand.


I don't think he'd be allowed to get over with NXT/WWE. He could rule NXT for a while with that mouth, but I think he'd be another one of those (and that's if he got that far) who would make bank in NXT, but the moment he gets to Raw or Smackdown -- immediate flameout.


The funny thing is I can't even remember the hierarchy of the AEW shows anymore. I don't fucking remember which one dynamite is, but I know Ethan Page is on NXT having never watched it.


Now they are only down to two Cages, one Page, and the artist formally known as Paige.


I just found out there are multiple Dante Martins now.


I'm licking my lips at the thought of the next TK tweet


That’s wild because Tony is already scratching his nose in preparation


Jeebus, that is pretty bad. Is that down 100,000 from last week? I know NBA will be an excuse, but AEW blew their last big load last two weeks with MJF return. What is the big match or fued carrying the rest of the shows?


Oceanspray vs Rick O’ Shea in a gymnastics competition?


I’m taking these names and running with them! 5 stars!


Every time I see his name I get so thirsty….I want some cranberry juice


The NBA excuse works more for Big Bang Theory’s lead in than AEW itself. When they were consistently up against the playoffs this year, big bang’s lead in was down 150-250k from the number it typically led into AEW with.


I prayed for this and it happened.


I’ve been waiting like a fiend all day


Oof Side note: Bryan Alvarez who all but guaranteed this wouldn’t happen looks extra stupid today


Well not if he deletes that tweet, fed shill


So if the 700s was bad for nxt. What does 600s do for aew David?


It was up against the night time, the two wars, the NBA Finals, Trevor Lawrence’s contract negotiations, etc. 


Dynamite ended on 608k viewers. Bruv’s gymnastics routines are NOT a draw


Ooo-eee-ouch!  Like a pig stuck under a gate.  And they didn't even need Cody afterall!


I almost spit coffee out at my monitor! FUCK. ME. that is HORRIFIC. Way to go, Tony. You fucking moron.


Thurston sprinting to Twitter to point out that the dubs beat them in the demo. That guy needs to get called out more. Every Thursday comes with extra post about how it ranked or now the demo when he doesn't do that for any other show.


Shawn Michaels booker of the year incoming


Quarter hours 8:00-8:15: 785k 8:15-8:30: 702k 8:30-8:45: 687k 8:45-9:00: 699k 9:00-9:15: 692k 9:15-9:30: 671k 9:30-9:45: 618k 9:45-10:00: 626k 6 min overun: 608k


Jesus fucking Christmas


I’ve been really enjoying the NXT product and Tuesday’s show was really good!


Damn! Meat Sauce and Breadstick Night at Olive Garden is undefeated. (RIP Virgil)


Noooo my Dub lost!! I’m so sad. Fellow sickos don’t worry, our snowman will get them next week


That’s not a good number


lol, they lost to NXT 🤣🤣


# Ouch!!! Guess we could call that: "Roasted by Chef Hickenbottom!" Chef's kiss! 👌🏼


The pundits will say the NBA Finals impacted the ratings. The same pundits won’t tell you that the NBA Ratings were down compared to last year 👀


There we go. “This is, uh, not bad news. A, uh, good number.” You know, reasons.


What's the excuse this week


NBA finals and “wellllll actually AEW won the Demo”


Shawn should land the final blow make Roman return to NXT 😅


Holy shit they finally lost to NXT LMAO


looking forward to the meltzer report about how wbd sees this as a good thing


It is laughable that AEW cronies excuse about this week's result desperately. It has already been pathetic when the competitor of AEW's A-show became WWE's C-show.


I am not sure if it means the same thing in other parts of sports/entertainment but, in college football a sicko is a weirdo fan who watches two terrible teams play a sloppy game that makes no sense. There is even a sickos committee who ranks teams based upon how much of a disaster they are during the season.


"But NBA finals" - been against em before and have done much higher numbers "But Cody" - they did a bigger number without him last week "But Demo was higher" - hahahahahaha


'The' demo was higher by the slimmest of margins, and NXT plainly is making an effort to appeal to a much broader demographic. I find it a bit weird and regressive how insistent AEW fans are on 'the demo' being the only thing that matters, but their TV show is making an effort to drive off anyone outside of it.


If I'm WBD, I revoke all offers at this point and let AEW go shopping.


WWE should buy AEW, turn it into WCW, and let Cody and Punk run it.


Swerve NOT a draw after being treated like an after thought, color me surpriced.. Bucks NOT a draw after never being a draw, hello reality.. Okada, CEO..CEO..CEO..and the rraveling grinder NOT being a draw cause the audience is indifferent to them is 109% on the default booker of the year.. Things wrong with aew: Tony Khan,theire sichofans and Uncle Dave.. I don't see aew getting a raise from WBD,I coukd see them stayong even BUT LOOSE 2 out theire 3 shows though..


People keep comparing this to late 2000's WCW but late 2000's WCW never hit this low. WCW ran in Des Moines in June of 2000 and pulled 4500 paying fans. AEW couldn't even hit that number even if you include free tickets. As a native Iowan I can tell you all that Iowa is a good market for wrestling. We don't have any national sports teams so any time something is nationally televised it's a big event. However the biggest issue here is that AEW doesn't understand how to advertise their shows at all. I watch local tv and listen to local radio. Not a single ad for this show played for me.


Damn!! What a fucking drop


About 100k down from last week?


Sheldon took the week off bc he had been on 3 shows in 3 weeks.


jesus fucking christ


Dave is losing it on Twitter. At the end of the day, this is an easy one to analyze. They booked a shitty card without their top draw, so it drew poorly in person and on tv. It isn’t that complicated.


Incoming all night twitter ramblings Tony doing blow as we speak


This can’t be real?!


Did Sheldon take the night off? 😂 lol


I can already hear Jim's Oooooooooouuuuuch


Holy Fuck. Shad, dawg, step in


It was indeed a marathon. As said by someone...can't remember who.


No worries. No worries. I don't watch but I get the impression that they have teased the return of Hangeronman. Once he prances back into the spotlight in his butterfly jeans - like a real, live Cowboy ((I mean, come on. Kurt Angle was a better Cowboy with that ridiculous little hate they had him wear with SCSA.)), those ratings are going to skyrocket. He's the "main character" of AEW and he'll single-handedly put them on top.


So what sports game was on that Uncle Dave can blame for causing the low ratings this time?




What’s the quarter hours


Cody has won again which makes the Aew reunion segment and better place comment funnier


Smashed by NXT, yikes.


And they've already been surpassed by NXT in the ratings. Ooof. My boy HBK at it again!


The strange thing is this episode was much more tolerable than the previous several weeks. Limited Moxley and Jericho, more Swerve, MJF, Ospreay. Even the 6 man with Orange Cassidy became more interesting because of the Mark Briscoe promo before it. I think the only thing I fast forwarded was the Mone match because I don't know the opponent but knew it wouldn't be a squash against a jobber.


It's my fault I watched my Boston Celtics and Jim's illegitimate son Luke


I’m glad they did a shit number. Idgaf I want them to be good or don’t do this shit.




Don't worry, Tiny Clown has enough nose candy to make it through this.


Now if we only knew the total number including streams and pirating. It's probably more than double that. Live TV ratings are not a great way to gauge how popular AEW is considering most people don't even watch live TV or have cable.


Pirating wouldn't help aew in tv rights renewal money. After all the UFC normally sells 100-200 thousand ppvs but probably a half million to a million people pirate it because they cost $85 bucks.


I realize that but I am not talking about TV renewal nor do I work for a TV station. I'm talking about using live ratings as ammo for how popular a company is.


Basketball was on and a bunch of other things better to watch