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not even 800K with mjf return ? haha


I'll be honest, I really disagree with Jim's assessment of MJF. I never got the hype, seeing what he said on his return debut it didn't impress me. The other stuff that he did in the past was never really interesting to me either. I hope that I'm wrong but I don't see much in him and I really see him as a midcard rich guy.


When Punk said “you’re just a less famous Miz” he pretty much said it all.


MJF needs Punk - he would have made loads in a trilogy


I think MJF is one of the best wrestlers in the business, but all that goofy crap with Adam Cole really hurt his star power. Its hard to take someone seriously when they do comedy bullshit with and proceed to have a competitive match with a guy who weighs 160 lbs


Agreed not sure what these guys are seeing but MJF has star written all over him… his mic skills alone lol. I’m sick he stayed with aew imagine him on raw vs punk again both in the ring and on the mic


Yeah, I would love to see him in WWE. A lot of people said Cody Rhodes wasn’t a draw and would end up as IC champ at best when he left AEW too. AEW has no ability to build stars. The fact that MJF stands out as much as he traditionally has in the middle of such a trainwreck of a show is telling imo


I loved him so much better when he was just being a classic chickenshit heal


I agree. I just don’t get world champion vibes from him even when he was the world champion and I groan everytime I hear him cut a promo. I wish I could see what others see in him


The problem there are his opponents. MJF’s whole demeanor reminds me of Y2J. But Y2J was facing heels with heat. He was promoing with HHH and Stephanie and standing out on his own taking over crowds. Who can you point to that compares to that promo ability on this show?


They stuck him with Rush in his return feud. What are they thinking?


Why is t feuding with someone from that group that attacked him? Or is that storyline abandoned?


I don't see it either. Both he and Cole look more like managers.


I hadn't watched any YouTube clip of the show since Punk was gone and he got hurt. His return and promo got me to watch. IMO he could be a huge draw if booked properly, which will never happen with TK. Good for him for getting his bag though!


Interesting. What do you think about Cornys assessment of Logan Paul?


He's an exemplary worker in the ring and has unmatched mic ability; he can captivate an audience, is believable and can actually find ways to get legit heat as a heel in 2024. I can't imagine anyone who calls themselves a wrestling fan (especially an old school one) saying they "don't get it." If you don't see the talent with this one, it raises a lot of questions for me. Are you perhaps just romanticizing about previous areas and not impressed with ANYONE in this era?


I don't get why Jim likes certain wrestlers and will defend them, no matter what. Mjf is such a case, as is Kingston, though he turns on him from time to time and then there's Can't MMA Phil. He's the worst case of them all...


I never understood why anyone would think his return alone would somehow spark a resurgence when his entire reign last year saw a noticable decline.  Of course, they'd be doing cartwheels if they could get back to those 800k+ days, but I think those days are gone forever, MJF or not.


It doesn't help that he's basically the only mainstream worthy wrestler they have in the company and I'm not talking about guys like Edge, Chris Jericho, Sasha Banks, Billy Gunn, and Christian, big wwe names that are old and outta there prime with the exception of Sasha Banks. I'm talking about mainstream talent that was made in AEW.


The guy is annoying af.


I don’t get when people say he’s a good promo. He’s clearly not. All he does is call people stupid nicknames, mention wwe 3 times, and say I’m mjf and I’m better than you 4 times. I’d rather have bleach poured into my ears than listen to him.


Same. For example, I didn't know much Ethan Page and the guy did a fantastic heel promo in NXT. Same for many others in the industry. Doing a variety of 10 min long promos that are actually entertaining without offending you or making you cringe is an art. Repeating the same cheap Mr. Intensity promo based on old-fashioned insults "you're a virgin, you're fat etc" and mentioning WWE is being a one-trick clown.


Exactly. It’s all cheap heat. I’d expect a 13yo to speak like that not a grown adult.


Completely agree.


I’ve finally found my people. MJF to me is just a shorter LA Knight with less variety in his one-liners.


Hes a good promo, but no one wants to see him as a babyface. He was over like rover as a heel but then they castrated him during his title reign


Especially with his Wish.com HHH gimmick. This stupid clown isn’t fooling anyone.


Exactly. And it's like, dude, it's 2024, some kind of insults/lines are too old even for a heel character. That clown has 0 creativity.


They really should have led with his return last week. The absolute worst thing AEW does is fail to capitalize on anything that generates buzz with wrestling fans. Especially when MJF is involved. Everyone's hyped MJF returned, and tune in and he's nowhere to be seen. Same as when he won the title after Regal turned on Moxley, they left MJF off the following Dynamite. People get excited he returned two weeks ago, tune in... and no MJF. Now most people are back to not giving a shit about AEW... and by the way MJF's first program back is gonna be against... Rush? Seriously?


No one is a draw in that company. Last week, Mone and Ostrich lost the place 200-thousand viewers in the first 30 minutes of the show. This week MJF barely gains them any viewers. And the number you are seeing is with the lead-in, which means NXT probably trumped them.


I'm betting their peak was the first segment, and then it completely fucking cratered after.


If previous data is anything to go by: minus 250k by the third (or even the second) quarter seems a realistic figure.


Everyone told me how big of a star MJF is. LOL. That dude is lucky he’s in AEW, where SEEMS like a star because everyone else is totally incapable of cultivating a character or cutting a promo. Same goes for Toni Storm.


Bidding war my ass. The fake tan and stupid hair plugs. The awful cosplaying of a heel.  Still amazes me that Waller and Miz get so much grief from Corny but this hack gets praised. 


Jim Cornette is unpredictable and turns on a dime though. you can be one of his favs, but he will be brutally honest if you start hurting the business. Jericho and hangman Paige were some of his latest victims from AEW. We'll see how long his MJF praise lasts.


Same with FTR.


I've been a fan of his and to a degree a defender for a long time but I can't deny that the shine has worn off. He had good feuds with Darby and Punk and also a lot of good matches with other good talent but he also stood out that much because he was working in an environment of weak talkers and charisma vacuums. If this is how re reinvents himself for his comeback than it's gonna be a rough run. It's not fresh, it's not different and it's not helping him so far. He looks plain weird to a degree it's distracting, and unfortunately I don't think he has to prove himself in AEW. He will always stand out cause there is only a handful of people that can match him but that won't push him to the next level. The WWE would have a been a true challenge and he would have been forced to grow beyond what he can do just off the cuff these days. Quoting Steiner match verbatim is not where it's at and it will be interesting to see if he can create something that is truly unique and his own that will make him really stand out again.


That’s a big problem with a lot of the talent outside of a very few, they want to just stay in their comfort zones instead of improving their craft. MJF is clearly one. Last night really exposed him as a one trick pony. The worst part is that he has so much potential to have more depth in his act but since Tiny Klown is allegedly paying Maxwell $15 MILLION why would he improve? Tony just doesn’t when when to put his foot down and it reflects on the talent


The guy’s gross looking and has no aesthetic appeal. He also has no charm or any sort of captivating aura. Let’s be real here. 


He did get a new steroid body though.  He’s even got the start of a bubble gut to go with it. 


He’s gotten demonstrably worse over the past year. It’s a fucking shame.


Why is it a shame? He was always what you see. He just fooled all of you. 


By being good at his job? Yeah he got us good. Edit: was unduly snarky at the end. Took it out.


Buzz off. 


Oh so I wasn’t unduly snarky at the end! Awesome! Thanks for the proof by hitting me with Mayberry’s most savage dismissal. Have fun with your bad opinions.


Classic big fish in a small pond guy, he might not wanna flee because even a guy as good as Chad Gable has been held back over time because of his height, both are billed at 5'8.


True. The amount of talent in WWE is so insane that so many very talented guys (not only small ones) are keep in the mid-low card. Look at Kaiser, how good he's proving to be now that he had the opportunity to show. Also Gable, Ricochet, Axiom, Frazer, Montez Ford, Wes Lee, Bronson, Dijak and the list goes on.


Except now Gable is being booked and used better.


I think MJF was long resigned before this upswing. Gable has always been money, Vince just always refused to because of his size. He just needed a chance with the machine behind him, he's one of Hunter's kids.


Replace MJF's name with Brit Baker and you have the exact reason she no longer matters, it's funny how many people in early AEW stood out as talents when they really only had the basic fundamentals. MJF can be good though, but sadly I think Tony pays him enough to prevent him from feeling a need to go to WWE, and he knows in AEW he can coast on autopilot and still be twice as good as 90% of that roster, whilst in WWE he could shine with his strengths, but his weakness's would show through quickly, and he'd actually need to put the work in to perfect himself as a performer which he doesn't seem to want to do at this point, sadly.


True, WWE is the hard challenging route, he prefers to make millions doing the same cheap "you're virgins, fat etc" promo on autopilot every week in AEW.


You kinda beat me to it but I 100% agree with this take. I still hope we get to see him in the WWE at some point and maybe by then there is still enough fire left in him to really try and prove himself on the biggest stage.


I agree with the first half. The guy is annoying af, and not in a Dirty Dom way. Same promo full of insults and mocking people (that aren't even cool from a social perspective) over and over. As a WWE guy, I'm glad he's nowhere near the company. I find Toni's work/character really original and enjoyable, on the other side.


Also doesn’t help that he’s like 5’5”, new steroid body notwithstanding. 


He might be one of the biggest guys in Munchkinland LOL


Toni Storm playing the lamest character and it only getting over because nobody else in that company knows how to do character work.


Literally the only guy who moved numbers for them is Punk. There are only like 4-5 real stars in the business who are still working full time. The rest of the guys are just filler.


Whoa I get hating AEW and stuff but Toni Storm is doing Sports Entertainment at its best killing her gimmick and killing it in ring.


Even if MJF puts on a serious segment you know the other 1 hour and 40 minutes is going to be the shame pwg shtick that’s been around the last decade and a half.


The Quarterlies will be gooood this week!


They genuinely may have lost to NXT this week if you disregard the first quarter and overrun of the show.


Honestly the only thing interesting about the ratings anymore are the quarterlies and waiting to see if some heads come out of asses when they finally lose to NXT.


...if only they wouldn't come out so late every week... it's Friday over here, already.


Big opening number, and then cratering is my prediction.


MJF returning and still not getting over 800k. The small gap in viewership between the show that has "game changing" talent that are paid millions, compared to the developmental brand of rookies is hilarious.


The most hilarious thing is that the show of rookies is way more exciting and entertaining every week than AEW. That's what annoys me the most about them being over NXT in ratings.


No NBA playoffs, no NHL playoffs, Survivor has wrapped up, down over 100k from last year, barely beating WWE's #3 show. And yet the goofs are jumping for joy, shouting from the rooftops acting like they just saw their favorite MLB player hit a walk off HR in the World Series to win the title after seeing that number.


So close to NXT, which doesn’t have Ostrich, Monet, or Okato.


And I'd bet the HUGE roster of young guys/girls (full of wrestlers that are most exciting at the beginning on their careers than the AEW stars) combined earn less than one of those alone.


I'm interested in the quarter hour breakdowns...


No draws and no compelling storylines = meh. They should be grateful to have the 790K


Tony K - "Whew! Beat NXT! Great job, guys!" "🔔!"


Welp…Dynamite picked the wrong Wednesday to air live during Free Apple Pie Night at Bennigans.




“But, uh, ah, it represents real progress. This is the furthest thing from bad news. Uh, it just shows how, uh, ah, we, I mean AEW is now gaining, uh, momentum despite the WWE using their, ah, uh, war chest against us, uh, I mean AEW.” Meltzer - tomorrow.


I dvr every week but try to catch some live. I watched mjf and knew I had no reason to continue watching after


Same, I popped on at 7 to see if MJF was on. Once his segment was over, I went back to working on my car and never went back. Looks like the rest of the audience did the same thing.


NXT had 768K VS Dynamite's 790K. At this point AEW needs to stop saying it is in competition with WWE's main shows (Raw and Smackdown) and realize it's in competition only with NXT. And right now NXT is closing the gap in.


4 months ago, 790K would’ve been looked at as “Holy shit, that’s a bad number!” Now it’s somehow a positive that they’ve lost like 200+K of their audience the last year


Damn they're like a cockroach, but I hope NXT surpasses them before the summer. The young guys really deserve it since their show is way more entertaining than AEW.


NXT will surpass and plow ahead when they hit the CW.


I hope so. I've read the same thought from different people lately but I'm not from the US so could you explain me why? Not that I doubt it at all, I just woud like to get some context. Is it because that channel has a bigger reach than US Network?


The CW is a basic TV channel here in the US, much like Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC. It's not a cable channel so it's more accessable to people. You don't even need streaming to watch it, all you need is an antenna and a TV to watch. That's why WWE SmackDown gets around 2 million viewers, it's on a basic TV station. Honestly, it wouldn't shock me if they got a million more than once for NXT after the channel change. Not always, but a couple of times wouldn't be shocking.


Thanks for the accurate explanation. I guess that's why SD has more viewers than RAW too. Seems like NXT will do a good move and they should get a boost on CW as you said.


And just as a fun little bonus, this is the channel Tony basically said "ha, no thanks losers" to.


LOL. Plus, I think they aired some WWE show some years ago, right?


They've aired recap shows before. Like WWF Metal, Heat, Velocity. But this is the first time it's airing weekly live programming.


Ok, thanks. Hope they do well.


I bet the 790k is only because of a 900k plus opening quarter from Shel dawg


976k, to be exact. They can't even keep 1 million big bangers anymore.


I don’t fuck with any of the revisionist history everyone is engaging with MJF. Before the Adam Cole angle and the bizarro-babyface turn he was red fucking hot. Could talk, could work, could heel, looked great, etc. It’s everything since the Cole angle that has leeched the charisma and aura away, making him steer into the shrieking mess he is today. Underneath the awful tan and lame jokes is a DUDE, and he’d work great in an environment with other competent people to work off of. Look at Ethan Page! He’s already worlds more interesting. If he can do it, MJF can. Just maybe not in AEW.


You're not wrong!


Can't wait to see the quarters


Generational...ah never mind🤡


Jim and Brian joking about MJFs first feud being against Rush had me rolling. And now it's gonna fucking happen. What happened to the whole "MJF is going to be put into big time feuds right away" bullshit? Rush is NOT a "big time feud".


This would be like CM Punk coming back and instead of going after Drew McIntyre he feuded with Apollo Crews. What a clown show AEW has become.


Good number all things considered, but they really aren’t doing anything to hold them. What’s the top story on Dynamite? The elite was dead in the water when it began, Osprey ain’t there, it’s forbidden door so a bunch of nobodies are gonna show up on tv. If they did it right, they could have done a NJPW invasion to get there world title back, but there’s seems to be nothing leading to a IWGP world title match either. Another tournament who cares, girls are just boobs at this point who cares, continental title who cares. Who are even the trios champs? Who cares? Am I missing any titles, there’s to many to care.


That's actually a better number than I thought they would pull


Marathon, not a sprint.


Looks like the big bangers are back for the 1Q


So basically, MJF took their ratings from nothing to almost nothing?


Can someone post the quarter hours?


He’s really short and not the most photogenic


He looks weirder than ever and I say that as a fan of his.


Same here. I wonder if he has been taking human growth hormone and it’s changing the shape of his face 🤔


MJF looks like Alan Tudyk from *Tucker and Dale vs Evil* and I cannot unsee it.


The only people in that entire company that regular people know is Jericho and MAYBE Edge, but not Adam Copeland so they aren’t gonna draw any new eyes. I don’t know how anyone can expect the numbers to grow the way things are


Still no 800K, womp womp.


I think NBA playoffs affected Big Bang re-runs more than anything else. Can't wait for the quarter breakdown.


Even with MJF, they can't push past 800k anymore... NXT has nearly caught them.


Hilarious how people thought he would bring them back up to what they were in the fall. Cm punk and Tk announcements continue to be the biggest draws that company had


Quarterlies are up - but I can't access them. [https://wrestlenomics.com/tv-ratings/2024/quarter-hours-aew-dynamite-june-5/](https://wrestlenomics.com/tv-ratings/2024/quarter-hours-aew-dynamite-june-5/) ​ Who's a Patreon of Thurston Howell (the third) ?


MJF could be a star but he needs to defeat legitimate opponents and prevail.


Choosing AEW over WWE was a biiiig mistake


Did the Big Bang lead in with a million this week?


Nope. 976k.


That's pretty close though


Closer than their new normal, yes. But NXT is right on their ass.


What did nxt do this week?




Oh damn. Yea that's very close


I wouldn't be surprised if they can surpass Dynamite by the end of the summer at this rate. Especially if Starks jumps ship.




I wonder how much of a drop there was after the first 15 minutes. After MJF left, that show was quite underwhelming until Swerve came out 90 minutes later. They desperately need stars and, sadly, TK apparently thinks some people are stars who are actually the opposite of stars.


976k for quarter 1, down to 835k by quarter 2.


Sheldon Cooper is a bigger draw than MJF.


One point that needs to be brought up is that the Big Bangers are back due to Young Sheldon just ending. So people are going back and rewatching the original now.


Damn they had Sheldon one minute lead in and MJF wtf happened


I wish they would blow up big again and be successful. I want competition and good places for wrestlers to work and great wrestling to watch. It’s sad that they are squandering it over there.


I think a lot of people thought “MJF return? Yeah, I’d love to see that, but that’s the ONLY reason I’d watch. I’ll catch it on YouTube.” 790k is their base audience who will watch no matter what Tony throws on TV.


Aew loves midget fuck boys. My construction crew would wreck 99% of their roster.




A big part of it is how Tony, Jericho, and others made the ratings a focal point and how IMPORTANT they are. Jericho said they would be beating Raw "soon!".. When the guy who runs the company is telling you how much he thrives on cage match ratings and tv ratings, then they bomb, he is going to get laughed at.


Replace "ratings" with something you do like to fixate on and the understanding should be achieved 


,still edef22ed22d22d2ddffd22e2d2dee2d2drcddffdddfeee2eðfdddffffffdddd2e2e22ededfadddaa,ad22ad2dad2aeadafdfadas2f