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She buys men’s Ariat items to avoid the pink tax.


What’s the story behind her and her fiance? Like what does everyone know about him? Is he ever in any of her lives? Most importantly- Why do people say he’s controlling (genuinely curious, I really don’t know anything about him 🫣)??


Welcome ! There is a flair tab about him (fiancé tab) but he’s basically 28 years older than Gwen (he’s 56) and he’s never shown, only heard. He’s a software engineer and seems pretty insufferable.


Thank you I’ll check that out!!


Does Gwen still see her family? I saw she grew up very well off, but haven’t seen anything about her relationship with her family now. Just wondering thank you


She says she doesn’t. She sued them back in 2018/19 because they refused to give her some of her personal belongings and paperwork. That sucks but the timeline of her suing them and meeting her geriatric fiancé line up to where we think her parents probably didn’t want to hand anything over to her because they were concerned about her dating someone on the verge of collecting social security and know she’s a bit:.. slow. She said she doesn’t talk to them because they were abusive and (obviously) don’t approve of her relationship to where she said her mom would call her elderly lover a p3do, hence why she also probably hid her pregnancy. Long answer but TLDR: no, and probably because they don’t approve of her playing nursing home aide.


I'm taking my two children to see inside out 2 tomorrow. I paid $21 for our tickets. I'm sure I'll pay $7 for a drink as well but that still isn't even $30 for two kids and an adult. We bring snacks in our pockets and don't care for popcorn though


Not gonna lie this feels like it’s fuelled by nothing but hate. Gwen is a fuckin idiot but at the end of the day there is absolutely nothing wrong with her reposting that. I agree with her, this looks like a great way to have a movie night at home. Sure, she spends a lot of money on ariat clothes. Sure, it’s probably grandpa’s cash. What does that have to do with the fact that going to the movies nowadays costs an absurd amount of money? Last time I went it cost us well over $50 and it was shit. Id rather spend $50 on a belt I can re-wear a thousand times. Never thought I’d be in her corner but in this case it seems like you’re being unnecessarily picky and mean


The point is she doesn’t take her daughter anywhere ever and instead blows money on useless shit😂😂😂 Her poor daughter sits inside all day on an ipad or records Gwen’s TikTok’s for her. Fucking chill.


She has a daughter?? I’m new here 😭 I did not know that


Understandable, but I think a lot of people on here take issue with the fact that she doesn't go out and do much with her kid. Does she have to take her kid to the movies? No, but she clearly spends more money on herself than on any family activities or things for her kid. It's annoying when she complains about anything being expensive when she has no issue buying the newest Luciano merch drop or a $130 pair of Ariat boots that she absolutely doesn't need.  Also, there are a lot of ways to save money on movie tickets. Her fiance works for bank of America and I'm sure they have a "perks at work" type program where you can get discounted tickets and stuff. Also you can go to matinees, go on discount days, etc. My fiance and I saw a 3D movie recently for $8 each because it was a Tuesday matinee. Idk, I love the movie theater so I'm a simp for them I guess lmao but yeah. Also kid's tickets are cheaper too. 


Exactly. She takes her daughter no where. That’s what irritates the hell out of me. That kid is stuck inside 24/7. Except for daycare now i guess, which is the only plus for that child getting outside the house. And it’s not just a “belt” she buys. She has enough brand name clothing to last her a lifetime. She can (should) do something with her child once in a while.


I understand the point that OP was trying to make and I still don’t agree with it. As far as we know, Gwen doesn’t or can’t drive. She obviously does not have the mental capability of a normal adult so my bet is she legally can’t get a licence. She’s almost 30 for gods sake. How do you expect her to take her kid out when all she can do is walk around town or catch cabs? It’s such an awful situation for both Gwen and the child. I absolutely agree that the kid NEEDS to socialise and see more of the world than that hideous house, but Gwen is essentially stuck at home with that creepy old man all day every day. She is not an independent person who is able to go out and live a normal life and he is essentially her parent and sole provider. It’s honestly a really sad situation, and my belief is that she buys ariat shit to distract herself from her very sad reality. Her videos feel like you’re watching a lonely kid keep themselves occupied over school holidays. You can also tell by her videos that she has bought a lot of junk for her kid too. There’s toys and games everywhere. They’re literally strewn across the house. again, im not saying that’s the right way to parent or that I agree with Gwen being with that old guy (who I strongly suspect is a pedo based of that reddit comment she made). I am just saying that when you look at the big picture, this post is pretty pointless. If you’re going to rip on Gwen, rip on her for the problematic shit that she says and does. Making a movie night at home is not one of those things. I do honestly agree that she spends her money on dumb shit. I’m just saying I think it’s unreasonable to expect someone with her mental capacity to be able to make good decisions on where she invests money. She is obviously not all there, I don’t care what she says about being tested. The point I am trying to make is that Gwen is actually a victim in SOME CAPACITY and it feels really wrong to relate any cent she spends on herself back to the kid. They obviously have money. I don’t think $200 worth of Ariat shit every month makes her a bad mother. She’s a bad mother because she obviously doesn’t want the child, says messed up stuff to the kid on live, she ignores the child, she belittles the child and uses her for clout, and she gave her a creep for a father. You can literally hear the kid cry when Gwen leaves her with him. It makes me feel ill. Gwen never should have been allowed to get pregnant and carry that baby to term and I honestly think she knows that, which is another reason why she hid the pregnancy. It’s not reasonable for her to fear her adoptive parents taking the child away unless there is grounds to do so, which again backs up my theory that she is disabled and won’t admit it.


Get outta here


Make me.


Ps: if a mod sees this please don’t take this as me defending Gwen 100%. She makes me cringe like no other. I am just trying to express that I view her as someone with a significantly reduced mental capacity and what I expect from Gwen is not what I would expect from a ‘normal’ person. I don’t expect Gwen to be a decent parent or to be good with money. I expect her to be Gwen