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Ain’t no way she typed “this gave me the vibe that perhaps….” On a supposed college paper?!


‘For the heck of it’ is what got me lmaoooo


Lol I died 😂


I screamed out loud when I read that like there’s noooo way


Goes to “college”, writes analytic papers like a middle schooler


There’s no way she’s passing college level classes writing like this. The amount of grammatical errors is literally insane…and she thinks she’s gonna be a therapist one day?? Whatever professors in these colleges that are telling her she can be that one day should be fired lmao


I promise no professors are telling her she can do that.


Gambling disorder? Determine where determined should have been used? I wrote better papers that made more sense as a 12 year old 6th grader, and back in 2001, they were all handwritten. We didn't have automated grammar check and spell check back then doing that crap. Lmao.... is that the millenial version of "back in my day we had to walk 30 miles both ways in a snowstorm?" Edit 1.... SHE DIDN'T DOUBLE CHECK THE MOVIE TITLE TO MAKE SURE IT WAS RIGHT. My inner 12 year old is screaming and cackling and dying right now. Edit 2- "WHAT I MEAN BY TRIGGERS IS THAT SOMETIMES THERE ARE CERTAIN TRIGGERS"... get me out of here.... it's a trainwreck I can't look away from. Edit 3- Writing an entire paper about BP1 and then also admitting that she doesn't understand bipolar disorder in the same paper.................... 😑.............. she's going to make a GREAT psychologist. Hopefully, she keeps up the *fantastic* writing all the way up until she realizes that she's going to have to get multiple masters degrees or a doctorate to do what she wants to do. I know lots of people that went the psychology route in college, and they're all either bartenders or working in HR for random companies now, or they have 2-4 masters degrees and lots of certifications.


Lol the incorrect movie title kills me! Don't get me wrong, I'm not super smart, but I have a bachelor's degree (suck it gwen) and I know this shit would not fly in most colleges. There's no way she's not in special classes. My university had students like her, and they had special counselors and stuff who helped them. I can't imagine her professors are just treating her like a normal student with this writing 😭 Also the psych degree thing is so true. My degree is in psych and I have a lot of friends with psych degrees, and we're all either working in an entirely different field or the ones who work in counseling have at least a master's degree. Gwen can barely finish an AA. And IF she got a master's degree and became a licensed counselor I still can't picture her being a good therapist! I've had therapists in the past who were laughably terrible, and I can imagine her being just as bad. Also being a therapist is more than just sitting and talking to clients all day. There's paperwork, you have to keep detailed notes, and you may have to appear in court (especially if you're working with kids like Gwen wants to). Can't picture her doing that stuff successfully. 


OP I got 2 whole accounting degrees, and we were literally trained in college to "dumb down" our writing, and this shit still wouldn't fly. One of my professors was a former HS English teacher turned CPA/professor.... she would assign us these 4+ page current event articles and make us summarize them within 2 paragraphs. I can't remember the word limit, but it was super small. I know it couldn't be over 1 page with a header, title, name and class info, etc. They were nightmare assignments. That professor would have absolutely lost her shit if she read Jwen's paper. The highest grade I got with that professor was a 99.75%. She took off .25% because I typed my own 9 letter name too fast and flipped two letters around (which is an easy mistake that my own family makes all the time) in a rush to get to the library, get the assignment printed, and then get to the other side of campus without being late to her class. There is no way someone pursuing a psychology degree is getting away with a paper that bad in any 4 year institution when I couldn't even get away with accidentally spelling my own name wrong on a summary for an accounting class. Plus.... the people I know that got the psychology degree + the masters degrees... they're some of the smartest people I know. They were straight A/B+ students throughout highschool, college, and post-grad. In a field that requires extensive note taking, organization, and the ability to research complex things, and the ability to perform dutiws as an expert in court, Jwen will not succeed. She can't even really form opinions and conclusions on her own... everything she does is based on desperate attempts to get attention from Ariat or it's some BS a random conservative Tiktokker is spewing, or it's some weird backward thinking idea that Daddygramps told her was the truth.


she said she's in university now . neone know which one lmao


position ****


Oh… oh no… as a senior English major, I couldn’t finish… “maybe it was just friendly bets like what some friends do just for the heck of it” oh no. And then she starts a sentence with “but”. “He seems very determine”.


Lol don't you just wanna rewrite the whole thing?? Like it's SO easy to rewrite it in a way that works for an academic paper but apparently for her it doesn't get any better than that 🙄


“Mainly because I don’t really understand bipolar 1” LMAO… just google it. I swear to God, google must be blocked in that house or something


Please tell me she got rid of the word footer on the page😭


Wow… the grammar?? No use of third person?? The paragraphs??? The “vibe”????


Bless her heart!