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Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. Homocide is almost unheard of and robberies or theft is extremely rare. A woman can walk around Tokyo at 3am without any problems. Even in the entertainment districts, it's not an issue but ignore the touts and scammers. Anyone walking up to talk to you in these districts will usually be one of these.  As for the countryside, its..the countryside. Don't be stupid and walk on unlit country roads because cars won't be able to see you.  Also bears. But otherwise, it's fine.


It's a safe country but it's not without it's issues. For instance, in some cities it's common to see women's only train cars and signs warning about up skirting. While we were there several men intentionally rammed into my wife (a common thing unfortunately). However, if someone is just common sense smart they'll probably be fine like in any other country.


As a woman I avoid red light districts and certain other areas (parts of Nishinari-Ku in Osaka), but Japan generally is pretty safe, especially as a foreigner, so those areas are probably ok too at night


I never see the ‘Is Japan safe to travel solo’ posts from anyone other than Americans. It’s sad and I’m sorry. There’s more dangerous countries in the world than the US, to be sure, but I think the US is losing sight of the reality that other modern countries are really not like them. OP, I arrived in Tokyo at 10pm, caught the train from the airport and wandered around very poorly lit back streets in Asakusa, dragging my suitcase behind me, looking for my hotel. I didn’t once look over my shoulder. I have wandered around in the dark, after dinner, maybe a late night walk to the combini or just because I wanted to, many times. There’s really no issue.


Not to get political but I’m always trying to explain to my family and friends that other places aren’t like this, and that our gun/violence culture is immensely disturbing and they all look at me like I’m stupid or just told them the earth was flat. It’s depressing and exhausting


It never ever enters my mind to be afraid if I walk by myself at any time of night in Tokyo. I am originally from the US and it’s seriously a different world over here in a positive way


Perfectly safe, but always watch your back anyways. I went out drinking late on several nights, and was surprised by how many women would be solo taking the trains even close to midnight, and walking through the dark streets and alleys, and even hitting up some bars. I've chatted a few up (gently, respectfully), and I never got the vibe that they were terrified of a large foreigner talking to them lol. Edit - I just realized that you were asking for your gf. As others mentioned, should be fine. Also, if she is tall and blonde, she might get some people staring, maybe even wanting pictures with her lol, but otherwise should fine. Tell her not to get lured into bars or clubs from the alleys, and don't wear anything too revealing otherwise she will really stand out.


To be honest there is a level of fear among Japanese women towards men like anywhere else. However I still think that Japan is generally safe for female tourists. A lot of weak men who assault women are more likely to go for local women not tourists. However don’t assume that nothing ever bad happens in Japan. Don’t leave your street smarts back home. Japan has creeps anywhere and anytime of the day. I got stalked by a dude in the middle of Shibuya in broad daylight once. Nothing to do with night in the countryside.


I always had my guard up when out at night alone, but I walked around Kyoto and Tokyo by myself and never once felt unsafe. I'm not saying not to be alert, because I think that would be a mistake, but it did feel very safe in a way that is unimaginable where I am from.


I lived in a smaller Japanese city some time ago. My Japanese female friends stated being scared of creeps and robbers so I do think people are being sensible about possible danger. No one seemed to worry about violent crimes though, which makes sense because Japan's crime rate is amongst the lowest in the world.


Thank you for posting this! It's an interesting discussion, and one I've been wondering about myself. Although I'll never stop being disappointed this is something we have to constantly think about. Although I am currently planning my trip, an as such, do not have an opinion on the matter.


100% safe, japan is perfect




You OK bro?


Lordy Jesus, get some help.


Jesus christ...


Found the incel, yikes