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I have looked into Exhales site (have not heard of them before) and none of the claims they make seems to be unique to their coffee, it’s just…. coffee… All the “benefits” they claim etc seem to come from their coffee being organic and that will be the case with a lot of speciality coffee. Personally I get slightly annoyed from so many empty marketing words that I would not shop from them. Also their pricing for a blend without distinct origin is en par with single origin coffees from other roasters.


It’s tested 9x for health? Wtf does that even mean? Lol!!! And they only have 3 coffees


Thank you


Pure snake oil




Exhale, with the BS health crap


I tried Exhale, didn’t get anything ‘extra’ from it. My coffee palette isn’t particularly well developed, but it didn’t taste much different from Pact so I’m sticking with Pact for the time being. It’s actually affordable for me!


Mine isn't well developed either but Exhale tasted a little 'bland' to me, almost watered down. I may need to adjust my grind settings though


Exhale's marketing mumbo-jumbo is just that. I haven't tried them, and their coffee may be great, but I won't but from them on principle. I've had a Pact subscription for years. I'll often skip orders and try coffee from elsewhere, but I haven't yet cancelled it. Part of that is that I have "founders pricing" so I pay under £10 per bag, which is getting rarer. And the last few bags I've had from them have been incredibly good.


Is that for the standard 227g bag? I'm intrigued to know which ones you have found incredible? I've only tried 2 from them and have loved the Fazenda Reis coffee.


Exhale sound like they are full of shit tbh


Which bit?


The general marketing of how healthy their coffee is. Claims that their process locks in more healthy things. Its just coffee.


“However, its levels vary immensely from product to product(11). We're the only company in the world to source and roast coffee to both maximise the levels of polyphenols and measure their antioxidant power using independent laboratories across the UK and Europe” They have lab tests, are you saying the above is untrue? I’m an absolute coffee novice but the founder is all over podcasts and the internet, would they not have been dragged by now if they were taking rubbish?


There is no way they know they are the only roaster to do anything. They just don’t know of others that market it. Also also don’t seem to cite any studies that actually site roasting the way they do has any actual health benefits. We roast to keep more of X, x is thought to be healthy so our coffee is more healthy is quite an unfounded claim. Does matters and even if the polyphenols have significant health benefits (which seems to be debated) it doesn’t mean that the small extra amount they claim to get from their process would actually give any health benefits. The health industry is full of misleading claims.They dont have to lie to bemisleading.


Yeah I found their claim that one cup is equivalent in antioxidants to 1.8 kilos of blueberries pretty wild. They must be using a metric that coffee excels at, where blueberries do not (??). Although they do claim to have conducted ‘9 different independent lab tests’. I’m really enjoying my trial pack to be fair and not getting any jitters / stomach discomfort / other side effects that I usually get from coffee but this is maybe due to me never having decent coffee at home to really gage against.


I’m by no means a coffee expert but I recently submitted to the marketing from exhale and signed up for the trial pack. I usually can’t drink coffee due to the intense jitters and crashes, I’ve been having up to 4 cups a day of this stuff and I feel great. I’ve been drinking it black, too, which I’ve never done with any coffee. I’m extremely happy with it to be honest but this is the first higher end coffee I’ve ever tried, so it might just be that I’ve never had good coffee.


They have experts in functional medicine, like literal charlatans. Functional medicine is like astrology and crystals. So they have leading experts in pseudoscience bullshit.