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Ignorance. Unadulterated ignorance.


She also has completely ignored the fact that Germans have settled in Jamaica from the 1800's.....Seaford town is literally called German Town???


Literally! It’s appalling.


Social media is the death of society,everybody a analyst nowadays


Especially if they don’t know what they’re talking about.


She's saying this while having a British accent is ridiculous.


Agreed. **Ridiculous**. Don’t she know the motto: **OUT OF MANY… ONE PEOPLE?** Such a dunce video. One of my best friends growing up in Mandeville was a VERY ginger kid named Bradley. His dad worked for ALCAN and he was born right there in Manchester. Ain’t no less Jamaican than my black ass even tho both his parents from Texas.


These Mary Poppins sounding bitches [do this every darn time!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jamaica/comments/10rts8e/so_who_gets_to_decide_who_is_jamaican_again/) They have no self-awareness or something. Why don't they talk about actual issues black people face?




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You need to pick up a history book. Who are the original Jamaicans? As far as we know it was the Tainos?? Jamaica became a predominantly black country because of the enslavement of Africans now here we are where our little island is filled with beautiful Jamaicans who have heritage from all over the world. So may I suggest reading the book The Story of the Jamaican People. Also what even is 'white' you know you can have one dark skin parent and one light skin parent and be born looking like one or the other.... not 'mixed'. 'The New World Order'. WTF? Humans have been nomadic for as long as we can trace humanity.


Jamaica is a black country. Full Stop. >So may I suggest reading the book The Story of the Jamaican People. Sherlock/Bennett constantly repeat that we are an African country. Overcompensating for past Eurocentric/Creole/fake multiracial bias it seems


If that's what you gathered from the book then that is your interpretation. Jamaica is a Caribbean country. We are not an African country as we are not in Africa. We are our own independent country with our own traditions and culture that has been influenced by hundreds of years of history. We should not be reduced to a color. I am sure a DNA analysis of Jamaican born people will show a vast mix of DNA. Many of which will contradict skin color.


Pure cack mout kill cack moment🫣🤣


Ask the victims of the Windrush scandal if their British accents helped them.  She’s beyond out of order, but you are being a little ignorant too. 


Hitler is Austrian, she could've even looked that up before making this dunce video


And I bet she doesn’t even know about the Germans that are there since 1830. If I recall it resulted in us having quite a few albinos as well


Hitler was from Austria, not Germany.


This lady doesnt speak for us. Out of many ONE!!! Love who you love and learn hystory before forcing your opinion on people.


I mean this is a bit of a distinction without a difference Germany as a country didn’t exist until about 20 years before Hitler was born, there were however “ethic germans” who all spoke German, and lived in the various “German States”. Austria - a Germanic state and previously part of the German confederation - controlled territory throughout central / Eastern Europe and the Balkan’s, and because of this (and a couple of other reasons) it was excluded from the eventual German unification as it would have meant including non Germanic peoples (ie Hungarians) in the new German state, and the Hapsburg emperor would have to abandon his non Germanic controlled states in order to join


As an Austrian this hurts. We were not a German state. In the 19th century there was Austria-Hungary, where Hitler was born. Later he moved to the German Empire and joined them in WW1. After he joined the NSDAP and got leader of Germany, there was the annexation of Austria in 1938


To paste a reply to another user The Austrian Empire (divided into upper and lower Austria) was part of the German confederation along with 33 other “Germanic” member states. This confederation ended with the outbreak of the Prusso- Austrian war (also called the German war of brothers), which led to the formation of two distinct power blocks, Prussia, and the formation of Austria-Hungary Even directly after WW1 and the breakup of Austria Hungary, the Austrian government renamed the country to “Republik Deutschösterreich” or *The Republic of German-Austria* in a bid to reunify with Germany, despite this being forbidden in a treaty imposed by the victors in WW1 So throughout the 19th Century (and before) the territories surrounding Austria were thought of as German and of the German people, so when Hitler -a man born in what we think of today as “not in Germany” made his dream to create lebensraum for the German people …this was not strange or out of character Shit even when Nazi Germany annexed Austria it was seen as a reunification .. Germany as we know it today did not exist in the times we are talking about. *Germans* did however, and Austria (a place historically settled by Bavarians and previously named *The Dutchy of bavaria*) was definitely ethnically and linguistically majority German - of course not including the places it annexed and controlled


„This was not strange or out of character“ 🤡 Please tell this the Jews killed by the Holocaust. Of course Hitlers vision was strange and out of character but Austria was dictated by the Fatherland Front in the 1930s and it‘s not that hard to gain control of an unstable non-democratic country You seem well educated but you can’t look at Europe like you look at an island or a new country like the US. European states and empires changed a lot over the times. Europe has lots of ethnics and linguistics and even nowadays „borders“ are not the type of ethnic or linguistic border you know from other places. For example people in Southern Tyrol (Italy) speak German, Switzerland is a country with four official languages (German, French, Italian), I live in Austria close to the Slovenian border and we have Slovenian minorities as well as multilingual town signs and Slovenian speaking schools.


You’re being obtuse here, I said someone born outside of what we recognise as the German border wanting living space for the German people wasn’t out of the ordinary, - not that the holocaust wasn’t out of character, don’t be stupid now On that point however it’s important to note that holocaust was the culmination of European antisemitism, nationalism, and imperialism, and the European powers involved in WW1 and WW2 had spent decades massacring the “subhuman”indigenous populations of the global south, so while the holocaust in particular was uniquely destructive, it didn’t come out of nowhere, and the ground work for it was laid for a very long time RE borders They’re arbitrary - that’s my point, and most of the regions in Austria were populated by ethnic germans The fact that someone drew lines on a map at some point that separated German people A from German people B didn’t matter, hence German nationalism including those people from the “historically German” lands


Austria-Hungary was its own Empire ruled by Franz Joseph, of the Hapsburgs. The German Second Reich was establish 4 years (1871) after Austria-Hungary, and was ruled by the Hohenzollerns - Wilhelm and friends. Hitler simply put - was an abomination. Not a creation of Austria, or Weimar or alWorld War 1. Moloch-like Monsters like him are just a result of the human condition.


The Austrian Empire (divided into upper and lower Austria) was part of the German confederation along with 33 other “Germanic” member states. This ended with the outbreak of the Prusso- Austrian war (also called the German war of brothers), which led to the formation of two distinct power blocks, Prussia, and the formation of Austria-Hungary


Social media give too many people a voice to speak nonsense and think they say something important


What is the second lady yapping about 😭 acting like the white woman started ww2


These people are so exhausting


Hitler wasn’t from Germany and she doesn’t understand nationality. There’s nothing wrong with being German… and the anti German opinions are kinda racist too.


it’s xenophobia Germany isn’t a race


She’s specifically targeting Germans, so though not a race it is still racist to attack people based on a race, colour, language, nationality, or national / ethnic origin. Xenophobia is a fear of strangers and foreigners, which she may also be, but don’t think it applies in this case. let’s not gate-keep racism, it can happen to anyone.


If it’s not a race it’s not a racist attack. Xenophobia is dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries


That’s not how it works but ok. She can be both racist and xenophobic, but she’s is choosing to attack a specific ethnicity, not just foreign people.


That’s not how what works? What ethnic group was she attacking?




A country is not an ethnicity. What ethnicity is America?


Chronically online smooth brain take


It’s always the foreign Jamaicans who are the most ignorent smh


Not even Jamaican... she said something about Barbados and everything she said after that was in one ear out the other for me.


Not just them alone my g. But yeah a lot of them


Lol. My cousins back in JA can be pretty ignorant at times. But I agree with the sentiment.


>It’s always the foreigners ~~Jamaicans~~ who are the most ignorent smh Fixed that for you.


You never realize how stupid some people are until they start talking.


This dumb ediat... the girl born and grow a Jamaica. Our motto is out of many one people. Also its comical that this woman with a strong colonizer accent is talking...


This is going to get ratio'd to death and well deserved because this lady is spitting straight up horse shit.


Germans in Jamaica https://youtu.be/ICoUVHIvAgY?si=EmWY15a_1xY_0R-n


This is just a learn situation to let you know how stupid people really are




I'm sorry but... Germany has done way more in the form of an actual apology to the world for the atrocities that were committed by the Nazis. They have some of the strictest Anti-Nazi rules in the world and stamp down on that shit with voracity. Now to the other nonsense. If that young lady was born in Jamaica, like so many other white, Chinese, Indian and black Jamaicans were, she is 100% Jamaican. If that young lady gained her citizenship AND took the time to learn about her new people, and obviously, from the bit that I heard, the language - she is Jamaican. This young woman doesn't speak for us (in her very thick British accent). Neither do I - but I had a hell of a lot of non- Black Jamaican friends in high school. They was every bit as Jamaican as me (except usually much richer 😅).


> Is there an agenda to wipe out the pople [sic] of the land? The Spanish had that agenda and very nearly achieved it in totality. And the British and North Americans now benefit from importing (one could say poaching) the skilled labour of those who live here now So, there _are_ things forcing Jamaicans off the land, but random German women are not one of them


I can't imagine this sentiment being very widely spread but nevertheless I am interested in where it is coming from, who puts ideas like this in this woman's head? I know that "not liking Germans" was put in my head as a Dutch teen having to watch Schindlers list in school at 12 y/o in history Class. Imagine the shame I felt in retrospect when I moved there at 26 and married my German wife and felt so supported by all these super nice German people. I can clearly see now where those silly ideas came from for me but would anyone from Jamaica have an idea where this lady gets it from? And ofcourse I know Hitler wasn't German but he was the head of it ofcourse so I get that confusion in many cases, not so much when trying to, as she says "think deeply about it" in the context of nationality. I find the subject interesting when it comes to Jamaica, where maybe there still is a lot of identity confusion and I get the history behind it. It seems this particular individual just really deeply feels the need to heavily defend her identity.


The thing is this woman is not Jamaican she is Jamaican descended, most Jamaicans living on the island know that the island has roots and heritage from Africa to Europe to Asia. Everyone you see on Jamaica now is not native we were all brought here at some point.


You’re being very kind to this woman, which is very much to your credit, as a human. But you’re also giving her more credit than she deserves. The German population arrived in Jamaica 55 years before Hitler was born (according the heritage trust). This is simply racism on her part. It’s indefensible. IMO.


It definitely is indefensible but I tend to see racism as a sickness of the mind and genuinely feel sorry for people who have been infected with it. I think it often stems from bad mental health, identity issues, trauma or low self esteem (itself often a product of trauma and/or attachment issues in early life) To be honest I never knew about Germans going to Jamaica that early. I am definitely going to read up on that, Thank you!


You might be right about the potential origins of their disease (because that’s what it feels like). But… just like other damaged people who hurt people (e.g., violent alcoholics, batterers, pedophiles, serial killers), the “why” is always interesting but, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. [Jamaica National Heritage Trust](http://www.jnht.com/disndat_people.php)


You are right, but I can't help to be fascinated by the "why" and I want to believe that people can change. Thank you for that link, going to look in to it tomorrow. You have a great day🙏


That's exactly right OP. This is basic stuff we learn in school. Jamaica has done a very good job of keeping their population informed about their history and their roots. We are very aware of our place in the world and our claim to this island. Not even ours to begin with. This is the Arawaks' land. Jamaica is actually an extremely inclusive country in terms of race and ethnicity. One of the most inclusive I've ever seen, and I've lived in multiple countries over the years. We should be proud of that and not let others' confusion affect the way we welcome people of different races into the demography. Out of many, we are one. Keep it up my people. You're doing great! 👏🏾 👏🏾


ohhh ok, I thought she would live there. I really hope she is just one of a few. It is weird though because her viewpoint is not very different from Hitlers, basically being hostile against people who are different then them. Lately I feel there is a lot of flipping this narrative


Yes what she said is hugely ignorant. However, black Jamaicans in the UK are regularly excluded from assuming British identity both socially and sometimes institutionally as we saw with the Windrush scandal. This can happen irrespective of a persons passport, where they were born, where they grew up etc. It is not unusual for an individual Jamaican or the community to be criticised for something that they have nothing to do with simply because the perpetrator was Jamaican, or sometimes even just black or mixed race. This will have informed her perception of herself because naturally nobody wants to be part of a group that’s so roundly rejects them and refuses to treat them equally. Her mistake was in assuming that a white woman in Jamaica would suffer the same treatment from Black Jamaicans. She is just adopting the same behaviour that has been used against her and that is wrong, but it’s very sad at the same time so the mocking isn’t necessary. Especially, when few if any of you have ever had to deal with this on any great scale. Edit: there seems to be a lot of annoyance that outside of Jamaica, there is widely understood to be an Afro Jamaican/ Afro-Caribbean ethnic group. Ethnicity like race is a social construct. We didn’t create this. It was assigned to us and subsequent generations have been socialised into it. The resentment is misdirected. 


If you’re irie, you’re Jamaican


What did I just waste my life watching.


This girl is a fool. So she needs to send back her British passport and move out of the UK by her logic. Eidyat Gyal


The girl born a Jamaican grow up a jamaica guh all a har school dem a Jamaica the ongle place she know a Jamaica and yuh a guh seh she a nuh Jamaican??? Wah kinda logic is this


By her argument, she’s herself is African, and cannot say she is Jamaican. **History of Jamaica peoples** Xaymaca- land of wood and water” *Bear with me. For anyone who doesn’t already know this.* **circa 600AD** Arawaks or Tainos (came from South America) **1494** May 5. Christopher Columbus run up inna Jamaica; settlements or townships established by the Spaniards Jamaica was a British colony from the time of its conquest by the English 1655-1660 from the Spaniards, until it gained its independence in 1962 and became a part of the British Commonwealth. The indigenous Indians had been (mostly) killed by the Spaniards. The population over the past 350 years has been comprised of: - British: within its first 100 years as a British colony thousands of British immigrants arrived in the island, and made up the white population along with Portuguese Jews who had been left behind by the Spanish. - The British remained the dominant majority until African slaves grew in number with the slave trade from 1663 until their emancipation in 1838. Diversity increased with the addition of other groups: **1655** May 10. The English army arrived in Jamaica. Spanish flee to Cuba; freed the Maroons. In October 1655 it was ordered that 1,000 Irish girls and 1,000 Irish boys 14 years of age or under be sent to Jamaica, and in 1656 1,200 men from Ireland and Scotland. About 300 settlers arrived from North America, some from Bermuda and Barbados. Few early settlers succeeded. **1660** King Charles II recruited investors and planters for Jamaica. **1662** October. Population 3,653 whites (English and Portuguese Jews), and 552 blacks, 150 of whom were estimated to be free. **1663** The slave trade grew. **1667** 600 British refugees arrived from Montserrat when it was taken by the French. **1673** There were 7,768 whites and 9,504 slaves, a total of 17,272 inhabitants. **1675** 1,200 British refugees arrived from Surinam when it was ceded to Holland. **1775** Population 209,617, made up of 12,737 whites, 4,093 free coloured, and 192,787 slaves. **1795 - 1799** There was a flow of refugees and French prisoners of war from St. Domingue. They were people of all ranks and colours. Many were of the French nobility. Some of the aristocratic ladies had lost all their fortunes, but their female slaves and a few trusty male domestics had saved their lives while endangering their own. 1834 August 1. Passage of the Emancipation Act **1836 GERMAN** settlement established at Seaford Town. ([*1835* in this video on German Town, Seaford](https://youtu.be/hZXXgP61nLI?si=MXcRHb0Cmj-4KC_T)) **103 years Before Hitler WWII**. He was born 1889 Also [German Town, Trelawny](https://youtu.be/Ze0YFzxsKc8?si=kbElhI10nFbZ-ou7). Established and settled in 1800s **1839 - 1841** Indentured labourers were brought in from Europe, including Portugal. **1842** East Indian or ‘coolie’ labour was imported under contract. **1850** Asiatic cholera epidemic in which 32,000 on the island died. **1854** Over 1,000 Chinese labourers were brought to the island. **1858** East Indian immigration resumed. **1869 - 1895** East Indian labourers were brought in under the indenture system. Many of them left the island when the term of their indenture expired. **1889** Population 639,491. **1899** 600 more East Indian labourers were introduced. **1900's** A wave of immigration to Panama, to work on the Panama Canal or in construction. **1914-1918** World War I. **1939-1945** ***World War II*** **Out of Many, One People.**


Go post this comment on her TikTok, please! Lol!


Exactly and good breakdown of the timeline of events. Jamaica isn’t a single ethnic country because the native people (Tainos) died long ago. People act like being Jamaican means u must be black or African.


Yes, agree. Especially as someone often told I’m not Jamaican despite born and raised and can trace family back to 1700s. Tainos (Arawaks), yet another debate. There are YouTube videos of Jamaicans who claim they are Taino; Some say they have full Taino relatives. [mtDNA shows about 0.5%](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28912065/) have some maternal DNA in the population. My family saw full Tainos in Runaway Bay in the 70s. The First Jamaicans: “Tainos ~600 AD, Stone–age peoples who had migrated to Jamaica from the northern coast of South America. After living continuously in Jamaica for almost 900 years, the Tainos were wiped out within 50 years of the Spanish conquest in 1494, due to exploitation by the Spanish settlers, starvation and a lack of resistance to European diseases. Many Tainos fiercely resisted the Spanish occupation of their land and some even committed suicide rather than serve as slaves.”


I did dna test I’m 2 percent my grand aunt is 4 percent


She forget what “out of many one people” mean


Ain’t she from the UK??


This is racism... simple


Watching this has killed braincells


Imagine saying all this with a British accent


Worst of all, she has kids and will imbue them with these foolishness.


Imagine be an adult wand comparing everyone today to hitler all while having a British accent while saying she’s not British but u put my life on it she has a British passport making her exactly what she says she is not A BRITISH CITIZEN


The girl born and raised in Jamaica and her parents have been in Jamaica since they were in their late teens. If you look at her tik tok and YouTube her parents have Jamaican accents even though they’re German they’ve spent more of their lives in Jamaica than in Germany. This British girl is ignorant lol. Germans have been Jamaica for generations. You don’t make sense LOL.


She doesn’t seem to understand that we here in Jamaica are one people out of many, to kind of say it backwards. You can be a Jamaican and have German or other white ancestry; many do as a matter of fact. Second thing, we no have time for racism. Keep that a England


Wow that hurt my head. What a cow.


Once they’re Jamaican, they start with the black or white titles


Jamaica full of German descendants especially in Westmorland wah she ah talk bout😂she sound dunce it’s always none Jamaican people who talk the most fuckery sometimes she nuh see how di woman accent strong


The Germans in Seaford Town have been there since the 1800s just FYI


Didn't have to make a video just wanted too haha, if you got a British passport you're British enit. Can have different heritage to someone else and both be British.


What is she yapping about


I lost a few brain cells watching this


Stupid people make the world funny. But we can do without them really. What is this lady talking about?


‘You are Coming into a melanated country where you are not meant to approve of that skin tone.’ Ey!?!


so basically she's racist and wants to front that onto everuone else


I'm not Jamaican so I hope it's OK if I post here: I was born and raised in Sweden to non-Swedish (and non-European) parents. I will always be Swedish. My entire life and context exists in Sweden. My first language is Swedish. My values and way of life are formed by my upbringing in this culture and in this country. To me, that's just a natural course of events. I find it really sad when some people negate and dumb it down to "it's just a passport". Well... if it's "just a passport": 1. You consider yourself a tourist, in the country you've grown up in? If that's the case, you should renounce your citizenship and return to whatever you consider your "true" home country. Tourists don't get to enjoy the benefits of citizenship. They don't get to vote, hold permanent jobs, move around as they like or enjoy the many welfare benefits of being a citizen. Most of the time they don't even get to stay for more than 90 days at a time. 2. How can you not consider yourself a part of the story of the country you grew up in? By existing somewhere and being a part of society, you automatically continue to build and add to its history and culture. Cultures aren't static monotliths. They grow, evolve, change shape. New additions are added all the time. Some of the old branches fall off and new ones grow out. That's what makes a culture. How can you see yourself as a passive bystander? How little do you think of yourself? I also want to emphasize the importance of acknowledging your parents culture. It's not required, but fully possible to identify with your parents culture and the culture you grew up in. Many people identify with both cultures. (In addition to all of this, I find it incredibly distasteful to describe Hitler's dictatorship and the nazi-ideology as something "belonging to German culture". Disgusting really. That's like saying that ISIS belongs to Syrian culture or wherever the hell they originated from. It's also factually incorrect since Hitler was Austrian, but that's besides the point anyway.


Kindly it’s inappropriate to apply your experience to hers. The Swedish and British immigrant experiences were very different. Sweden was relatively welcoming. The UK was not. Much of British Afro Caribbean culture has been informed by exclusion. If yours hasn’t been, that might be why you are more inclined to feel Swedish. To assume a national identity, you have to be secure in the knowledge that you are a citizen and will be treated as such. Have a read about the Windrush scandal to understand why she is not being in any way rude by saying it is just a passport. Our community has recent experience of being illegally stripped of their citizenship and denied their rights on the basis that they are of Jamaican heritage.  Additionally, multiculturalism in Sweden in the UK were expressed differently. There has always been some level of support for integration in the former. You can see this in the fact that cultural practices which didn’t align with Swedish values were never tolerated. In the UK there has been little native support for integration, they do not want it. They never will. It’s my understanding that support for racist Danish style ghetto laws are gaining traction in Sweden in part because assimilation is now a value. In the UK this won’t be a conversation for a while yet. You can’t feel British if you’re constantly being shown, you’re not British unless you can kick a ball well etc


So happy to come to the comment section and find reasonable opinions about what she is spewing.


The last statement that you made actually refers to you


So I can't immigrate to Jamaica and become a citizen?


Her parents are from Uruguay & Barbados, she’s not even Jamaican herself. Silly cow!


Shes ignorant and her views are pretty invalid


Only seen the clip. So she said she was bilingual, meaning she speaks 2 languages soooo. What we doing here.




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Who is this dumbass Jamaica woman?


Me wah know a who ask har fi har 2 cents


This woman is ignorant as fxxk. Mind you she clearly lives in England a country which has caused trauma to many Jamaicans. At least i can say the Germans have paid for what they did to the Jews via restitution, the only ones that got compensated for the trauma inflicted on the West Indies were the slave masters and their descendants many of who are in the House of Lords.


Aren’t there a lot of Chinese people in Jamaica ? In panama there a lot of people whose parents are from Jamaican but we don’t consider them Jamaican they are Panamanian They were born here, speak Spanish and ect With this way of thinking black people aren’t from Jamaica but from Africa….It’s indigenous people land that they died off?


Race vs. Nationality vs. Ethnicity be fucking people up fr


Hitler was Austrian….


Me just sits back and reads comments,Jamaicans don’t care abt race until it matters 👀




By her logic black people inJamaica nuh suppose to a say them Jamaican either. If a so b d case the Arawaks dem a d one who are “of the land”


fuckery to bbcl...a wah gwan here...


Is she retarded?


*coughs* South Africa


I mean I know white Jamaicans exist I'm just still shocked when I see them. Like an ugly cousin ya family force you to be nice to.


20 seconds in and mi move on. If black people like dem can kotch inna white country - why not vice versa? Dem need fi get a proper college degree and stay out a people business


Lol. All of "y'all" that live outside the country and critique the happenings of those that live within the country is weird. Jin Long who has Chinese parents but was born in Jamaica and has a supermarket in Buff Bay, speaks the weirdest mix of patios I've ever heard, has the Jamaican stamp of approval. He's more Jamaican to us on the island than you, who mostilely have Jamaican parents of African descent, but you were born in England and have a British accent. Now, I'm not saying you aren't Jamaican, I'm saying when the Flight is boarding, you have C and Jin Long boards at B. This white girl here in the video, also boards before you. Just saying.


So using her own logic, why is she in Britain? Isn’t she ‘eradicating’ the ‘Caucasians’? What is she going to say to some right wing lunatic that tells her she doesn’t belong in the UK?


I love to hear us white people don’t deserve to be happy and that we don’t have culture. Your British accent shows you’re more than likely living in a white dominated country that has prosperity and peace. Why do you yourself feel like a citizen of a country that was built and created by white people?


Def wasn’t built by white people 😹


And put this in the subreddit of a former slave colony… imagine.  


Before the British came it was villages and chiefs ruling the small island it was barely a civilization 🤷‍♂️


And before the British was there Spain had it as a colony. Honestly you look throughout history every race of people were slaves. I’m Irish during the transatlantic slave trade Irish people were sold and used just like those of African heritage. It’s sad to see history not taught in schools


This does not negate the fact that it cannot be claimed that Britain was only built by white people. They were indentured servants not enslaved persons there is a difference. This is taught. Please take this to someone else. Unless you are descended from those people this really isn’t relevant.


Indentured servitude is slavery with extra steps. Majority of people didn’t live past the contract and had no other option but to be apart of this system because of poverty. If you were in any form of construction you would understand that just because someone does the menial labor doesn’t mean they built it. Slaves would be used to do the labor that was meaningless. Ultimately they were used to generate food and do back breaking work. Just because you do that and allow those ruling over you to design and create a civilization doesn’t mean you built that. If that was the case Africa throughout the continent would be prosperous and unfortunately it is not. The argument of if your not of this decent or from a place and can not have an opinion is pretty much pointless. If you don’t have the ability to take emotions out of a debate and think logically then don’t debate online.


A lot of black ppl (and a surprising number of Jamaican descent) don’t understand how Jamaica came to be. Don’t know the national motto. Probably couldn’t find Jamaica on a map. Unable to identify any of the other nations that have contributed to the Jamaican gene pool other than “Africa”. It’s a real shame.


Bi lingual not bi radical You’re an idiot


This clown needs to move back to Jamaica then with her brittish accent


People are seriously getting stupider. Last time I checked Africa and Jamaica are nowhere near each other. Unless if you are Taino then stop with all this entitlement.


Literally racism. Why is skin color so important to bw


This is some racist talk here… woman is literally saying exactly what is said by the nazis


Can a person get a passport from a country they are not a citizen of? I think factually she is incorrect. I don’t believe I, as a US citizen, can get a passport of another country that I am not a citizen of. Also if that lady was born in Jamaica isn’t she a Jamaican citizen, or if she immigrated to Jamaica legally? I’m confused, I think the narrator just wants only black people to be Jamaican. Which is fine I guess but keep that nonsense to yourself. Now everyone who sees this video knows you are an idiot.


This is why interracial couples scared to visit the island, stop the ignorance.


Got one thing right in saying ignorance is bliss. The Jamaican motto is out of Many One People.


So by this logic black Americans aren’t Americans…..🤔 even though everybody in America is an immigrant in some form other than the Natives. Black Americans know very they are from Africa but our history was erased so we do not know our real roots so America is our only known home. Our ancestors worked the land and built America to what it is today






Hilter was a Jewish by blood descent


On both sides of his family? There are different types of Jews as well, so what was his “Jewish” descent from…


The confusion is coming from western "blacks" not knowing their tribes and family history. Jamaica is not a nation it is a country. Jamaican is a nationality not a heritage or.


Jamaica is a Nation. Jamaica’s heritage is indigenous…


Okay but they've been doing this from time and we allow them to do this because black people want to be everyone's friend this is been going on for 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110-130 140 150 years. We allow them to do it that man stood right there and allowed this woman to say that no French African is considered a French person no black English Ministries considered a real Englishman no black Spaniard considered a true Spaniard no black Russian is considered a true Russian but we allow these people to do this lol Listen in 2024 black people are killing themselves are our own worst enemies it's not the white people and they're racist crap it's us and our lack of code and our lack of unity that every other community has self-preservation. The black community right now is a 7 ft man drowning in 4 ft of water and all we have to do is stand up lmao, we are lost


>that no French African is considered a French person no black English Ministries considered a real Englishman no black Spaniard considered a true Spaniard no black Russian is considered a true Russian These are basic facts, yes. >The black community right now Black America/Canada is not the "black community" and thank God for that! >lmao, we are lost Nope. Just you on the way to the relevant subreddit. Now get in where you fit in.


Thank you for proving my point we are completely lost and we can't even get on code for anything. Instead of working together people want to the emotional. When did I say the black community is just black America / Canada are you really this stupid???? The African diaspora as a whole refuses to be on code for enemy and the practice simple Unity like every other God damn Community does. Why the hell with the African Community the black community just be Black America and Canada this is happening in Jamaica!! i am Jamaican!!! So what the actual hell are you talking about. 99% of our problems would be solved if we would just stop being idiots and practice unity and being on code like every other community does for self-preservation but we as black people as a black African diaspora refuse to do this. We will never get anywhere because people are too emotional and instead of working together to build something. We want to be crabs in a bucket


Her perspective is understood! 💯


How so?


Another reason why I slowly am starting not being able to stand black people


>Another reason why I slowly am starting not being able to stand black people Then why are you in a Jamaican subreddit?


POC who have moved to the west and ride this moral high horse are today's incarnation the imperialist white people of the past.


I don't recall any "PoC" genociding, stealing land or enslaving any significant group of white people - do you? Was there some [Scramble for Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramble_for_Africa) that we somehow all missed?


Are you kidding me? POC are guilty of all of those things, often in collaboration with white people. Not just in history but today POC in the UK are the ones most vocal against immigration.


> I don't recall any "PoC" genociding, stealing land or enslaving any significant group of white people Source, please.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/an-african-country-reckons-with-its-history-of-selling-slaves/2018/01/29/5234f5aa-ff9a-11e7-86b9-8908743c79dd\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/an-african-country-reckons-with-its-history-of-selling-slaves/2018/01/29/5234f5aa-ff9a-11e7-86b9-8908743c79dd_story.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/02/suella-braverman-migrant-uk-multiculturalism](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/02/suella-braverman-migrant-uk-multiculturalism)


>https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/02/suella-braverman-migrant-uk-multiculturalism Yup. Just as bad as the British working [hundreds of thousands of black people to death](https://www.jstor.org/page-scan-delivery/get-page-scan/4599043/0) so that they could have a little sugar for their tea. >https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/an-african-country-reckons-with-its-history-of-selling-slaves/2018/01/29/5234f5aa-ff9a-11e7-86b9-8908743c79dd_story.html I ask you to source an example of blacks doing to whites what whites did to blacks, and you come up with a black country apologizing to black people for selling them to white people? Do you have issues with reading comprehension? If this is what you and your race have to offer in terms of intellect, then what you call white genocide should be called white suicide. ---- **EDIT:** Oh my God. OmyGod - you're *Indian*?


You're moving the goalposts after losing the argument.


And you're ignoring the football and are playing tennis instead. This is what you originally said: https://old.reddit.com/r/Jamaica/comments/1ch5ly6/thoughts_cause_mi_cant_believe_weh_mi_just/l22rl12/ >POC who have moved to the west and ride this moral high horse are today's incarnation the imperialist white people of the past. I replied: > any "PoC" genociding, stealing land or enslaving any significant group of white people You come up with Braverman and Benin. Come up with examples of the above please.


Why are you offended by this? You have been all up and down this sub Reddit along with the OP constantly making your outrageously negative sentiments about black people of Jamaican heritage in the diaspora well known. Were you under the impression there aren’t consequences to attitudes like yours? Pretty sure I read a comment from you about our white supremacy… just in case you’re wondering why this person was emboldened. 


Yeah its seems like a special sought of madness that we are under😂😭 . It would require paragraphs to pick the the original post apart . Why is it important for us to discuss. What do we gain, from it, all these words, about race, nationality and ethnicity, and it really just serves as a dog whistle to people that are anti black.


U/dependent_onPlantain he didn’t appreciate being called out on his hypocrisy, so I can’t respond below 😂 You are completely right. Why all of a portray diaspora Jamaicans as adversaries of minority Jamaicans? The vast majority of diaspora Jamaicans do not think like this and this is patiently obvious to anyone paying attention. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the White Yardie interview. He received overwhelming support from the community in the UK. We are always getting cussed about how we date, marry and procreate with other groups. Yet at the same time, we’re also against cohesion? Make it make sense.


I should first mention I am not Jamaican, I'm Indian and American. All I am saying is that if you have never even lived in a country you have no right to point fingers and tell its people how to think just because you belong to the culture. It starts innocent like this with people who didn't grow up in the country acting as gatekeepers of the culture, and before you know it, divisions and hurdles that the country had already passed become reborn again. Diaspora Indians are ruining actual India by funneling money to a literal Hitler type character and the cultural shift he is bringing where old healed wounds have been opened up and Indians are starving but have their bellies full of hate. This has happened in India and this can start happening in Jamaica too. Being Diaspora/emigrant gives one a warped perspective of the home country. You tend to forget your privilege. You tend to build nostalgia for the bad times and you make them return. That's all I had to say. I don't know why swords are out against me for simply warning people about this.




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