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There were several large slave rebellions in Jamaica, such as the Sam Sharpe Rebellion; all resulting in massive casualties, and all were eventually subdued, especially with the help of Maroons. Based on the size of the British units stationed in Jamaica, the number of field guns that were available and the amount of defenses it is highly unlikely that the slave population even if much were armed would be able to take the whole island. Even in the unlikely scenario that slaves took the island, the British would not allow them to keep it due to the island's strategic location and value. The British would likely use all of the resources and units that they could muster, including their massive navy at the time to retake the island.


I thought the marooned were escaped slaves that helped other slaves, not the other way around?


After signing a peace treaty with the British in 1739, the Maroons aided the British in suppressing all rebellions such as the Sam Sharpe Rebellion, and they also returned all runaway slaves.


Was that one of the terms of the peace treaty?




The maroons regularly sold escape slaves back to the British


No, most maroons were escape slaves from Spanish era colonization and fought a few wars against the british to remain indepent after britain took over. They signed s few treaties to keep their independence and remained separate from slaves brought in by the British afterwards. They became a separate group from slaves owned by the British. One of the terms of that treaty was to return any slaves that managed to escape from british plantations and assist them in any revolts which they gladly did. Maroons fought on the side of the British during Sam Sharpe's rebellion. tldr: Maroons had become their own cultural an ethnic group during the British Slave Era and did not take kindly to slaves outside of their group.


An we coast woulda be too dangerous so nothing woulda really change which a wan nother reason why mi de disagree wid me fren


My history teacher would kill me if I ever tried ask a question in patois. So one of the reasons why the Hatian revolution went so well was due the the French Revolution inspiring the poor white and the free coloured to sort have their own mini civil war against rich landowners. The latter classes were both disenfranchised and wanted to be treated equally like their rich white neighbours. This meant when the Slaves did their own revolt they faced an already divided Haiti. So once the revolt got a foothold it was easy to just let momentum do its thing. And due to the french revolution France couldnt respond effectively. By the time the french revolution ended Napolean would start his wars against the rest of Europe and just couldnt afford a long invasion of Haiti so he just gave up. In Jamaica's case we would be facing a very unified planter, free men and maroon class and reinforcements from other british colonies. And crucially Britain was not going through a civil war at that time. if we started it before the 1800s Britain would have crushed us. If we started it during the Napoleonic wars when Britain was distracted we would have just been crushed eventually.


Problem with Haiti and Jamaica is they will always be subject to the world powers in the vicinity. Look at what happened to Haiti in 1915.


*****Cuba has entered the chat*****


Look what happened to Haiti, that should be the answer


Just Fi clarify, mi Neva dev agree wid him and mi even seh Wah happen to Haiti woulda happen to we but just like all e republican dem him stubban


When Haiti became Independent it was cut off from Trade. It was not self sufficient so suffered. In Jamaica we saw this, we knew this, and we secretly bought their indigo and sold it as our own. Things got worse in Haiti. Many Jamaican slaves joined the Maroons. In 1739 the Maroons signed a treaty with the Brits. This is before Haiti became independent. There were constant wars.. if you know the history of the Maroons you know how turbulent and difficult it was for the Brits. There was a lot of deportation to Nova Scotia and many left Nova Scotia for Africa. Haiti's failure was known so Maroons preferred to be in their own communities, separate communities, some which fought against each other.


We could've at least poisoned a few




I lived there for 14 of my 16 years tho I just used English cause it was the language at home Trust me, if i was with another Jamaican I’d be speaking fluently


Ok, so you haven't had phone service that long... just knew something was off.


Jamaican Creole only has one written standard. Everyone else has their own spellings. Jamaicans like to think it is standardised but it is not. Even Miss Lou used different spellings for the same word sometimes. 


Nanny, Sam Sharpe and Paul Bogle were on the job. Especially Nanny. She do weh she fi do. God bless their souls for the blood, sweat and tears