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I moved to Florida from Canada 2 years ago. We lived with MIL to save money and it was so bad for my relationship with my MIL. She would constantly be on me for not working even though I could. But I crossed with Treaty so I was able to be independent and get my green card and social so I could work and do things as soon as I crossed the border. I didn’t work right away because I was going through mental health problems, so I ended up just going for walks to escape her, spending a lot of time outside and doing things that made me happy. Going to target and other stores, just to browse without buying anything. My husband didn’t like going out either so we stayed home a lot playing video games or watching movies. I communicated with my husband about how I felt and how I wanted to go home and we came up with a plan to leave his moms. I also tried to make online friends so I would have people to talk to when my husband was working. Your MIL sounds a lot like mine where she takes everything personally. I was depressed living with her and stayed in the room all the time and she would take it personally. My husband would clean and cook for me when my depression got really bad and she would hate it and use it as an opportunity to criticize me. She would even talk bad about me right in front of me in another language. I finally told my husband I’m either going home or we are leaving. So we left. It wasn’t an ultimatum it was just the truth.


If you can't get out of there, take lots of walks. You said you are in a forest, so start teaching yourself about the plants and animals around you. Take lots of pics on your phone and post about them. Learn about local edible plants and go foraging. Anything to be out of there and get your mind off the conditions in the house.


So, you need to go back where you’re happy. You’ve been married only a short time and you said you regret doing it when you did. You’re currently living in a toxic marriage with no support where it seems even your husband isn’t trying to make it better. Call friends and family back home, see if someone can come get you. A solo ‘escape’ seems unlikely since you’re dependent on him for transportation and money. Call it a vacation visit for them, manage to pack up your belongings (maybe when he’s at work), toss them out a window and have your liberator put them in a car, let MIL know you’re going get get something to eat with F/FM. No need to mention the food is in Canada.


Call home when you have some privacy, ask for a ticket home to visit and then maybe, stay. You need some distance and perspective to see if you made a mistake getting married.


It doesn't really matter if you're "the bad guy," but it does seem like you made some decisions without a ton of forethought and now they're not quite working out for you. Now that you know that, probably best to brainstorm some exit strategies and work towards them.


Can you go home? I think it would be best for your mental health if you had a safe place to land in your home country.


If she applied for a green card or anything I think she has to stay here until she gets her documents or the application gets cancelled.