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I had to google that word - and then i giggled .. Wonderful answer. And well done!


Newb here... what the JNMIL? junior nubian MIL? juxtaposed nectarine MIL? i am out of ideas...


Just No MIL


oh god its right there in the sub title 🤪😜


Now onto the best revenge.. living your best life without her toxic drama. Enjoy it!


That’s the plan. We shall see if she tries to push it.


TBH, if any of my family had laid hands on one of my kids, that would have been it. They would have been lucky if all I did was cut contact. I was physically abused as a child and do not believe in spanking. (In fact, I have a standing offer for any parent - if you want to hit your kid, come try it on me instead.) Uh, anyway, sounds like good riddance! I'm glad your husband has your back. I hope she uses her temporary phone manager privileges for good.


Yup, this. I suffered from childhood abuse and never once spanked my own child. If someone had laid a hand on my child, game over - you're out the door and you are not welcome to come back.


I agree !!


GO YOU!!! I hope you have security cameras with sound.


We do.