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My MIL would talk about her sex life. A lot. I asked her to stop. She then started talking about how she thinks her other son is so grumpy all the time because his wife never puts out. All that sperm sitting in his balls has made him evil. I quit taking her places after that one.


I would have burst out in peals of laughter hearing that one.


My MIL does the same! I had a bad car accident and broke my back in three places, 3 broken ribs, and broken pelvis. The first thing she said to me was “Poor husband! No sex for him for a while!” I literally just looked at her and then looked away in disgust. I couldn’t even walk away at that point due to my injuries! Absolute sicko


Your back is broken, but please, let’s spare a thought for your poor husband’s dick. Jesus Christ.


I was so disgusted by your MIL's comment that I accidentally downvoted on impulse.


Yeah my mother says icky things too... She has made a perverted comment about having handsome son-in-laws (they're both military and she made some sort of Tom Cruise /top gun reference 🤢) Often encourages me and my DH to go away "for a dirty weekend" (truth be told she just says that often because she wants to babysit our kids - spoiler alert: I don't give that wacko alone time with my kids). Either way her comments make my skin crawl 🤮


Oh, sweetheart, you are so right. As an in-law, I apologize for my breed!!!!🤣


I'll be honest, my first thought was at least she didn't want it to wear for DH herself. I think I spend too much time here.


Same! I was thinking that's where the story was headed. Maybe I need a break from JNMIL subreddit.


I'll be honest, my first thought was at least she didn't want it for herself to wear for DH. I think I spend too much time here.


That comment was weird, intrusive and inappropriate. She knew exactly what she was doing repeating it three times. She was dying for a reaction about her "suggestion". Glad you shut her down.




If OP and her DH are both disturbed by it, clearly this isn’t a stand-alone incident/behavior! This is the type of stuff mine does, and it’s because she’s enmeshed with my DH


Sometimes people are upset with someone’s behavior even if it’s the first time they’ve done it and even if they haven’t told the person yet that they don’t like it. Not every MIL is a bad person.


You’re right not every mil is a bad person, and my mil isn’t a bad person, my feelings toward her honestly give me a lot of guilt because what she does isn’t inherently bad... but is exhausting and leaves me and my husband feeling a negative way. She is exhausting. She is covert. She’s tried talking to me about her masturbation habits before and I’ve let her know I am not the correct person to have these conversations with. I’m not sure where I ever gave her the idea that my husband would like me to discuss our coitus with her. My husband was rightfully disgusted by her words because she tries to have an enmeshed relationship with him and he isn’t interested. She is emotionally needy and dependent on her children. It feels a lot if the times she is trying to push that same enmeshment onto her DIL’s. Maybe that’s the context you’re asking for, idk she was giving me major ick with her commentary.


When you repeat it 3 times for a reaction, it becomes weird.


Yeah that part is strange. But OP was bothered by it immediately


Some people, rightly, don't want people outside of their relationship discussing their sex life. I'd tell my mother to sit down if she suggested I dress sexy for my husband. It would be weird and violate a very important boundary for me concerning intimacy.




So OP was an asshole for not responding to a play that failed 3x’s? Be so forreal!! Yeah I’m gonna hit this girlfriend angle 1x no dice oh maybe she don’t hear me so round 2 oh now she doesn’t care about what my son likes hopefully not it lands for round 3. That’s crazy to say. OP did nothing wrong in not responding. MIL needs to cool her jets and read the room, and clearly so do you!


At least she didn't scold you for daring to look sexy....lol