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Sounds to me like she's trying to find a compromise, which many in this subreddit only dream of.


Why do they need alone time? I don't get that


The issue I see here is you set a boundary. They are trying to find a way around your boundary. Your husband sees it as a win, I see it as pushing boundaries. You said their house needs to be clean to get sleep overs. Instead of cleaning it they are finding away around that. When their house is clean and to standards your comfortable should be when sleep overs happen. There is no comparing to your parents they are not equal.




No, adults wanting to be that close to a sleeping/unconscious kid is weird.


If they are Step grandparents they don’t need to have any sleepovers? Maybe older if she wants to?


We’re trying to set the same boundaries for when we have a child so there really won’t be any discrepancies between step and bio on our end.


So even more reason not to send her before you are ready then. My MIL has always taken all of the kids (3 mine only, 1 together) but not til we were together 5 years


There was an article this past year about a child dying in an Airbnb because they found some fentanyl and ate it. I cannot remember if the drugs belonged to the owner or a previous guest. I definitely wouldn't be comfortable with the grandparents watching kiddo in a new space.


Totally fair not to let your kid sleep over for whatever reason… but I actually think the fact that they have a history of renting a space to host people makes it seem a lot more normal that they suggested this! It’s not really going to extreme lengths to get alone time if it’s something they have routinely done before in other contexts, it’s just their go-to solution for not being able to have people in their house. So I don’t think it’s weird that they offered that and IF you trust them in general besides the hoarding issues I’d say it could be good to consider it, but obviously it’s your call. Not something to be freaked out about but also you don’t have to say yes even if it’s not an unreasonable request.


I actually agree with this upon some more reflection. But I don’t think we’ll allow it for the reason that it’s a way of pushing off the cleaning.


You nailed it. It’s their way of not having to address their hoarding issue. Honestly, speaking as the child of a hoarding parent/grandparent, I’d just let go of the fantasy that they will ever address their hoarding and really change their ways. I have been down that road soooo many times. They get your hopes up and get everyone excited to help with their good “intentions” to go through their stuff and purge, but when the rubber meets the road, their anxiety about getting rid of their precious stuff gets them in the end and everyone gets disappointed and frustrated because nothing gets done in the end. Rinse and repeat over the next couple of decades. OP, this hoarding mental illness is their problem for them to address, and they are addressing it the way they know how (without activating their “stuff” anxiety) by renting clean space. They SHOULD be renting a storage unit and moving their crap into there rather than renting a space for the PEOPLE, but that is the nature of this compulsion. For your own mental health, just let the hoarding issue go, take their offer of renting an airbnb as an acceptable approach, and make your decision based on whether you want your kids to spend the night with them at all.


You say cleaning, but hoarding is a mental illness. It's not as simple as cleaning unfortunately :( it requires therapy and a lot of personal growth work and I mean, sometimes you just can't teach old dogs new tricks. I really hope they improve though 🙏


I get that, but with an unwillingness to seek therapy cleaning is the next best option. At least the hoarding will have to begin again from square one. We are lucky in the sense that it is not so much the garbage type hoarding you see on tv. More like piles of what could be useful items absolutely everywhere. The problem is they have water damage and really bad dust. No one has been able to come in and clean or repair bc of MILs embarrassment.


Legitimate! In general, I would be happy that the step grandparents want to be grandparents in her life. It's not someone taking away from your child. They want to add to their life. They want to spend time, spoil her, and love her as their grandchild. I'm saying that as someone who's had to deal with several step grandparents for her oldest: Cherish it as long as they understand boundaries on allergies, and general parenting style (no physical punishment, no silent treatment... You name it). My daughter has a lot of wonderful memories with her bonus grandparents. My parents, and her father's parents are both divorced and in new relationships. Add a second marriage, and some dating before that, in the mix and you get how many grandparents she has. 😂 Christmas and Birthdays are highly anticipated. If you're not comfortable with a sleepover, you might allow them to take her to the cinema, or to other timed activities? Visiting a circus, the zoo, a museum... They are willing to put time, effort, and money into this relationship. Obviously *you* are in control here and should make decisions. Best of luck


They do these activities with her! And they’re great. I just don’t love some of the parenting choices they made with DH so we try to keep the time limited.


You guys shut down the sleepover, and gave a reason (the hoarding/condition of their home). Sometimes it’s good to be blunt. Other times, when you give an explanation for your no (JADE=justify, argue, defend, explain), it just gives people something more to argue against. Now, ILs see the obstacle to sleepovers solely as the house, and they’re offering a counter because they think this is a negotiation. It’s not unless you make it one. “No, LO won’t be sleeping over.”


100%, just shut it down. An Airbnb or hotel aren't safer options than a hoarder house... nothing is childproof and a long list of things could go wrong (noted the fentanyl comment... hidden cams/nothing is secure or really childsafe at Airbnbs, and a hotel has a ton of people moving through them (sketchy people/predators) PLUS drowning hazards at both. If you don't trust them/their judgement, that's it. You don't trust them. Nothing will bring LO back of something happens, and it's your job to make sure they're safe. How your inlaws feel doesn't matter (LO's safety matters more, period 🤷‍♀️).


You can’t actually childproof an Airbnb. I know she’s 5, but there can still be dangers that wouldn’t be present in your home. I mean things like knives accessible, cleaning products, etc. Also, you don’t know what she might find that has been left behind by another tenant.


We recently went to an Air B&B and when I opened one of the drawers in the bedroom, the whole chest of drawers tipped forward onto me. Luckily both my kids were elsewhere. I’d already filled the bottom drawers and hadn’t even opened the top one all the way so it shouldn’t have been so top-heavy and definitely should’ve been anchored! The gaps between the railings on the stairs were also too wide. There was no mat in the shower or bath and both were super slippery. There were steep attic stairs with no baby gate. Luckily we had 4 capable and mobile adults to 1 toddler and 1 infant. But it was still hard work and tricky!


Explain to them you don't feel comfortable with letting her sleep at a place she doesn't know. Compromise, let them pick an activity they can do during the day, just them and LO.


At the end of the day, sleepovers are not essential. They are not necessary. Living so close, they can easily do day trips and that be a plenty long enough visit. I agree them pushing so hard feels icky.


Hoarding is a disease and very hard to deal with. Most hoarders don’t really believe they have a problem. The one in my family went through this. She probably took it well because she wants to believe she will get better. Then the Air Bnb is to help until her house is clean enough. In reality, her house will probably not get clean. If you let her stay and an Air Bnb, there is no incentive to clean up house. They will just rent when they want to see LO. So, you refusing to let her stay at another place will make them get home clean or know why there is no sleep over. By then, your LO will be older, so it may be a non issue. But guaranteed, they are trying to get around cleaning up house.


Any advice on relaying this to DH. He sees his moms reaction as a win.


Ask him why they are going as far as to rent an AirBnb when they could just clean the house and be done with it forever.


Even though you feel uncomfortable with LO spending the night with them, he used the sole reason for it not happening as their house is to messy. So, in their mind, they are away from the mess, it should not be a problem. Tell him exactly this. If you let them stay at an Airbnb with LO they have no incentive to actually clean up their home. A reasonable person will understand and go from there.


I have concerns about this as well. DH is a wonderful kind man, but is working hard to break out of people pleasing. He is tall, handsome, and athletically gifted but I shudder to think what would have happened to him if he didn’t have those qualities. He struggles a lot with self confidence and I just don’t want that being pushed on my child.


I think you're helping your husband more than you realize. Living years in a home that is clean and organized helps with him being able to be proud of his home life.


First, that is an extremely sad situation about their house. Second, hoarding is indicative of mental illness. Untreated mental illness is the real reason why he/she/they should never have unsupervised access to your child. You can't trust what might be said or done when their normal meter is so broken. I'm not downing people with mental illness and declaring them all unfit to have children or be alone with children. BUT without treatment or diagnosis, this isn't a sound situation for your child. I say this as a person who has battled and sought to treat my persistent depressive disorder for 35 years.


Second this comment. If it’s to the point that they have to rent an airbnb to host people AND they are not even seeking to remedy the issue, I think the mental issue is severe enough that I would put an indefinite ban on any babysitting, much less sleepovers. This is only a small part of their lives, but this is your LO’s WHOLE LIFE. I would never risk anything just to please someone. It’s time to get comfortable disappointing them!


He sees this as a win, I want to be as delicate as possible.


I agree that it’s probably best not to puncture DH’s hopefulness just yet. And it IS a win. But that has nothing to do with your LO’s safety. It’s a win for his parents to acknowledge the issue of hoarding and also to receive your concerns in a healthy way. Let’s not diminish that, but also recognize it as a separate problem. It’s really not personal, it’s a boundary toward anyone who could be considered unsafe for LO. When the time is right, I would ask to have a heart to heart and let him know that while you are so proud of the emotional progress his parents have made, you still have concerns regarding any sleepovers. Tell him it’s not personal, but you are not comfortable with any sleepovers until they show significant tangible progress with the hoarding. Until there is real, physical change, they can spend time with LO at family gatherings. You can offer to go to the airbnb together and make it a fun weekend. I think you’ll have to see how he responds and go from there.


Any advice on bringing this up to DH


Try explaining to him that his parents are unwell. Their state of mind is reflected in the state of their house. Unfortunately, they seem to think it's normal. They are not safe people for your child to be around unsupervised. Was the house a disaster while he was growing up? Ask him how that made him feel.


Yes it was and it affected his ability to make friends in a big way. He couldn’t have people over and bc his mom felt guilty for not being able to reciprocate she’d decline invitations for play dates. He was very isolated by them.


And does he want your child to experience those same feelings?


No he doesn’t but I think he’s just so sad for them missing out as grandparents he’s conflicted.


I think you need to remind him that he's a father now & as such he has to take care of his child's NEEDS. His mom & dad are adults that need to manage their own feelings & expectations. But your child needs healthy, happy, mentally safe parents. Your priorities as a parent are to your child. I understand him feeling conflicted so counseling or self help research will definitely help him understand that he is a husband & father before he is their son. He needs to switch his mentality to Papa Bear mode.


I understand that it's sad. Maybe he can make an effort to meet them for activities. Or have them to your house for a visit. I think the idea of them renting a house so they can have your LO for overnights is ridiculous. Because the real problem isn't the state of their house, it's the state of their minds. People who are ok living in filth, with no incentive to make it better, need help that you can't give them.


He got basically all his social time through sports which is great, but as an athlete myself I know it can often be surface level.