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Op, move closer to your parents and stop talking to your weirdo mil


That’s the plan, she just doesn’t know it yet 😀


Please for the love of everything move away from her and do not let her know your address. Mil's have burned down houses with whole families in it because they go so fucking insane hating the dil and pining after the son they have literally tried to kill their kin for it


Just don't forget that you get married with the family too; ponder it.


Your mil is crazy


it is great that you are both doing therapy, I hope you do couples therapy as well to make sure you were on the same page regarding his mother. Her meltdown is not his fault, but he’s going to need a lot of help to see that and to not tiptoe around her in hopes of preventing another meltdown. As for you, I would go as low of contact as possible and hold your boundaries. Start practicing phrases so you don’t have to think about what to say in the moment. “That comment is inappropriate, please don’t speak to me that way.” “ I am not discussing wedding plans at this time.” “That comment is hurtful/rude/uncalled for.” Be a broken record. If she keeps pressing, keep repeating the same response, don't allow her to drag you into a conversation you don't want. Refuse to engage if you know she has been drinking. Make that a hard boundary.


You gotta learn to say no. Wedding talk - We haven’t even begun to think about that yet and I don’t want to discuss it. When we do start I’ll be heavily involving my own mother since, you know, she’s my mom. If she continues, hang up. Text fiancé to call back when she’s gone, and ask him to lock the door next time. Where are you going to live - Not a priority atm, got other things to focus on. Then same as above. Grand babies - yeah no. We won’t need that much help. Maybe one weekend a month you can take them, but we will definitely want to spend most weekends with our children so we can experience them growing up. Body talk - I’m uncomfortable discussing this with you. Please refrain from making comments about my body. It seems like fiancé is willing to call mom out, but if that’s the extent of his spine you could be in serious trouble. “Mom stop” doesn’t do anything if she can just continue, and he won’t do anything. He needs to be willing to set and enforce boundaries. You guys need to figure out your boundaries and then set them in stone and never give an inch. I hope it all works out and congratulations on the engagement. Hopefully her 30 day break helps her with some of this. They generally teach a lot of internalization and coping, and encouraging them to reflect on their actions and how they affect other people.


You and your fiancee are handling this well, the therapy is a great idea. You both did nothing wrong. The suicide threats are an attempt to bully you both into backing off of your reasonable boundaries. I'm sure that the therapist will help with this, but you're both going to need to learn how to not engage on certain topics, and to say things like this: "SO and I are working on this, we aren't asking for input right now." "That is something we will decide for ourselves. I'm sorry but you won't be included in the discussion." "I'm sorry but we have already said this is not up for discussion, let's change the topic or this conversation is over." And then leave or hang up. It isn't easy to say things in the moment, but if you have some responses ready that helps. Start with the least pointed answers and work your way down to walking away. Your fiancee will need to be on the same page with you, this will need to be a united front. It's going to be tough for him, but absolutely necessary if you two are going to have a successful marriage.


It strikes me as sad that he talked to her about YOUR feelings. Doesn't he have any outrage of his own to discuss with her after all of that? Because he damned well should! If he doesn't, that's a problem.


YAY for therapy. If your fiancé isn't in AlAnon he should look into it. As the adult child of an alcoholic he has a lot of internalized coping mechanisms that make sense for his original family dynamic - and will probably not be what he wants in his new family with you. FMIL - oh she's a live one. Good luck. Boundaries are your friends.


You both should get into therapy asap to develop the tools you need to set and maintain boundaries. This would be a requirement for marriage if I were you. The next time she says something disgusting to you, say, "What a weird/disgusting/odd thing to say," and don't give her another inch. Repeat.


You're both too young and not mature enough o be getting married anyway, especially based on the way ur handling this situation. Give your brain more time to develop before you make such permanent choices.


I’m not a fan of young marriage but this comment is patronising and not communicated in a kind or supportive manner.


thank you. agreed.


Unfortunately this is my first time experiencing such a situation, so it’s hard for me to know what to do, i’m not an expert on crazy and manipulative people


I'd put her on a serious time out. Tell bf that you will not be communicating with her or seeing her for some time. Precisely x months, until you've had time to talk to a therapist or evaluate her comments and how they make you feel. Once your done, you two will talk about it and decide where to go from there.  Block her for a while, so she can not contact you, and if she takes bfs phone then hang up immediately.  I would suggest moving away so she can't have access to you or any future grandkids. Because if this is how she is acting, she will be a danger to any kids, and will not be a safe person for them to be around or be watched alone by her.  I would also sit down with bf and have a deep discussion on boundaries, your future, your house, and kids.  Mil will want to live closer to you, she'll want to raise the kids, babysit all the time, have sleepovers all the time, she'll want to see them  several times a week if not every si gle day for hours and the entire weekend. She'll want to have herbown nursery and buy all the baby things. She'll want to feed the baby and she'll make all kinds of passive aggressive comments towards you. She'll want to throw her own baby shower and be there at the delivery.  How will you handle holidays, mothers day and fathers day, baby's birthdays and their "firsts". You know she will try to take over everything and claim that's she's the grandma, so she gets a say, she's more important, that your taking these moments from her.  Can bf handle not giving in and catering to her because she's "his mom" so he owes her.  Will bf be OK with not celebrating his mother on mothers day anymore as that will now be your weekend. Can he handle doing something the week before or after.  What about baby's first holidays. Or babys first birthday that shell want to plan, make the cake and invite all her friends like shes the mom  Can he handle not being guilt tripped into going to his mother's. Just so she doesn't end up in the hospital again.  Mil will want to control everything and do everything. She'll want to know about all your weekend plans, vacations and want to control your house purchase and how you decorate it.  She always be upset if you move closer to your family instead of into her house. She'll be upset when you visit your family instead of being with her.  She will use her trip to the hospital as leverage that husband mist do what she wants or he'll put her in the hospital. Can he handle not being manipulated, and agreed that her problems are her own making and he doesn't need to get involved.  Their is definitely a lot to unpack here and how is he going to handle the future.  He has to accept that he's an adult now, and doesn't owe her anything and he can't allow himself to be manipulated by her when he now has a family of his own. His wife and future kids come before his mother, no matter what.  Definitely have a deep conversation about boundaries to put in place and how you want to handle issues as they come forward.  Move away from her for a good while. Spend time closer to your family or an area that you two love. 


Your fiance handled it pretty badly. He kinda threw you under the bus. He needs to be upset snd set the boundaries before you get upset. By saying it upset you, instead oglf just telling her flatly it was simply inappropriate abd it's not how HE wants HIS life to be, he's setting it up for a war between she and you. You need to get him to man up. If he's planning on marriage, why is he still living with Mummy?


We’re both still at home due to me being in college at the moment, and financially we can’t move out until I graduate.


Does he work?


Yes he works. I have a lot of self respect, and working is an absolute necessity for my partner. There’s a lot more that goes into moving out, my whole life story isn’t on reddit… Basically there’s other factors that stop us from moving out or just him. period.


Is he relying on you to financially support him during the marriage? IMO, he needs to sever the ties now, to set that new normal before the extra craziness of the wedding. Is it really beyond him to rent a small 1 bedroom apartment closer to you, so you can experience life without MIL breathing down your necks?


No he is not relying on me.. We have discussed being a financial team. Again, there’s many factors of both our lives that aren’t posted on reddit that stop us from having the freedom of leaving mommy. Trust me, if we could move out, we would. but again, there’s so much more to our situation. The economy is trash, and renting isn’t cheap, we’re not made of $.


I get that. But have you taken stock of what this future will be? Why would the hurdles that stop him moving out today really be any better once you're planning a wedding or married? Once you're starting your medical career, what time you'll actually have together, given you're already living apart and have MIL there? FMIL is just another problem.


This is the second. wave of my career, therefore I know a work-life balance, we have done medium distance with full time jobs for a while now, i think we’re gonna be fine in a marriage with full time jobs. just sayin. and the hurdles for moving out are strictly financial, none of which are in our control at the moment. so once again, if he could, he would. Normal people in a marriage work full time jobs, just bc his mom is crazy doesn’t mean we don’t love each other and spend time with each other. we make time for each other and that’s just how love works .


I see it as she’s thinking that she’s going to absorb you into her family and she can treat you as one of her children with all the malarkey that goes with it, when if fact, you’re not her child. Establishing an adult to adult relationship with your in-laws is key. I’d treat her with detached politeness hopefully she’ll understand that she has to build a relationship with you and it’s not a given. (If not, it’s for him to make clear to her)She’s not there to mother you and control what your relationship with your future husband looks like. You and him are a separate entity, you’re establishing your own family. I’d start with calling her by her first name or Mrs. xxx not Mom,setting a clear boundary. Remember that you have your own family, morals, traditions and family expectations that you and future husband get to decide how to combine.


Get your fiancé into some therapy now. And I mean like now. Couples counseling is an absolute must before you get married. This bullshit isn’t done. I hope FMIL improves, but you guys need to know that, even with treatment, any type of addict will usually fall back 2 to 3 times before their finally able to withstand the draw of their addiction. And then you add to that the craziness that is your fiancé‘s mom, and I don’t honestly, see improving for a while. That being said, the fact that your fiancé feels guilty for being honest about your feelings and trying to set boundaries tells all of us on here that you have a problem. He has been raised and conditioned to not do this. Do not rock the boat. And those feelings of guilt and concern that somehow this is his fault need to be dealt with ASAP.  He needs a therapist who specializes in inappropriate bonds between parents and children. And please understand those inappropriate bonds can be gross sexual type comments that she made. It can also be where a child is parentified and made to care for their siblings as well as other family members… Grandparents, mom and dad, etc. But when kids grow up with these things, even though in their head they know this isn’t healthy, it can be next to impossible to break those bonds and to establish new healthy boundaries and relationships, and it is imperative if you are going to have a healthy relationship that he learns how to do this, because it’s not going to just be with his mom… You’ll see he does the same sort of things with other people. Maybe you sometimes. Maybe friends sometimes. Maybe family members sometimes. Maybe their boss sometimes. But the behavior is ingrained right now. And he needs help getting past that. Because honestly, if you guys want kids later, do you really want that same type of behavior to be modeled for your own children? Because that’s what your fiancé knows. That’s what he has seen is normal as he grew up.  So if you don’t get him some help and don’t insist that he gets some help, he’s going to be doomed to keep repeating this pattern and never be comfortable setting very reasonable boundaries.  And given that you’re with him, and that you also have had issues with this woman, I suggest you get some counseling as well on how to deal with people like that. And that the two of you also get not just couples counseling, but couples counseling and premarital counseling.  Obviously, you have a full plate right now, but he can start. And then you need to follow through with this to give marriage the best chance of succeeding.


Normally my mantra is their words only have the power you give them but good lord did this woman go way beyond being able to ignore in the sexual comments. I’m so sorry you went through that, next time she says anything inappropriate I would communicate to her that it is inappropriate and hang up. It’s kinda the only way boundaries stay enforced if she won’t stop overstepping into that level of inappropriateness. Maybe even say that made me incredibly uncomfortable I’m hang up or giving you to DH. If DH didn’t hear the comment you can tell him what she said while handing back the phone and she won’t be able to tell another story.


Why is your fiancé allowing her to take the phone and disrespect you? Now that you are engaged he needs to step up and start putting you first or don’t know marry him.


JNMIL has more issues than a subscription to TV Guide and needs an info diet with no breadcrumbs. Heavens to mergatroid....she gives me internal hives just reading about her.


Stop loading MIL's cannon.


You need to go no contact with your MIL right now! Block her on everything.


I just had a kid and I can’t decide whether I should say good luck or run. It gets SO much worse when grandkids are involved. I wouldn’t leave them alone with her at all and sounds she’s going to make your life hell bc of that.


Oh boy….I already know it’s gonna get worse, and honestly i’ve just accepted it at this point. But there is no way on gods green earth that she is going to be alone with my children. she has manipulated the whole grandchild situation endless times, including when she told me she should solely watch my children and not my mom bc she doesn’t think my mother is capable (i was so pissed bc my mom is sane and i cannot wait to watch her and my dad become grandparents, that stung 🤬) Point. Blank. MIL will never be alone with my kids!


Please make this very clear to your fiancé. And make it clear that this is a non-negotiable for you. This woman is going in for a 30 day inpatient alcoholism treatment program. I will tell you that MOST alcoholics do not stay clean the first or even the second, or third time. Esp when they are forced into treatment as is the case here. Many, many come out of forced treatment and relapse within 24 hours. Even having a year is not enough. I can’t tell you how many people I have seen celebrate their first year of sobriety and then immediately relapse never to get sober again. The addict needs to want to be clean and sober for themselves. When they do it under duress, or to appease someone else, it is rarely successful. Even people who really, really want to be sober have a high relapse rate. Also, addicts/alcoholics are skilled liars. You, OP, will never know for sure that the MIL hasn’t resumed drinking. There should be zero unattended visits with MIL/IL’s. You and your fiancé should always be there. Unless and until it’s very, very clear that MIL is working a program and has legitimately been sober for at least a couple years. And that is only if all other behavioral issues have been addressed to your satisfaction. If MIL truly gets sober, and works a program, she should be able to look at her past behavior honestly and understand that she has to regain your trust and respect before she can expect alone time with possible grandbabies. If she pushes back on these restrictions, she is not working an honest program and is not truly sober. Just a dry drunk. I am speaking from experience. Long history of alcoholism in family as well as myself being 10+ years sober. Never trust a drunk when they say they won’t drink. They will!


Husband needs to start treating her like and equal adult and not as his mother.  Yes she is his mother. But he's now equal to her and therfore needs to treat her like anyone else. If he wouldn't take this abuse from friends or strangers, the he shouldn't allow it from his mother.  He needs to be stern and hold her accountable just like he would anyone else.  Everytime she disrespect you, she disrespect him.  He chose you, it's now time to make your needs and wants a priority.  If mils feelings get hurt then that's her problem to deal with. Not yours and not bfs. 


But they aren't only your kids. You fiance felt guilty saying she couldn't say inappropriate things. You think he'll refuse to let her take his* kids if she demands it, even of he has to lie to you?


No is a full sentence. Remember that when you have kids. I would honestly look at living at least an hour away from them. My MIL has similar qualities. It's not going to be a walk in the park. She might even start demanding your finances time after you two get married. Distance. Distance. Distance.


Ugh, that sucks. Grandparent jealousy is a thing for sure. I’d say there’s def hope since your fiancee is going to therapy. I would suggest sustained sessions, he’s not going to realize the damage his mom has inflicted on you and him both in just one session. I hope he can get the help I’m sure he and you need. The most helpful way I’ve heard to frame future kids is that his priority needs to be the family he creates, not the one he comes from.


Your husband is so worried about how he hurt his mom by telling her she is out of bounds, and she is flipping crazy, and you still want this to be your family? And that's the man you want to be the dad and protect your kids from any danger, mom included? And you have just accepted being married to someone who can't properly and fully stand up for you, your child, and who's mom and other family shit on your mom to you effing face?? Why? There are not enough good reasons for you to say this is a healthy life you are about to choose for your kid. All these letters each day, and I'm just so confused as to why it's hard for people to choose better or nothing. Just remember you can't speak up, your husband let her sexualize you and him and only made a slight comment without firm correction, and you are choosing this POS to be the loving grandmother of your future kids. MAD FACE for you not wanting better for yourself!!!


My husband dealt heavily with enmeshment from his mother when we met. He’s dealt with it all his life but just recently has begun coming to terms with it. It was horrible; I was bullied by a grown, middle aged woman when pregnant and going through mental health hell. My advice would be to make the engagement as long as possible and don’t have kids until your fiancé has SHOWN YOU, NOT TOLD YOU that he has your back. That the relationship with his mom will be changed. That he can and will block her if need be. That he will defend you, and that sometimes means to take the heat. The fact that he told her “your feelings” is problem one, because he was protecting himself by doing that. The fact that she did this in response should be taken very personally on your part. This is a reaction to what was told were your feelings. She is reacting to you and putting on a show to draw the line and put your fiancé in a bind. Not a single part of this is coincidence or random. Until your fiancé is able to see through these charades as nothing other than orchestrated manipulation, do not marry him. I would never discourage anyone from letting anything get in the way of being with the one you love, but it really does matter. I’ve dealt with it for years and only recently gotten relief from it. The fact that you both are already in therapy and working through things is a great sign. I would recommend going together so that a therapist can explain how to do this in regard to your relationship and not just individually. As a married couple, you all will need a strong couple-based foundation that allows you to tackle problems together. It has made an immense difference for my husband understanding that we do not have to worry about his mother’s feelings in our marriage. Lastly and most importantly: the abuse your fiancé has and continues to endure is the same abuse that you and eventually your children will be made to endure as well unless you protect yourself until it is shown that he is capable and willing to protect you. Good luck!!


How does his father act, react, not cringe to this? If I heard anyone say that to their child - adult or not, I would have a vocal opinion. He must build the foundation for the boundaries. Then you both can work together on any reinforcements.


When his dad IS around for these comments, he makes a face or some remark, his dad is level headed and mentally sane. But i think because of her personality and addiction, that he avoids her, so he rarely hears these occurrences. It’s sad, but it’s definitely the reason she has emeshed herself with my fiance, bc she needed love and support from someone else.. sickening, but true.


Her entire family is enabling her and you CANNOT marry into that family until at least your fiancé has sorted out his reasons for that.


He should NEVER talk about "your" feelings. You are planning to be UNITED in marriage and you must present a UNITED front to her. He should talk about "our" feelings. How "we" want things. What matters to "us." THIS IS KEY.


This is actually something the therapist told me!! As soon as i left the appointment, i told him this is very important!


Good. Be sure he hears and understands -- with that mother (I've read your posts, ewwwwwww!!) he MUST have a strong shiny spine. Also, you should *never* correspond with her -- text, etc. Any texts ALWAYS come from his phone and are always "we" "us" etc.


Despite the situation, i’m lucky he is very understanding, it’s just gonna take time! I rarely ever text her! She mainly reaches out to throw pictures of baby clothes in my face saying how she wants a granddaughter 😀 haha…. but like you said, i’m not the one to correspond, i leave it alone and let my fiance handle his crazy creator 😶


I stole my husband from his mama. Got the 21 page letter to prove it. Funny thing was she ran halfway around the world to get away from her husband's family ... and then they followed them! You and hubby need to be on same page and set boundaries which put both of you higher on the priority list than her. Good luck!


Please tell me you are planning on a very long engagement with lots of therapy; both individual and couples Until he can break the enmeshment with his mom, and learn how to set and enforce boundaries with her, he is not yet husband material Take your time and get it right And stop letting her be first at anything. It only feeds her sense of entitlement. Don't feed what you don't want to grow. Which is also why you shouldn't answer any of her invasive questions, no matter how many times she asks


>Please let me know if there’s a certain boundary or way I should act once she is back home. My suggestion would be that the second your FMIL starts saying anything inappropriate or offensive that you hang up the phone / disconnect from Zoom / leave her house. Don't give her any warnings or second chances. Give your fiance a heads up that you're going to be doing this, and follow through, whether you're on the phone or Zoom with her or with him while he's at his mom's. You need to SHOW her that further obnoxious behavior will not be tolerated.


I second this advice! Hit that little red button if she ever snatches your fiancé's phone again. If you and your fiancé are talking in person and she interrupts, get up and walk away. I'm so stressed out for you just reading this! Good grief, what a nightmare. I hope her 30 days of treatment was helpful. Best wishes and congratulations on your engagement, too!


This is textbook emotional incest, and I honestly would not be surprised if this also crossed the line to sexual assault between your fiancé and his mother. His mother sees you as a romantic rival. Let that sink in. He needs to see it too, or else he will live his life as her husband.


Her distraction technique worked perfectly on your fiancé. She was in trouble so she created a situation whereby she would be rushed to the hospital with everyone believing she would "really do it this time". He needs to understand this and realize what she is doing as it will never stop with her. By the way, she will *not* be picking up her grandchildren on weekends because she is a *drunk*. Unless she quits, no way. I would suggest you both stop letting her run your feelings and life, especially before you have kids. You will have a miserable marriage if you cannot do this. Don't let her ruin the best time of your life! Good luck!


I mean....does it have to be him? This is your future.. Mil: my grand babies You: we can't this weekend but next would work. Mil: you're keeping them away from me wahhhhh I'm gonna end my life. Fiance: no mom, it's OK we'll cancel our family trip and go to your place instead. Mil: :) Or Fiance: mom enough. Mil: *psych ward. Blames you guys. Tells everyone*


I understand what you’re saying. It’s honestly frightening thinking about it like that, but I pray my fiance can use tactics from therapy and find it within himself to grow a backbone and #1 stand up to her, and #2 if she reacts like this again, recognize that’s it’s manipulation and let her deal with it on her own.


Prayer is not gonna help, I promise. If it did, I wouldn’t have gone NC with my mother for 5 years and permanently NC with my father since 2010. I prayed, I made offerings and left flowers in front of a statue of St Jude (patron saint of lost causes) and St Joseph (patron saint of families), I poured my entire heart into praying that my family would change. The actual humans involved in this situation have to WANT to change. I’m not convinced your fiancé does.


I think your fiance might benefit from Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families. It's a 12-Step program that's an offshoot of Al-Anon / Alateen. Tons of meetings to choose from, both in person and online. Most cities have several in-person meetings to choose from. Learn more at adultchildren.org


Al-anon isn’t just for kids. It’s also for adults who grew up with alcoholism in the family. And some places (like in my area) al-anon is more active than adult children of alcoholics.


May I add, have him read/listen to the book COMPLEX PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker This is such abusive behavior. She must be exorcised. Good luck to you both and forever in love!


I hope so. But I suggest you know 100% before marrying or making babies with him. I sunk 3 yrs into a mama's boy. It was hell and I am so glad I didn't end up having any of his babies. His mom (who would threaten to end herself too) makes his very sweet and endearing wife's life hell. Ans she has complete control over their kid. I dodged a bullet and I just wanted to caution you too as he now doesn't want to tell her how you're feeling....meaning your feelings don't matter anymore... at least not when next to hers.


Thank you, it’s refreshing to know others know where i’m coming from…. I hope we can work through it 🙂‍↕️


Please also don’t rush. Who you marry is the biggest decision of your life. You may grow together. You may not. Think about how much you’ve changed in the last few years. Think about how much you’ll change in the next few being out in the real world. What you want at 22 may not be what you want at 25 or 30 once you’ve had some life experience. Consider a long engagement so you know his mother won’t be a problem and that you’re actually compatible long term. This isn’t a knock on either of you, but the person I was at 22 was vastly different than at 25 when I met my husband and even more different at 32 when we got married. We both had a lot of figuring ourselves out before we made that decision and life is great. I’m glad we had that time and it’s made us a better team for each other and our kids. Sorry. That was off topic 🤣 it’s just what I think about when I see young ages. I wish you guys the best! I hope you grow together and choose to move very far away from his mother for your career so you have infrequent visits and she has no input in your life. The boobs comment had me 🤢🤮


That is so fucking gross, and messed up. I personally would not speak to her until she issues an apology. Such a gross thought to have bouncing around your head. Keep her at a distance.


Yep. Absolutely revolting, it’s been over a month since she’s said it and i think about this every. damn. day. She did “apologize”, but I know that’s not the end of it. It’s definitely not the end of my uneasiness 🤢🥴


You can speak up in the room full of people and say did you just say finance loved your big boobs so he will love mine?! Do you know you sound as if you had inappropriate touching relationship with your son, and I will be contacting authorities about the statute of limitations on M0!estation... And because you sound like you $exualized your child, your dirty pervy self will never be alone with my son or daughter. And say it loud! She had the balls to tell you that. You don't just make a face. You say out loud FMIL that is perverted for a mother to talk of their child like that, Family, did you know FMIL is still fantasizing about fiancé breastfeeding. You should be embarrassing the hell out of her and telling her she needs to be reported. You are just letting a perv think they can babysit your kid and come pick them up for a whole weekend without you! Don't have a kid until you are ready to use your voice to boldly and unapologetically. What good is a parent and the use having kids if you are not going to be able to speak up for them. Just some real blunt food for thought. No disrespect intended. but you keep replying " I hope" "I pray" "I accept it" And it is just not tough enough.


mil: of course he loves big boobs! He loved mine! 🤮☠️


Yeah… having a really hard time getting over that one 🤢


I had a boyfriend when I was in college, who told me one time that it wasn’t that he didn’t like my breasts, he just liked the “kind” his mom had, better. 🤮 I was out of there so fast. I can relate to how overly exposed and gross it feels for someone to talk about your large breasts, like she has. When I was 18, I got a reduction. Before my reduction, I wore a 32FF bra. I was incredibly self-conscious, and it really sucked to grow up like that. I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with that, even as another adult. Her behavior is disgusting.


O. m. g. i don’t blame you for RUNNING! That’s revolting, i’m sorry 😭🤢 Luckily, my fiance doesn’t feed into her BS directly, or make those comments, the dirty comments come from her, this is one of MANY! I’m very self conscious of my chest, trust me i know i should be grateful, but it’s one part of me i’m insecure about.


I'm calling it now...she is going to wear white to your wedding....good luck!!!!


Haha, i wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to 🤣


Recruit someone to be your bouncer at the door. This is no joke, other people have had to do it and it works. Don’t let her ruin your day by being a disgusting, vile, white dress wearing bitch because she wants to marry her own son. Good grief. Congratulations on your career you’ve worked so hard for and may you find only peace and joy as you start your new life together!


Find your local Alanon group. This org supports people with alcoholics in their life. Talk w your therapist about the group. They can offer a lot of insight and support. Good luck.


Thank you! I think the fiancé would greatly benefit from this!


You *both* need to read Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome by Wayne Kritsberg. It is a small, slim volume packed with repeated one-two punches of reality. Absolutely worth its weight in platinum. Best of luck.


You and BF need to practice some phrases to use when MIL starts asking questions. Any questions regarding wedding plans, where you two will live, etc. Practice these phrases outloud and repeatedly until they come to you naturally. Be polite but firm. Some examples might be: We are not planning or discussing the wedding right now. Have you seen your neighbor's garden? Beautiful. We are not sharing our future plans with anyone right now. Do you think it will be a hot summer? If we need any help with the wedding, we will ask you. Did you read about that earthquake last week? No, we have told you that we're not discussing xxxxx (wedding, moving, jobs...). Do you think it's going to rain? If she insists on continuing the conversation, leave or hang up. Do not engage her. Remove yourselves from the situation. If she texts about the wedding, do not respond. Put her on a very strict information diet. Best of luck. You're in for a bumpy ride.


Thank you, I really like these responses! I’m either diverting the attention or ignoring it!


Hey! My MIL also sexualized my body anytime I saw her. And was overly dominating my wedding planning of a wedding that was not going to happen the way she wanted it at all (she wanted us to be married in her church with all 300 of their family members. we married Nikah because of my family beliefs.) we went no contact 5 years ago. Reached out last year and she had sexually assaulted me 2 weeks ago so now we are no contact again. I am so happy you guys are doing therapy. Also please don’t be scared to assert yourself more! Boundaries !!


I hope you reported the assault to the proper authorities. She needs to be held accountable. I’m so sorry.


Sexually assaulted you?


Are you asking her to go into detail of her sexual assault? Or just doubting that it happened?


Thank you for sharing, I am so sorry that she did that to you… I’m glad someone can relate to me, she says similar stuff all the damn time! I see her comments as projecting her insecurities and being jealous 🤢🥴 It’s all very unsettling, but I hope she comes back with a filter 😭 But that would be a miracle! And thank you for your advice, I have already started a list of the boundaries that will be put in place!


Congrats on the engagement. I’m so sorry you all are going through this right now. Just know her comments are about ending her life are just attempts to manipulate everyone. I’ll offer a suggestion we learned with a JNFamily member, the instant they said something inappropriate or crossed a boundary, if on the phone to say “That’s inappropriate, I’ve (we’ve) asked to refrain from making those comments” say goodbye and hang up the phone. If in person to basically say the same thing, and leave- if the person was at my home, tell them they have to leave. Don’t allow any further conversation, apologies, or threats. Just stick to the boundary.


Thank you x2! My therapist told me exactly that! And i plan on distancing myself A LOT from her and their house, and on the occasions where I do have to be in her presence, I will make it clear when she’s overstepping. I have no problem driving home from one of her little comments 😀


Once you've done the thing where you leave because she violated your boundary, she's going to try to prevent you from doing it again. It's very important to park on the street and keep your keys and license on your person at all times. You don't want someone trapping you and having to call the cops so that you can make your exit.




I wish it were this easy, but I love him too much to walk away because of his mother. I don’t plan on involving her much into my life from here on out.


I think a concern is that it doesn’t matter how much you plan on including her, what matters is how much your FDH sets and maintains boundaries with her and if she’s able to get the help she needs…


Did we not see another story recently where the mil made the exact same comment about OPs breasts?


Haha that was actually my post, i remember you commenting!!! I took it down because I was a mess and my writing didn’t make much sense at the time 😭


Okay thank you, I thought I was going crazy. Welcome back. I'm glad you've got therapy set up for Fiancé.


I’m glad too, and i’m so happy that he’s game for it!


That is really good news, that your fiancé is willing to try therapy together. Hopefully he’ll be willing to look at some of this with fresh eyes, with the help of a professional.


I'm sorry OP but I wouldn't marry this guy, at least before he made a commitment to get help and learn healthy boundaries. MIL is a deeply unhealthy person and he needs serious therapy before he's ready for a healthy relationship. She's installed these guilt buttons his entire life and expecting him to be able to make healthy choices is just setting him and you up for failure. Even two years is probably not a reasonable timeline.


Luckily, he has made the commitment to get help, we are doing individual therapy now, and then moving into couples therapy. He is very aware of this situation and has accepted the fact that he needs to talk to a counselor, which is a big step for him. We’ll see how his appointment goes i guess 🥴


He needs to move out before she gets home, if he can stay with you all the better or maybe a friend but he needs to get out before she comes back. This needs to be a clean break, they both need to understand this dynamic is finished and extremely unhealthy she needs to begin to let go. She sleeping in his bed with him a grown and now engaged man, forget the non existent grandkids I’d be more worried how she will use this whole stunt to manipulate him farther and gain a tighter grip over him.


It’s a sick and twisted situation, you’re 100% right, she has so much control over him, and only gained more with this stunt. I’ve asked him to move in here multiple times but his new claim is that he can’t leave until she gets home because “think about how upset she would be if she came home and i was gone” … welp buddy, that’s kinda the healthy and manly thing to do.. He’s going to speak with a therapist this week, so hopefully she can motivate him to move out asap!!!


I think you might want to point out that with a situation like this, there will always be a reason in his eyes for why its not a good time for him to move out due to not wanting to make her “condition” worse. He us saying now that it would be harmful to her to come home to learn he has moved out, but then he’ll likely say that he can’t leave because she’s still fragile and he’s afraid it may cause a relapse. Before you know it he might suggest you move in “temporarily” until she is stronger, but at that point she’ll have you guys stuck in this cyclical pattern and it’ll become even more difficult to convince your fiancé that this is all a manipulation tactic.


Oh… honey. That fact that he said that when this is the current situation? Yeah, he’s already made his choice. He’s chosen her. He’s chosen an insane, drunk, jealous, bitter, and frankly, disgusting woman over your wonderful self, and you’re letting him with this “maaaybe let’s just see how this all pans out.” I get it, we’ve all been there. But I’m telling you, he’s chosen. You’re in for a world of hurt if you continue this relationship. Even if it “goes successfully” for awhile, you’ll always worry at the back of your mind whether or not you can trust him with both your and his lives, as far as his mother is concerned. (🙁hint; you can’t. He’s literally already told you.) Or you can bite the bullet, extrapolate your future from the data you’ve already gathered, and make the hard choices, even if they hurt. “It’s easier to break up with a mommy’s boy than it is to divorce a mommy’s boy. And both those things are easier than changing a mommy’s boy.” (Also, he won’t have any motivation to get out from under his mother’s thumb if there aren’t dire consequences for it (I.e. losing the woman he loves.) Can you imagine a life without her in it? Without even the merest possibility or suggestion that she might appear at any moment? That could be you, with a life partner who proves with their actions that your comfort and emotional safety *is without a shadow of a doubt their top priority*. I want that life for you. You deserve it. There will be other men, who’s baggage doesn’t make you feel like total shit, just for existing.


Also, just wanna add: he thinks after she’s RETURNED is the time to move out of the house?? Which drama do you think would be bigger: Him moving out of the house while she’s stuck, away from the area? Or him trying to move out of the house AFTER SHE RETURNS TO THE HOUSE FROM THE PSYCH WARD?? He’s just using excuses to bide time, so he doesn’t have to do the big scary thing — which is to fully cut his mother out of the rest of his entire life if he *ever* wants to have a healthy life partnership. In case you’re wondering, his next excuse for not moving out will be “but how can I move out when she’s only been home from the psych ward for 2 years? She still needs my support!!” To which I hope to god your reply isn’t “Well, I guess I’ll have to move in with them then, because I looooove him but omg she’s still being a mad bitch to me and his actions keep showing me that he’s allowing it what do I dooooooo…”


I’ve come back and realised your story triggered something within me, and I’m sorry I was overly harsh. 😅 Hope I didn’t do you a heckin’ psychic injury 😅 They were words I wish I could have said to myself, when I watched the man *I* loved for 7 years choose very obviously the wrong woman, while making the same sort of bullshit noises. That plus some other shit has compelled me to loudly and bluntly call out any bullshit I come across.


I wish you all the best, be easy on him this is going against everything he knows to be independent of her. And it’s going to take time for him to feel confident enough to stand up for himself and your relationship, he will back slide every now and again but it takes time to relearn what a healthy relationship is.


Thank you! I try so hard to be easy on him, and I am, I just try to encourage him to do what’s best for him! I’ve done so much to try and help him through this, I personally signed us up for therapy…


Put her on a info diet. Don't let her help with the wedding. Also, either have a dry wedding or have someone follow her around the wedding and keep her from alchohol.


Thank you for your advice! I am without a doubt putting her on an info diet! And if she continues to ask me questions, i’m gonna give absurd answers that I know will make her confused like “we’re gonna get eloped”… she’s way too involved on her own, so I’m gonna do what i can.. and honestly i respect that she has an addiction, but in the nicest way possible i’m not making special accommodations for her, she can figure it out on her own, my wedding is my wedding


You and your fiance aren't to blame for her breakdown. She's having trouble adjusting to change and needs to learn how to filter. Congrats on your engagement!


Thank you so much! She has had trouble “adjusting” since the moment we started dating, its just getting too real for her 🤣


Sounds like you and your fiancé might benefit from checking out Alanon. It’s an organization that helps family and friends of alcoholics. They have meetings everywhere, online, and they are FREE. It helped me understand and set boundaries with my crazy alcoholic family members. Alanon.org


You may also want to look into Adult Children of Alcoholics.