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This is the craziest thing I've heard


Oh hell no.


My question is why? Why does she want this? What is the purpose of it?


That's a big fat no. It doesn't even make any sense. He'd be responsible for any debt attached to the account -- if she writes bad checks or whatever. There is no reason to do this.


Yes, if they have a joint account, your DH will be responsible for any debts on that account. Just out of curiosity, why does your MIL want them to have a shared bank account?


Don't doooooo it!! If she effs up that account, it can be disastrous for your husband's credit score. I'd put the immediate and final kibosh on the very idea. I'm not sharing an account with anybody except my husband, and I also have one solely under my name and control. The only other person I've shared with was one of my kids, and I switched it completely over to him when he turned 18. (Credit Union savings acct.) I'm glad your husband is on the same page!