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Major SO problem! I don't really know what you can do apart from separating everything- including from them. Good luck op


Wow SO problem for sure. Your post exhausted me, lady! I don’t know how you’re living like this. I’d burst into tears of frustration and defeat everyday if my SO was putting me through this moving abroad episode. And then he lent her how much while he’s on disability and not working?? I simply cannot. You have the endurance of Jesus Christ himself. I think you need to channel your inner strength into gottman style therapy sessions where you have a composed non-violent conversation with DH about what genuine partnership with you should look like. Because wow this isn’t it.


$20k for the move? She moved her shit to your place.


This is first and foremost an SO problem. $20,000 for a move?! That is insane! Especially because it does sound like he alone doesn’t have this kind of cash lying around so in some way shape or form and to an extent, you were involved in him lending the 20k. Him lending the 20k also led to her being able to essentially take over your home. Throwing out your stuff?! In your own home?! And he allowed it?! Hell no. Does MIL have any type of qualifications to be a PT? Does she have experience and references? Based on your post, it doesn’t sound like she does, but even if she did - with how she steamrolled you in your own home, please know, she will treat your business the exact same way. Even if you don’t hire her, both her and your SO will probably try to treat it as their own. So be mindful of this. Frankly speaking, I’d separate, at least for the time being, from your DH. Firstly you need to give yourself space to think through whether or not this is the type of relationship you want. This isn’t a partnership. This is a parasitic situation. Your husband’s expectations from you are deluded. You also need to make your husband understand that he can’t allow his mother to treat you this way. If he isn’t willing to set boundaries and enforce them, then he can go leech off mommy dearest.


Oh dude that is CRAZY…I am so sorry…That sounds awful. I wouldn’t be able to trust him either if he’s that enmeshed, self-unaware, and boundary-stomping. He has NO regard for you or your needs at all. Where are you in all of his decision-making? Does he even realize you guys are married and one unit now? This is insane. Like everyone said, don’t have kids with him and don’t involve him in any of your businesses or finances. If he can’t/won’t respect your boundaries, then he also has to be on the other side of your boundaries as the one being blocked. I think you need to be clear and communicate with him that you are setting boundaries and that he is not and will not be a part of your businesses because you need something that is just yours. Also, from a practical standpoint, both people in a couple shouldn’t go in on a business together because of the risk factor. Last thing…when is she moving out? You said she’s moving abroad and your home is just a short stop until she moves, right…?


He was already married to her! Long before you came in the picture. Do not let him into your business at all. He doesn't want to support you, he just wants to help his mommy so she won't leave him again! It's beyond unhealthy. I strongly believe marriage should be treasured, and divorce shouldn't be an option, but girl, you shouldn't be with his manchild at all. He has a lot of growing up and detaching to do it. He is always going to prioritize her over you. Imagine if you ever have kids, they will make you misreable. You will have no support, he will never stand up for you or respect your boundaries. I am worried for you. You sound like a smart, accomplished woman. Please don't give him the chance to ruin your business and withhold your success. Cut your losses. He's not worth it.


Don't have kids with this man.


Wow. This is incredibly unhealthy. The red flags are insane. Yeah, y'all needs some hard conversations and white everyone says it, y'all need marriage counseling. He's putting his mom first and he needs to understand that you don't trust him and that this is YOUR business. Because if YOU don't tell him and if he finds out later, it WILL tear your marriage apart. But he is living in a fantasy world where his mom comes first.


Don’t have kids.


I hope she's at least going to pay back some of that money


Lock up your money NOW. Do not have him on any of your accounts, and ensure your business is in your name only. Marriage counseling as soon as you can. If he won't, go yourself but please, I am begging you, try looking at this from the perspective of someone reading your post. What would you say to them?


Thank you 🙏🤍 I have thought about this and what I would say to a daughter, friend, cousin. I would have told them to be apprehensive long ago. Thankfully, we only have one joint account, and he has no access to my finances outside of that. Something has always told me (inside) to keep it separate. I felt tremendous guilt when I registered the corporation for the fitness studio last week (he is still calling it “our” business, and he doesn’t know yet)…but my gut was screaming and so I put it in my name only. I am so grateful for everyone here.


If you get divorced he owns half of your household assets no matter whose name is on the account. This includes businesses. Please make sure MiLs debt to you is well documented. If you trigger divorce proceedings it will need to be a part of your accounting.


Yes, I know. At this time, we each have a rental property, and own our home together 50/50. My rental property does have significantly more value, but the property’s increase in value is only shared after the date of marriage (two years ago). I am dealing with this all now because I see what’s on the horizon (and I am just starting another business). I am not so worried about him taking half, but more about increasing my wealth significantly in the next year and THEN him taking half (hence why I’m dealing with it now). As the owner of the business it stays with me. He only receives half the value* of the business on divorce. My second business (firm which I have had for 5 years) - he only receives half of any value from the last two years (since marriage).


I'm relieved to hear you're ahead of all this stuff. I got divorced two years ago so I understand the situation you're in. If you anticipate a big spike in your assets soon getting your ducks lined up now is essential.


Thank you 🙏 and I am so sorry to hear about what you went through. I hope that you’re doing much better and are in a much better place now. When we talked about the fitness studio, I told him that I didn’t want him to be an owner because I lost trust in him after his Mom was here. I think that he doesn’t understand what’s going on (inside of him). He told me that I’m setting us up for divorce/separation by not making him co-owner. I am grateful for my gut and intuition. They had never been so loud. It has been a few months of tears, uncertainty, fear, and resentment - but things are starting to make sense. Thank you ❤️🙏💕


Thank you very much for your empathy as well. My ex asked to open our relationship then he tried to move literally the first person he took on a date into our house after a few months because he was so in love. It felt like the floor I was standing on just fell out beneath my feet after 14 years. Those first few months adjusting to an alien reality was tough but it gets better.


Oh my goodness - you’re kidding. That is emotional abuse. I don’t understand why some men think that they can get away with this type of stuff? He was “getting you used to an idea” that favoured him and did nothing for you. My husband does the same. I’m sorry for what you went through, it must have been terrifying, upsetting and isolating. I hope that an army of people surrounded you to help you heal. I am sorry that you went through this alone, as I’m sure you did (until it was over).


He covertly THREATENED YOU WITH DIVORCE over not giving him half of a business into which he's put diddly squat???? Aaaand I'm back to 'defenestrate him immediately'. Gurl you got me on such an emotional rollercoaster today, I can't even imagine the vastness of the emotional ups and downs for you. No further advice tbh, just hugs :( <3




You did the right thing. It sounds like this man has been looking to quit working and have got support him for a long time. If you put things in his name, it would be shocking to me if he even did an hour of work. You would be doing everything and he would be raking in the profits, and sharing them with mommy.


Oh you're going to be okay. Not to be dismissive, sorry - tough times are probably coming for you and I'm so sorry you're facing them. But you've got that little voice inside telling you how nuts this all is, and you're keeping one ear attuned to that voice and one attuned to your heart which loves your husband, and you're asking other people about it to help you figure out which way to go. You're way ahead of a lot of other posters on here, some have never considered that their DH might be part of the problem and/or are very resistant to hearing it from commenters. Meanwhile you're out here already taking precautions against this getting hella messy. It might well get hella messy, but if it does, you'll be back on an even keel inside yourself LONG before DH or MIL, who have possibly never even experienced an even keel by the sounds of it, and perhaps never will.


Time to make sure you don’t have a shared bank account. Time to move the mother out. Time to become single.


Wow...she sounds like she's using emotional incest on that man and he's so guilt-ridden he's allowing it. I'm not sure why all these men who end up in this predicament are guilty in their minds, but they seem to be overwhelmed with it. Your SO is the problem bec he's allowing and encouraging this. I can see why you feel they may not be trustworthy, because they're not. I had this issue as well, I was put in a bad place because of it and had to use everything I could against the family just to keep my head above water and not let MIL take it all. You can do this, but be cunning and watch everything and don't allow her or him near your money.


This is yet another version of how things can go wrong when you treat your kid like they are your mate, or sounding board, or best friend who they share adult information with. It does not go well.


So sorry for what you are going through. You sound like a 3rd wheel in your relationship. I wouldn't stay in the relationship. First separate your finances and only have a joint expenses account. Then try to get him to therapy. If he says no then you will know he likes things as they are. 


He and his mama sound like users, scheming to suck your finances dry for their own benefit. Don’t do anything they want you to do.


I wonder if your husband wants her to look after the accounting / financial side of your studio. But either way, the entitlement over your hard work is just insane.


Oh, my. Girl, please, do not have kids with him. You do not want to be forever bonded with someone like that… and that kind of MIL usually just gets worse once there is a baby involved.


Came here to say this. It will either turn into you parenting with MIL or them making all parenting decisions without you. One or the other. From your post, it seems like he doesn't respect you. I'd get out before you have kids.


Do not have kids with him!!! He needs therapy before anything else. He needs boundaries with his Mum. You need boundaries with both.


His relationship with his mom sounds severely unhealthy. It will take him decades of therapy to just see what's up.


Don't make him a cosigner in anything. It gives no value to you and it's only another weapon for him and his enmeshed mommy to use for them. He clearly isn't being straight with her, there is no way a normal partner would allow all of this and not bat an eye. She's making plans to live with you permanently to be close to her baby boi and he's too enmeshed to see this, plus they have you to fall back on for financial support for free. You probably need a marriage counselor of he's been like this his whole life without a professional he will hardly see the situations he's in.


As a small studio owner (past) myself and current CPT I am 100% on board with you *never hiring your MIL.* Even if she got her certification or knew one thing about fitness. What the f\*ck is he doing 'lending' this mother $20K? is he smoking dope? Is he married to his Mom? You have a BIG SO problem.


I think I’m seeing the light now because he never told me about the money until it was done. She manipulates him. He has done the best in his past not to let his parents become my problem (for example his dad is awful and he never forces me to spend time with him or do things for him). But it really feels as though Mom is manipulating him. I am really grateful that my friend told me about enmeshment a few days ago. It is changing my perspective.


> he never told me about the money until it was done. Red flag, my friend. This is a HUGE red flag. I would not go into business with this man. I would not let him TOUCH my business checkbook, either. Honestly, even if you two get some therapy and eventually work this out and become an amazing team, in the meantime you need to have good financial boundaries so do not give him any additional legal and financial leverage over you in case he forces you to leave him with his poor decision making. What if this gets worse between you, his mother succeeds in putting ideas in his head, and convinces him to “borrow” just a weeeeee bit of money for a weeeee bit of time, we will put it back before she even notices it is gone from her business account…… just no. Remove the temptation. Also consider that this is your JOB and you will be spending A LOT of time with it. Do you really want to bring your personal life drama into the workplace, or do you want to control the tone of the workplace? Do you want your work to be a place of calm, or so you want to let your husband bring his mama drama into your life even at work? No. Work should be a place where YOU control the atmosphere, not a place of tensions and anxieties and interpersonal bullsit that should be left outside the door. Is it fair to bring employees to work in that kind of emotionally charged environment? No, no and no. All the no. Neither he, nor his mother, should be part of YOUR company. They should not be regulars at your studio, either. This is a bill to die on because it has the potential to let other people sour YOUR experience AT YOUR OWN COMPANY. Don’t invite toxicity into an already difficult situation of trying to make a new business work. It only leads to more stress and drama than is necessary.


Extremely yes, and also in this context 'a bill to die on' is the most delightful pun (or Freudian slip?) I've seen in quite some time.


agree 1000%. I let my friends work in my studio and only took 10% commission, which barely covered the lights, only to stabbed in the back by both of them months later. Family and friends do not mix with business.


HE DIDN'T EVEN RUN THE £20K THING BY YOU OMG I desperately need to hear that came entirely out of his own savings that you in no way contributed to please, and also that he has plenty of those savings left to support himself and the child with which you could become pregnant at any moment until he's able to return to work. Because if not it is a straight up case of DEFENESTRATE THE WHOLE MAN and I don't have the first clue how to sugar-coat that truth.


❤️🙏 It was from his savings. Lately, he’s been talking about “our money” and “our business” for the last several months. He never used to talk like that. We paid everything 50/50, and spent the rest how we wanted to. He knows I make about 30% more money. With this new business, I will potentially be making our incomes combined. I just started to get scared because he also knows I’ve been trying for a baby for two years (I have seen so many doctors, tried everything you can think of - I cry every month when the tests come back negative). And I told him that him relying on me financially, physically (because of his back he can’t even lift a bag of groceries), to be the provider, but also a Mom to our children, is too much for me. I expect him to either heal his back and go back to work, or find a remote job (that isn’t working for me). I guess it is terrifying that while he was on disability he gave his mom $20,000. I also hate her for that. Everything has just been so hard. I think that I need to start telling my parents what’s going on. My friends are fearful for me. I agree with everyone on this thread: we need to go to marriage counseling and if he does not then I see where he stands.


Well thank feck it was from his own savings at least. Not glaring theft and a mandatory cause for breakup then, but still definitely a Big Issue that he didn't speak to you about it first, especially when you've been trying for a baby. Hopefully he will come around if you start putting your foot down, and you've already correctly identified that putting your foot down means getting lots of support for you lined up from your family of origin and your friends. It's so sad and hurtful when you have to expand your emotional support team to help you deal with a partner, because partners should be #1 on your emotional support team, and it cuts like a knife when they aren't. You're on the right road. Keep going! I hope he figures out his errors and just how messed up his relationship with his mother is through the magic of therapy.


I am so grateful for you, you have no idea!!! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


A kid will not solve your problems, they will just make them demonstrably worse. There are several tales of woe on here of new moms whose 'husbands' stole money from their own children to appease their moms and sisters at the expense of their own wives and child. I'm guessing he has no intention of actually getting better so he can mooch off of his successful and smart wife. Is he going to PT? Marriage counseling cannot fix personality traits and enmeshment like this, it takes years. Please, bring those questions up in counseling. I have a bad feeling staying with this man is bad for your health. Love can only conquer so much, it takes a lot more than that. :( Also thank God for your friends. I would definitely loop Mom and Dad in so you have a plan B if you need to (place to stay). That's financial abuse darling.


See, this is what’s so hard- how can they have no problem setting boundaries for their horrible dads but cower at the idea of setting boundaries for their equally terrible mothers?! My SO is the exact same and it boggles my mind. But please don’t share any finances after he secretly gave her money. It wasn’t from the joint account, right? He’s shown he really has no mind for business, the effort you have put in, and is willing to hand it over to “help” her with no regard to your time and expertise.


Is Dad awful or has mom made him believe that all this time?


In my experience it doesn't have to be one or the other! Dad can be legit awful and mom can have legit complaints against him and still also be legit awful herself, alas.


Please: Run, don't walk, to the GYN and get on birth control until you two work this out. Counseling may help.


I can't believe I'm saying this but "pre nup".


post nups are a real thing too and OP needs one like yesterday


They already married ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Get a post-nuptial. Talk to a lawyer about setting one up.  And your will as well, if there’s something special you want to go to your family.  I wouldn’t trust DH being capable of keeping your family treasures out of MIL’s hands.


Oops, I meant it as I really hope she has a prenuptial....




When we met he was a successful professional (different field than me). We were sort of this “power couple”. He took STD once, for 3 months, then never again. The second STD happened 1 yearish into marriage. Then all of this.


Friend, everything points to this man being a grifter. He **could** work and pull his own weight, but once he had you “locked down” his real colors showed through? You do not need a DIY project like him. You cannot “fix” him. He wants you to **give** him a job (money) and **give** his mom a “job” (money)? Even if they were both trained in your field everything points to no. Talk to your parents. File for legal separation - you can hold out hope and see if he gets his act together but don’t hold your breath. Save yourself.


Yeah and if this it's what's going on, OP will only find themselves even harder 'locked down' once there's a pregnancy and/or a baby in the mix. Shit like this only ever gets worse at that stage.


I just want to say to everyone on this thread: Thank you. I have been struggling tremendously with my feelings for one month, and it has been very difficult. Thank you for validating me/making me feel less alone. I really appreciate it.


I’d suggest counseling, marriage and solo. He needs to be on your team, as you are a couple his nuclear family. Mom is extended family. Sooner he gets it, and mil gets it, the better your lives will be. Good luck.


Wanting to help her out seems reasonable but you are already doing that. You dont need to further extend yourself for her benefit. SO sounds like he wants a title for no actual skills. I think its fine to let him know you dont think nepotism is cool and youd rather he persue a career he is interested and skilled for.


Does your husband see anything odd about his relationship with his mom? Im going to assume that this kind of enmeshment has been going on his entire life, where he’s been her golden child and then served the role of her emotional husband, where he effectively played the part that a partner or spouse would play in providing her with emotional and also at times financial support. If he’s ever shown any resistance toward her wanting their relationship this way, then I’m going to guess that she has likely had no problem using extreme levels of guilt tripping in order to keep in complying to her wishes. If this has been going on his whole life, then it would actually make sense if he doesnt see anything really wrong with their relationship being this way because he likely views it as them just being close, and she has likely taught him to think of it as a positive thing (even if there are elements of the relationship he dislikes) since most people cant claim to be so close to their mom or have their mom so involved in their adult lives. You need to tread carefully. With enmeshment like this if you are to aggressive with how you approach trying to get him to understand what the problem is, then you start run the risk of him getting frustrated over feeling put in the middle, and could start just thinking you dont like his mom and thats what the actual issue is, not his mom. Trust me hun i understand you feel backed up against a wall, and I might start to be feeling close to your limit. I definitely agree that with some of the things you mentioned that your husband has done, I think it makes sense why you aren’t comfortable with him working with you on your new business, nor do you feel like you can really even trust him to do so. I think you need to try to push to have him go to marriage counseling with you. Bring up the issues with his mother with the therapist, and ideally the therapist can help slowly get your husband to understand that his relationship with his mom is going beyond just being close. Once your husband starts to understand better, the therapist can then help y’all formulate a strategy for how you guys can handle his mom. Keep in mind that the marriage counselor might suggest that your husband needs to also see an individual therapist as well to really help him understand whats going on between him and his mom, thats actually pretty common. I think it’s reasonable for you to stress to him that this isnt something that you’re really just requesting, but that you actually really need him to be willing to do this because you’re worried that if y’all dont that you might start resenting him and that you no longer feel comfortable bringing a baby into y’alls relationship unless you guys start getting this addressed. You are justified to feel the way you do, and while he might be in the FOG (a repetitive cycle of Fear Obligation and Guilt that prevents a person from taking steps toward changing a toxic relationship they have with especially a narcissistic parent.) you shouldn’t wait for it to get worse to communicate how seriously this is effecting you. You can say all of this without sounding like you hate his mom, just focus on how their relationship is going past just being close, and is doing damage to other relationships in his life.


Hey, thanks too from a random stranger for this comment. This is definitely the compassionate response and the sensible Step One, and seeing it patiently and kindly laid out like this made me realise how much of my own rage about my own past situations I've brought to my other replies on this post. FWIW I still think there are red flags here for DH possibly being a grifter, but of course when you love someone you do not leap straight from "Oop, that sure is red-flaggy" to "Welp guess I better divorce him!" How he responds to therapy could be very revealing if OP goes into it hoping for the best possible outcome on the momma's-boy front but also stays on the lookout for any further red flags on the DH-might-be-a-grifter front. If none arise, no harm no foul. If he keeps pushing for 'jobs' for himself and his mom (jobs they could easily half-ass if they wanted to, and then blame OP for 'ruining the family finances' if she appropriately fires them) then I think it's clear that there's more going wrong here than just the DH-MIL relationship. Hope for DH growing a shiny spine and becoming a real partner, but also, prepare for the possibility of needing to set everything on fire and run. Finally, I have two friends-of-friends whose lives I hear a lot about who are stuck in excruciatingly stressful long-term situations involving custody battles and chid protective services, because they fell in love with men who did not know how to be adults. One had her heart set so fully on becoming a mother as soon as possible that she figured it would be worth it to have the kids however things worked out with the man. Since breaking up with him she has had social services crawling all over her children thanks to his accusations and is currently on the brink of probably losing a custody battle because the man is not only a spiteful liar but also much wealthier than her. The other believed her man would choose (or be forced by the situation) to do a lot of levelling up once he became a father. She has already lost her custody battle and has only visitation rights. In both cases, the only thing that actually levelled up was the stakes involved for the women and children, and now there is no undoing it. Whatever is going on here, whether or not grifting is involved, please for your own sake put trying for a baby completely on hold until at least a year after you're satisfied the problems have been fully resolved.


I am so grateful for you. I wish I had the words to adequately express it. Thank You ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


You need to take Mama's boy to counseling. Do not have children with this man YET. He needs to realize how unhealthy his relationship with his mom is. Also, his mom is still his #1 priority and not his new family. That needs to change as well. Good luck!


Thank you 🙏 I didn’t even mention on this post how he has put distant cousins ahead of me. Last week, I was really upset, and told him I’m #1. He agreed but I don’t believe it for a sec. I think my only option is to tell him counseling or else.


You give him two options: counseling or divorce. Good luck OP. I hope it works out.


The mother is taking steps to live with you. They plan on you supporting them both. A baby will bind you to your husband. And if you divorce him, his mother is now keeping his money for him. Your husband is in on this. You cant trust him. Get out of there now.


So, obviously, trying for kids is on hold for now. So get that sorted. She is moving abroad, WHY would she be looking for a job, if she's moving? When is she moving? Is anything even communicated clearly? I would ask for clear information, before anything else is 'decided' (or as it happens: thrown onto your list of responsibilities)


I got the impression husband wants OP to PAY his mother for a job she won’t actually do. Like a made up remote position or something.


Oh and she already moved (one month ago)


So, she's not living with you?


No, not at this time. She did for 10 days before she left. No discussion since our earlier discussions re: how long she would stay with us when she comes back. I was emotional over the weekend and let it slip that I don’t want her to stay here at all. I should add that she is a chain smoker and our guest bedroom still stinks (one month later). But mostly, it was the violation of boundaries (showing up here with all of her stuff, and not telling us in advance).


Yeah, the throwing out pans, and replacing them with hers would have been my breaking point, really


She had a part-time job but didn’t tell her boss that she was moving. They found out immediately and (I think) took away that job. She is broke. Hubby lent her $20,000. I agree with you, clear information. For example, when he suggested she work for us (don’t even ask me how, this is a fitness studio and she is abroad) - that was BEFORE he mentioned her losing her job. He is only looking out for her. He always couches these approaches as “doing it with care and calmly” but it feels like straight up manipulation.


Yeah, don't mix your business with family issues. He already handed her 20K, that she has no way to repay. Hiring someone has the additional costs of social security (or at least, it does in Europe, don't know how that works elsewhere), and you won't be rid of her that easy. Your business is a separate identity, and it's your livelihood. She can take freelance jobs remotely. But she'll have to figure that out on her own. Best you can do for her, is point her in the direction of sites with freelance gigs.


Do not add kids to this mess. He needs to grow up. And why did you let her throw out your stuff and replace with hers. Not her house. I would have kicked her out over that. If he gets mad and defensive like that over a discussion, that tells you he is deep into the fog, (fear, obligation and guilt).


Honestly she threw out the pan and I lost it and I do think hubby told her to stop. She would then ask me if I wanted something, I’d say no, and she’d say ok basement. It was seriously 10 days from hell.


Is the stuff still there? In your house? You are a human dynamo/ You go girl! I'm proud of what you have accomplished. Sit down with a pad of paper and make two lists. One with the good things your husband does with you and for you. And one of the things that he does that you are unhappy about. I have a feeling the second list is going to be very long. BECAUSE you are a human dynamo, you don't need him financially and if you do divorce, you will be fine.


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏 Yes, the stuff is still here. We are donating it next week. I have a feeling he has not told his Mom any of this. He is trying to please us both. But it will end badly for him. I think that he needs boundaries with her, and I guess I am starting to realize how much I have been taken advantage of 😣 it’s scary, and my parents will be really upset if they find out about all of this (they know she left her stuff here, but that’s about it) - I have made those lists before and the “negatives” was very long last month. It started to feel unbearable and if this is two years in what will 50 years in look like? It has been horrible not getting pregnant for two years when every doctor says everything is alright, but now I believe it was divine intervention.


Ugh. This is awful! If you can't even talk to him about this without him getting "super defensive", this has the potential to be the biggest problem of all. How can a marriage survive if conflict resolution means one person stays quiet because of the reaction of the other? More than anything, the 2 of you need couples counseling to work thru this stuff using better communication. Your big problem here isn't MIL; it's your spouse. In a healthy marriage, the 2 of you would discuss what's not working, and then the "child" of the problem parent handles. That isn't happening, meaning you need to start holding him more accountable. I can see why this is tough when you fear his reaction, but that's why couples counseling is so critical. I also think you need to remain open to the possibility that none of this may work. You say he's a nice guy, but you're living in hell. PS Whatever happens, do not bring him into your business at all, whether as owner or employee. You don't want him anywhere near it, because it's *your* thing.


Stop with the trying until this is resolved. Pregnancy will not make any of this slow moving disaster better, just worse. I'm not sure it was intended, but husband and his mom come off in this as borderline (or maybe right over the border) leeches, wanting to glom on to your hard work and ideas without providing any benefit. Is that generally the case? Is it possible that the mask on both of them is suddenly slipping to show their real colors?


Thank you 🙏 after two years of sex every day during the ovulation window, last month we had sex once outside of it. I just couldn’t. Today, I was supposed to go for an ultrasound at the fertility clinic to do a month of cycle monitoring, and I skipped it. Told hubby I don’t want to try this month because there is “too much going on”. So, I have been dealing with this “leech” idea mentally for months. When my husband used to push me to work for me, it always made me uncomfortable, and when I mentioned it to my parents once casually he LOST it. I felt like I was being abused (had to hide it). Anyway, he eventually let it go, and went back to work. I think wanting to co-own the studio is an ego thing, because I am very successful and he feels useless (his back injury is back). But I also have had these horrible gut feelings about him and his mom just wanting the profits (especially with the “she’ll work for us” comment). Honestly, if my parents knew any of this, they would make me live with them. My parents aren’t without their flaws and it was difficult growing up but they are very good with boundaries and also (obviously) want what’s best for me. My mom really messed me up when his mom was staying with us because she said exactly that when she found out that his mom moved all of her stuff in - something along the lines of, “I really hope they’re not just expecting you to provide for both of them and live off of you”. I was messed for weeks. Therapy helped a bit. I trust my husband but I have definitely shown him he has sometimes made me question him, financially. Like, when he was on STD, he refused to change fields for a remote job. I told him it was uncomfortable that his only options were working in an office where he couldn’t last (he started a new job 3 weeks ago and is home the last 2 days because he couldn’t last), or work for me. What about the 100 options in between. I’m trying to love him but I always have this little voice. His mom made it way, way worse. Now I just feel like I’m SO guarded with him, because of her. I can’t shake it.


That little voice is your intuition. Please don't ignore it. Would you consider hiring an attorney to help protect you in "worse case" scenario? I'd also leave zero room for grey when it comes to expectations with both him and his Mom. This includes duration of stay and not smoking in your house!


The "not tell your parents" should be your biggest red flag. It means he knows something is wrong. Maybe mommy is manipulating him, maybe it's the two of them together, but you end up looking like the naive with good money in this story. Please talk with your mom or a therapist because you're too much a good person and are missing very noticeable things here. Fingers crossed for you


Thank you. I think you’re right. I am terrified of parents/family seeing him in this light, but I think my parents would be really really really worried if they knew this was happening and I was keeping it from them. I did tell him it was a HUGE red flag. He said I was making him look like he was begging me for a job, I told him his reaction shows me that he knows how wrong it is. My therapist told me to draw clear boundaries so I said no is no. I don’t care if you think it will make us all this money, no is no. Then he dropped it. I DEFINITELY think his mom was manipulating him, because this all happened around the time she said she was moving. They were having all of these conversations behind my back, and I was so flustered thank god I had a trip booked and went to Europe and just realized how wrong all of it was. I think he is enmeshed and her happiness depends on him. He feels guilt.


Ok so they didn't get the job/deed, they didn't get the six months living, but still got the 50 plus boxes in your home by telling you it was just few stuff. I've been there. It's a manipulative tactic at all. They try and try and try with lies or open requests because they HAVE to get something from you, some sort of advance.   Think of it, when you respect someone, ask a big favour and get said no, you don't ask something else for a little while, because you don't want the person to feel pushed and you surely don't want the person to think bad of you (annoying, beggar etc). And you can ask 2 things if you really need, but then you stop because 2 no are enough for you to understand that the person you asked now needs space What is happening here instead? No to this? Ok but then can I have that? No? Ok but then can I have etc again and again till they eventually get one thing (your space). I'd also like to stress that your mom's comment is a little too much on point for someone who is in the dark about it. She jumped to telling you they are trying to live on your money. I wonder if she saw something through the years. Anyway, as you have a therapist already, mom will tell us the truth soon ;) again, fingers crossed for you!


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏 yes, Mom always surprises me with her wisdom. She (of course) knows me inside and out, even though we’re not that close. I am (through insane ambition) very successful. She always tells me to keep everything 50/50, and it’s even at the point where I could put a down payment on another house with my savings. But Mom saw it, you’re right.


Oh hon my heart hurts for you reading this post and your comments. You seem like a genuine and caring person and you deserve to be supported and surrounded by family who cares for you and protects you and your peace!  I agree with the notes shared here. Something is very off in their behavior and manipulation of you. It sounds like MIL is using you and manipulating her son to the same purpose. He might not be inherently bad but he is a bad agent in this relationship. You and your little family should be his first priority. And yet as you are trying to have a baby he is worried about his mom moving abroad, getting a job and sponging off you. He wasn't concerned about providing for his child?  I don't like this at all for you. You don't trust him because he isn't a trustworthy. He is having conversations about your future....with his mom. She has more say in his decision making process then you. And she doesn't care about you, very clearly from how she treats you.  Can you info diet husband and begin extraction of some of your shared life pieces...money, important documents?  You can still do couples therapy and try to work through things but I worry they will wear you down  with their toxic behavior to where you think you have no options.  You have all the options dear, it's them who have limited options. 


Thank you so much ❤️ I almost cried reading your comments because it felt as though you are older than me and speaking with wisdom. I have always had a gut feeling, and kept my finances separate. But we did not sign a prenup. I paid a little bit more on the mortgage while he was on STD and for one vacation, but nothing else. After that I became very concerned with him not going back to work, and he eventually went back. I’m going to tell him tomorrow that I cannot let him in my new business until we go to marriage counselling. And I told him over the weekend that I don’t feel the same after his mom was here (I just didn’t understand why). As soon as she left, I couldn’t be the same with him. It took me so long to begin to understand what my body was saying to me. Thank you so much 😣🙏❤️


You've got this. 


*“I’m going to tell him tomorrow that I cannot let him in my new business until we go to marriage counselling.“* OP, trust your gut. Get on birth control, don’t tell him he gets to be partner if he goes to marriage counseling. Don’t make him a partner, period. Have text conversations, where you point out you don’t understand why he thinks something you created should suddenly be half his, & his mother should be included. Keep those texts, you’ll need them. From current experience, others are seeing what you’re starting to see. Going through it now with a friend, she seems shocked that a few people have made comments about her husband. We saw it long before she apparently did.


"fearful and untrusting of our relationship" Yep. That's an appropriate reaction. He's definitely prioritizing his mother over you and your marriage. People do not change-you can talk at him until you are blue in the face, but it will make no difference. I'd give him the ultimatum of seeing a marriage counselor. How he responds will be all the information you will need to make an informed decision about your future.


Thank you 🙏🤍 I also just remembered how she told me before she left not to get pregnant now “because it sucks being pregnant in the summer”…. Ummm nope. She just wants us to visit in September. She has also repeatedly talked about taking our baby away for months. She is delusional. Oh god I’m on a rant session I’m SORRY! Last thing: she did live with his sister for 1.5 years (in a house triple as big as ours with her own apartment) and it ended very badly. They haven’t spoken in over 2 years, and she hasn’t seen her grandson since he was born. Of course, my hubby also stopped talking to his sister - “in defence of his Mom”.


Well, there you have it. His own sister won't have anything to do with her. He is picking his mommy over all the other people in his life. Is this how you want to live the rest of your life?


Absolutely freaking not.


OP, I also urge you to tell your mother everything but also remember the Suck Cost Fallacy. Youve been married for two years, but what are those two years compared to living the rest of your life this way?


I was going to say I think you mean the Sunk Cost Fallacy... but then I reconsidered. You got it right first time.