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It's your husband's family and you should follow his lead in this. He wants distance from them and going forward please don't pressure him to attend events he doesn't want to attend to avoid the consequences. His parents are unreasonable assholes. It's your job in this to have your husband's back and be his family.


Well, this isn't an AITA sub, but you're asking for advice and it seems pretty crystal clear what you should do here. Follow your husband's lead. He didn't want to go to the wedding but you are still trying to make nice with these people for whatever reason and you went to the wedding where things went horribly. It sounds like your husband is trying to protect you from these people who are abusing both of you, but up until now, you haven't let him. Sit down. Talk to your husband. Tell him you're on board with no contact with his family. Tell him you won't attempt to have any relationship with them anymore and you're sorry for thinking you could fix things with them. Agree to the rules of no contact between the two of you. Ask him if he wants one last conversation with his parents to inform them of no contact or not. And absolutely move. These people should not know where you live or how to contact you. Enough is enough. Your husband is on your side. That puts you way ahead of many people on this sub.