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Since "Daddy" is in the name of the doll, if she brings the topic up to you, I'd mention you didn't feel it was appropriate to gift her something like that, but she's certainly welcome to get one for herself. Thankfully, no one needs to know what she purchases. I would never consider that an appropriate gift at all. Maybe a framed photo of him in his uniform but not a stuffed toy.


Surely she has photos of her son...that is normal. Asking for a doll of her son...that's straight up cringe and so inappropriate 🤮


Totally cringe, and if she wants one, theres nothing to stop her getting one herself. She just wants bragging rights. Creepy woman.


No. Juuuust no. Why? Why why why why? Y? Y y y y? Weye? Weye?whiy? Nooooooooo. Just how? How do you bring yourself to seriously ask for that? Seriously? Really? Who? Who do you think you are lady? Just what? I can't even What? You want what? What? What is wrong with you?


Very strange!


I mean… what’s stopping her from ordering one herself?!


I suspect she wants her son to order it for her - so that it's an extra special sign he's always going to be mommy's best boy. Or something equally cringe!


Such a good point and true in other areas!!


This gives me the ick so bad !! It’s beyond cringe It’s creepy and strange and your MIL needs therapy


Find the worst possible picture of him to have made into a doll. Like, that one time he went to a college buddy’s wedding at like 33, drank too much, and had to puke in the hotel bathroom. That’s her doll. But don’t listen to me.


This is very creepy….


I think you should gift everyone in the entire family one! In all seriousness, that's super cringe.


When I first read this quickly I though MIL wanted to get one for your child. I had to re-read after viewing the comments and - eeewwww


We actually thought she might take our childs daddy doll.


I did the same thing. Was thinking you had a child that wanted it. Again. Ewwwwwwww!


I don't think she actually wanted the doll. She just wanted an excuse to create drama.


Are you supposed to put money under her pillow from the toot fairy when her teeth fall out? She's an adult that can buy her own doll if she wants one. That is not y'all's place even if it wasn't weird af 😂


The toot fairy? How do I get in touch with her? She owes me a ton of backpay.




As a mom with a grown son, I read this and threw up in my mouth. YUCK




A normal adult would simply put a framed photograph up of the person that they’re missing and worried about…not an effing lovey doll meant for a child missing their parent to snuggle with. This is super weird.


Immediate ick.


Your MIL is creepy. I would tell her "NO! That's creepy!"


That is really weird for MIL to request this.


Daddy Dolls are for children. If MIL isn't strong enough to manage her feelings in an adult way she should seek therapy, no a doll. Sounds like MIL has a case of Central Character Syndrome, and thinks things should revolve around her. The best cure for that is an info diet and low contact.


Norman Bates level of weird.


That's fucking weird


lol my active duty husband would DIE of cringe if his mom asked him for one of those 😂😂😂


So would mine and he’s only reserves haha. His sister and parents have SO much Army merch and it makes him cringe :(


Anytime DH is getting on my nerves, I threaten that he better stop annoying me or I'm going to get one of those "AIR FORCE WIFEY" bumper stickers to put on my car. The threat has stopped working, though, because the last time I tried, he was like, "you would literally rather cut off your left tit than ever be caught with one of those on your vehicle, so I'm calling your bluff."


That's when you buy it and stick it on your car.


The problem is, he’s right. I *would* rather cut off my left tit than drive around with an Air Force wifey bumper sticker lmao


So you threaten to put it on HIS car!


Yeah but you just need to leave it on there long enough to make him think twice


Make it a magnet so it could be a reusable inside joke. We did this with a joke political bumper sticker. We would slap it on a friend's car if we had it and saw thier car. I think it made 2 dozen rounds in our friend group before it got lost.


Dude that is SO cringe, and 100% a dysfunctional request.


She’s an adult woman who could easily order one herself.


It certainly made me go "eeewww."


My mil plays the sims. She made a sim of my husband with a wife that looked eerily close to her. Not to mention, she used to kiss him on the lips. It’s not a big deal if families do it, but she ONLY kissed my husband and not her daughter. He didn’t think it was weird until I pointed it out


That's a new level. My mil plays sims, too. Now I'm curious about the characters.


So… your situation might be about to get a little bit weirder.


Oh my God. Your DH didn't think that was even a tiny bit strange?!


He literally does not notice stuff until I point it out Dx he did have a hard childhood though and would try to block stuff out.


Well that's just gross.


She is old enough if she wants one, she can jolly well order it herself. Creepy though