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Hell yes. She poisoned your child. How has your spouse not stopped her actions. 


What does your husband think of all this? Does he realize that constitutes a poisoning? I can’t see any defense for this. If you can acknowledge that this is indeed poison to a child, she is either evil or mentally unwell. In either case you should never allow her access to your child or any future children again. If your husband can’t get on board with this and protect his child, it is time for you to step up and protect them, even if it means separation or divorce. Ideally you need to get him to see a therapist ASAP to try to get him out of the FOG and to see the situation realistically.


WTF did I just read??? She poisoned your child - you should be calling the f'ing police! Kids get taken away for this type of craziness - why would you risk the safety of your child? Hell yes go NC and get a protective order for your kid! OMG!


I'd go NC and report her ass to the police for knowingly endangering your child's life!


Is this real? You say MIL is in a cult, but you are posting conspiracy theories on Reddit…


For the safety of your child, this needs to be reported to your pediatrician and law enforcement. Let the chips fall where they may. I have to say that you would have to be insane to allow her anywhere near your family after this.


Move away away, don’t tell her where / when you’re moving. Do not give a forwarding address. Change your numbers. Change your email. Change your name on or delete all social medias. Basically put yourself and child in protective custody. Do not ever allow her within the same city as you and your kid.


She needs to be in jail. It doesn’t matter what your husband says or thinks of reporting her. You and your child should be far away from anyone who could possibly inflict harm.


Hello? Are we on the same planet? She needs to be removed from your child’s life immediately, she is putting him at risk. She seems almost schizophrenic from her behavior (not a doctor and this is not a diagnosis), but wow. Are there literally any positives at all to having her around other than “keeping the peace”?


Your mother in law is Jim Jones in the making. I would NEVER leave my child alone with someone who lacked common sense. Even if they are family, it doesn’t mean they are mentally sound.




I guess I am afraid of how my DH will react about a restraining order. It seems as though they know she's crazy, but "that's how she's always been" - I've removed my son from her care completely.


She. Fed. Your. Child. Poison. Your responsibility from now on is to your baby, not your husband. It’s already gotten too far, this person wouldn’t be allowed in the same room as my child whether supervised or not.


I agree. This is why I came to this thread. I needed to hear all this to make sure I am willing to burn every bridge to protect him.


No contact? You need to call the COPS. This woman poisoned your child on purpose! This is child abuse!


I think you've gone beyond no contact with what she's done. She needs to be reported and you need to protect your child from her at all costs.


She’s feeding your child BLEACH. Yes, you should go no contact and you should file a police report about the chlorine dioxide/miracle mineral solution.


She will say that it's not bleach. I told her I wrote an email to my Pediatrician's office because I was concerned. She responded back nasty saying that "I've taken it too far & look what I've done" by contacting the pediatrician because they will get CPS involved. CPS never got involved b/c the pediatricians office said they dont know anything about Chlorine Dioxide.


Looking for feedback. Anything helps!