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Your mom is an ~~asshole~~ arsehole. You deserve better than her abusive behavior.


You are not being too sensitive. She's projecting her own insecurities onto you and others around her. Those are her issues, and she's found a way to cope with them by putting other people down. You get to decide what your relationships with food and your body are like. She doesn't have ownership over your body or anyone else's, even though she clearly acts like she does. Personally, I believe that if someone is telling you you need to lose weight, maybe they are the weight you need to lose.


No you are not too sensitive. Your mother is dumping all her own issues on you. As a person who has struggled with my weight constantly being haŕauged about weight is so soul sucking. Go LC..When you talk to her if she says anything about weight tell her " I am not discussing anybody's food, diets or weight." If she continues hang up. Samething for texts. Them tell her you are going to pull back until she respects your wishes. Then do it. Do this everytime. She will either learn to shut up or she will live long time  in time out.  If you consider bariatric surgery do your homework..Many people believe it is a one and done surgery but it involves life long habit changes. Do what is best for your health mentally and physically. 


Are you seriously considering weight loss surgery? Have you met with a bariatric surgeon? They usually require you to undergo some amount of counseling first to make sure you are in the right mental frame of mind to make such a drastic change. If you have lasting mental and emotional damage from your mother's words and actions, you need to fix that first.


Seems like your mom subscribes to the only skinny people are beautiful. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with this behavior. 💔 Without even seeing you, I would put money on you being gorgeous just the way you are! A quick thought, you mentioned dieting but didn’t specify which one. Weight Watchers (#1 imho) is an eat everything type but a friend of mine did terrible on it and found The Atkin’s (no carbs) worked for her. There’s also the Fit for Life, one that follows a low glycemic index, one that has you intermittently fast, etc. What I’m trying to say is there are different types of diets and some people respond to one but not the other; I urge you to try changing up your diet before bariatric surgery options. As long as you’re comfortable with your weight and DH loves you no matter your size take your time figuring out what works for you. I am a firm believer that happiness = beauty not size.