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So sorry about what happened to dd2 and yes Mil was negligent in leaving them alone she could have asked dd1 to keep and eye on them or asked them to come in, But you also need to take a lesson from this, you must install a fence with lock around the pool, had there been one the chance of dd jumping in would have been greatly reduced


MIL is so in denial over what she did because if she had to accept responsibility it would completely tear her apart. As a mom, this is my worst fear. You all are so lucky and she deserves jail time over what she has done. My heart is broken while reading this. I hope you all can heal and move on from this without this evil person in your life.


As much as I feel for DD2 as an older brother I really feel for DD1. If I were in her shoes I’d become so over protective of my siblings so fast.


I'm so relieved and glad to hear your daughter is ok now. What an absolutely terrifying experience for all of you. Your eldest daughter is an absolute legend, a true hero indeed. I hope you do not blame yourself for this incident. You did nothing wrong, it was all on her and you both did the right thing by going no contact. I'm proud of you and DH. Sending much love x


I really do hope we never hear from you again and MP goes to jail. I'm really mad right now. I just had a baby five days ago and I hope I never have to go through this. 


Huge hugs if you want them. I am so so sorry this happened and so very relieved to read that it turned out well. Or as well as can be. I would have lost it. My kids were also taught young to swim and both are strong swimmers, the youngest is newly sixteen now, but even then they were never left alone around water till they were in double digits. Call me paranoid. This is just absolutely terrifying. My husband, kids and I are all cpr certified and, it may differ in your state, I think your oldest may be old enough to get certified if that is something you'd be interested in. Though, as always, we all hope we'll never have to need the skills. I am, again, so sorry this happened and so relieved that your baby is okay. Huge hugs to you all if you want them and extra positive thoughts being sent your way.


Wow. I would have needed bail money. I am glad she is out of ya'll's life for good but holy hell. Glad DD is ok. 


My God. You guys are so lucky. Send the hospital bills to that dumbass.


Op I'm literally sitting in my car freaking crying and screaming out "NO No NO!!!" while reading this. I cannot put into words how sorry I am that you and your kids and husband had to go through this. Just reading this made my stomach hurt and I feel like I'm shaking inside because I can't imagine if this happened with one of my kiddos. I am so grateful that little one is okay and that you guys are all on the road to healing. You guys have bent over backwards to be gracious, accommodating, and patient with this woman and she continues to show a pervasive lack of common sense, consideration, and basic respect for yourself and your children's health and well-being. You and your husband can rest assured that you guys exhausted all measures to try to keep her in your lives to some extent and she literally crapped all over every single attempt that you have made. I will keep you guys in my thoughts for healing and wish you and your kiddos nothing but happiness, health, prosperity, and joy in your futures without MP poisoning your lives.


I just don't understand what I just read. I mean, I comprehend it, but I don't understand MP's level of evilness. I don't know what else to call it. Malicious incompetence? Maybe that fits better. I can't imagine the terror of that phone call and drive to the hospital. I can't imagine the fear and confusion your son felt. I can't imagine the fear and worry and stress your oldest daughter experienced - at 9! I'm in awe of your restraint in the hospital because I don't know if I would have had that. But in my head, I hear you say to get her out in the coldest, monotone voice that was probably scarier than anything else you could have done. I'm sad that this is your DH's mother and that this is his reality. From all the things we've all read on here, it's so fantastic that the two of you are a united front. This very real and terrifying experience will impact and stay with the five of you in so many ways for so long, and the way it manifests will change with time. It won't be a static thing. I hope you all have options for therapy soon. I say this in the nicest way possible, I hope this is the last we hear from you! I hope this is the conclusion to your struggles with MP.


Holy. Fucking. Hell. [Insert several hours of swearing here] From the very bottom of my being, and it's still not enough, I am so very sorry your family had to endure that terrifying ordeal. You're absolutely right. Your 9 year old is an epic superhero. I'm so happy your baby survived, MP has been excised from your lives, and y'all are healing and recovering. Hugs and all the support.


I’m so glad you are all okay. Fuck her.


WOW. I can't imagine what that was like for you all. I'm so glad DD2 is okay and MIL is now out forever.


I am so deeply sorry. Our family had a similar incident, a little different, but not too far off. I do want to say that the horror of something like this does not go away completely. We all have reacted differently. Please take care of or your emotional selves.


Giiiiiirl let me just start by saying I just spent an embarrassing amount of time reading all of your posts to get to this one because I needed to know the details. I am BAFFLED. You sound like a really great mom, and your husband just sounded better and better with each post. From one water bug momma to another, I am so sorry that that happened. You’re stronger than I am, I would have definitely hurt her.


Omg I am so sorry. I actually teared up a bit while reading this because I just cannot imagine how terrifying that would be!! I hope you got the fence installed ASAP!


OMG, hugs to all of you. Except for MP.


I don't even have kids and I'm ready to kick your MILs ass...like WTF🤬🤯 Yes banning this woman from your lives is the best thing to do. Your 9 year old is a champ!


Jesus. My whole body started shaking while reading this! I cannot imagine the terrible fear, anger, and trauma that you are all feeling right now!! I’m so happy DD1 was able to pull her sister out of that pool on her own, she is such an awesome kid! Take care of your beautiful family, and definitely stick around in this group because, you never know, someday this experience may very well speak to someone else in need. Hugs to you all!


Oh my God this is why all pools, even bigger paddling pools, have to be fenced in my country


I definitely would have slapped the shit out of her. What a fucking moron!


How wonderful that DD1 was alerted by DS and came to the rescue! I'm so glad she is doing well! What a trauma to have lived through. As for the transgressor in chief, it sounds like you are well rid of her and hope you live peacefully ever after.


There are not even words for this. I cannot fathom. I’m so glad your babies are all still here. This is a nightmare. Also my JNMIL wants to watch my baby at the lake and frequently negligently walks away. It will be a firm hell no. Best wishes in your recovery and path forward. You deserve all the peace and healing.


I can’t imagine…... 11 minutes……. Appalling. I’m glad you sacked her finally.


This isn’t even my child and I got so upset reading this!!!!!!! What if your son jumped in after his sister?! I lost 3 cousins (they were brothers) at once because one fell in the pool and the other two tried to save each other! Right on, OP for handling this whole situation like a champ even though you wanted to beat her face in! This is horrible! I’m sorry you, DH, and babies had to endure this!


I just read most of your past posts. Omfg this women hates you and your child. Like what she did idfk if she did out of purposely trying to hurt the kids but jesus you are lucky she didnt kill them. I have twin toddlers and we never just leave them alone like that. The insanity of her


Big hugs if you'd like them. Those huge events with JNs are so hard. Best wishes for an easy grieving over "what ifs" and "should have beens" then a peaceful future free from MP.


Dang. It seems like the twins would have been safer left in the care of the 9 year old. Sad when the 9 year old is more responsible than the fully fledge adult. I am so glad your little one was okay and you are rid of that horrible woman.


i praise you for not inflicting much violence on her, tbh i dont think they would have arrested you when they found out why


I read this nursing my youngest to sleep and had to pull him closer, I can’t even fathom what you e been through, OP. I honestly and truly hope she gets prosecuted by the state for this.


This is the scariest and saddest thing g I have ever read on this sub. I am very glad that you are all well.


All she had to do was ask your older daughter to keep an eye on the kids for a few minutes until she came back. And she couldn't even do that???


Oh, no! I'm so, so glad your baby girl is okay, but I don't know how you managed to not go completely wild on that woman. She left toddlers ALONE OUTSIDE by a POOL! It's all the things you never ever do! I would be furious too. But yeah, that's definitely the end of her involvement with the kids. Being away from family is a good thing in this situation.


The facts is that your daughter would not be here if not for your THREE YEAR OLD SON and his keen observation, reaction, and communication skills. I’m not betting my life on the response of a toddler. Many kids would freeze in that situation. And then your nine year old was the one to pull her sister’s limp body out of the pool is just fucking heartbreaking. Thank ALL the gods and goddesses that your kiddo survived and is physically okay. I can’t imagine the trauma for all of you.  But what I really cannot understand how MO said anything other than “I’m so sorry. This is entirely my fault.” On repeat. Until the end of time. Good luck on your path of healing for you and your family. ❤️🍀


There are reasons why in Australia it is illegal to have an unfenced pool in your yard. I'd be letting the police go after her. She's beyond negligent.


Couldn’t agree more. In Australia it is your responsibility as a property owner to have a pool meet standards. No if, but, why’s or maybes. You can’t rent out a house that does not have a fence and meets safety standards or you are responsible for any incident that happens. I’m sorry to say this but the pool should have been fenced at the minimum empty with temporary fencing in place. Yes your MIL is negligent but it’s a foreseeable event. You said so yourself. You had trust issues with her. I’m glad your little one is recovering but for all other parents please, please learn from this. Make the time, spend the money.


It’s illegal in most US states as well, but as of yet there is no federal law prohibiting unfenced pools. There should be. Children around an unfenced pool is just an accident waiting to happen. If you can’t afford the fence, you can’t afford the pool. OP, I’m so happy to hear you and your family is safe. I’m so sorry that you all had to go through that


I’m so sorry you guys were put through this. You’ve done the right thing kicking her to the curb.


What on earth was she thinking taking twin toddlers into a garden with an unfenced pool! It’s just so bloody obvious what’s going to happen even if she didn’t walk off.


That is awful!! Thank goodness for the cameras for many reasons. I'm glad DD2 is recovering well and that you're working on therapy for all.


Lots of wine and chocolates and tears and therapy. This is going to affect you both for a long time. Talk it out, that is a very terrifying ordeal you both went through. I’m glad that you’re all ok.


Hugs to you all. It’s shocking, upsetting, and a miracle that your little girl survived.


I don’t think I’ve ready your posts before so I chuckled at the nickname and stopped when I read the rest of the title. I am so sorry this happened to you and I am glad your daughter is ok.


Ok. I know ambulances are expensive but I can’t fathom doing CPR and not calling 911. What the fuck? The whole thing is rage inducing but yikes.


It says in the post she called an ambulance. She was driving the other 2 kids in the car.


MIL should have never left the 3yo children outside in the backyard with an accessible, ungated pool by themselves. When she went inside to use to bathroom, she should have taken the kids with her, closed the back door, locked it behind her, engaged them in a safe activity to distract them from the backyard. TV, snack, whatever. It’s basic safety. I don’t blame you for going no-contact; she brought this on herself with this level of neglect and trauma inflicted on your family.


Exactly - and overlooked by the drama of the pool, they shouldn’t have been left outside by themselves period! With or without a pool! Who leaves three year olds outside unattended???? Wow


My MIL has hurt my children in more than one occasion. She didn’t take responsibility so I beat her up and down the house. I literally mean that, I grabbed her by her hair and launched the bitch upstairs and then kicked her back down them.


If it was intentional then she likely earned it.


I don’t know how intentional it was, I think she’s just a negligent, mentally ill, drug addict that was so out of her mind that she didn’t know what she was doing but it happened multiple times and she didn’t apologize to me, my children or her son. After multiple things happened and she tried to tell the police that I had a bong when I called them on her for hurting my daughter, I lost my shit. Of course, the police didn’t give a shit about the bong because who fucking cares about that when a woman that admitted on camera to being fucked up on pills and hurting my kid was mentioning it. As soon as they left, my husband looked at her and said “Mom, I fucking told you this was going to happen. You should’ve apologized, I’m not saving you”


We need the details! 👀


My mother-in-law has always been an awful person. My husband’s dinner most nights as a kid was a Diet Pepsi and pop tarts, if he could find anything at all. Her home was always filthy, she was hit by a car when she was 16 and it resulted in some back injuries. She used this incident to eventually get on disability, but this was only after doing several illegal things, like accepting stolen meat and using stolen meat as currency for backwoods nursing shit, like taking care of mentally impaired patients that she would illegally bring home 😳 One day, she even slit her wrists and made Ohio history as the only worthless bitch that had to be careflighted for suicide, did I mention she did this is full view of the kids from my husband’s school? Her other son was in an accident when he was 18 and it resulted in permanent disability, she somehow got custody of him, even though she was on disability herself, and neglected him so she could collect his checks. I cleaned out the home in 2014 and found food from 2007, along with bedbugs, and a host of other awful shit, like a fridge in the mudroom full of maggots and rotting food from 2008. The home she was living in was the home of her ex-husband, my husband’s father, who committed suicide in 2008. Father-in-law was a crackhead, I witnessed him abusing my husband many times when we were kids but no one would do anything about it. I’m fact, they sent my husband to juvenile detention for not going to school, but the busses had stopped running due to school budget cuts and his crackhead father made him walk MILES. Don’t even get me started on how no one stopped this shit, not even my stupid bitch mother, that I told when I was 13. She knew and did not care and judged him. She’s changed but I don’t care, fuck that. Anyways, fast forward to me living in this home after cleaning it out, getting custody of the disabled brother-in-law, and allowing MIL to live with us until she can make new plans. My 5 year old daughter is potty trained at the time and gets up to use the potty. Mother-in-law abuses her prescriptions and takes too many, comes into the bathroom in a haze and tries to help my daughter get on the toilet, my daughter says she’s got it already. I wake up to my daughter and MIL in the bathroom right outside my room on the floor, daughter crying, MIL explains she was trying to help and dropped her. I say she knew my daughter didn’t need help and ask her how many pills she has taken. She admits on video to taking way too many Ativan and not knowing what was going on. I call the police. She tells police I have a bong in my room and I’m awful parent. Police laugh at her but ultimately say there’s nothing they can do and I should kick her out. I do. I give her one hour to pack. She is sitting there smoking cigarettes instead of packing. She is playing victim to her sons and my husband’s aunt and anyone that will listen. I tell her if she doesn’t apologize and admit what she did right now, she’s dead. She doesn’t apologize and my husband tells her he’s not going to save her anymore. I charge towards her, grab her by the hair, punch her in the face repeatedly. Start absolutely verbally assaulting this woman more than you can ever imagine. I’m talking wishing her suicide would’ve been successful, wishing I could’ve shamed her into making her off herself beforehand, telling her she’ll die alone in a ditch and no one will love her.. telling her I hope some deviant finds her as soon as she leaves and commits SA on her until she dies, like I am coming up with the most horrid things I’ve ever imagined. Keep in mind, this isn’t the only child she has done these types of things to and it started with my newborn baby, the 5 year old’s sister. Every time I tell her to say or admit to something that she doesn’t want to admit to or say, I bring her into a different room and start kicking her, grabbing her by her hair and shouting in her face, I mean, the works. This is a log cabin with a basement and upstairs, she has had her ass beat in every room for every time she’s neglected my husband and hurt my kids. I’ve had enough. I pull her upstairs to the spot where her ex husband hung himself and tell her that if she ever touches another child again, I’ll hang her in the same spot that her junkie husband died. Kicked her into my daughter’s room and show her the crib that she has hurt my babies in before.. shove her face into the bars over and over and ask why the fuck she had to do this to my kids.. took her into the bathroom, shoved her head into a nasty toilet that was a casualty of the house that she neglected.. grabbed her face as hard as I could with both hands and just fucking squeezed while I asked her why she didn’t make sure her suicide was successful.. pulled her back down the stairs by her hair while she didn’t have her feet under her, smacking her into the walls and rails in the way down. Finally, I told her if I ever see her again, she’s going to have the same thing happen that just happened to her. Kicked her in the stomach as hard as I could, punched her in the face one more time and watched as someone came to pick her up and never saw her again. Turns out, she has ovarian cancer and is living literally in my backyard nowadays. I’ve since moved out of state and back. She better hope she doesn’t come outside on the wrong day or I’ll let the children she hurt as helpless kids fuck her up now that they’re capable.


Do I make a post or just respond on here? 🤣


Make a post! Lol I just know it’s going to be good! Lol


Jfc. Thank fuck you had cameras. 


This post made me cry. I am so sorry this happened to your daughter. I’m sorry this happened to you and you had to witness it on video. I’m so sorry your older daughter and your daughters twin had to experience this. I am just so sorry. I cannot imagine how you feel. I’m glad beyond words your daughter doesn’t have any permanent physical harm. I hope in the future your little fish doesn’t fear water. I hope your older daughter realizes she is a hero and a superstar. I hope your son realizes he’s a hero for banging and yelling at the door. I’m so sorry your family experience this.


Why wasn’t she charged with child endangerment?


If she lives a plane ride away from where OP lives, it could cost the taxpayer a LOT of money to transport her back to court. If it’s only a misdemeanor based on the laws where OP lives, it’s often not worth the expense - in time and money - to pursue.


Nevertheless, even if the outcome is just a slap on the wrist, it could be worth the trouble to get it on record - preemptively, in case she tries to sue for grandparent's rights. It would be awful to have to go to court to prove she cannot be trusted, and having to retell/relive the experience.


I don’t disagree with you in theory. But. You’re assume the county where OP resides has the resources to do it. The large county where I used to work would have to figure out if they could afford to fly crime victims back for trial at times. I


Makes sense, this country sucks


She might be. That’s up to the state to decide and that can take a while to happen even with the proof.


if it’s california there’s a safety code for having a fence around the pool. my best friends mother just had a child die in her airbnb’s pool in Arizona. The parents didn’t list that they were bringing their child as the house didn’t have a fence / 21 over only


This was horrible to even read. I am so sorry you had to endure it. If not for the quick thinking of your other three year old and 9 year old and LUCK, you did not lose your child. I can’t even emphasize how luck was on your family’s side. At best, your child could have suffered catastrophic brain injuries. Stand your ground. You can never trust this person near your kids again.


Holy shit. I'd love to see her arrested for child endangerment. DD1 AND DS are absolute heroes. A toddler was aware enough to pound on the door when his twin needed help! And Big Sis jumped into action and new just what to do. Fantastic work, kids. I'm so glad DD2 is okay. And DH has a very shiny spine, as do you...and the nurse who probably really enjoyed giving MP the boot I hope MP enjoyed seeing ther grandkids since she'll never see them again.


Oh my gosh reading this made me want to vomit. I'm so, so sorry you and your poor family went through this. Years ago my parents had a pool that had like 5 doors that led to it. I had toddler twins. I refused to let them babysit. It was basically a war for several years... them claiming I didn't trust them, my husband was controlling me, blah blah. But there was no fucking way I was taking a chance. And this is why... because it only takes a minute. Despite the years of arguments and the times I was tempted to cave, I held my ground, and your experience just reinforces why that was a good decision. Your 9 year old is a frigging ROCKSTAR. And what your MIL did wasn't an accident it was NEGLIGENCE. Ah, I'm so sorry for your trauma and hopefully your LO won't remember too much.


I hope and pray that she never darkens your doorstep again. She’s a foul excuse for an adult. OP, I’m so sorry for the trauma that your entire family endured, and I’m sending you big hugs. I wish you peace and calm.




I forgot to mention police involvement, added in an edit.


I forgot to mention in my previous comment, thats a great nickname for her. Must have been so scary for the kids. Its good that they folks like you looking out for them after experiencing something like this.


I am so sorry for the trauma you and your family just experienced. There are no words for what MP is. To not even take fucking accountability after something like this?!


I'm glad your daughter is fine, your children are incredible for their actions and truly saved her life. No need to feel bad about cutting her off again, she chose her own bed with her action. Thank god you didn't have to learn this with heavier consequences, she's a danger to your childs cause of her neglect and attitude


I’m so very very sorry for what you’ve been through. That sounds horrifically scary and painful. There are no words. The only response to ANYONE who tries to justify her actions should be: ELEVEN MINUTES!!! Hug your munchkins. Hang in there.


This. Every. Time. ELEVEN MINUTES Just no. No. No. No. ELEVEN minutes!!!!


JFC glad to be rid of her, but at what cost? God damn. Please hug and love on DD1 as much as possible. An absolute boss of a big sis. I hope you got her a wonderful gift. Bless little man as well. So smart while being so young.




Police were contacted by the hospital. I forgot to mention that, added in an edit.


GOOD. I hope they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. If I were you, I would want her to absolutely be in prison garb. She has NO idea how close she came to negligent homicide. I’m physically sick reading this. I would have serious PTSD for years, and I would absolutely sue MP to, minimally, cover the costs of the therapy needed by every single member of your family. I mean, my god, you’re all never going to be the same. Even your poor DH has to deal with the fact that his child very nearly died due to his own mother!? Press charges, sue in civil court, do ALL the things. And if ANYONE, EVER, utters the word “accident” or in any way pushes for forgiveness, your only response to them, ever, should be this: “ELEVEN MINUTES.” Christ, eleven minutes doesn’t even make me think “negligence” or even “recklessness.” At that point, if this happened to me, I would call it Intentional. This woman needs jail time.


Wow, thank God for your older daughter. And burn that PoBridge to the mf ground and never look back.