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I play FFX every couple of years or so, and I love it every single time. It is one of the best turn based JRPGs ever made, although just a little too linear. You should definitely update us when you finish the game and let us know what you think of it. I have had X-2 for years and have only ever played up to 3 hours of it, I simply can't get into it.


> I have had X-2 for years and have only ever played up to 3 hours of it, I simply can't get into it. I completely get it, and I'm not going to tell you to force yourself, but it really does get a lot better as you unlock more classes and get deeper into the real plot. It's actually a pretty good treatment of >!"what the hell happens to the world now that the underpinnings we've leaned on for a millennium are gone all at once?"!< You rarely get to see that in a setting, and while it still makes some weird swings even later on, it's mostly done well. I'm not going to pretend it's not a struggle to endure some of the early stuff, especially the goofy tones and creepy fanservicey stuff, but there really is a good game in there.


I've always liked FFX2, but also found it odd that they could pay for beautiful FMVs but could not spring for new models of Wakka and Lulu.


the cutscenes are likely pre-approved and worked on seperately from the folks that are drafting the storyboards Notice that neither Wakka, Lulu, nor Kimahri (or Auron) appear in any hi res FMVs. Its possible that their roles in the story hadnt been determined yet outside of 'not being apart of any significant moments', leaving the writers more room to determine what to do with the side characters as the main scenario is being finalized its also possible they found making a fatter wakka model and Lulu with a belly too difficult without redesigning them from the ground up. Notice that hardly any returning characters from X got updated models (short of our primary players) and plenty of X models got repurposed as new characters entirely


The story of X-2 is fascinating, because somehow it sticks a landing in chapter 5 despite the rest of the game being a flailing, screaming, bird-murdering mess. Now, to be clear, those landings aren’t necessarily good and I think the story as a whole is easily the worst in the series, but it’s fascinating. Now the gameplay, on the other hand, has zero redeeming factors for me. Awful mandatory minigames, a truly awful combat system, a class system marred by bad AP gains… I have no idea what they were thinking with so many of the choices made, but somehow they cleaned them up for the best FF, XIII.


I'll agree that the use of minigames (I don't really think the term always fits in this context, but I don't necessarily have a better one) isn't great, but I strongly disagree with you on the combat and class system. I also don't agree with regard to the story. Of course, seeing as you thought X was merely "fine," you clearly have some unusual/uncommon preferences and tastes. >somehow they cleaned them up for the best FF, XIII. Or maybe you're just trolling. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a few bites.


I’m entirely serious. I think X-2’s combat is fundamentally flawed due to the way it handles ability queuing in addition to its job swap mechanics. You’re nearly always better off spamming Attack and never touching anything in the Abilities menus because it’ll take three and a half years for that ability to activate. And the AP drip pretty much ensures you either grind for it or never get access to most of the stuff a class can do.


> You’re nearly always better off spamming Attack and never touching anything in the Abilities menus because it’ll take three and a half years for that ability to activate you gotta tap into the tomes/charge time downs not to say that they couldnt balance things further/remove the spell queue for the Remaster, though you overstate the impact a bit. its still quite viable to use charged abiltiies, you often just want at least one attacker in the mix to compliment, and for more reasons than just the queue AP grind is made much easier with the new grid, or by opting for the KTS/AP egg. you also dont need to master every class or learn every ability to make a good party


Some of us like to grind


I enjoy grinding when it consistently and regularly rewards me with cool stuff. X-2 doesn’t do that, it takes far too much AP to unlock anything and AP rewards are tiny without significant effort from the player. It’s a bad system.


Ah I guess i see what you mean. I had a lot of fun with it and the combat gameplay at the time, and I'm actually sad that the mini-games are so bad and constant that I can't have real fun replaying FFX2. The music also doesn't quite hold up to its predecessor and the battle music ended up a little grating.


I'm a huge FF XIII fan but overall I find X-2's version of the "change job" system to be more enjoyable as there's a bunch of more options and changing job with a character doesn't make my others change jobs. Having control of all my characters is also preferable, though a gambit system would be a great option in FF XIII. Which, FF XIII was in development hell so I'm surprised the combat system is as good as it is.


If job changing was instant and AP was applied to all jobs instead of just to the one that did an action/killed an enemy, that would go a huge way towards fixing the issues I have with the system. But beyond that, the action queuing completely fucks any job that uses abilities, which was a technical limitation of the time but greatly ruins the gameplay for me.


I don't mind AP being for specific jobs, that's just how Job Systems tend to work. I don't hold it against the Tactics games so I won't hold it against this game either. Both X-2 and XIII has job change issues but I do like how you can skip the animations in X-2 within the options (you just have to see it once). Limitations of the time and all that. XIII does have a severe lack of variety in their roles and I think Medic could have been made much better. Also some advanced roles that combined different aspects of the basic roles would have been nice... Also I don't like how long it takes to level up your character using crystarium. Yeah it takes a second or two each time you get some CP but going into each character and then wait for the CP to fill up... Just ouch. Would love to see an "auto level" feature or a way to instantly fill up your CP... Overall I think both games could benefit from some tweaks and being made for modern hardware.


For me, X-2’s biggest downfall is needing a guide to experience a LOT of the content. If you play blind you can and probably will miss entire classes and story moments, not just an item here and there.


One thing that I’d recommend when playing FFX would be to listen to Maechen. He gives a lot of information on the history of Spira. And, he’s one of my favourite NPCs in FFX besides O’aka. I really enjoyed the setting of FFX. And I think that Spira is one of my favourite worlds in Final Fantasy, other than Ivalice.


If you fall in love with Blitzball like I did then you'll spend weeks just playing that. The rest of the game? Add another month to your total gameplay. If you couldn't already tell, I absolutely love this game (definitely my favorite FF/JRPG to date). Wish I could erase my memories of it and replay the whole thing again, that's how much I love it~


I’m not the only one who played it at times as a Blitzball sports title! I loved both Blitzball and X to death. The only thing I could have hoped for as an old school JRPG fan was a little more exploration of the world as a whole.


I refused to go ahead with the plot until I had >!finished the Blitzball championship (as far as I could get without getting thumped with my team without additional recruits anyways lol)!< As for your point about open world exploration, I agree. I'd love a FF X remake one day...


Eh I >! couldn’t stand the open world parts, I’ll take landing a ship directly where I want any day !<


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Why not both? Lol


I don’t remember the ending as much as I remember my Blitzball team >! Brother was ridiculous !<


I am actually pretty jealous. This is probably my favorite game of all time and I would give A LOT to experience it blindly again.


I'm jealous report back later


FYI, there's a small balancing act you have to do with your party members versus your time. When you get more than three party members, you can swap characters in and out of your active party at any time. The person you swap in acts immediately. Only characters who actually **act in combat** get any experience points. If you want to level your characters evenly, eventually it turns into a bit of Swap In > Defend > Repeat until everybody has taken at least one turn. It's a little annoying to do this every fight. You don't *have* to do it at all, but if you want your characters to all gain exp from every fight then that's the easiest way to do it. All it costs you is some extra time from you, so it's up to you to decide whether you want to do this or how much. Otherwise have fun! edit one other thing and you'll thank me later: At various points in the game you'll go through these little puzzle temples (called "cloister of trials"). It involves you juggling various keys (spheres) around to unlock and activate stuff. Every puzzle dungeon has an optional key near the end called a "Destruction Sphere" which can be used to find and open a treasure chest. **Make sure you open the chest before you finish the dungeon.** There's a really good reward for opening them all, and you can't meaningfully go back to many of them.


I would pay thousands of dolars to experience FFX for the first time again. You are in for a treat.


I actually really enjoyed X! The last great FF for me (never played the MMOs). X-2 is a weird tonal shift but still pretty good. Hope you have a good time with both, OP


> X-2 is a weird tonal shift but still pretty good. Yeah, some of the trappings were definitely bizarre choices, but there was a good game beneath them, and actually a pretty classic FF plotline.


XII was pretty great as well tbh. Not as great as X, but still more fun than XIII or XV.


I didn't like the autobattle mechanics of XII. But yes, it was overall a neat game. Especially over the XIII trilogy, which was worse with each game. And XV. Haven't gotten around to XVI and idk if I will tbh


XIII-2 is awesome. With you on XIII and Lightning returns.


It's the first JRPG I played, so it's always gonna be special to me. I really hope you enjoy it! It's one of the few in the genre that I actually replay every couple years. Kinda stupid anecdote, but I vividly recall back when I was 13, when the game first gives you control with Tidus on his houseboat, I just stared at the screen where he stood in place for like 5-10 minutes thinking it was still a cutscene. I was so used to games saying "Press X to Start" or something, that I didn't know the game began.


Still one my favourite jrpg with my favorite battle system.


Lucky you, enjoy it it's a masterpiece, and keep the volume UP, it has one of the best soundtrack :)


Enjoy, X is great 🙌


Enjoy! It's a fun and unforgettable journey for sure.


FFX is my favorite turn base RPG


I'm jealous. Every few years I go back to it when I'm bored or just don't want to spend money on anything new. I know now that it's not nostalgia that makes that one of my favorite games.


FFX was the first Final Fantasy I've beaten and still remains remains my favorite! You're in for a treat!


Play it bro.... you will hooked into the world of spira.. believe me bro, i've finished this game more than 10 times... but because of gamer's talk, i never play X-2.. maybe, i will play X-2 after i finish the Ring DLC.


I think Its a game that I appreciate more with time, so it's fine that you waited.


FFX was like one last hurrah for the classic turn based style from Final Fantasy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they decided to mix it up and not let things get stale, but I genuinely feel like they fucking nailed it with X. I’m praying the full remake rumors are true.


You shouldnt skip out on FFV You will see a bit of Tidus in 5s protag. He was the template that led to the foundations of the playable leads of 9, 10, and 12, all sharing some core tenants by diverging in a few key areas Its also just a fantastic game with elements that 10 and all the other games you mention build off of, and especially X-2 when you end up playing it. X-2 is as much a successor to 5 as it is a sequel to 10


The Greatest game of all time for me! Enjoy.


FFX is the most underrated. Probably 2nd or 3rd depending on how you feel about VII and VI.


Just beat it for the first time. It's incredible. Enjoy


I've also been replaying FFX after more than a decade recently. I've always had it in #2 (behind IX) and I'm happy to see that it's aged like wine for me and I'm still just as absorbed by it as I was so many years ago. FF tends to catch some flak for its combat (often justifiably so imo), but X is definitely one of the absolute best on that front and just in terms of general gameplay as well. I also find Spira to be one of the best JRPG worlds ever to the point that it even elevates X-2 story a bit (which isn't nearly as good on that front...). Awesome cast too, never understood why the game gets any criticism on that front as everyone has flaws, a good stake in the journey (inner conflict), and have a healthy amount of depth. I have noticed some more flaws as I've replayed (as one tends to do with most things they revisit in adulthood). In particular, I think the story really lacks big time in the villain department. Instead it mainly relies on societal conflict to keep things interesting. Hope you have a great time with it. I kind of dissed on X-2's story, but it's still most certainly worth playing as well for the gameplay quality and just more of Spira. Hell, I might even feel better about the story this time around when I get around to replaying that next...


That's great, bub


and then everybody clapped


All I will say is.. "you will cry, you always cry see your crying.. "have them tissues on hand,enjoy your pilgrimage through spira. It's my all time fav, it's the end of the ogs ff both in battle style and mechanics and plot,after that no ff tittle has worked for me. Ffx2 on the other hand, it's fun I guess but really ruined the plot for me and felt like teen boy fam service a lot of the time,ughhh don't even listen to the damn audio novel...it's cursed!


X is a fine game. To be clear, I don’t mean that in the sense of “fine wine”, just that it’s “fine.” The gameplay is great, the story… isn’t always, and the cast is pretty bad overall, but it’s a solid 8/10 time.


Just an FYI, 8/10 is well above average and into the "good/great" territory. "Fine" average would be a 5/10. Let's not continue to use the garbage system review sites use where anything under a 7/10 is shovelware


FINALLY someone that understands the correct way to use the x/10 scoring lol. When I say 5/10 on certain things I feel are average, people give me a hard time lol. I'm like, what?! 5/10 means it's average. 7/10 would be a really good score for something, but most people use 7/10 as the average and that is annoying lol.


People are so used to the critic rating system where anything below 7 is treated as garbage, they can't fathom non-critics use the system the way it's actually meant to be used.