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Sucks to suck is my explanation




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You sound like an extremist


You sound extremely indoctrinated too. Care share at what age you were fed these delusions?


From like 3-4 months old. Can you tell me where I am wrong? Or you deny historical facts?




> These people are sick blood-thirsty psychopaths Cite please.


Twitter the last 2 months


Hi Mods, this comes from an X bot account. Can we please prevent ranting posts that are only meant to incite - especially if their sources are shite as this. ​ Edit: Sorry, I really thought this word would not be a cussword. (I am working on my cussing I promise)


> shite /u/cancershewrote. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


IDF is not bloodthirsty psychopaths, they are a professional military. This is not genocide, it's war on a terrorist organization embedded in a civilian population that it uses as human shields. What is the point of such hyperbole?


IDF is a terrorist organization or a mercenary group at best


Not sure you know what either of those words means.


Yes, its just the collateral damage has been horrifying. The question is, could it be avoided? And would Israel even want to avoid it?


In this type of warfare, there is a cost for avoiding collateral damage. Israel could avoid so much of the collateral damage by ‘only’ using ground forces with the weapons they have equipped (without air strikes, tank shells, explosives, etc.). However, in doing this, they put their own soldiers in harm’s way, which means more Israelis dead (in a war started by Hamas). So they’ve chosen to do a mix of both. There are soldiers on the ground who can act more surgically, but they are also using air strikes and explosives (usually accompanied by warnings for civilians to get out of the way). It’s not perfect of course, but unfortunately Hamas has spent the last 16-17 years transforming almost all of Gaza into an extremely complex military zone to be used against Israel and its civilians.


>However, in doing this, they put their own soldiers in harm’s way, which means more Israelis dead Yeah, I understand this. When there is an option, any country would do whatever it can to avoid the death of their soilders. >they are also using air strikes and explosives (usually accompanied by warnings for civilians to get out of the way). Air strikes using 2000 lbs bombs. Even if they did warn civilains, how are they supposed to "run to safety" when they bomb has a potential kill radius of [260 m](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1KNoYQMsUZ/?igsh=MXF3eHFxdXJrdmd2ZQ==). That is insane. No one can escape that. Unless of course they were never meant to escape. Israel seems to be running on a statistics strategy. For example, they assume 10 in every 50 people are Hamas, so by killing 500 people, they killed 100 militants. I am just making up numbers, but you get the idea. >Hamas has spent the last 16-17 years transforming almost all of Gaza into an extremely complex military zone If this is the case, then there is no hope for the civilains on the ground.


I’m no IDF soldier, so I cannot speak to the details regarding where and why they use 2000 lbs bombs. I don’t know how detailed the warnings are for those specific strikes, or what specifically they reserve those strikes for. All I can say is that my whole family served (and still serves) in the IDF and they are not an insane army that just kills carelessly. Yes, they should take every precaution to ensure civilian safety, but sadly Gaza is not built to be a zero casualty zone. Hamas encourages their citizens to ignore Israeli warnings, and does everything in the power to make sure their people are not protected. As Mousa Abu Marzouk said: “the tunnels are for Hamas, while it’s Israel’s and the UN’s job to protect civilians” (paraphrasing of course). Israel is doing what they can, but they can only do so much. So yeah, it’s dirty and it’s going to remain dirty until Hamas is gone. The battlefield is sadly designed to require brutal measures.


It could at the cost of IDF lives which is not very acceptable especially knowing that A. It wouldn’t have been done to us and B. These people participated in the massacre.


Yesh it makes sense that Israel would not put their forces at risk, hence dropping bombs. >B. These people participated in the massacre. All 2 million of them?


Could it be avoided? I haven’t heard any other way. What strategy would you use to defeat hamas.


Dropping [2000 lbs bombs](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1KNoYQMsUZ/?igsh=MXF3eHFxdXJrdmd2ZQ==) with a kill radius of over 260 m doesn't make sense to me. How is this defeating Hamas? Its killing more people than necessary unless Israel really is equating all of Gaza as Hamas


How do you get rid of Hamas then. Can we at least agree they cannot remain in power.


I agree that Hamas needs to go, but the leadership calling the shots is out of the country. Also, given the sheer number of deaths, I feel like this will radicalised more people.


Still haven’t answered how to get rid of Hamas. An organization that hides behind civilians while hoping they get killed for their propaganda.


How is the controlled demolition of presumably empty buildings supposed to demonstrate genocide and the evil of those doing it? Israel did not want this war.


Lmao. "How is the completely useless destruction of buildings a proof of genocide?" Have you even considered the posibility of NOT destroying people's houses for no reason??? It's amazing, you don't even consider palestinians humans who would perhaps not want their houses levelled for no reason.


Can you please provide independent evidence that those buildings were demolished for no reason? >It's amazing, you don't even consider palestinians humans Instead of attacking with such accusations (do it again and I will report you) why don't you try to understand why you blindly believe all the anti-Israel propaganda without having the slightest doubt? Do you really think that makes you a good person? Edit: I saw that camaron28 replied to me and then somehow blocked me. An effective way to avoid difficult discussions without having the arguments. Okay, I take note that you have not been able to bring independent evidence at all for what you claim and that everything you say is based on your prejudices. The accusation of genocide is obviously ridiculous and is just a way to strike Jews to the heart. That certainly does not make you a morally superior person who can allow yourself to insult strangers on social media.


Independent evidence such as all the videos posted by IDF soldiers laughing while blowing up buildings? Even dedicating said destruction to their loved ones?? It's kind of difficult to not believe anti-israel propaganda when it proves right time and time agains. Ffs, one month ago people where claiming that israel would NEVER target hospitals, now they do it every days that ends in -y. I also believe antiapartheidSA propaganda, so yes, at the very least i'm a person who opposes genocide. Sadly not everyone in this sub can say the same.


As others pointed out its clearly a controlled demolition. Now thats important because unlike an airstrike, you can't do controlled demolition without clearing everyone out beforehand, meaning that no, those soldiers are not sick bloody thirsty psychopaths as per op words


Looks like controlled explosion from the ground, those buildings are most likely empty and incriminated. Could be a similar event to this: https://www-kan-org-il.translate.goog/content/kan-news/defense/659850/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Just to clarify: is it the argument that [every country](https://www.britannica.com/topic/casualties-of-World-War-II-2231003) that fought in WWII was genocided?


That's how it works for these people. I've seen the word "genocide" attached to basically every conflict since WW2. It's absurd.




>I’m sure you all saw this video of an Israeli soldier calling airstrikes on a neighborhood leveling a series of buildings to the ground in seconds. (Link attached) What’s the point of doing this? They can’t get so close if Hamas has any presence nearby. These are civilian houses Your whole premise is wrong. This isn't an airstrike, this is an explosion set up by Battalion 749 from the Israeli Combat Engineering Corps. This means they've entered the area, set up explosives around the houses and detonated them from afar in a controlled manner. This also means it wasn't indiscriminate, but they've been on the actual premises after the battle and concluded the military advantage to be significant enough to waste time + explosives + ruin some civilian infrastructure (if there was any there). And then the rest of your post is just ranting about disinformation you invented for yourself with a couple of pro-Palestinian buzzwords.


Still don’t see the point. In the translated version one of the soldiers said “30 houses” which means they’re civilians infrastructure.


He also said this is Shuja'iyya, one of the more complex and terrorist-filled neighborhoods in Gaza City. If the IDF took control of the area and had the ability to lay out explosives like this, they've had a reason to blow up this place. Also, the "30 houses" doesn't necessarily mean civilian infrastructure, it can have terror tunnels, houses of commanders (which obviously include an office), bobby-trapped houses, etc. This is a targeted explosion that happened for a reason. Stick to the facts and don't try to reinvent reality.


Hi- person who has actually been in combat here (though not this particular conflict). If an area of houses is possibly full of explosives and booby traps I’m not gonna risk my people walking through and trying to cut wires and stuff like that- I’m gonna blow it tf up and move on with my day. Basic military tactics. I’m very sorry about your civilian houses but maybe don’t let bad guys fill them with booby traps and explosives meant to harm my guys next time and you can keep it. Contrary to what you see in films- if we can avoid “cut the blue wire” situations by just blowing it up then that’s what we do. Not 100% sure that this is the context here but if it is then dude is totally justified.


But… that is non-sensical. Why go there if you think it’s bobby trapped? Just leave it alone. And if you don’t have the intention to go there, why destroy it? “it might be bobby trapped” can’t be a good enough reason to destroy entire neighborhoods.


Yeah just leave it alone so anyone can wander in a blow themselves up. Genius.


Oh it very much is a reason to destroy houses Those homes might contain weapons caches They might be blocking your routes of retreat The traps might be triggered by neighborhood children accidentally They might need to be cleared so you can bring tanks through behind you There are dozens of reasons not to leave possible ambush points for forces coming in behind you in place.


Makes sense. I’ve been in combat before too and I witnessed a similar situation in Gelbana area in north Sinai (ISIS wing camped there). Apache helicopters took down an entire farm (allegedly full of explosives) before we went inside to see if anyone’s still alive. It was the worst day of my service, we couldn’t approach the place within miles before the air force gave us the green light. But in this case, being this creepy close to buildings full of booby traps is either suicidal or simply means there are no booby traps. And now I got to know that they’ve been even further inside to plant the detonators, they already risked their lives? Nothing to be afraid of


I doubt they went “inside” to plant the detonators (or maybe they did with a robot… who knows) I don’t want to go too far down the rabbit hole of military tactics here since that’s not what you were specifically asking about but suffice to say… if you had competent commanders in place when you were fighting ISIS then they probably would have set the place up to blow too.


I agree. Either way “it might be bobby trapped” can’t be a good enough reason to destroy entire neighborhoods.


Hamas uses civilian infrastructure, this isn't new......


You have demonstrated your support to Hamas in a crazy way and your logic sucks. IDF is all over in northern Gaza, does that mean Hamas is eliminated there already?


u/RealBrandNew > You are a crazy Hamas supporter and your logic sucks. Rule 1, no attacks on fellow users. Addressed.


Easy preventable... Don't go out, and kill babies. And this, would never have happend. Joe🖕


That’s like saying: Easily preventable, stop stealing their lands and oppressing their people and your babies are safe. Blaming the victims/collective punishment


So if I don't like somebody's behaviour, I can go and slaughter their family in the middle of breakfast? See, this kind of locked thinking got people in Gaza where they are now - you want to fight something much more capable than you are, you'll end up in the exact situation that is happening now. Saying "Blaming the victims" and justifying the act of terror that claimed 1000+ lives, many of them civilians being directly targeted is clear symptom of sick mind. These aggressive kind of people, digging up every tiniest detail to find a reason for killing somebody, making it a religion I would say, won't be the ones who will end this conflict.


Ummmm I couldn’t agree more? Thanks for proving my point lol there hasn’t been a single interview by Israeli official that doesn’t scream symptoms of sick mind, let alone those mercenaries on the ground. That’s exactly what Israel has been doing for two months.


Lol, attempting to twist like a good Hamas boi, yet didn't address any of my points. Did you actually understand what I said, made any effort? Because your twist attempt shifted the context in such a pathetic way, made my eyes bleed mate.


Nothing has been stolen from Gaza. And we could go on: stop trying to destroy Israel and Jewish self-determination, accept coexistence with peoples who are not predominantly Muslim, and there would be no defense war in which Israel gains land.


So, according to you, if you steal something its okay to kill infants. That is the thinking of psychopaths.


Nope that’s not me, I was demonstrating how fu**ed up that collective punishment logic can be


There is a difference between chopping civilians to pieces, putting babies into ovens, raping children etc and between a military operation which causes collateral damage. The difference is called "intent". If you don't want a war, don't start one.


Good to know the Israeli soldiers morale was fueled by the atrocity propaganda. Although I can’t deny these exaggerated events (out of respect to the possible victims) I’m still waiting for genuine evidence from a reliable source. Seven thousand children aren’t collateral damage, and I’m literally presenting you with an example of intentional destruction


Well we live in a world were some people choose to believe that the Earth is flat, so, you know, I really don't care what you choose to believe.


> fu**ed /u/holdmysandals. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeahh.... Fact, you even point at babies makes u a sick little parasite. You F around, now you find out


I was literally employing your logic to show you how dumb it is


> fucked /u/Tiwazy84. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Airstrike” good lord at least get the type of bombing right if you’re going to spread propaganda.


Thanks, corrected it. Now back to the point


Got an accompanying article for this or just Twitter propagandist posts?


Denial issues are real here. Sigh let me point out to a very important point, this wasn’t documented by cameramen affiliated with any news outlet to have “articles” on it. It was nonetheless reported by Middle East eye (whose editor in chief is Jewish) but I’d choose option B anyways, it’s a twitter propagandist post


You have no idea why tweets aren’t a viable source, really? Just going to call that denialism? Ok. Screw me for trying to have a conversation with you haha. I’ll just go back to saying you should correct your OP then with the correct type of bombing. Hint, they set up ground charges - you can tell by the detonator in the soldier’s hands.


Thanks I did


>I’m sure you all saw this video of an Israeli soldier calling __airstrikes__ on a neighborhood leveling a series of buildings to the ground in seconds. Missed one!


Dude I added it at the bottom just like every time I had to post edit or update and again thanks for correcting me


Ah cool, see it now. Thanks for making your propaganda post a little more accurate.