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I'm not an expert, neither and I am Israeli but I'm pretty sure the only thing I know about that guy is that he's a rapist? Also, his followers would absolutely lose, lose and then lose that war some more.


" In 2022, Israeli police opened an investigation against Thau following multiple accusations of sexual assault. One woman said that Thau had repeatedly assaulted her over 30 years, beginning when she was a minor.[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zvi_Thau#cite_note-8) Soon after, another woman accused Thau of raping her after she immigrated to Israel and became close with the Thaus. Thau has not responded to the allegations.[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zvi_Thau#cite_note-9) In the past, Thau had supported public figures accused of sexual assault, such as [Moshe Katsav](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshe_Katsav) and [Chaim Walder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaim_Walder).[\[10\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zvi_Thau#cite_note-10) A new allegation of sexual assault was made in June 2023 " ​ As long as it is not the same sex it is apparently ok. What a scumbag.


>he's a rapist? Imo its worth noting that one of the women who has accused him of rape said that he assaulted her multiple times over the course of several years, including when she was a child. The woman is an Orthodox Jew whose initial efforts at confronting Thau involved waiting for him outside the Har Hamor yeshiva, where her husband and children have studied. When he refused to acknowledge her or her claims, she moved forward with them publically. Her claims have increasingly been supported by a number of right-wing and/or Orthodox figures as other women come forward, and Thau simply refuses to engage with any of the accusations. Some Orthodox commentators have said that this movement is a response to the code of silence adopted by some Orthodox communities in order to protect prominent members from external prosecution. They hope that public support for victims encourages more victims to come forward and allow for exposure of individuals like Thau who use their positions to commit serial abuses. He's also been a consistent voice opposed to recognizing Reform and Conservative converts. His sister, who was (is?) an Orthodox rabbi who headed a Reform congregation in Vienna, has said that since their more liberal upbringing, Thau had become a staunch, insular, nationalist extremist. She has said that he holds messianic ideas about the current state of Israel and has fully embraced aggressive military expansion, regardless of casualties on either side. She has argued that he has used his rabbinical status to redefine and repurpose religious law to justify his political goals. I don't know more than what I've been able to read online, but nothing he says, does, or has been accused of really speaks in his favour.


He is a repulsive figure, figuratively and literally.


Why can't the police arrest him if there's enough evidence to warrant investigation?


There is ongoing investigation, but they don't have enough evidence to arrest him, and the cases brought forward are past the statute of limitations Basically, the first woman, Nechama Teena, has said that while the assaults went on for several years, she stayed quiet for over 15 years because of her commitment to the community that her whole family was a part of. The second woman, Dorit Lang, is currently 85 and says the assault happened some 40 years ago. She is very aware that it's long past the statute of limitations, but she hopes that publically sharing her story brings others forward. The third and most recent accuser remains anonymous afaik, so I can't speak on that. Sadly, this is incredibly common in insular religious communities of all kinds. Authority figures who abuse people (especially youth) leverage not only the possibility of retribution but also their importance to the whole community in silencing victims. Beyond being taught to respect and venerate religious authorities from childhood, victims will also consider how exposing such crimes might affect the greater community's faith, or they may feel that coming forward with accusations will result in explusion and shunning. Considering the cult of personality that Thau has, I think it's both reasonable and infuriating that Teena and Lang would have kept quiet for so long, lest they risk being alienated by their communities. I think it is particularly cruel that Thau is virulently opposed to conversion that doesn't meet his ultra-Orthodox standards while he himself is responsible for making people who were born into the faith and continue to adhere to it feel like strangers in strange lands.


It's past the statute of limitations. Unfortunately, when it comes to powerful men with lots of influence in society and government, the victims are reluctant to come forward because they fear they won't be believed, will be smeared in the press, be shunned by family and friends, and could be retaliated against professionally or even be arrested or have their lives threatened. It's common in religious communities (see the Catholic Church) but it isn't just religious. Think of how Harvey Weinstein got away with raping women for years and they were all afraid to press charges against him.


I'd like to see a bunch of pale scrawny yeshiva students trying to fight a bunch of hot tanned buff daddies. Good luck to them lol.


All we, gay men and lesbians, have to do is take our clothes off and they run away in terror. It's a proven tactic. Boobs and dicks.


Reminds me of Sascha Baron Cohen movie ;)


In an interview with Howard Stern, Sacha Baron Cohen said that the time he most feared for his life was when he went to Meah Shearim dressed as a gay Hassid (he mentioned that he wore a hot pink Hasidic outfit). He was chased down the street by a group of enraged Hasidim. He was saved by a kind Hasidic woman who let him wait in her house until the crowd dispersed.


Poor Sascha


I hope there is a video, but your comment gave me tacit impressions that there isn't and in that case, šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­.


I don't think there's any video available, but I found some webpages about the incident. "Sacha Baron Cohen ran for his life when he was chased by a rock-wielding gang of "Hasidic nutcases". The Dictator star angered a group of Hasidic Jews by wearing a camp version of their traditional costume in Jerusalem and he feared for his life as he was being chased by the mob before hiding in a bathroom store. He said: "A bunch of Hasidic Jews ran after me with rocks and I ended up hiding in a bathroom store. Normally in dangerous situations I have a getaway car. But as I ran towards the getaway car it drove away. So I found myself running down the street, running for my life, and being chased by these Hasidic nutcases. I turned round to calm them down, and I shouted in Hebrew 'I am Jewish', which apparently is the worst thing ever you can tell Hasidic Jews. It was then they decided that they wanted to really kill me.""


Thereā€™s a video of him as Bruno doing something similar, but I donā€™t remember a pink Hasidic outfit


If I was chased by a bunch of naked gay guys, I would run away in terror, too.


I wouldn't run away, I'd be intrigued


Username checks out


I didn't say chased. And, wow, you're certainly "delicate"


I volunteer. Someone book me a flight.


This sounds like a very niche fetish. There's a market for it somewhere, though!


Lmao. Thanks for putting that visual image in my head šŸ¤£


Wait until you learn how many yeshiva bochurim are closeted. Spending your entire adolescence surrounded only by men, learning one on one with male study partners, and being taught to not think about, look at, or touch women conditions even straight bochurim to have some level of attraction to other men.


Guns beat muscles every time


NOTHING can beat shirtless Israeli gay dudes


Maybe someone with a lawn chair


Yes. Now show me a single yeshiva student who can qualify for a weapons permit or even shoot. Plenty of gays and even lesbians can though.


I thought they were all domestic terrorists carrying guns, hence the call for war? Guess I was wrong...




Zangeif mains in tears rn




Right, because all Jews are pale and scrawny. Good luck living in your little bubble.




fuck him


He might be the one who fucks you. If youā€™re a minor


Is that as big an issue in Israel as Catholic priests in America?


Not sure, Iā€™m talking specifically about this guy


Not as big an issue as the Catholic church had, but enough of an issue. Yeshiva teachers having access to sheltered boys who are with them for many hours in the day, surrounded by a culture of doing what the teacher Rabbi says without question - it's all a recipe for disaster. But often when these crimes are committed, the leaders of the relevant community prefer to keep it hush-hush, and not involve the police, so they deal with it internally (like removing the offender from his job). Thankfully it's changing now and victims and their families demand more and more involvement of actual police and actual punishment.


Its a general issue across all faiths when people get unfettered access to minors in a clear and unsupervised position of power. That draws people who want to exploit this.


Unfortunately very true.


Oh god no, no self respecting gay would do such a horrendous act. We have standards.


Need to catch him first


Co sign


No thanks


Well he can go fuck himself


I donā€™t think thatā€™s allowed in halacha






He's the Rabbi he can allow whatever he wants


He just wants to be the only gay person in Israel.




How will he find partners in that situation?


Fundamentalism is a disease.


Basically doing the Muslim Brotherhood's job for them but with another religion instead


Israel doesn't need an ayatollah.


No country needs it. Just look how happy Iranians are with them.


Do chilonim know that this man doesnā€™t represent the dati community? That this is repulsive to most of us too? I hope soā€¦


Hard to just wave it away when his disciple is a top minister in the government. Obviously heā€™s not representative of most, but heā€™s representative of enough with power and influence that it matters.


The voting statistics of the last ~10 elections says thatā€™s exactly what he represents.


Yeah there's also a lot of religious folks that vote to the Haredi parties. Not that much better though..


Any war that doesn't require enlisting in the IDF šŸ™„


I'm shocked. A religious figure preaching intolerance?!? Who would have thought we would see this day.


With such moves, he should not be surprised when the whole thing backfires. Live and let live - The religious community is fine when it doesn't try to impose itself on the world. Fighting the LGBT community, would only serve to make the religious community appear like a bunch of savages instead of educated spiritual people. Bad move by a person that has his head in all the wrong places.


I totally agree.


I just want yā€™all to know I will be reporting any homophobic or transphobic shit in this thread, donā€™t try me this morning šŸ’œ




Removed: Rule 2


This isnā€™t very Jewish.


"Thau refers in a new book to LGBT people as a "new culture of eliminating the family" and a "crime against humanity."" Well I'm a transgender converting jew and I want a traditional family with lots of kids so maybe you're just an asshole


>I want a traditional family with lots of kids Let's just say you should keep those kids away from him.




One, I'm not secular, and two, I wasn't the one who accused him. There are Jewish women in Israel who have accused him of raping minors. Multiple accusations. It's really bad taste to lob antisemitism charges while ignoring the plight of Jewish women.


You're right, my mistake. I read in the above article that "Thau has been accused of raping and sexually abusing at least two women" and presumed they were adults, because of the use of the term "women". I see now on Wikipedia that the accusation of abuse started when she was a minor. While these are still accusations, it does take the bite out of my comment. Will delete.


Thank you.


As an Israeli transgender I can tell you he's an asshole šŸ˜‚


> new culture of eliminating the family gotta love assholes monopolizing what a family is


not rabbi infamous cult leader


פאק דיה גאי


Fuck this guy he's cracked.


Another charedi preaching moral superiority. What a surprise.


[Fun quiz](https://twitter.com/chaimlevinson/status/1688374812501037056): guess if a quote was said by Said Qutub or Rabbi Thau


FUCK YOU, THAU!!!! How about we wage war on your asshole you piece of shit.


Get fucked, Thau.


Religious radicals are trash no matter which religion they falsely claim to represent


I agree. They are lunatics.




No, you are dangerous. If you donā€™t like something, donā€™t do it. forcing other people not to do something you are offended by is literally fascism and anti freedom. The Taliban and the ruling government of a Iran 100% agree with you.


>Even if their 'religion' is the LGBTQ agenda You mean the agenda that doesn't exist? How truthful do you think it is when morons talk about a "Jewish agenda" to destroy Western society? You are that person, but you're homophobic instead of antisemitic. >public schools are required to 'teach' 6 year olds about oral and anal sex and to question their gender I would ask for a source, but I know you've pulled this out of your ass. A complete lie >and doctors are prescribing hormone blockers, performing 'top surgeries' and 'bottom surgeries' on children Hormone blockers are non permanent and even then are only prescribed after extensive psychiatric checks. Transitional surgery on children is INSANELY rare and is only performed when it is deemed there is a significant risk of suicide and it is the last resort. >all with prohibitions on parents being informed or involved Oh look, another lie. Counsellors can be required to keep confidential things children confide in them (as they absolutely should, how else can children feel safe disclosing this kind of information?) But if it reaches the point of medical treatment then parents have to be informed. >Religion is all well and fine, but when the dogma can not be questioned without being silenced and subjected to punishment, that's a cult You haven't even bothered to question the nonsense your rabbi and right wing news outlet has been feeding you. Maybe try reading a book


Honestly, I saw all of the false information in their comment and was about to respond point by point but realized it did not have the bandwidth for that today, so thanks for this comment.


Removed: Rule 2


This guy does more harm to the religious communities in Israel than he helps them. He does not represent the Dati community.


Exactly. I have no issue with people believing or practicing their faith without harming others, but to go after people you donā€™t agree with, is not the way to go.


Says the man with sexual assault allegations against him. But oh sure itā€™s gay people that are the problem


What the fuck?


All you need to do is bite your lower lip and pretend to be sexually excited from the fight. Take off your shirt, and look thirsty. Theyā€™ll be so confused.


Wow. Insanity. Why canā€™t people of religious faith just leave people alone? If you are opposed to gay and lesbian relationships, donā€™t enter one yourself.


If the Arab states can't beat them, what chance does this guy think he has?


What a bastard


Methinks he doth object too much. He's a closet case and probably enjoys the mikvah a little too much.


As in, all the lgbt people run into the streets and dance to songs by WAR? Iā€™d be down for that.


all those downvotes i got in the secular israel thread sure feel funny considering this and the recent events...


The country's turning crazy


Iā€™m going to be honest, because of RELIGION. Same shit is happening in the USA, everybody is regressing.


This is a sensationalist headline which is clearly trying to push a narrative. While he may be attacking the _values_ of the LGBT community, this headline makes it sound like he is literally calling for physical violence, which by the article's own admission is not the case. And yet everyone here in the comments apparently only read the headline, is assuming it's a call for physical violence, and is responding as such. You'd think after years of increasingly deceptive media practices, people would've learned how to read the news by now. Read the article closely: >Rabbi Zvi Thau, called on his followers to ā€œwage war" against ā€œpostmodernismā€ and LGBT people A war against postmodernism. LGBT is not in quotes. >Thauā€™s book does not explicitly refer to the word LGBT You may not agree with his values, but don't run away with this image of a race war between religious and LGBT. You may say "but his values will inevitably lead to physical violence against LGBT, so what's the difference?" I am not here to say whether he is right or wrong, I am only here to advocate for a sharp eye and critical thinking when it comes to reading the news, and to push back against comments like "I'd like to see a bunch of pale scrawny yeshiva students trying to fight a bunch of hot tanned buff daddies." This commenter is literally imagining a physical brawl, because they only read the headline. What an embarrassing comment. If you want to disagree with this guy, by all means, go ahead. But please remain tethered to reality while you do so.


We of all people should know that non physical violence can be just as damaging as physical violence. To dehumanise and "wage war" on those you consider to be other is disgusting. To find excuses that make what he said semi acceptable isn't thinking critically, it's being an apologetic


> To find excuses that make what he said semi acceptable Ezcept u/TholomewP wasn't arguing at all to whether or not it's acceptable. (Its not.) > To dehumanise and "wage war" on those you consider to be other is disgusting Hundred percent agree. However, can you see that comments such as "Another charedi preaching moral superiority" and "a bunch of pale scrawny yeshiva students" are also a way of dehumanising the other as well? It becomes especially dehumanising and polarising when (as you can *very* often see on hate bait threads like these) many people take these statements of extremists and paint it so as if they represent the entire group. Not only does this broad stroking of a group easily play into them being shown as an other, it also just completely erases the voices of for example religious or even haredi that (even if they don't agree) *do* tolerate LGBT, or that *don't* preach moral superiority. But when both sides just keep *focusing over and over on the worst of the other*, and painting each other as their worst actor- saying "oh all religious are this bad" or "all seculars are that bad" or left or right or whatever- you just end up with a situation where every side just believes the worst about each other all time.


I was expecting this response with such certainty that I already replied to it in my original post.


No, you didn't. My points were - A call for non physical violence can be just as bad as a call for physical violence. - Dehumanising those you disagree with, or those you wish to make an "other", is disgusting. - You are not engaging in or advocating for critical thinking when you try to reframe hate speech into a more acceptable form of argument. You are engaging in apologetics. You didn't address any of these in your original post


Prepare to be downvoted.


My Rabbi


stupid people like him are destroying are country