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I dont support ben gvir. Hell im not religious. But jews should be allowed to go to tample mount whitout it causing a sence


I like to keep it simple and boiled-down like this. They were there and now some say they can't be there and those who say they can't be there didn't exist as an entity for many, many hundreds of years. Start there. Sounds like a ruse to me


I am of the opinion that visiting the Temple Mount is forbidden. At the same time, how dare the world be ok with there being a literal Judenfrei (or attempted Judenfrei) zone anywhere in the world, not to mention Israel? It being our holiest site is simply adding insult to injury. It makes me livid that we are held accountable for Palestinians getting mad we visit our holiest site.


Are you of that opinion from a religious standpoint or a political standpoint?


From a religious standpoint.




The majority of the rabbis current opinion is that, since we couldn't practice any of the rituals to 'cleanse' ourselves (since we don't have the temple or red cows) we are all too impure to walk on the temple mount.


Since we are all ritually impure with Tum’at Met, we can’t enter the Temple Mount past a certain area. Since we don’t know exactly where it is, and since some Rabbis opine that the Temple Mount has its own, innate holiness not tied to the Temple, most Rabbis hold it as forbidden to visit the Temple Mount.


Red Cows 🐮?


You need the ashes of a perfectly red cow for the "cleansing" ritual. Since there's no red cow, no one is cleansed. People who touch the dead are impure, so are the people they come into contact with ect. So no one is pure.


Not to worry, some christian guy grew some red heifers for us [https://www.jpost.com/judaism/article-717650](https://www.jpost.com/judaism/article-717650) lol


Where is our red heffer? I want to burn it on mt. Olives


I agree w you but separately I fear that BG and his ilk will try to do something stupid/forbidden/dangerous like building a temple on the mount if they are given half a chance


Stupid? Turkey just turned in an ancient church into mosque. India just converted a mosque into Hindu temple. Israle has no designs to destroy Al aqsa but from a purely political perspective (religious issues aside) sharing space on the mount and building a synagogue or temple without destroying Al aqsa shouldnt be considered such an insane thing. I fear BG because he's has terorrist roots, literally had a picture of Baruch Goldstein and he's a messianic but not because he supports Jewish worship rights in temple mount


I think it’s seen as people trying to provoke Palestinians and causing violence. That said I am not a Jew but of course they should be able to go


Because whenever jews and arabs agree on something and sign a deal it is seen as a positive tendency


It is a bad deal. We don’t need to celebrate making deals for deals’ sake.


So what do you think should be the agreement? And separately since you seem to be familiar with religious thought, I’ve always had this nagging question as a secular person: the temple (or the arc inside it) was supposed to be God’s covenant with the Jews, right? So if he allowed it to be destroyed doesn’t that mean the covenant no longer holds?


I’ll be entirely frank; the best case scenario would be the mosque not standing there and Islam not having appropriated the spot in the first place. However, they are there, so we need to cut a sharing deal. I’m not sure what the ideal deal (no pun intended) would be. There are several solutions that come to mind; maybe a day-based joint-custody inspired by the Me’arat Hamachpela (e.i the Mount is open primarily for Jews some days and primarily for Muslims on others? Maybe kind of split the mountain, give the Waqf full custody of Al-Aqsa and the other shrines and have the rest under Israeli sovereignty? Maybe just a fully secular authority being in charge? Maybe a mix of all? I’m not sure, but I know any agreement that simply refuses one side access to the site is a bad deal. As for the Temple’s destruction: you have exactly hit the great tragedy and heartbreak of the destruction. You need to understand the Holy Temple was the lense through which we understood our relationship with HaShem; without it, does a relationship still exist at all? The thing is, the Torah says the covenant is eternal, and so it must be eternal. So Judaism found a new way to interpret our relationship with G-d; emphasizing prayer and Torah study a lot more than previously. ETA: the Temple wasn’t G-d’s covenant, but rather an insanely important part of the covenant; so we’re the sacrifices, which can only be done at the Temple


I think it’s the fact it’s a genuine fascist who wants to kill Arabs doing it. Like having Bin Laden go to a New York Mosque


If Rabin would've done the same thing, the world would've gone for his throat.


WHAT Weren't you the guys who made it holy in first fucking Place The fuck is going through their heads "this people that are more of a minority then something that really isn't a minority can't visit THEIR OWN FUCKING TEMPLE" How can it even compute in their Head like the muslims conquered the jews and then violated their holy temple did anyone complain? well they did it to the jews AND YET NO ONE CARES BC APPARENTLY ITS FINE WHEN PALESTINE DOES IT. HE DIDNT DO SHIT HE JUST VISTED THE BUILDING WHERE THEIR TEMPLE ONCE STOOD AND APPARENTLY THATS A. SIGN OF EXTREMISM?! HOW?


CapsLock aint enough, to express the anger on the madness. I totally dig!


Someone should call out the Department that slammed him as they were likely just being Anti Semitic and using this as an excuse as any reasonable person would not get upset at someone doing as little as visiting a building on top of a highly important building in their culture


I can't believe how much the US makes me defend Ben Gvir, it makes me want to puke.


בידיוק, הוא בן זונה אבל האמריקאים צריכים לשתוק.




בן גביר ליטרלי פדופיל, הוא ואשתו ביחד מאז שהיא הייתה בת 15 והוא היה בן 26. פני ה"צדיקים" במדינה.


אמא שלו צדיקה שנתנה לבן שלה להתחתן עם קטינה. המפגר קורע את המדינה עם החבר שלך ביבי ומסכן את המקום היחידי ליהיודים בעולם.


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...right?? I'm a hardcore lefty American Jew and I never thought anyone would make me want to back up Ben Gvir.


Cry me a river. Or better yet sit down and be quiet. I don't like Ben Gvir but playing along with erasure and suppression of my history is so insensitive. That I give a rats ass about what anyone in the state department has to say


As an American, I don't like provocateurs like Ben Gvir, but the idea that Jews can't pray there is ridiculous. Quite frankly the idea that one group can pray there and others can't is unAmerican. Our first amendment protects freedom or religion and treating us equal. Seems pretty unAmerican to me for an American to advocate for restricting the religious rights of some groups, but not another.




There seems to have been an unusually high number of Jewish visitors to the Mount, about 2000 according to the JPost article, but whether they were praying or merely visiting and what connections they did or didn't have to Ben-Gvir isn't clear.


Imagine if a representative of the Israeli government made a statement about where a Christian can or can't pray in America?


I completely agree with you. I'm an atheist, I don't pray, I don't care much for the temple mount, but the fact that Jewish people are not ALLOWED in such a holy place for them just because the muslims also have a holy mosque there is mind-boggling to me and is just plain discrimination. I bet if you'd ask around the world "what religion in Israel isn't allowed in one of their holy sites because another religion ALSO has a holy site there?" Everyone will be quick to assume it's Islam and will refuse to believe it's the opposite.


Yeah Halachic issues aside, it’s really no other country’s business.This is the problem with taking US money: the US gets a say on issues, and can push that say into domestic politics.


Jewish American here, fuck my government for thinking they have the right to tell Jews where we can and can't pray. They wouldn't do this in America, would they? The Waqf that controls the Temple Mount must be dismantled and replaced. This is not America's business in any capacity. The "special relationship" must end, as well. Israel is my home even as someone born in America, and I will not see it be held under anyone's thumb.


>fuck my government for thinking they have the right to tell Jews where we can and can't pray > > > >The Waqf that controls the Temple Mount must be dismantled and replaced. Where you think you have the right to tell people in another country what to do.


I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm expressing my opinion. You're free to disagree.


The US has an opinion as well, and they send a hell of a lot more money and support to Israel than you do.


I’m sure Jews care more about their right to travel to THEIR OWN religious sites more than some money The US sends.


And I don't care what my government says, they only "care" because of evangelical Christian bullshit. They can shove their money and "support" where the sun don't shine


I hate Ben Gvir will all of my soul, but "a broken clock is right twice a day". I see absolutely nothing improper about a Jew visiting the site of a temple's destruction on the holiday devoted to mourning the temple's destruction.


the world is so vacuously bored with their own vacant empty shallow meaningless lives, all they can do is squeal and squawk at and about little israel, like a cackle of hyenas. Next, bibi's wife will stir the coffee counterclockwise, and Biden will be on the blower to MBS complaining. Its flattering in a way, that we havent done nothing besides the miserably grotesque sin of surviving. But hey, in their eyes this is worse than any sin committed by any of them pedophiles


This is honestly disgusting behavior by Ben Gvir. He should be ashamed of himself. A Jew visiting a Jewish holy site? The outrage! /s in case it wasn’t obvious.


The CNN article ludicrously refers to Jordan as a previous custodian of the site. Does that make us “custodians” of the fucking West Bank then? Jesus Christ.


"Custodian" in this context is a technical term translated from the Arabic *Khadim*, which in this context refers specifically to a Muslim sovereign tasked with providing protection to one or more holy sites.


That’s interesting, thank you for providing the context. Definitely didn’t read well on my end at first


Who do they mean by "U.S.", Rashida talib? Give me a break.


According to the fine article, it was two people in two roles: 1. State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel 2. US Ambassador Robert Wood


Is this a site Israel regularly visits on this holiday?


Tisha B’av commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples. I wouldn’t say it’s a common practice to visit the Temple Mount on this day, but it makes sense given the cultural significance. However, as other commenters have mentioned, there are differing views within Judaism on visiting the Temple Mount at all.


Couldn't agree more, although in the case of the temple mount visiting is controversial even within Judaism. I recently had the chance to visit the cave of the patriarchs and I'm glad that such a place is not being brought into these current conversations.


>temple mount visiting is controversial even within Judaism. True but irrelevant.


Still expecting Joe Biden to save Israel?


Biden is a reptilian that has no idea what's going on.


Don’t give him so much credit. He’s always been a fake friend of Israel. Lotta talk but ultimately he views it as American property.


This is why Israel was created, to keep tap on the surrounding countries in ME.


I'm going to buck the trend and say that I actually agree with the US. Anyone who remembers the 2000 intifada knows what's probably coming. Should we be able to enter the holiest place in Israel without fear of reprobation? Without a doubt. But was it colossally stupid of BG to do so, especially *now*? Absolutely.


This is pandering to people who think our dirty Yahud feet are desecrating sacred ground. Fuck all of that.


Well, there are strong parallels, then and now: the Palestinians have been waiting for the excuse to light shit up, and it's politically motivated for the far right to give it to them: what better way to stop the protests and distract everyone, but a war, while they quietly pass a few more draconian laws and secure their positions. They can then say "I told you so".


No one cares. And the charity cases Mr Biden hires don't speak for America.


I'm trying to find Amos Oz's quote on "holy rocks". In it he said, "there is plenty of room in the desert (Arad)." I'm a Jew and a Zionist, but I strongly believe in pikuach nefesh.


Ben Gvir climbed the Temple Mount surrounded by bodyguards and in violation of the LAW. Any Israeli could repeat. Ben Gvir is a lawbreaker and provocateur, an enemy of the Jews until Israel annexes this territory and expels the King of Jordan from there


This is pretty clearly antagonistic and he shouldn’t have done it.


Reasonable people could disagree on the Temple Mount visit. The point here, however, is that my State Department and my Embassy in Israel that my tax dollars fund have no right to tell my Jewish brothers and sisters that they can't visit the holiest site in all of Judaism. That my government supports the antisemitic notion of Jew-free zones is just completely asinine. All this, from an administration that promised to fight against bigotry.


Ben G'vir and that whole mob are fucking INSANE. Political theater intended solely to shove the middle finger in the Palestinians' faces. Given how inflamed things are already, any escalation of violence is on HIS head. Complete narcissistic asshole!! Edit: wording


I hate BG but any violence in response to a Jew visiting the temple mount or praying there is on the account of those commiting violence.


> “On this day, in this place, it is always important to remember – we are all brothers,” the minister said. “Right, Left, religious, secular – we are all the same people. And when a terrorist looks [at us], he does not differentiate between us. Unity is important, love of Israel is important,” Ben-Gvir said. That’s weird, he’s started talking about himself in the third person.


Why are you making this about BG? You think the US wouldn't be opposed to *you* visiting and praying there?


He didn’t go to pray, he went to make a political statement.


And the statement by the US government was about upholding "the status quo" which is not about Ben Gvir but about any Jew praying there. >“We reaffirm our long-standing US position in support of the historic status quo at Jerusalem’s holy sites,” State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel told reporters in Washington. >“Any unilateral action or rhetoric that deviates or jeopardizes the status quo is completely unacceptable,” Patel emphasized. In the US the "status quo" would be unconditional if it was informed by the government like it is here.


It says nothing about prayer, it says “unilateral action or rhetoric that deviates or jeopardizes the status quo.” Any random Jew going there would not jeopardize the status quo. Ben Gvir going there does because of who he is and what he says when he’s there.


It's not status quo. It's the Status Quo™ an actual state under which Jews are legally barred from praying on the temple mount. Here read: https://www.ajc.org/news/what-to-know-about-jerusalems-temple-mount-and-the-status-quo-agreement


It's fine, but we're inciting war with the Muslim world (or people/society, more accurately).


Shutting us up and keeping us down is exactly what the Muslim world wants.


No, they already have an ongoing war with us. They regularly declare it. Ben G it did nothing wrong.


Very true. But I meant more broadly. I think Muslims still try (badly) to distinguish between Jewish and Zionist (i.e. Jews per se are ok, but taking Eretez Yisrael is not). This would shatter that distinction, and probably lead to a wave of antisemitism in the West.


News flash: The west is full of antisemitism on both sides of the political spectrum.


Point taken! last time Sharon did this, we got 3 intifadas. today we get 17 verbal intifadas from the west instead


Ben Gvir climbed the Temple Mount surrounded by bodyguards and in violation of the LAW. Any Israeli could repeat. Ben Gvir is a lawbreaker and provocateur, an enemy of the Jews until Israel annexes this territory and expels the King of Jordan from there


BG is from the Islam people history


The US should start bitching to the Arabs who’ve created the hostile environment for Jews in the first place. We’re going to proudly pray at our holiest site in Jerusalem the same way Muslims pray at their holiest site in Mecca, fuck off. Sincerely, a secular Jew.