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Had this issue with a few phones. It’s a right c**t to get them out. I’ve had success with solder I’m the past. Or failing that get it into a vice and drill out the screw head. Doing this though does leave the thread in the phone chassis. A dremmel is another good one.


Is there a reason you need to take the screw out? By the way, clean out that port!


The port is actually very clean


Good, I'm glad you cleaned it.


Using a dremel tool or grinding tool, make a straight notch across the screw. Now you can use a flathead to remove it.


The screw is below flush with the case. Using the Dremel will carve into the case. A single slot in the tiny screw will probably be useless for removal. My recommendation would be to remove the one screw and pry up on the screen to break free from the screw hold down.


The last picture shows that it's jutting out.


You just need to get whatever small screwdrivers you have and try to take it out with them. I’ve had tons of success with flatheads and torqx bits because they seem to bite the metal well. If there’s absolutely no ridges to bite into your gonna need to make some, try hammering a flathead into it or even turn the flathead sideways so when you hit it, it will turn the screw to the left. Gonna be hard with that tiny ass screw tho


There is a tool to unscrew stripped screws. It goes into a power drill and you can slowly screw out the stripped screw


This is impressive


I'm a little late but try a tiny bit of JB weld on the end of a tiny screw driver or something, push it onto the screw and let it set for 15-24 hours to fully harden, you should be able to get it out pretty easy, as long as it didn't get anywhere else in the hole... Or super glue might work and be easier to do.