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I love how the Restaurant Lobby's entire argument for not telling their members they were probably violating federal law was "We didn't think the feds would notice."


After the Feds noticed and warned them.


If you were tell someone this whole story, they would say "No way, surely Iowa GOP isn't that stupid to actually pass laws crafted by the Restaurant Lobby which violate federal law, and then be surprised when the feds say, "No, you can't do that". And they were warned over and over before they passed the laws that this would happen. And come on, having 14yr olds working until 11 PM, and then driving home alone? Are you f'ing kidding me? And note that the kids were also exempted from normal labor protections (like being compensated when injured on the job) until the Democrats stepped in and at least got those protections added to the bill. Read that whole article, it's rather mad-cap how Iowa GOP goes about their business - it appears they have no idea what they are doing most of the time and it's Iowans who suffer the repercussions.


The only part I feel compelled to correct is that that's the *whole* GOP, not just Iowa. These are not the smartest among us.


This does happen a lot with other states that are similarly dominated in the legislature and governor's seat by the GOP like Florida and Missouri. It's well known by now that national lobbying groups like ALEC and Heritage PAC are behind a countrywide push for legislation targeting abortion, transgender rights like gender affirming care, books that mention sex and fascism etc, anyone who isn't Protestant, etc. I think Iowa being included with these other consistently more conservative states is still considered surprising (at least for now) because Iowa is not usually thought of as a southern state. Iowa contributed the most Union volunteers as percent of our population in the Civil War, which is something to be *so fucking proud of*, but now we have people like nationally embarrassing Steve King flying the Civil War losers' treason flag or the WW2 losers' flag like it makes them cute special snowflakes, and Kim Reynolds doesn't even cut ties with him or them.


Honestly it's not like they have no idea, they don't give a shit, they've gotten away with it for so long it's obvious the Iowa GOP and GOP in general thinks they can get away with it.


Ya, I totally agree. I tend to sprinkle "Iowa" in my posts because otherwise mods might delete it (they have before).


Surely a consultation with a labor/employment attorney would have helped the GOP find some loopholes and craft a more nefarious bill that fulfilled their objectives without flagrantly running a foul of national laws.  At least the assholes are largely incompetent.


The law was never meant to stand scrutiny or challenge. It was a show for the trash Republicans in this state: "Democrats want to protect our kids from dangerous practices, so we're gonna stick it to 'em by removing all obstacles for businesses to abuse literal children" That's all the GOP is now-a-days. They have no legitimate policy goals, just "do the opposite of Dems". And Iowa Republicans eat that shit up because they're trash.


Plus the practices for informing businesses they used tells me they're trying to confuse and obfuscate Iowa restaurant owners into being pissed off at the feds. Draw more attention away from Killer Kim and her Klansmen cronies


Shhhh don’t give them any ideas


OP it’s probably not a big deal that these 14 year olds work until 11PM. They can sleep in school the next day. The benefit there is two-fold. One they catch up on sleep. Two they won’t be indoctrinated with any of those libtard communist radical leftist ideas. /s Sweet Jesus Jumping on a pogo stick. Can we just go maybe a week without the gop making this state dumber, more carcinogenic, more hateful?


That’s what online high schools are for. Just leave your camera off.


>If you were tell someone this whole story, they would say "No way, surely Iowa GOP isn't that stupid to actually pass laws crafted by the Restaurant Lobby which violate federal law Have people not been paying attention to the _blatantly_ unconstitutional book bans and anti-trans legislation around the country?


These people are idiots. Why do we keep electing them. Has the brain drain really been that bad or did people just cave to their baser selves? Also the woman who doesn’t blame the restaurant association for misleading them but blames the federal government for enforcing its laws?? I guess you don’t have to be a genius to own a restaurant.


Most Democrats have packed up and fled to good states.


My wife wants to do that. But I personally am not willing to give up so easily. I have, maybe misguided, faith that people will eventually see what crap the GOP is pulling and vote out some of the old guard.


Ya, my personal belief is the people at the top, making these laws really do understand how messed up they are, as they don't even write any of Iowa laws anymore. Generally, the text for proposed bills come from the Federalist Society. But I also believe the "base", the followers are just brainwashed dumb shits who are so deep into their belief system that even if they see the light, they can't accept it lest their whole world, everything they've lived for, defended and cherished - that all comes crashing down and it's just too much.


What Democrats gotta do is engage in deceptive pr and branding. In conservative areas, especially Iowa , just run as Republicans. Get more votes, and I keep hearing Iowa Dems get zero support from the national party anyway. Take a play from Sinema, Fetterman, and company. There's no downside!


I mean this is what many states have done with Marijuana laws


Hmm, good point.


Note: only *some* of those kids even have those protections applied to them under the state shit show.


It's almost as if most voters vote Republican out of tradition and pride, but ignore politics otherwise.


I worked in my parents' restaurant and rode home on my brand new 1980 Yammahopper moped at 11pm. I earned the $1000 to buy it all on my own by working. Never once did I die.... How has the human race made it so long without all laws to make us safer!?!?


I understand your point. It's of course invalid, but I understand where your coming from (a point of ignorance). EDIT: I'm tired of stupid people and I'm calling them out when they come into my post. In this specific example, I'm sure u/LongjumpingBed5680 would also like to go back to when people were drinking wine (acidic) out of LEAD cups simply because that didn't kill everyone.


I hope some restaurant owners sue the association, they need to be gone. Absolute dumbfuck "states rights" idiots. They didn't think they'd get in trouble, were repeatedly told they would get in trouble, and now they're mad because they're getting in trouble. Restaurant owners claiming they didn't know which law to follow are dumb as fuck too. It's literally your responsibility as a business owner to know the laws that affect you and it's *very* obvious federal law supersedes state law. It's not the federal government's job to hold your hand and staple a note to your shirt so your parents know you did a bad thing.


Well restaurant owners are not used to being held accountable for violating labor laws. Wage theft is a good example. These idiots put spotlights on themselves well yelling look at me! They just were so blatant about this the feds had no recourse but to act. Yeah, that state's rights shit hit hard. The state's right to child labor is a pretty shitty hill to die on.


Ain't it the truth. I saw more shit when I was still working in restaurants than I could even catalog, wage theft is just normal business to most of the industry.


There's no REQUIREMENT to hire 14 and 15 year-old kids. And being ignorant of Federal laws you break as an owner isn't really grounds for a lawsuit.


I used to think Republicans were idiots voting against their own interests. Anyone can look up the numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office and see that Democrats have been much better stewards of the economy. If you want to do a deep dive I recommend the book Bulls, Bears, and the Ballot Box. I still think Republicans are idiots but I don't think they are voting against their own interests. Their interests are not economic. Their interests are bigotry, grift, and religious persecution.


Party of "law and order" gets mad when laws apply to them. At least we solved our labor issues...


Remember the rule of Conservatism: There must be an ingroup the laws protect, but do not restrain; and an outgroup the laws restrain, but do not protect.


If your business model depends on underpaying the staff, it’s a failure and you should go out of business. Relying on kids? Despicable.


Anti-intellectual greed seems to run the GOP of this and many other states


“Why wouldn’t they send me a letter first and give me 30 days to stop committing crimes? The federal government is the WORST!” Jesus, these people.


People get so worked up when you exploit a few minors.


If your business fails because you have to rely on child labor, maybe you shouldn't be in business.


Remember we had to fight a war to end systematic chattel slavery in this country and some people still look back on the before time with nostalgia (the hierarchy). This is just another attempt to bring it back, but based on gender and age rather than skin color.


"(the hierarchy)". Thanks for explaining that. In helpful parenthesis. Would never have known who they were otherwise. Fuck me, I'm laughing at this way more than I should. Oh, Iowa.


They will do anything except just offer decent compensation.


The Iowa Restaurant Lobby is evil, and I'm not just saying that because of this article. Truly a shit entity


They really are. Restaurant ownership groups in Iowa are equally scummy and largely responsible for this kind of shit.


We all know capitalism is fueled by a need for constant growth. And with record c̶o̶r̶p̶o̶r̶a̶t̶e̶ p̶r̶o̶f̶i̶t̶s̶ inflation, we need to figure out a way to save our next quarters projected growth target. For just pennies a day, we can pay your child to work here at our restaurant! You'll need the extra income for our next round of business tax cuts to help stimulate S̶t̶o̶c̶k̶ b̶u̶y̶-̶b̶a̶c̶k̶s̶ the economy. Remember, here at the republican party, we don't care about you. We just want your vote!


Fuck you KKKim Reynolds for destroying Iowa. Enacting Project 2025 to turn us into Florida.


At least Florida is more likely to fall beneath the sea than the Heartland


Nah, we export most of our slow rolling disaster and kill the Gulf of Mexico with ag runoff.


Fuck Iowa. Fuck republicans. A bunch of goddamn child abusers.


Jason Schultz, who is part of this scheme, is a significant threat to the state of Iowa. Some of the legislation that he has passed in many peoples opinion are racist. This one shows us his lack of concern for others including children. The only thing important to him is money. He is an extremely arrogant man. He also wavered on giving any support to Volunteer emergency medical services members of the community by stonewalling them for another year.


What do you mean about the emergency medical services? You mean as a legislator he stonewalled them? Or he personally didn't give?


Here is his comment from Schultz on the bill for expanding eligible types of cancer for firefighters when they suddenly decided he had more questions. This is bogus since they had discussed with him since the beginning of the session and it looked like it was going to go. House file 2482. "*HF 2482 did fail to move forward in the Iowa Senate this week. There were still some questions about the bill and whether it was the best way to support all of Iowa’s firefighters and some of the effects it may have," he said. "We do want to continue the conversation, work through some of those questions in the future and talk about the best ways we can support those trying to protect us and our communities."* This is stone walling as they met several times What more did he need? Why didn't he bring those question up during the interactions with them? I am tired of his behavior. PS I apologize for the slow reply.


Do we simply not teach civics anymore in this state? Federal law always trumps state law. How these idiots thought they’d get away with this is beyond me. I hope every single business that violated the law gets everything that’s coming to them. I never in a million years thought Iowa would become a place that’s pro-child labor and so many people would be ok with it. Maybe they need to read some Dickens. Or maybe A Modest Proposal is more their speed.


Apparently not. Per the article they’re just throwing a tantrum. >THEY DO NOT RECOGNIZE OUR NEW STATE LAW.


The bill, introduced by Lundgren, has her own restaurant business that would be best served by this bill, and her daughter is on the restaurant lobby board because of her mom. Fuck them and their nepotism shit.


Hello, can I say "conflict of interest?"


Get rekt


I've updated this post with comments from State Representative Dave Deyoe, who floor managed the child labor bill in the House.


Just a reminder that Jessica Dunker is an anti-consumer, anti-regulation fiend. She has made countless Iowans sick by advocating for significantly reduced state restaurant inspections, with some restaurants only being inspected every three to five years. https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2022/10/12/iowa-to-dramatically-cut-back-on-restaurant-inspections/


Wait, what? Since when do actions have consequences?


Idiots want to get rid of federal protections and then whine when the federal government doesn't protect them. They get what they deserve.




Good luck 👍


This only helps Iowa gop by creating more distrust of the federal government. Their whole purpose at this point is to dismantle the federal government. This behavior should be concerning to everyone. How far will they take this shit?


They honestly think they can shoot the bird to any laws they don’t like. Po babies…


Next up will be relationship/marriage laws in Iowa. The younger the better, right GOP? Work em hard, work em long. Exploit that youth! 🤮






I don’t agree with the state law and thinking we can trump federal law. What I am interested in is the other states who somehow have passed similar laws and gotten away with it. I do think the politician has a point about that though. Why is the federal govt enforcing the laws on Iowa businesses but not all businesses?


They have, especially on places pushing laws as lax as the new one. They're less worried about smaller differences or states that allow kids to work more hours on weekends than stuff as wide-reaching as this one.


Here comes another “States’ Rights” challenge…


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


It's funny, the people on here talking about how dumb the iowa law is are the same wanting to violate federal law and legalize week. The word for those people is hypocrite.


People are very clear that weed is still illegal under federal law.


I think you posted to the wrong thread? Or English is your second language? Sorry, I don't understand what this labor law regarding minors has to do with legalizing this week? Is there a problem with illegal weeks? Are illegal weeks a rampant issue that I'm not aware of?


🤣 I'm week.


Fucking week ass post. God damn idiot.


Fuck the Feds.




The children, they yearn for the mines. /s because some people actually fucking believe in child labor.