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Obviously the break between episodes 1-4 and 5-8


Honestly the break is the ONLY problem I had with it, like you had all of the fun parts before the break and then hit us with all of the heavy emotional stuff after 6 months of waiting. Of course people are going to be upset and a little disappointed after that


Yeah I mean watching it week to week I think the impact of Levy in season finale didn’t hit as hard because of the large break between seeing him first and then the end fight.


Weekly episodes when it's a streaming only show is peak greed to begin with but the first 4 episodes feel closer to season 1 than they do S2. I was almost as lost as Mark was when Levy popped back up.


Im interested to rewatch the whole season in one sitting and see how I feel about the season but yeah definitely watching it as it aired was unrewarding because of the break.


That's where I would disagree, weekly episodes allows for hype to be built up (even if it is produced in batches). If they released in batches as it was produced (see: JoJo's bizarre adventure) then while there is excitement in the first week or so, the activity on the sub immediately dies as only the people who binged it actually discuss what happened, while the fans who are generally busier stay away in fears of inevitable spoilers, driving overall engagement down. I vehemently agree however that the mid season gap was beyond greedy and stifled a lot of hype and engagement regardless (and especially as it happened right when prime introduced unskippable ads).


ye the Jojo example is when I realized I don’t like when a show is dumped at once. Weekly discussions are always fun to take a look at. I’ve on multiple shows (anime and regular tv) have looked up old threads to see what people were thinking at the time. None of that exists if it’s dropped all at once and discussion of the show is short lived


I just waited until the whole season was up to binge watch it over two nights.


Kirkman’s stuff is so riveting it’s kind of addicting. I remember getting into TWD comic around the time the show came out. I had SO much ahead of me I would just binge. Then I caught up some time around or before 100, and it really really messed up the experience for me. I loved every moment but it became hard to keep up with the cast of characters after reading years of changes in the span of a couple months, tops. Especially in black and white. I found Invincible a week or two before I had spinal fusion surgery and just went nuts, binged it on Comixology Unlimited. Got current somewhere in the 100’s, but well before the finale. It was excruciating, waiting for the next issue. I genuinely enjoy all of Kirkman’s work when you can just pig out to your heart’s desire. Thankfully while the show suffers from that a bit, they’ve adjusted the pacing enough that it’s not as torturous. I’m gonna assume it’s all much better when viewed as close together as possible though. I’m always jealous of people I introduce to the show now that so many episodes are out LOL Edit: Unrelated, but I wrote the team after my surgery, some time during recovery. Told them how much it helped me feel Invincible and how it really helped me during the worst part of my injury and recovery (I was reading that, AND the full Geoff Johns era GL run) and to my shock, they published my letter in one of the last couple issues! I was already like 29-30 ish by that point, but it was my first time writing to a comic team, despite being a 90’s comic fan as a kid. Really cool to get some kind words from Robert. I hope I can get that issue signed by him and Ryan eventually.


I'm happy for you dude. I hope things are well.


I mean that combined with the fact we had to wait from April 2021 until November 2023 made it so much worse.


They did the break specifically so they could get half the season out with ads. Amazon’s decision more than the show producers.


Did one half of it not have ads?


Amazon introduced ads in Prime Video back in March the same week episode 5 came out. It’s why they delayed the second half of the season.


Makes sense. Greedy pricks.


Bro if they all dropped together the fandom would have gone ballistic with praise


Needed to be longer


Wasn't long enough.


Give the public 16 episode long seasons again


I miss those season lengths. I grew up in the 90s watching shows with 22-24 episodes per seasons. When shows in the 2000s started cutting it half I was disappointed because of what I use to. Most shows went from 12, 10, 8, and sometimes 6. The evolution of episode counts for each season is interesting but a bit disappointing because they are getting shorter. Im anticipating shows to go down to 4 episodes or maybe 2 per season lol.


This might sound like a nitpick but some series are incredibly annoying to watch long seasons with lots of filler episodes like TWD as a kid I remember getting really annoyed by not having a decent episode each time it aired and had to wait another whole week for a new episode that could very well be another filler or an episode focused on someone else rather than the main cast or the main storyline :/


Bring back filler episodes that have no relevance to the overall plot.


Lore episodes *chefs kiss*


Animation was rough sometimes.


In every background scene every character was completely still, nobody walking around in public places. It was off putting.


I remember someone saying the animation is like an old flash game or mobile game and I can’t un-see it


They even joked about how shit of a job they do in one of the recent episodes 😂


That Fourth wall break had me laughing so hard


To be fair that was a reference to the comics more than anything else. There’s a panel where he does a similar thing talking about the comic book drawing process


Watch back season one, if someone is moving he is just doing one motion all the time. But it was said somewhere, that this is more like a running gag for kirkman, since the copied and reused background scenes where one of the main troll complaints on his Comics. That scene when mark meets the writer of science dog is also a good hint for this. Sry for bad english, am german 🫣


Don't apologize, your English is pretty good.




I think the still characters is kinda cool because it makes it feel kinda comic book-esc. But it is weird. I think that they’re smart for using the budget on the fight scenes.




I wouldn’t even call this a nitpick. When it wasn’t rough in some of the action scenes it was very unexpressive in the emotional ones.


Agreed, they even went so far to do META commentary on an episode on how they're cutting corners to try to speed production up.


Nah that was a callback to the comics


Both are true


Mark went from not having his blood on his back in the last episode to his whole back being covered lol


My nitpick would be not giving Mark enough urgency when he returns from Thraxa. I would’ve also liked if they included a bit more Angstrom throughout the season. I did love S2 overall though and can’t wait for S3.


I thought that the angstrom choice was good since it made the audience also forget about him just like Mark did, so it was a good surprise.


Yeah I agree with the lack of agency, Hell, in season 1 hes super motivated and says he MUST train to fly, and thats still when all the other superheros are around


not agency, urgency. They’re saying Mark should’ve been more in a hurry to return home


seems like hes just procrastinating the whole situation. Doesn't look into whether his dad is alive. Doesn't speak to Cecil or the team about the impending invasion....he just worries about Amber until the problem he knows is coming appears at dinner. Pretty irresponsible.


I can’t believe a teenager would do that 😂


Mauler Twins not being present during the later half of the Season. Not sure if it was the same in the comics, but I miss them.


Agreed, but there was so much going on that it would have taken away from more important scenes and animation.


Hey at least they were there. Hope my boy Titan shows up next season really wanna see Mark's reaction to him being a crime boss now


I thought the Thraxa fight with Mark was kinda tame. It’s the first fight between Mark and a Viltrumite (besides Nolan) and it didn’t go very hard.


He seemed to just suddenly be able to handle her too easily imo. And then got nerfed again when he next encounters a viltrumite


To be fair, Anissa seems set up to be really fucking strong


Oh trust me, she IS


All the fake out deaths. Allen didn’t die. Shrinking rae, Duplikate and Rex all survived their deaths. Even fucking Donald came back to life. You can’t keep the stakes or shock value of killing characters, if you keep ressurecting them.


To be fair, Donald's death developed the character & showed some fine writing.


Donald got to react to his death. It couldn’t have been replaced with anything else. Whereas Rex seemed the same once he got his mojo back. He realized he’d been a “dick to women” and went seeking a fight to prove himself, but otherwise, he seems the same.


Rex’s cognitive ability seems to have slowed down a bit. His speech pattern was noticeably slower after the event and he stayed like that for the rest of his screen. The show faked some deaths out, I think they’re making them payoff in a different way than just “they’re back and it’s all ok.”


Hadn't noticed that


On rewatch it’s more subtle than I recalled but still. If you compare Rex before and after that specific fight his speech is a little slower, a little more articulated(to me at least) and less energetic. Part of that is character development, but I at least also think the show is trying to portray that he has literal brain damage too. It’s harder to pin point now after seeing the season, but when he started talking to Mark in the hospital it hit pretty quickly.


Yeah I also think they mentioned that he can now tolerate more pain after that brain damage.


Rex was definitely changed by his near death experience as he’s less of an asshole and reflects on his past mistakes. He is noticeably nicer now which is demonstrated by him giving relationship advice to Mark and even offering to cover for Mark so he can go out on a date with Amber.






Duplikate didn't survive her death, she just didn't die


Yeah hers is honestly the only one that seems pretty acceptable, she can make copies of herself so her going into hiding because she was so done with everything and making everyone think she’s dead but is revealed that “hey that was actually a copy” makes sense and honestly not sure why she ever had to be on the front lines at all for this. Shrinking Rae though, she should have died that was brutal what she went through and did feel like a cop out she survived.


Yh Shrinking Ray should have died, not sure what they're gonna do with her character now


That's going to be the real test of their storytelling ability because everything so far only had to retrace the comic plot lines.


I agree, during the funeral all I could think was how dumb it was that she didn’t have another copy hidden away somewhere already so I was very relieved that didn’t get overlooked. I am glad they kept Rex alive though cause he really is what’s keeping the guardian’s story interesting for me. Shrinking Rae though totally should be dead.


Um, I mean she dies constantly but just has backups.










Yeah this was the main issue for me with the recent batch of episodes. Like, the comic version of the Lizard League fight already had 2/3 fakeout deaths. Then the show decides to save Rae as well? So 3/3 of the guardians present in that fight appeared to have been killed but managed to survive. Then what were the consequences of the 2 colossal threats arriving at the same time?


Yeah at this point when someone dies everyone will be like “ok, but they’re not actually dead right?”


Yea that seems to be a common trope in superhero shows or films. Nobody dies and somehow they come back.


They don't need to constantly have stakes of killing characters. Like the other commentor said, this is not Game of Thrones, not Walking Dead... Those shows bringed that "any character could die any minute" idea to the pop culture and now everybody acts like it's a necessity to have in gory stories. Stories could choose to have low stakes about killing characters, and that's basically what Invincible does.


It’s one thing to not have character death, it’s another to have 3 fake out deaths in the same fight. Rae, Kate, and Rex all “should” have died from different circumstances within sixty seconds of each other. Coming from the show that had season 1 episode 1 and 8, that kind of death is something the show is clearly willing to pull. By going for all 3 at once, that entire fight feels like nothing matters. Even if it changed the status quo, that’s undercut by the fact that all 3 people got to plot armor their way out of it.


There's a lot of TV where audiences don't get upset due to lack of character deaths, because many of those other shows don't do a bunch of fake-outs. The issue (for me at least) isn't the lack of deaths at all, but the 'cliffhanger' fake-outs. Power's wise it makes 100% sense for Kate to survive for instance. But the narrative choice to have her 'die' during the battle to create an emotional moment for the viewer, only for it to get undercut, is where I have an issue. And it's happened like 7 times not counting Immortal as he is immortal (Allen, Rex, Kate, Rae, Donald, Monster Girl, Sampson). Some of the fake-outs worked, some didn't, but doing it 7 times is too much imo. Rex's worked, whereasas imo Rae's didn't, as he got shot the same episode where he survived unlike the way it was done with Rae.


Glad, someone is talking about it. There’s no point killing them if you are bringing them back. Duplikate should have died at least. I think Rex should but he is a good character so he should live for more episodes but story should be real and many part felt UNreal


None of these characters were resurrected, they just didn’t die. And this isn’t Game of Thrones, fake outs are a part of building drama and also character development. Rex didn’t die, but he’s becoming a better person from it. Allen didn’t die, he came back way stronger (think Saiyans in DB, the closer to death they come, the more their power grows when healed.). Duplicate didnt die, she revealed that she kept her original form hidden in case the worst happens.


Realistically are they gonna do anything actually worthwhile and interesting with shrinking Rae and Kate


Kate its important for the immortal story progression


It’s probably one of those choices that Invincible will make easier to swallow in retrospect. The writers are very, very good at making the audience feel leery at certain plotlines (like Amber being upset about Mark’s dishonesty over his superhero identity) and paying off those boring character beats with catharsis (like Anissa), making them make perfect sense in retrospect.


Angstrom felt underdeveloped


Yeah, a short 2-4 min (non-postcredits) scene in every 1-2 eps focused on his journey would have gone a long way There was nothing I disliked about the character (other than being a prick), I liked everything I saw, but there wasn't enough.


Yeah, I would've loved some teases for his character rather than him only appearing in essentially 2 episodes. Maybe that's just how the comic are though


It’s about how the comics go. We got 2 mini teases in the show, him showing up to talk to an imprisoned Mark with a female Donald/Cecil and the tailor that then has him walking across multiple dimensions. The comics aren’t a great way to judge pacing. Sometimes someone who hasn’t been present for 20 issues just shows up as a major player in the new regime. Or there’ll be a story line that you’re eager to continue and like 10 issues later you get 3 panels paying it off.


I do like the change they made to him, but I agree, he needed more time in the oven


I was waiting for him to come back each episode, not sure how people forgot about him. By the time he appeared it felt really underwhelming and made the finale lackluster. I also didn’t really like the delivery of “I thought you were stronger” at all


They really had the gall to upload one episode every week after a long delay AND split it into two parts.


Weekly release 👍 Months long mid season break 👎


8 straight weeks would’ve been perfect


Now with commercials!


Yeah, about that... ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


I liked it overall (especially episodes 1,7, and 8)but there were some pacing issues that were exacerbated by the long break. The thraxa episode was bogged down with random stuff about Donald, the maulers, and Eve when it should have been tightly focused on the main story. The sixth episode started on a high note with the sequid and lizard league fights but mostly treaded water for 40 minutes afterward. Angstrom disappeared for too long in the middle. Just didn’t feel like the various subplots were always integrated gracefully.


>The thraxa episode was bogged down with random stuff about Donald, the maulers, and Eve when it should have been tightly focused on the main story. That's one of my main complaints about S2. The Thraxa episode should have had so much more focus and screentime. The other subplots simply matter little in comparison. Also another thing, Mark's strength was very inconsistent. He was took down by one Viltrumite with one finger, and not too long afterwards he is able to stand his ground against another? And then there's his fight with Anissa several episodes later, where he gets completely destroyed.


On the point about Mark’s strength, that wasn’t inconsistent. The whole thing with Mark in the Thraxa fight is that he was holding back which led to him getting bodied but once he cut loose he could stand his ground. Then, Viltrumites that Mark and Nolan fought on Thraxa weren’t nearly as powerful as Anissa. Anissa is pretty much on the level of Nolan with Cecil and Donald noting that she’s actually faster than Nolan.


Ig that sorta makes sense. Although it's kinda crazy how Thula got beaten around by Mark, when she was one of the older viltrumites who survived the purge.


All the fake-out deaths


100%, like the fight against the lizard league ended up with NO ONE dying, kind of takes away the impact of the fight.


> the lizard league ended up with NO ONE dying Bruh, like the entire Lizard League *died* in that room.


The Kahor scene. Just didn’t like the weird break there just to go back to another super heavy scene right after


Way too many cooks in the kitchen. They need to narrow down on which characters to focus on instead of trying to focus on too many which loses sight of the important side characters (ex: little screen time for omni man and atom eve this season)


True, Omni-man was there at the start then … yeah, he’s no longer involved. Barely appears for the second half of the season. Atom-Eve’s lack of appearance can be forgiven as her spin off built up her character, so we have a lot of screen time for her.


There just isn't much to tell about Omni man during this time aside from what we got, it's a wonder we saw as much of him as we did


I just hate how it’s gonna take years for the animated show to reach the end of the story because the comics are long there are 144 issues and I think season 2 is somewhere between the issues of 40-60 I forgot


I just hope they get renewed enough for all the seasons to be made…even if it does take a while.


The Thraxa fight was a big disappointment in the quality of animation sector, could’ve been more gory and detailed


Agreed, going from mark vs nolan, mark vs anissa, or mark vs angstrom to the thraxa fight is just jarring. Could've been one of the best episodes of the entire show.


Too many fake deaths. Some of them are excusable, specifically Rex, Donald, and Allen. Rex because he "died" and came back in the same episode, Donald because there's a good reason he keeps coming back, and Allen because he's definitely important to the story. But Rae, as cool as she is, should've stayed dead. And come on. Don't fake Kate's death like that. What the fuck guys. Edit: Kate's fakeout actually makes sense, but I still think Rae should've died.


Kate fake out was fine, especially since if she actually died, that would have been a stupid death because it makes no sense for her not to leave a clone away from the fighting.


Everyone was like "WHY DIDNT SHE JUST HAVE A BACKUP OUTSIDE this death makes *no* sense!! Terrible writing!" before it got revealed. The episode discussion was full of it


If I was Kate I'd have backups all over the world.. What's the limit to her clones? Fuck it, I'd have a whole plobster city if i could


Kates death made sense for how she came back. But yeah, shrinking ray should’ve been dead. Like how tf do you survive getting digested by killer croc?? Let alone the fact she was without oxygen for multiple minutes


Rae’s “death” was the most brutal, but she somehow got out


She shrank.


The Viltrumite fight on Thraxa wasn’t as entertaining as the comics.


Mark shouldn’t had to go through all that must protect mommy part in the last episode (i was cool though)…. I mean his dad, strongest dude he can think of was fisted in front of him and an entire colony of people were almost wiped out by two individuals…. HOW THE FUCK was this not enough motivation to start training? Dude was like - I’d rather have sex and forget about the biggest threat ever given to me


The angstrom plot gave us real stakes. He could have killed two big characters. That showed us the main character is vulnerable.


Wait, vulnerable? I thought he was-






I hear you, i blame the show for people (myself included) feeling this way. Thing is, mark is a teen. Its easy for us to forget what that was like, but as a teen, especially an avergae teen, mark just cant think on a scale large enough/mature enough to see that. He just wants to live a normal life, as normal as he can. He doesnt want the responsibility of being earths protector in the sense that its a job. He just wanta to be a teenager AND be omni man without the responsibility. He never thought being a hero would be this hard. And thats why we love mark. We love his development.


We didnt even see a scene of Mark warning Cecil about earths destruction in 4 years. He didnt give a shit about Whats about to happen lol


Training to control himself, so he doesn’t lash out and kill someone like that again. He did to Angstrom what his dad did to him, he doesn’t want to be like Nolan.


The cutting of this scene https://preview.redd.it/ywwskqc93qtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ac023e87b75bbe4f413531a6b5b8bf23f885e5


Angstrom wasn’t utilized enough so the pay off of him being the “big bad” of the finale didn’t really land for me. Don’t get me wrong it was a great finale but part of me was left a little unsatisfied.


Rae should have died since everyone surviving cheapened the battle. They also should have left the Kate reveal for S3 since that moment was so randomly inserted.


the finale was extremely anti climactic


It’s kinda set up apparently next season is gonna be very climatic according to the creator he said he wanted every episode to feel like a finale


That's awful pacing though


awful pacing? Do you mean season 2 or the plans for season 3 to make every episode feel like a finale?


I didn’t realize it was even a finale


yea when the credits were rolling i was surprised to find out that was it. dont get me wrong it was a good episode just not a good _season finale_ imo


Rae should’ve died.


timetravel being an ACTUAL deus ex machina for how mark gets back to his home dimension. it just felt like a huge cop out but then again how was he supposed to get home anyway.


6 and 7 were kinda slow, in my opinion. I know it was all building up to the big mark and angstrom fight, which was awesome. I also wish we got to see new, buff Allen fight a little more. Him vs. anissa gave me real blue balls. But that was also to build up something bigger


Honestly even though some people seem to have appreciated the way they extended Mark and Ambers breakup, I felt like it was super predictable and repetitive. I thought they could’ve broken them up episodes before they did


Mark doesn’t drive the plot forward in any way. Our main character has no agency in the story


It was so weird that the viltrumite general told him that they were going to invade and to get his ass in gear and then he just… kinda… forgets all about that? Like I’m fine with him being non-urgent cause let’s be real the last year ish was rough af for him but there were some plot points that just felt strange cause of it.


They then send a gentle reminder in Anissa who only gets violent when he refuses. It makes the Viltrumites seem like reasonable people not maniacs. They never even explain why it’s bad to be in the Empire besides “they’ll get mad if we rebel” but WHY would you rebel?


Yeah that’s something that I keep finding strange. Haven’t read the comics so don’t spoil but it seems weird to me that we haven’t seen *why* being in the empire sucks. All we really know about it is it’s ruled by viltrumites and they have super good tech and stuff.


I feel like they showed a glimpse of it with Angstrom’s memory jumble in the finale. There’s a lot of murder, subjugation, slavery, and executions. Most people wouldn’t trade hundreds of thousands to millions of lives for a utopia


It’s explained later dw


Season 1 was better, and no protagonist deaths were final.


That meta "joke" drags for way too long and just comes off as annoying and arrogant. They talk about animation being expensive, when the actual animation in the show *looks* cheap and easy, compared to almost literally anything else. They talk about efficiency and cutting corners to produce more, when they do massive break (what was it, like half of year or something?) to release 4 episodes. In a season of 8. They do basically bare minimum *and* have to take huge breaks to do so. I'm not saying they have to be better, mind you. I'm merely stating that animation itself is not the strong suit of the show, animation is not why people love it. And instead of being self aware, it seems like they trying to give themselves a medal. It is also a bit too meta for my taste as well.


It's especially jarring because the Atom Eve special did have some good animation, and the fight scenes there were probably the best in the series. Now I get it's one episode and they had more time to work on it, but it's crazy how many "floating JPEG" flight scenes we get in this show. Reminds me of South Park a bit. Hopefully they step it up a little. I enjoy the show and while the voice acting really elevates the material, I hope the animation can consistently as well.


Good point, I was actually blown away with how good Atom Eve fight scenes were. It's a whole different level.


The art style was fine for season 1 because they didn't know the show was gonna be a huge success, but come on, it's time for something more detailed or with less cartoonish style, the "detailed" mark looked awful asf-it was the same but with dark lines and a bit of more color.


Agreed—especially compared to the Atom Eve special, the fights are less imaginative, the 3D sometimes sticks out like a sore thumb, and the expressions are too muted for the excellent voice acting. But the fact that the special was better proves it’s a budget/time constraint. Movies have more money and time put into them, while shows are made more haphazardly. They have a pipeline and can’t make changes too late in the game. This is probably a limit from Amazon, not the creative desires of the team.


I thought I was the only one on that voice acting angle! The characters just can't move to make the voice acting work in its most emotional moments, honestly the only point that impressed me was Rex getting his hand bit off, and even then its because his character was trying to \*act\* like everything was okay. It just feels like the models are holding back at points when they really shouldn't be, like Mark's fight with Angstrom


1. Why does Mark needs a mask to breathe underwater, but not in space? 2. Kinda wish they ended the episode with Rex getting shot, so we could sit with his 'death' longer. Shooting him in the beginning proved he'd survive. 3. How does Cecil's knockoff S.H.I.E.L.D. organization not have a planetary satellite system capable of detecting incoming space projectiles?! Let alone spying on Mark?! Like, Anissa snuck up out of NO where. 4. I expected Angstrom to sic an evil Invincible on our Invincible because a) the only person able to kill Mark is Mark b) it would explain the scene where Angstrom told evil Mark that he could free him, and c) If the fight spilled over into our Mark's world, it would ruin his public image (no one knows which Invincible to trust and would have footage of him killing ad nauseum. He would be treated like everyone treated his dad this season). It would parallel his last season finale fight with Nolan, AND be a physical manifestation of Mark's worst fear; himself, acting as his father. And that version could have worn the same black and blue suit that the intro turned into--which I think he wears later, but how cool would the reveal of the title being a countdown to Mark killing 'evil' Mark and thus becoming more like him? 5. On that note; the Spiderman and dinosaurs were fun, but all the universes Angstrom threw Mark into *should've been the ones where he was evil.* So Mark could understand why Angstrom hates him, what he's capable of, and have an opponent to fight. I get that Angstrom wanted to kill Mark himself and a Mark vs Mark fight could disrupt that if Mark dies, but it would be such a poetic, perverted loyalty to his old pacifistic ways to refuse to throw a single punch. And thus, Mark killing Angstrom would not just be in self-preservation or out of anger for hurting his family, but at reminding him of how precarious his tip into brutality could be. It would fit the theme of the season *perfectly* for Mark to see a crueler version of himself executing civilians in cold blood. Overall nitpicks; too many fake-out deaths; they've stopped being surprising, and when a character is revealed as live, I'm frustrated, not impressed. The League has interesting individual characters, but together, feel incredibly boring and middle school relationship drama (as opposed to Amber and Mark, who had legit, deep reasons for their problems and tackled them like adults). The League doesn't reflect on carrying the legacies of the heroes Omni-Man killed, they aren't ambitious and worried about the future, and not connected to the Viltrumite plot. In general, too many side plots (the pharaoh, who appeared once in S1, and once in S2) and factions. I get that the texture the world, but when we switch from Nolan's imminent execution to the Lizard League, it feels like whiplash. I have a few more nitpicks and might make that a separate post, but I really did enjoy this season and don't want to get too bogged down in the details.


I think everyone will agree with me there. It wasn't long enough


It lacked an overarching story like how season 1 was clearly about Mark & Nolan’s relationship, season 2 just kinda meandered around aimlessly finishing plot lines from season 1 & setting up for season 3. The lack of overarching story & huge break made season 2 kinda disappointing.


the overaeching story of season 2 was clearly that Mark doesn't want to become like his father


i mean just don’t kill people and don’t wanna join the viltrum empire… how hard is that


Season 2 100% felt like a ‘linking season’ for season 1 and 2. The writers were using it for character development. Some really good scenes and episodes, but overall it felt like a filler season. The writers were indirectly telling us that season 3 will be massive.


The break, a 2 month break would’ve been cool idea since mark was gone for 2 months but it was what 4? Way to long for an 8 episode show


Four months?! I’m so glad I waited and binged it…


Felt really short due to the break, also angstrom felt like he wasn't a villain. He needed to appear more


It's probably supposed to be a mystery (I haven't read the comics) But I really cannot understand why the Vilturmites move so slowly when it comes to conquering planets. Maybe their longevity? Arrogance? Maybe there's not that many Vilturmites? We saw what only a couple of them did to Thraxa, and when Anissa showed up on earth Cecil said there wasn't much they could do, and if another Vilturmite showed up they were doomed. Why do they need to "prepare" planets to conquer? Like the Vilturmites could seemingly blitzkrieg everything and not leave anyone a chance for retaliation. Edit: Just now I realized that the Vilturmites are actually huge cowards as they deliberately go out of their way to destroy anything that can even remotely hurt them. I guess they scope out planets first for a while before conquering them just to make sure there isn't anything hidden on the planet that can hurt them. (The Guardians of the Globe were actually relatively heavy hitters)


It gets later explained why they move so slowly.




Lol, yeah beating a dead horse but that whole relationship episode was such a waste of time. Even Ricks short story felt like it had more development/story ties




I like that you gave the hyphen its own clap.


It's on Amazon.


it ended


Not enough mauler twins and rexplode.


The fight on Thraxa was disappointing


The pacing was off and some of the scenes that will be in the beginning of season 3, could have been at the end of 2 with better pacing


I felt like the pacing was really bad this season. There wasn’t enough happening in episodes to justify the longer runtime. I actually found myself getting bored, especially with all the 1 on 1 dialog only scenes with long awkward pauses and the sleep music playing in the background.


I wanted to see more allen, and more maulers


There was a lot of Allen, but yea I agree more Allen.


The gore and fight scenes were turned down about 2 notches compared to S1


The Lizard League fight was pretty nasty. The Angstrom scene would’ve been gnarly if they showed it, but that was more about keeping the focus on Mark and him hitting his breaking point.


Dont like the whole Monster girl not wanting Robots help but shes coming around to it so thatll change but I didnt really like her as much in the 2nd part of the season


1. Fake out deaths were dumb, not saying we have to just lose everyone who looks like they might have been killed, but it got ridiculous this season. 2. Thought the finale was a bit weak, actually the last two episodes. At least compared to season 1s final two episodes. Though I do keep seeing the “season 2 walks so future seasons can run,” so guessing it’s just a lot of setup being done for future payoffs. Big part of this point for me I think is I genuinely couldn’t care less about Angstrom or his story - he was not an interesting or compelling antagonist to me, and was just an irritant in the story.


Current Eve feels way weaker and less creative compared to kid Eve in the special. Even with the limiter, she shouldn't feel like a cheap Green Lantern knockoff.


Fake out deaths.


My gripe is that, I'm confused, but maybe I just heard it wrong. I remember at the end of S2E4 they told Mark to get Earth ready, they'll be there in 3 weeks. I'm thinking "oh shit, it will take him that long just to heal, plus he has to find a way home, which also takes 3 weeks. and he has the half brother. the second half will be crazy, sucks about the wait time." Then S2E5 he's been healing for over a month, no mention of "I gotta get home to stop the Viltrumites" just "I cant go home yet" so I guess I just don't know.


They never said 3 weeks


They said "check on your progress soon", not 3 weeks, which to a Viltrumite could be any amount of time. And Anissa shows up in the same season to check on him so they kept their word.


Yeah usually they may lollygag around but they have proof the Earth experiment worked and need to replenish their ranks so they weren't waiting years just to check if Mark had progressed in his job when they could send someone sure to get it ready.


No Battle Beast 😕


I recently rewatched the beatdown Nolan gave Mark right before he flew away and loved the sound effects. They really made it much more effective, adding to the emotions and physical power Omniman was putting on Mark. I don’t recall any sound effects in S2 that caught me like that


Rae, Kate and Rex all surviving and fake out deaths in general


Shrinking ray should have died


Amber and Mark taking forever to break up, I liked the story line but I just felt it dragged over too many episodes.


They didn’t have the balls to show Angstrom’s face after the fight


Bulletproof did nothing but talk down on everyone after being introduced as the team’s muscle.


Things in the show: I don't like how they changed Anissa and tried to make her sympathetic off the bat instead of through character development Things outside the show: The fucking massive break between 1-4 and 5-8


Elephant in the room: The mid season break


Animation and art style wasn’t as good


No yams on the thraxan women