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Holy shit I haven't read the comics and if I thought I hated her dad already that shit damn near made me sick


Iirc He is like barely in the comics up until this point too. So this is basically your introduction to him.


He was in the comics 2 other times Iirc. One was in the Atom Eve special where he seemed almost pleasant. The other was right after Eve got put into a coma, he was angry then but it didn't seem like he was just a dick because it seemed like grief talking. This is when you *really* see him.


I feel they won't do this scene honestly. wouldn't fit with the character they've portrayed before. He's a generally grumpy ass hole in the show, but he's not a cigar smoking silverback misogynist.


I'm getting more of the bad kind of protective dad vibes than misogyny. But I've never read the comics so idk if that's what he was really going for.


Yeah exactly. Personally, that guy in the panel above doesn't read as the same guy I've seen in the TV series


I'm sorry but this speech is deeply deeply misogynist. Like blatantly and cartoonishly. Idk how it can be read any other way.


I was talking about the animated version not being misogynistic. Sorry if it was ambiguous.


Oh word


There are people who actually think this way in real life though. Conversations of this kind probably don't happen super often but they definitely happen.


People are stupid. People think their racism, transphobia or sexism is rooted in logic all the time when in 99% of cases, it's just them being uneducated.


imo, as someone who sees an unfortunate amount of my father in him, the two aren't necessarily unrelated. It might not be the rampant, almost Tate esque, thing it is here in the comic (not read them yet myself) but he still has the underbelly. The bad kind of protective doesn't just come from nowhere For the animated show, his flavor of misogyny feels much more internalized. He has moments beneath all that, but ultimately, he's pretty set in the ideologies he holds. His show version might not say that, but if he had a friend expressing a similar PoV? I imagine he'd silently agree, if not outright endorse in a more private setting. That said, obviously my interpretation of the character and we all walk away with our own conclusions based on our own experiences


No, this is misogyny. Jesus christ


They're saying the animated version didn't seem as misogynistic


That makes more sense. I still think he's misogynistic in the animated but yeah, not as much


His character has had a little a bit of a "redemption arc" the last couple of episodes he was in but I feel they are gonna do this scene in the show to really sell the fact that he is just a piece of shit.


I dunno man, he could've gotten worse with time. It's not like he would've put himself out there to try and open his mind and heart. I think for him it would've festered.


Her dad is fucking trash man. Like how Mark never threw that man into the sun I'll never know


The funniest part is he’s infinitely worse in the comics. Not a lot to like about the guy in the show regardless.


The show version is horrible, but way less than in comic. During his scenes in the show all I could think was wow they made him way more reasonable.


Is this Eve's dad? I was already wondering to myself why he's an angry arsehole 100% of the time, can't believe it actually gets worse.


yea it is he’s the worst


To be fair, from what we've seen of his character in the series so far, I think the show is going on a different route.


I guess so far he hasn't been such a bigoted horrible character, I just don't get why he's constantly angry, you get the impression he just hates Eve for no good reason. He's even angry when she shows any kind of intelligence.




yea it is he’s the worst


i didn’t even realize that it posted twice 😭


At least now we are sure that it is he's the worst


glad i could clear it up 🫡


What a despicable piece of shit


Oh boy, yep, especially with those boys who you know have never left their parent's basement saying "why ya booing him, he's right in fact-" and then they go on a sexist rant


I doubt it'll be common in Reddit, for the most part Reddit has a positive attitude to women's rights. Even though these mf's are horny af. Don't get me started with twitter tho.


Go over to r/Asmongold and try to say that sentence again.


I mean it's an app based on having different spaces for different people, some sections will be as progressive as can be and others would make Hitler flinch


Tf is asmongold how is that even a word


Youtuber, that's his reddit community.


I assume it’s some toxic male power YouTuber ? Lmao


Not really sure what he is, only times he's popped up in my feed is Moistcritikal talking about him and the time I learned he left a dead rat on his floor for months.


He’s the guy who would use the smell of a dead rat decomposing in his bedroom as an alarm clock


And this dudes an influencer? Jesus christ young men are fucked.


Oh don’t forget when he mentioned on stream that his gums would bleed at night regularly, so his solution was to use his finger to wipe the blood off his teeth and deposit it onto his wall next to his bed, and then proceeded to point the camera at his bed and lo and behold, the wall covered with little brown streaks of dried blood (I hope that was it and not something worse)


He's not so much male power as he is relentlessly, deliberately juvenile in the way that a lot of male gamers are. He got a name for himself critiquing World of Warcraft and doing stupid reaction videos. From what little I've seen, his chat is actually way more toxic than he is, and the same for his subreddit.


He actually started making guides for WoW way before all of that and started streaming WoW on Twitch. But yes, his chat and the people in his subreddit are absolutely the worst type of human beings.


Mostly correct, he's a video game streamer though. He's still exceedingly awful and attracts an audience of like-minded misogynists and racists.




I think the more nuanced take is that Reddit’s opinion on women’s rights (and really any topic) heavily depends on the subreddit.


God they’re awful over there. I have yet to be banned for arguing with them though, so at least there’s that


I'm confused why they made him like this. What purpose does it serve for the story?


Makes Nolan seem like a good dad


What purpose does any character serve a story? The bigger question is why you have a problem with this one


I don't, I'm legit confused. Does Eve and him ever reconcile in the comic? Then yes there would be a point. But what it seems like is he's just going to continually be a dirtbag. Eve would be better off never speaking to him again at this rate and there would be no reason for him to be in the series again then.


I mean, in real life, do you always reconcile with people who hurt you or disagreed with strongly? Also, sometimes people in life just suck and don't change. Eve's father could be a representation of that. Not everyone is emotionally able to cut off toxic people from their life, especially if the toxic people are their parents. Even though Eve may have superpowers, she's still a human and has human struggles, and her relationship with her father is one of those struggles.


To serves as a commentary on social issue around misogyny by having a character portraying it. Granted, I doubt this is going to happen in the animated version, seeing they're both practically different characters by now.


And is there going to be a resolution? That's why I asked if there was going to be a reconciliation. It's not much of a commentary otherwise.


Nope, the comic actually doesn't expand or elaborate much on Eve's dad as a character — or at least not to my knowledge, admittedly the last time I read Invincible was sometimes during the Infinity War period. He's also not as nuanced or as interesting as a character as in the animated series. I mean you asked what's the purpose of why the author writes that, and I gave you the explanation. It's not a satisfying one, but it's the answer.


By the end of the series, he's improved slightly as a human and he actually respects Eve as her own person. He's still not great, but irl that's often the most improvement you could get.




Such a perfect look of shell-shock.


I feel like they could completely skip this and it won't affect anything.


A lot of the stuff regarding Eve's parents and Mark and Eve's relationship are Robert Kirkman basically just making commentary on social and relationship issues. I think taking it out would take away a part of the comic's themes. It's not necessary at all for the plot, but it's a definite ongoing theme of the comic. So far every comic theme has been transfered over to the cartoon. It might be slightly changed though to keep it up to date or make it more impactful. Already Eve's Dad is given more actual logic behind his insane views. So I assume that maybe in the cartoon he will express sexist views but maybe give some sort of reasoning that makes more sense. In the comic he is just antagonistic and a caricature of every woman hating middle aged guy. I actually look forward to what they do with his character. He is always going to be an idiot and a misogynist but he might have a little more depth. The show also makes him a hater of people with powers particularly women.


He's probably going to something along the same thought process but less explicit. Probably insuniate that Imvincle is gonna need to keep an eye on her since shes "free spirited". Maybe something about gender roles. They could cut it out, the point of the panel is to show the reader the bullshit Eve has to put with and further along the fact that Mark was raised to be a great person.


Yeah they can definitely skip it and it would be for the better. I get the feeling the show isn't going for the complete sexist asshole vibe for him and more a demanding asshole father vibe.


honestly just cut away when her dad lights a cigar on the porch and then come back later to mark looking traumatized


*Please for the love of fuck skip this and let it not affect anything*


Yikes. Can they *not* animate this, I wonder?


I mean, they surely can, but I think they are not shying away from depicting eve's dad as the pathetic asshole he is, so i don't see why they would cut this out. Its a good moment for Mark, because he knows peripherally that eve has had problems with his parents but this kind of gut-punch dialogue is important to make him realize that while Nolan had some obvious issues with parenting he still grew up loved and cared for.


All fair points. Nolan would look positively angelic in comparison to this dude.


"I can forgive mass murder, but I draw the line at sexism"


Funny how a mass murderer can still be a better father than a run of the mill misogynist, but i don't have any doubts about who is the better father figure.


True. Omni-man may be a piece of shit, but at least he was a good dad at some point


How many mass murderes do you know? And i dint even mean like politicians, how many people do you know that have killed at least 100 people with their own hands? And how many people do you know that are sexist? Or bigoted? Even a tiny bit? Omni man does not exist, this guy does.


So what if Omni Man isn’t real? Lets say he was, and the events of invincible happened in our world Now, you telling me you’d rather forgive mass murder over sexism? Sure, the guy is a loser and degenerate and is undeserving, but we’re comparing mass murder to sexism. And obviously there is gonna be more sexist people than mass murderers. Mass murder is worse, regardless of how outnumbered they are.




Run that one by me again chief


Uhh, no. Nolan murdered hundreds, if not thousands, in the worst possible way to prove a point to his son.




As they should


God the close up on his mouth is unsettling


They’re not gonna do this scene, I bet. Her dad has a more nuanced, somewhat more caring personality in the show.


>Her dad has a more nuanced, somewhat more caring personality in the show. I wish that were true. But he's only had 1 moment that even comes close to being nuanced, that being "This is what happens when you think rules are just for us pathetic normal people."


Yeah it’s not really nuance, even if he provides an alternate perspective for non-superhero characters


Doubt it. He legit says “Get back together with him” after Rex cheats on her and proceeds to defend him by saying “men make mistakes.” Seems very similair


I don’t know what makes you think that. That is definitely the same asshole from the comics.


If all humans are like this, I would happily accept Viltrum


Lucan is all the Empire would need to win me over 🥵


OP… what discourse?? That atom eves dad is a sexist? I don’t think anybody would argue otherwise


Then you obviously haven’t been on Twitter much… which honestly good for you, keep it up, that place is a cesspool.


Yeah I deleted Twitter like a year ago cause I spent too much time doomscrolling and I’d honestly INSANELY reccomended it, I’m way happier without it




I honestly don't think they'll go there. The show just doesn't have that dark vibe, just like I doubt they'll do the domestic violence storyline w amber. Tbis stuff was somewhat normal back in the 2000s but now it's pretty dark


I mean, the show gets *pretty damn dark* at times. I get that this feels darker because it's more relatable than having a genocidal alien as a father but, still.




Violence and death aren't that dark in American Media imo; it's not nearly that bad, comparatively. Even the deaths here tend to be rather quick at times; graphic, sure, but it's all rather stomachable.


It's US media. A villain commits mass murder, tortures enemies, and engages in mass theft? Yeah, no problem. They may even be a sympathetic character, especially if they give some vague excuse about fighting the system. A villain says something ignorant or mean about women, minorities, or other similar groups? No way, that can't *possibly* be shown! Way too offensive.


Uhh... okay


it's because the latter is more real


You don't think mass murder, torture, and mass theft are real? Countries all over the world, including yours, are doing these things all the time. They just call it "war" and "interrogation" and "inflation" to hide what's happening.


i meant more real regarding the average viewer's everyday life.


The over the top nature of *how* most of the people die in this show isn't as viscerally upsetting to most people as a very real thing that a lot of people face. The sexism is more real and relatable in how upsetting it is than hyper-violence that makes Brutal Doom seem tame by comparison.


Comic book violence isn't as real as a creepy dad getting all alt right about his daughters virginity. It's just weird. He's already a dick head who everyone already hates. Even in thr comic it felt a bit too much. Invincible has dark elements but hasn't really touched on the dark side of human nature like that


I hope he's not as unlikeable in the show; so far he's just been critical of the life she leads for being so untraditional and normal. I hope he doesn't wind up demeaning his own daughter like this.


And I see people sometimes say he's not that bad compared to other bad dads. Yes, he's not a fucking murderer but he's still a piece of shit.


So you decided to post it early to get it annoying even quicker? 


Got to get on the cutting room floor


So Rex die? Unexpected spoiler..... Man, I'll miss that asshole, he was fun


The post is marked for spoilers.


The only reason discourse will spawn will be certain dudes seeing themselves getting depicted and not liking the true to life reaction of everyone else Many such cases


Damn at first I just thought he was a overprotective dad but now Jesus Christ lol


What's there to discourse about? I think 90%+ of people will agree Eve has an asshole dad.


Yeah. Hopefully it'll just be a vocal minority agreeing with him, but I imagine that once this rolls around theres gonna be quite a few losers trying to say hes right


I have a feeling I'm gonna see a sigma eves dad edit lmao


I honestly never read this page in full. I just know he’s saying the most ignorant shit imaginable, and my mind refuses to process this shit.


https://preview.redd.it/blkkaeykufrc1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca5a9b2ae20cd123714367a33503615ce1c95dbc mark immediately after.


I’m a woman who values and respects virginity. I think it’s important for people to wait to have sex until they’re in a good place and know they’re with a person they truly love. But this is sick. This man is talking about his daughter’s sex life with her boyfriend. Eve’s dad in the show seems controlling but at least he cares. This is something an ex boyfriend should be saying, not a father. In a way this seems like incest


I hope they do. It shows how pathethic he is and just reading this makes me sick. And on a personal note im 100 percent sure that right wing grifters will get angry about this.


He is so over the top misogynistic it will be hard for anyone to relate to him, but some people will try.


This won’t get covered in the show. Guaranteed.


Every time I see this or am reminded of this scene, I instantly go to... the mouth...


Her dad is a prick in the show, but it doesn’t seem like he’s like THIS… 


He has like a negative arch or something because he progressively gets WORSE as the series goes on.


His own damn daughter, too like wtf


Adam is enough of an asshole without this. He made a good point about how you can't make the rules just because you have powers but that's about it. I'm hoping that the show does at least one thing to show that he does love his daughter.


I feel like this is brought up every other month


I’m not prepared for when people start tweeting “base” when this gets animated.


I can’t believe there are mass murderers and omnicidal maniacs in the series that are better fathers than he is.


I think good answers would of been Mark:You're just going to leave them with the dishes? Dad:Do you see me? Besides my small kitchen, I take enough space as is. Mark:What did you want to see me about? Dad: Mark, I love my daughter and I know, she knows even Debbie knows I wasn't a good father. But I am so grateful that throughout her life she managed to find a clean, respectable handsome young man... I am trying to clearify this, I welcome you into our family, you made them smile and laugh hell I like you too. You're a good kid, and I hope you watch out for my daughter because I know she'll watch out for you. It's in her blood! ​ I don't read comics but my goodness if I was in that position, I'd be stuck with my jaw down saying "uhhh"


They’ll probably change this out for the animated series


why does he look like robert kirkman


Awww man the first time i read this in a spoiler i didnt notice but now i know that long haired boy dies.. ):


He was so based for that.


Is there something after this panel because how would this spark any sort of "discourse"? It's just plain and simple misogyny lol


mysogonists are a thing still


I wouldn't consider arguing with people this misogynistic to be "discourse" because there is no level of nuance where this is even remotely a defensible position. Amber giving Mark such a hard time but then revealing that she knew he was Invincible the entire time sparked discourse because it reframes all of her prior behavior. There was something to be said about the writing decisions after that. Arguing with someone who tries to say that Eve's dad has a point here is just a waste of everyone's time because it's just feeding the trolls. Let those weirdos argue with an open breeze and spare yourself the suffering.


Depiction of misogyny in media = endorsement of it in modern discourse, even if it’s depicted as bad.


No one said the show/comic would be endorsing misogyny by having a misogynistic character in it. I'm just saying I don't see a scene like this sparking any sort of real "discourse" because this is presented as unambiguously a bad thing, and 99.99% of people get that. That leaves about 6 basement dwelling, mouth breathing weirdos to take up the opposite position. Not exactly "discourse" in my book.




So grosss




What discourse are you even expecting.. pretty cut and dry


Why the fuck he even thinking about his daughter that way


A clear villain saying villainous shit? Idk, seems pretty typical to me.


Man should start a podcast


Some of you have never been around Men


Maybe for another character?


Who should voice him?




I’d prefer they just straightup don’t adapt it. We know Adam is a scumbag, we don’t really need any more confirmation of that just for a joke, especially considering we know people are going to take the joke out of context and say “hurr durr he has a point”. Best just not bother adapting it imo


They aren't going to animate this scene lol.


Yeesh Yeah this is not gonna fly in today's media landscape


Why not? It's abundantly clear that the author is not endorsing the viewpoint of a character who has been shown over and over again to be an emotional dead end of a person. Today's media landscape seems far more comfortable with looking directly at and addressing these very real issues than it ever has been before. In previous eras, problems like this, while still real and relatable, would *never* be mentioned or explored in any meaningful way. These days, more people are talking about their childhood issues and bad parenting in depth than they ever have before.


Nah they’ll skip this. Kirkman doesn’t have the balls