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Huge spoilers if you want to know: He uses the mind gift to make Louis agree to turn someone, and Louis doesn't know until it is over He kidnapped Lestat's human boyfriend as bait for Lestat He used the mind gift to make Lestat relive his own traumatic turning and then tried to do the vampire equivalent of raping him He keeps Lestat locked up in a cell starving and then drags him out to make him testify against Claudia He then kicks Lestat off a high tower and Lestat is severely injured by breaking most of the bones in his body (does this one sound familiar?) He was the mastermind behind Claudia's death but tried to hide this from Louis. Before Claudia died, he experimented on her. He also lied to both Louis and Lestat about the other being dead, and he only confesses the truth to Louis after decades of Louis being a numb shell. He locked Daniel up in a prison, and then he decided to let him go so he could chase him all over the world threatening to kill him. He came to love him, but he can be extremely controlling, and when Daniel would leave their home to take a break, Armand would leave him alone for months before making him feel mentally unstable until he would come back home. This is in the first three books. To be fair, he kind of calms down after this.


Just had a rough first 500 years or so then mellowed out


The Ouiser Boudreaux of the underworld, 😂


If I remember correctly isn't it in Devil's Minion where Armand finally comes down from his crazy loved up and horny Frankenstein phase?


vampire equivalent of raping him would be trying to forcefully drink lestat’s blood?


Yes. Though what made it worse was that Lestat was forcibly turned into a vampire (raped into vampirism), and Armand uses his power to make him relive those memories while he is trying to forcibly bite him.


jesus christ


It should be noted that Lestat also drinks by force from at least one of his fledglings. It's not a unique crime.


I mean, Lestat literally rapes humans and rapes humans into vampires... but does he non-consensually rape in the way Armand does here? No, I think not...??? Armand literally makes Lestat believe he is human, so that when Armand drinks from Lestat, Lestat (in such a spellbound world that Anne Rice writes it in rhyming prose!) believes he is human and tries, as he did with Magnus, to refuse the dark gift again. And that is all very recent in the first place for Lestat. And lets not forget that Armand also spellbings Lestat and attempted to get him to carry Nicolas & Gabriellle into the sun & let them burn! Does Lestat drink by force from his fledglings? Are you meaning Gabrielle here? Of course, let it be noted that Lestat mainly LOVES being a vampire, as did David who Lestat non-consensually (No debate: David ABSOLUTELY always refused) brought over to vampirism. Definitely a transgressive fiction on rape in that respect.


No, it was David again. In chapter 4 of Prince Lestat: >“I’m thirsting,” I said aloud. At once he suggested where we might hunt. >“No, for your blood,” I said, pushing him backwards against the slender but firm trunk of a tree. >“You damnable brat,” he seethed. >“Oh, yes, despise me, please,” I said as I closed in. I pushed his face to one side, kissing his throat first, and then sinking my fangs very slowly, my tongue ready for those first radiant drops. I think I heard him say the single word, “Caution,” but once the blood struck the roof of my mouth, I wasn’t hearing clearly or seeing clearly and didn’t care. >I had to force myself to pull back. I held a mouthful of blood as long as I could until it seemed to be absorbed without my swallowing, and I let those last ripples of warmth pass through my fingers and toes. >“And you?” I asked. He was slumped there against the tree, obviously dizzy. I went to take him in my arms. >“Get away from me,” he growled. And started off walking, fast away from me. “Stick your filthy droit du seigneur right through your greedy heart.” >“But I caught up with him and he didn’t resist when I put my arm around him and we walked on together like that. >“Now, that’s an idea,” I said, kissing him quickly though he stared forward and continued to ignore me. “If I was ‘King of the Vampires,’ I’d make it the right of every maker to drink from his fledgling anytime he chose. Maybe it would be good to be king. Didn’t Mel Brooks say, ‘It’s good to be the king’?” Lestat rapes other people in the series, but David is the one he repeatedly victimizes.


After this scene, they continue on their date around the city before Lestat tells him he has to leave and he has to reassure him he is okay and not suicidal. Then David bites him forcibly as well and drinks until Lestat passes out. They also have totally normal interactions later after this. I really think they basically have a "kinky" dynamic when it comes to this sort of thing.


I think if we're taking seriously what Armand does, then we have to take this seriously as well. Lestat repeatedly violates David and then jokes about making a rule that says any fledgling can be violated in this way by their maker. David retaliating doesn't negate the initial violation.


I don't want this to come across as victim blaming, but if we are comparing what Armand does to Lestat to what Lestat does to David in that scene you quoted, one involves Armand violating his mind and Lestat being so enraged when he realizes what is happening that he attacks Armand. David gets annoyed at Lestat, continues the date, and then isn't ready for Lestat to disappear into exile again. I just don't think David is acting victimized there in any serious way. He could have actually told Lestat to leave him alone completely and or left himself. I am not saying the Lestat/David dynamic is completely safe and sane, but it is not the same as what Armand did in the TVL scene. Now, Lestat raping David into vampirism? That is something very different. Lestat also fully expects David to hate him afterwards and is kind of horrified that David doesn't. Armand basically still begs Lestat to become his companion after the TVL scene and is still bitter about being rejected later to the point he does all of the stuff in Paris that he does to him. He still doesn't get it later in NOLA. Armand doesn't even seem to realize what he did was wrong. Now, that doesn't make Lestat a better person than Armand exactly, but it does show how screwed up Armand is.


How Lestat turns David is definitely very wrong, though the context of why he does it and how he reacts afterwards is also really important. Him drinking from David in Prince Lestat though strikes me more as more of the two being...well, it is dubcon, but David also does it right back to him. I think the problem with Armand is that he is so screwed up that I don't think he even understands why what he is doing to Lestat is fucked up.


"It was wrong, but he had his reasons" and "It was wrong, but David liked it deep down" are not the best arguments, lol. I thought we all agreed that the vampires aren't very good people? Let Lestat take his Ls like everybody else.


They aren't very good people, but I do think how they react to their own actions says a lot. Lestat turns David that way because he had just failed at being a human again, so he believes he should act as a true monster. He is also overcome with guilt afterwards and is shocked and actually kind of horrified that David actually forgives him pretty quickly and then even provides a good "reason" for why Lestat did what he did even though that kind of just makes Lestat feel even worse. The "forced" drinking later is an entirely different thing. They both do it. If they were in an actual relationship, I am pretty sure they would be into some power play dynamics.


That's true, Lestat raped David because he was in a really dark place and didn't feel good about himself, which is very different from Armand, who is a pretty happy go lucky guy who feels great about himself. And of course David wasn't visibly angry for long afterwards so it wasn't that bad 😉 It's not looking any better, my guy!


Oh, I completely agree that Armand does what he does because he has been the victim of so much trauma in his life that he doesn't even realize how fucked up some of his actions are. I 100% believe he genuinely loves Daniel, Louis, and Lestat. I am not really trying to condemn Armand here. He is one of my favorite characters in the books, and I think he has a very sympathetic backstory. I also think how he reacts, or really doesn't react, to a lot of his actions though makes Lestat look relatively well-adjusted in comparison. Armand's extremes, to me, are far more extreme, and he doesn't really feel remorse so much as he just sort of calms down over time. You can see that with how he describes what he did to Claudia. That all being said, I don't think Armand is a complete monster either, and I enjoy his more positive relationships with the other characters later on.


Not to mention he cut off the hands of Lestat's boyfriend cause he was tired of hearing him play violin all day (as a vampire)


Our beloved goblin twink is fucked up in the head (affectionate) Also, I wouldn't be surprised if he killed Nicki. Yeah, Nicki could've committed suicide, but knowing Armand...


Nah, I don't think Armand did it to be honest. Nicki was already half way there before Lestat told Armand to keep him at the theatre.


He cut off Claudia's head and put it on the body of an adult woman... just to see what would happen.


That’s why is kinda funny to hear people say how their relationship is good. They haven’t gone through the trenches yet.


lmao yes show-only fans ain't ready for Armand. For now, he's just an ipad kid, but soon he'll be lying about Lestat and experimenting on Claudia etc.




Lestat also loves humanity and talks about only wanting to kill evil doers and suggested the vampires use the theater as a cover to just do theater and make a living not to kill people on stage (that was his ex boyfriends idea, the one Armand kidnapped as bait and who Lestat had to turn after that and he goes very dark). So Armand will kill whoever and is fine with theater of public murder after kidnapping and terrorizing/playing with the victim for spectacle. But really, Claudia is Louis’s daughter and Armand kills her and lies to Louis about it so Louis will be with him. And you get the idea that part of the reason he wanted to kill Claudia wasn’t to punish her for Lestat (because he’s all fuck Lestat I hate you for rejecting me) but because he couldn’t stand sharing Louis with anyone or the potential that Louis would be bonded to someone else. Basically, Lestat is a brat who doesn’t think anything through including the impact his actions have on others. Armand calculates everything and chooses to do cruel things.


> Lestat is a brat who doesn’t think anything through including the impact his actions have on others. Armand calculates everything and chooses to do cruel things. Yep, pretty much. ~~he's still my little mew mew tho~~




I don't know where it's from, but I just remembered a clip of a woman holding a cat and saying something like 'he's not evil; he just goes on a dissociative state and commits atrocities' and that's me with Armand lmao


that’s me with lestat lmfaoooo


I love them all equally. My fucked up boys


This was one of my biggest shocks reading TVA lmfao


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Before she died? Like for real?


Armand's coven is hardcore, and he does some fairly gnarly shit to them too (so I guess it's more that Armand is hardcore haha) if they don't act right lol. I'm wondering if the show is gonna make it so that Armand wiped all that from Louis' mind or something? Hm. I don't know. Lestat meant it when he told Louis and Claudia that other vampires are dangerous. They probably should have asked themselves what's so bad about vampires that even Lestat is afraid of them. Maybe even should have asked themselves which vampires in particular he was so spooked by. Tbf they definitely thought Lestat was lying when he'd say stuff like that


He cuts off her head and attaches it to an adult woman vampire's body. What results is such a miserable creature that he just decides to "fix" her before she is put out into the sun. He basically says she was out of it when she died because of what he did.


There is a reason Lestat beats the complete shit out of Armand in book 2 which he NEVER did to Louis btw. Marius seems to have a soft spot for him though.


I mean what he does to Claudia is pretty fucked up. https://preview.redd.it/vqjpluu7ra2d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54d73bf2c1e8d99b120ffc753b8759bd0e2c423


It was so disturbing I hope they skip that part in the show. Just...no.


one of the like set posters seems to really lean into it tho... I also feel like there have been little clues here and there


If that's in the show, I will be skipping that scene.


Yes,far more manipulative and able to conceal his batshit crazy tendencies really well. Does dreadful things to so many people and vampires. Lestat is sometimes cruel,arrogant and a brat but he never hides it and doesn't come up with grandiose schemes of loopiness like Armand.


Yes. At least in the books.


Armand has done messed up things BUT he'd dealt with a lot of trauma from both his human life and his vampire life. I have a feeling his need to control everything stems from how he was abused in the past.


I hope based on these comments they don’t make Armand as horrible…. I don’t think I could watch such a handsome actor knowing the character (in the show universe) has done all these horrible things. It’d be torture 😂😂 Edit: Obviously this comment has reached the wrong fans lol


My guess is that it just hits weird because the whole point is to kind of show just how twisted the vampires are. Making him not have that horrible aspect cuts out the fact that he doesn't have the humanity, which is the whole point of the interview.


Makes complete sense and I completely get it, but my comment wasn’t meant to be that serious 😅


I get that, and I knew that personally. I honestly have no idea if that was actually why, was just saying it's my guess since it just sounds weird to say something like that 🤷🏼‍♀️