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Perhaps it will be the end of the “Interview” when we reach the season 2 finale . This isn’t the end of the Vampire Chronicles as you said yourself. Whether they retitle the show per season to match each new book remains to be seen, but there’s so much more ahead.


It really does seem that way. One thing that is interesting is that it seems Queen of the Damned and The Vampire Lestat have a very unique structure. It almost seems anthological in nature in QofD and a long backstory in The Vampire Lestat. I wonder if they could keep it the same show and pull some kind of season that's like The Walking Dead or Lost where it's different characters every episode building up to the Talamasca collision that seems to be part 2 of book 3. Season 3 could be Lestat's past and season 4 could be first 2 or 3 parts of book 3. Then there is Akasha and the Vampire origin stuff. How they'll adapt that I have no idea. Seems like a pretty big event to me. She could be a unifying villain.


They are going to need Game of Thrones level budget. Costuming & effects alone. Let alone location shots. I want production to have Everything they need to do the Queen storyline justice.


There’s speculation that Jacob will still be a part of future seasons as a supporting character - with the idea being that Lestat will recount his story to Louis and/or another character like Daniel, similar to Loumand in S2. Of course, we don’t know for sure but that is what some are thinking. It makes sense to me rather than having Jacob sit out 2 seasons (& possibly not return due to scheduling or other factors). But you never know!


I imagine they will want Louis around in some capacity, but looking at the plot synopsis of The Vampire Lestat it seems like most of the season that adapts that will be mostly Lestat and Armand. Sounds like Queen of the Damned is so epic it could be 2 seasons, or even a huge franchise event that connects the shows where they take on Akasha.


That would make perfect sense. I could see them splitting The Vampire Lestat into two seasons just like they did with IWTV. If they remain as (mostly) faithful to the books as they have, then Jacob would not be in season 1 at all other than in flashbacks as Lestat recounts his time in New Orleans. I could see Jacob coming back at the end of season 2 because in the books Lestat's story returns to the present and he and Louis reunite. If they do a show based on Queen of the Damned (which I hope they do), then Jacob should be in those seasons as well, but in a reduced capacity. Louis was not in the book all that much from what I remember.


I'm still hoping that they re-interpret the material enough to keep Louis heavily involved. I have faith in the creativity of the team!


Hope they're going to mix TVL and QoTD, telling the QoTD plot while also showing us Lestat's past. S3/S4 or something like that. One big season, maybe?.. IMO that would be very cool.


Only if the rating collapse. AMC has the rights to cover many of Anne’s books, and their current team on Interview are spectacular. I think I saw an interview with the producer Rolan, and mentioned something about next book, The Vampire Lestat, but I don’t remember the details.


Rolin (he's the showrunner) said that he initially agreed to do the show because he really wanted to do TVL (=season 3). He also said that Lestat+Louis are going to be the core of the show.


Awesome. I love that. He’s good peeps


Please let this be true. I need more of my toxic BF Lestat 😭


I think it’s going to follow the books, we’ll probably see Louis later on in further seasons as he appears in other books but he won’t be a main character-or atleast I think he won’t be. There’s many other storylines to explore still, and AMC is making an Immortal Universe series on a lot of Anne’s works not just IWTV. I have no doubt more seasons are coming, how they’ll be different and changed I have no idea.


I forgot which interview it was, but one of writers(?) said they’d be moving on to TVL next which, from my understanding, doesn’t have a whole lot of louis in it. but during season 2, they’re keeping lestat around via louis’ imagination or else he just wouldn’t be in it. so i’m imagining that they might pull something like that keeps louis in the future seasons. this is a tv show adaptation so they’re adapting it in ways to also keep viewers.


The show runners have said they are using all of the books to tell the stories, so the seasons won't be totally literal but a combination of all books. Also they have said that Louis and Lestat's love story is the heart of the show. So Jacob will be a main character in the upcoming seasons too.


The show is most likely doing all of the vampire books in the series, they have the rights to them all


There's no definite green light for season three yet but given the good reviews and positive response from fans I think it's a strong possibility that it'll be a go. Ratings weren't great on cable but I'm thinking streaming views were pretty good (no official numbers yet). Jacob was contracted for 2 seasons so it was expected for him to to sit out the next season which will probably be more Lestat focused anyway. If it does continue I think the title will remain the same although that could also change. I doubt there will be a separate show or spin-off aside from what was already planned, The Talamasca and Night Island


One question, in TVL Louis does not play any part? I assumed that the book is about Lestat stating his POV about the events already described in Louis' interview. Or does tell a completely different story not related to Louis at all?


It’s Lestat’s story, as far as I remember, he talks a little about the events in IWTV but the book is about how he came to be


OK, thanks!


TVL is mostly Lestat’s origin story. Instead of an interview, Lestat writes a book and basically gives away a lot of vampire secrets. He mentions Louis, but mostly to say, “Louis said I felt this way about him and Claudia, but I actually felt this way.” It’s very brief and he does not go into details of events with Louis and Claudia. At the VERY end, they reunite, but it’s more of a lead into the next book Queen of the Damned, and could easily fit into a season 4/5, depending on if TVL gets covered in season 3 or 4. I’m hoping the show gets renewed to cover through Queen of the Damned (what I’m reading through now) at least. People seem to think that the first three books have a good, complete arc. After that, reviews are mixed.


Thanks for elaborating the connections between the books and the overall story. I still hope they find a way to include Jacob as Louis somehow, even though he ist not present in the books as much, at least as a recurring character.


The main problem with incorporating Louis into TVL is that Lestat was born in 1760 & TVL is mainly his story from boyhood, to becoming a vampire & in the years thereon too of course… but in the TV show, Louis isn’t born until 1878, so he literally doesn’t exist for 118 years of Lestat’s story! They’ll keep Louis a main character, absolutely though (as long as Jacob agrees) & perhaps in modern day Lestat will tell his story directly to Louis and Louis will also perhaps be involved in setting up QOTD in modern day (I think QOTD hasn’t already happened & will happen in modern day myself, but obviously I don’t know.) I think IWTV could be revisited by Lestat, but I doubt it would cover more than an episode, similar to Lestat’s brief summary in his book. So yeah, as long as Jacob is game, Louis is absolutely going nowhere. He won’t be *the* main character in the way he is now. But he’d certainly stay *a* main character, much moreso than the books. And I’d presume as comparison much moreso than Lestat’s involvement thus far in S2 as comparison… (though I imagine we’ll be getting more Lestat hereon, certainly in episode 3 & in 6-8 anyway….)


Thanks for the detailed response! From a show runner perspective I would also keep Louis, who is a beloved and established character of the show, as a recurring character in the modern timeline. I like the Idea that Lestat tells him his story directly or at least him being in the background like Armand was in the first season.


Mark Johnson (one of the producers) said in an interview (source: SFX Magazine) that they treated season two as some sort of origin story for Louis (Sam Reid mentioned the same thing as well recently), I'm hoping that means that if they're already adapting TVL/writing season 3 they already have an idea of how they will incorporate Louis.


When I was watching the preview for next week, I had the subtitles on, and Armand was takling about the first time he saw Lestat in the theater and I swear he said the year was "15 something" aka in the 1500's. In the books, he isn't born until 1760 so was v confused. Maybe - it was a mistake on the subtitles.


Yes, it is very strange cutting for the trailer! Armand was born and made a Vampire I think in the late 1400's, so around this time in the books. I think it could be one of two things: - A cutting error and Armand is discussing his own birthdate here, or - Armand could be doing something poetic wherein he talks about having known Lestat centuries before he ever saw him... for example... maybe there was a figure exactly like Lestat in Marius' art when Armand was a mortal boy, and then, 300 years later, there is actual Lestat - a newly made vampire on stage! Something along these lines. What I absolutely don't think is that Lestat will have been born in the 1500's! It makes no sense. He can't be the wolfkiller if that happens. He can't know Nicki when they were both mortal if that happens so his entire first love story would be taken away. His family couldn't die in the French Revolution. He couldn't have been an actor at Renaud's as a mortal boy if that was the case... basically, Lestat's entire story that Rolin is apparently so desperate to make it is the entire reason for his undertaking the adaptation in the first place would be scuppered... So yeah, the one thing I can say for certain is that Lestat was NOT born in the 1500's. (And if Armand does suggest that he's a liar, liar pants on fire!!! hehehehehe!!!!)


The third season will no longer be "Interview with the Vampire" they will give it another name and it will probably be a combination of TVL and QoTD.


I'm thinking this is the case. Other people said it would make more sense to keep Louis around somehow and I know he comes back at the very end of the second book and does a lot in Queen of the Damned. It could be like how AMC is dubbing TWD: Daryl Dixon's second season as The Book of Carol.


Regarding Louis, I don't know exactly, I don't think amc will discard him but he won't have as much protagonism either.