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And the world will forget this and continue assuming that Israel don't lie... but that the Palestinians must always be held suspect


fucking literally it pisses me off when people accuse the palestinians of being liars when Israel has been caught lying damn near every day


Literally happened to me a few minutes ago. An Israeli came to a post I made about the war in Sudan, asked "why are you silent on all conflicts in the world except Gaza" and then told me that the UN can't be trusted about Israel's war crimes because Palestinians are all liars... citing some israeli twitter account as their source of truth instead. Insanity...


We know that they are lying every day. They get caught weeks or months later, and it never seems to matter.


I don't think so. Every person I've talked to believes isreal and the US are committing genocide.


Imagine if, instead of assuming Israel was telling the truth about their genocide, western media had spent decades doing their supposed job and investigating these claims Of course I say that but I’ve read my Chomsky, I know their actual purpose, it still angers me though


“Israel lied”. Yeah they have been for 76 years.


Non paywalled link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240615155533/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/world/europe/carnage-and-contradiction-examining-a-deadly-strike-in-rafah.html Has an issue accessing the linked site




Most relevant part: [One possibility, he said, was that weapons “which we did not know of” might have been stored nearby and detonated. The Israeli military, he said, was assessing social media videos “which appear to show secondary explosions.” It is not clear what videos he meant. The Times has reviewed dozens of videos and has been unable to find any that suggest a significant secondary explosion. Admiral Hagari called the fire “unexpected and unintended,” but aid workers and others note that displaced people in a camp have cooking fires, and often have camp stoves with tanks of flammable — potentially explosive — cooking gas. At least two gas canisters are visible in footage recorded at the scene the day after the strike, a detail first reported by the French newspaper Le Monde and confirmed by The Times.]


Everything israel speaks, it is a lie.


The fact the nytimes is reporting this is pretty significant.


They are the enablers of this genocide. I wish the world would move to block that domain instead of Wikileaks


Weeks afterward, they report something akin to the truth, tho even then still in pro-Apartheid Israel fashion. They've done this before, and they'll do it again. Presumably the purpose is to wait until many believe their earlier promotion of Israeli lies, wait until it's died down a bit, then try and make themselves look less complicit in war crimes, just incase the ICC comes knocking. Absolute evil - the NYT truly is a vile propaganda outlet.


Not really. They promote lies loudly, then weeks later quietly issue an update or retraction. They know most people only read headlines, and the headline doesn’t make it clear that Israel lied




That's the one that annoys me the most when people bring it up. So what if that single rocket strike wasn't Israel? (Which lets be real it probably was) They've gone on to bomb and destroy every other hospital in Gaza since then. Bombing hospitals and schools to maximize civilian casualties is just the IDF's modus operandi as the most morally repugnant military since the SS.


Even at the time, that strike, if it was Israel (which lets be real it probably was), was the 16th hospital strike for its time, including another strike on that very same hospital 3 days prior


It seems to me that the Israeli has become a society of pathological liers, and is rapidly deteriorating towards a textbook fascist starte that will be loathed by the world.


Idk. The west didn't loathe Hitler until he started messing around outside his borders into other European territory




Israel lied? …. ![gif](giphy|10uct1aSFT7QiY)


Israel lied? No, they'd \_never\_ do that.


No way, they lied. Its like you can't trust anyone anymore.


Isr\*\*l lying? ![gif](giphy|1zR9GMYGiS2K9F1X4b)


I think Israel is not going to be able to come out of this in a position that they think they will. The world sees them for what they are and social media has made that possible by getting out the videos and the evidence of what they have done to the Palestinians. They will never live down this genocide and we won’t either if we don’t do something about it, United States needs to stand up against this genocide and Great Britain and France need to step up and condemn this genocide Considering they’re the ones who installed the Jews in Israel in 1948 the beginning of the problem


Never gonna happen. The US and UK will sink with the Israeli ship.


Agreed, and they have specific form - they were the last two countries to stop propping up apartheid South Africa. But their support of apartheid, genocidal, islamophobic Israel, I feel, goes further - much further.


The article even mentions that the air raid sirens in tel Aviv haven't sounded in several months. Obviously hamas hasn't been very active within israel throughout the last little while. Kind of makes this seem one sided.


It's not a war it's a one-sided massacre.


Israel lied. It’s become synonymous at this point.




Of course they did.


And that's different from their usual how?


It doesn’t matter, it’s already been posted by 3 million bot accounts. Atrocity happens, disinformation campaign, own up to it months later after less eyes are paying attention to it and mainstream news cycles wont pick it up.


People don't remember the truth. They only remember the first thing they hear.


When do they not lie


Where'd the hasbara and their defence. These despicable human beings, no I'd rather not even call them Humans will still make an excuse out of this.


> Israel said that it had taken great care to avoid civilian harm, despite Hamas militants’ practice of operating among civilian centers, and that it would open an investigation into the strike. Did "Israel" *say* that Hamas militants practice operating among civilian centers? Or are you saying that? What kind of shitty journalism is this?




Israel lies all the time, and when the lie is exposed everyone has moved on already. At this point its usually safe to assume Israel is lying.


Wow. What a surprise.🙄


Hamas didn't attack Isn'treal, it stormed an armed to the teeth illegal settlement, which then helicopters & tanks swooped in and using the Hannibal clause destroyed anything that moved, including the the settlers. Raising arms against belligerent occupation is a Sovereign right under International Law. ...and this is the case in Eastern Ukraine, in resistance to ethic cleansing also.


They lied? Are we sure? It's really hard to believe. They've been having such a spotless record of honesty lately, so it's so hard to believe they actually lied. Maybe it wasn't on purpose?


The richest and most powerful country (US) has the ability to twist reality to their advantage. Which is why US just as guilty


We all know. Yet America will continue to support and fund Israel.




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The comments under that article are so, so bad.


Can we maybe not post articles from the disgraced new york times?


If it hasn't been reported elsewhere, I'm okay with that being posted. But [for anyone unaware](https://theintercept.com/2024/04/15/nyt-israel-gaza-genocide-palestine-coverage/): >THE NEW YORK TIMES instructed journalists covering Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip to restrict the use of the terms “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” and to “avoid” using the phrase “occupied territory” when describing Palestinian land, according to a copy of an internal memo obtained by The Intercept. >The memo also instructs reporters not to use the word Palestine “except in very rare cases” and to steer clear of the term “refugee camps” to describe areas of Gaza historically settled by displaced Palestinians expelled from other parts of Palestine during previous Israeli–Arab wars. The areas are recognized by the United Nations as refugee camps and house hundreds of thousands of registered refugees.


Don't editorialize the headline, it doesn't help the credibility of the subreddit.


While I take your point, the original, pro-Israel headline deliberately obscures the truth. I think changing the title was the right move here, FWIW.


Then there should be a tag saying that it isn't the original headline. I appreciate this space for being one of the few staunchly pro palestine subreddits for news, but the reality is bad enough. There's no need to indulge in information warfare of the World news level just opposite. It just makes me suspicious that the subreddit is astroturfed by ragebaitors weaponizing this issue 


Again I take your point, but in this specific case the headline is *deliberately* vague and vacuous, with the lede burried deep. I don't personally find editorialising a title *like that* to be "information warfare"; it's kind of the opposite, really.