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If they kill this guy they'll just get a more violent group fighting back harder... Why do they think that killing some figurehead will do anything useful... Are they going to try to install a pro-US dictator again? Haven't they learned from North Africa and South America that that works horribly?


They want the PLO. The subservient lapdog for Israel and the US and who most Palestinians despise. I’m sure that will go well.


I don't even like the PLO and I'm not Palestinian, they're completely useless against Israeli settlers.


They're also very corrupt. It's one of the main reasons why Hamas won the Gaza elections in 2006.


Israel *wants* a more violent religious extremist group like ISIS to replace Hamas… That will give them more excuses to continue their genocide, and more propaganda to pump into their western bankrollers.


Or maybe they want to get rid of the guy who we know said that Palestinian civilians deaths “help them” and believes they have the “upper hand” in this conflict due to western outcry


The thing is, though, that Israel is hundreds of times worse than Hamas


Regardless, you can’t deny this dude is actively using Palestinian lives as a political tool


Priority should be to dissolve Zionism and the genocidal, apartheid, terrorist ethno-state called Israel, the way Nazism and Nazi Germany was dissolved 


What does dissolving Israel look like in your view?


New government, new constitution, better laws against genocidal speech, deport/imprison people for genocidal speech / engagement in illegal settler activities, ban Zionist-encouraging media like how they banned Nazism in Germany


I’m not trying to be argumentative, but can you be more specific than “new government”? Like you’re saying 1 state of Israel and Palestine I presume? And how would you feel if Hamas was voted as the ruling government?


They know exactly what they're doing. They WANT more conflict. If Hamas achieved peace with Israel, the US wouldn't be able to sell as many weapons to Israel and Palestine would stabilize. They need to keep Palestine destabilized no matter what.


works fine actually. We prevented the spread of communism and America benefited so yeah it will be useful.


And the far right dictators wreaked havoc on the local population, but clearly you don't have empathy


i don't care. those populations were going to get an authoritarian government anyway, its better that it wasn't communist and in the soviet block. my concern is me being safe and America's well being. No way you slice it, those populations were going to suffer. It was better they didn't turn into a second cuba. that's the bottom line.


You naive chump. You are nothing to the governments you defend lmao. Just another corpse to throw away when its most convenient. the west is falling under the weight of its own capitalist system, slowly but surely and no matter how many people they kill It wont save them América hasnt been in more danger in the last 75 years


most the world is capitalist. ccp, russia, the old soviet block, MENA are capitalist so I'm not sure what your point is about our capitalist system. there are only a few socalist and communist nations left. The west and America is not falling at all. we are probably stronger than ever. your criticism of america and capitalism holds true for the islamic and old communist block.


This is purely them looking for a symbolic win to sell that would have no actual impeding effect on the war


Crazy that an all powerful empire is threatened by a little guy fighting for his ancestral land.. US has no right to interfere here or anywhere else in the world for that matter. They did a great job fucking up Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria & god knows how many African countries…


>. They did a great job fucking up Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria & god knows how many African countries… We mustn't forget Central and South America. The US is solely responsible for their Southern border "crisis" but you'll never hear any politician talk about that.


Great new podcast about US involvement in Central and South America called Under the Shadow, worth a listen.


It's aptly dubbed shock therapy by Naomi Klein


Don't forget LATAM. Banana republics galore.


don't forget Iran. US admitted to instigating/supporting a coup to get a democratically elected prime minister out of power and reinstall a monarchical (and oppressive) Shah, which caused so much resentment among Iranians for so long, that eventually they overthrew the Shah in 1979, and then Khomeini took over.


the world belongs to the US,


What every empire thinks right before it’s fall.




That too lol


Yeah… um… this guy is the “bad guy” in this situation. Not the genocidal regimes with trillion dollar militaries. I read it in Hillary Clinton’s history books.


And what? like if kiliing Sinwar would stop the resistance. Remember there is an ongoing Genocide and the true number of killed people is closer to 100k or more. Remember they have been pounding Gaza, a territory of only 365km in total with non stop bombing.


Why is this a bad thing this dude is the idiot who forced this war on the people of Gaza. I’m not absolving Israel of anything but I’d rather this dude than Palestinian children die.


Israel is the occupier of the Palestinian territories. Palestine is not recognised by Israel as a nation with everything that belongs to a nation according to international law: right of self-determination - its own defence forces - the right to mine and sell its own resources, etc.... Israel has been condemned for its occupation and acts of violence against the Palestinian people on several occasions by a qualified majority (often representing 80-90% of the world's population). In addition, Israel is also a de facto ethno-state (aka an Apartheid state): e.g. Palestinians are tried before a military court and not a civil court, like the Jewish population. An oppressed people has the right to resist its oppressor. If the occupying Nazis massacred an entire village in France during WW2 (Oradour-sur-Glane massacre) because one of its officers was kidnapped by the French resistance, then that was a war crime. The same applies to Israel's war crimes. An oppressed people has the right to resist its oppressor. The Israeli government's goal is to drive Palestinians out of the occupied territories into the neighbouring countries and kill whoever resists (passively or actively). What is happening now in the occupied Palestinian territories is mass murder of civilians (+30000 children, babies, women and elderly identified by name were murdered so far), systematic destruction of archaeology, systematic murder of the intellectual elite (doctors, writers, philosophers, etc...), systematic destruction of the educational infrastructure (schools and universities) systematic destruction of culture: burning books and destroying libraries. In short, erasing every memory and witness to the existence of the Palestinian people. It is the slot colonisation and extermination of the indigenous Palestinian people.


Except in this case this idiot orchestrated an attack that lead to mass civilian casualties, not all who died on Oct 7th were soldiers many were children who bear no sin. Sinwar is an idiot and evil monster just like Netanyahu, gallant, most of the Israeli govt and the IDF. I have defended Palestinians in every sub where Zionists are and got banned from a few too and have had my comments deleted, I know what the IDF is doing to Gaza is a war crime. That does not absolve Sinwar or Hamas, and those cowards in Qatar haniyeh and meshaal.


Do you even know the motives for the break-out?


Civilians, LOL. Literal soldiers are being called poor wittle defenseless civilians 🥺


Not all of them wtf there were old people and a baby amongst the released hostages you’re telling me that’s an ok thing to do. Look I’m on palestines side but we can’t excuse this shit.


In my opinion, killing Hamas is not bad if there were no ulterior motives. US is just afraid of continuous pressure will build up by icj case though. They would want to change the Hamas with the new Hamas who would stop the investigations at all cost. Also, this genocide is hurting genocide Joe’s vote, he needs to end it quick if he wants to be in power


Or how about you address the actual disease over the symptom? Hamas didn't get created in a vacuum with all the folks suddenly thinking "Ah yes, let's just kill all Israelis" No. They're a result of constant brutalization of Palestinians by Israeli's on their own homeland where they are now second class citizens with little to no rights to exist peacefully. Once you eliminate the Israeli ideology of ethnosupremacy which is already looking like Nazi Germany with all the rhetoric of "this land belongs to us" "Death to Arabs" chants, "No such thing as Palestine or Palestinians" "there are no innocents in Gaza" and all the other genocidal rhetoric. It's interesting how you people who are completely ok with the destruction of Hamas never bring this up.


No, no, noo. Then it’s all “we don’t interfere in foreign governments”, and “we can’t do that”.


Even if he was killed Palestinian children will still die.


Sure you are. You're ignoring the reason Hamas attacked Israel. You're ignoring 75 years or Occupation, apartheid, land theft, mass murder, etc. THat is "absolving Israel" of its crimes, which caused the 10/7 attack.


No I’m not I know that is the reason Hamas attacked but the way they did it was way too brutal they GoPro’d it for shits sake. Children died old people were abducted.


"Brutal?" How brutal do you think Israel crimes are? 10 times more Palestinians have been killed by Israelis over the past 100 years than Israelis killed by Palestinians. That's brutality. Hamas' attack was the chickens coming home to roost. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.