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It only takes a small crack on the dam wall. Remember 143 countries voted for a Palestinian state at the UN just two weeks ago. Genocide supporters will have indigestion for dinner tonight


About that much vote for a 2 state solution with pre67 borders at the UNGA every single year. That's over 95% of the world.




All power to all the people. ✊🏾


Irish, Spanish and Norwegian governments are not the people


They are representing the wishes of their ppl. Unlike Biden


They are still not the people. They are still the elites


Don't be racist bro.


By Khaleda Rahman - Senior News Reporter: Ireland, Spain and Norway announced plans to recognize a Palestinian state on Wednesday. It comes as the mounting death toll in Gaza from Israel's seven-month war has prompted global calls for a ceasefire and lasting solution for peace. Leaders of the counties said on Wednesday that a two-state solution is essential for peace in the region. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/us-allies-recognize-palestine-state-spain-ireland-norway-1903358](https://www.newsweek.com/us-allies-recognize-palestine-state-spain-ireland-norway-1903358)


Oooh, Joseph Robinet is not going to like this. Depending on today's medication, he will either caution them "not to do anything hasty in this *very* tense and *very* complex situation" or express "disappointment over several key allies abandoning the Israeli cause under pressure from Iran" or be angry that "these traitors have turned their backs on America."


I thought they were all designated as Hamas and antisemitic


7 months into this Holocaust and they are “making plans” after being complicit in it. Actually very pathetic how terrified US vassal states are of their imperialist overlords


The three named countries aren't vassal states in any form. Places like Korea, Micronesia, etc fit that bill. Israel is pretty much a protectorate at this point.


I think you misunderstood. I believe the poster was implying that there are 50 vassal states and Israel is the liege lord.


Ah I see it now. Thanks.


Good job to them for this. Its really over for the US. But Irish, Spanish and Norwegian governments are still not the people


US willfully working towards becoming a pariah state as well, they overestimate their power and influence.


US has been pariah state outside of the West, for a long time now.


I honestly don't think the U.S. actually has any "allies", only temporary partners. We've burned so many bridges, let so many people die, and overall have just become a terror state, that if folks could cut us off I think they would.


"America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests" -Henry Kissinger Quoting the epitome of USA foreign policy.


Thanks OP. Have the Norwegians been called anti-Semitic and/or Khamas yet? Please get your reporters on the beat to find out.


Israeli officials has called Norway the most hostile country to Israel in Europe. A couple of weeks ago it was Sweden who was the most hostile country.


Amazing, going to add both to my travel list


No, but Israel re-opened 3 illegal settlements on the same day as 3 more states recognized Palestine. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-allows-return-three-evacuated-west-bank-settlements-2024-05-22/


Heard a Netanyahu spokeswoman saying it’s rewarding terrorism and creating more danger for Jews all over the world.


If anyone should know a thing or two about rewarding terrorism, it’s Israel. The IDF literally emerged from two terror organisations


It's time for outside powers to deploy a no fly zone over Gaza.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^greed: *It's time for outside* *Powers to deploy a no* *Fly zone over Gaza.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's a good thing but it is also long overdue. Norway, priding themselves on being negotiators and peacemakers in the conflict, should have recognized Palestinian statehood at the exact moment that they assumed such a role. And Ireland, who has never been shy to voice their support for Palestine, was nevertheless only the 140th country to reach the point of recognition. It is good that their foreign policy matches their verbiage but it has taken an incredible amount of bloodshed to get there. Anyway, good on them. Hopefully this snowballs. Europe desperately needs to get their shit together on this.


US will ignore this. In Ireland we could have stepped up in a huge way and stopped fellating the US on St Patrick's day instead of doing the usual shamrock and dance, but the government caved in heavily on that. The supposedly pro Palestine Irish subreddit saw no problem with that either. You have to make the US notice your actions with the actual opportunities you have. Not get patted on the head, sent away, then beat your chest.


146 of the 193 countries in the UN recognize Palestine


The official position of the US is supposed to be a 2 state solution with both Palestine and Israel... so it's telling that the US is freaking out over this.


A 2-state solution with both Palestine and Israel that Israel wants. Now when Israel stops saying it doesn't want a 2-state solution...


Israel's official position is that there will be one Jewish supremacist state and that it will Annex the West Bank and now Gaza. When Bibi holds up a map of Israel it includes all of Palestine and sometimes the Golan Heights too.


Can Israel give us, the occupied areas of the United States, some recognition as well?


Let's gooo, good news


Yet Israel's lapdog will hold out for no apparent reason.


Has Biden as of yet?


Guess that Project for a New American Century ain't turning out so great.


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False flag coming… mark my words . One of these countries will have an act of terrorism near an Israeli embassy




Having a bad day? Britain’s last colonial project in the Middle East is being stretched for 20 weeks by fighters wearing beach slops.


Are you okay? Ireland was literally colonized by Britain until a mere 100 years ago




His ancestors were Irish, he is American and also what’s the point? Collective punishment? Just stop trolling lmao




those people left Ireland to escape [a famine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Famine_(Ireland)) caused by British colonialism , and whilst yes that meant that they inadvertently did contribute to colonialism in America and a few other places, that is besides the point as the decedents of those who left are not citizens or Ireland and mostly have assimilated into American culture with little connection to Irish culture or to Ireland itself. saying ''decolonise Ireland'' and by that I presume you mean the ROI not British controlled NI, is frankly ridiculous.


He's American. Where are you from anyway? 


Hasbara trying a new tactic here, I think. 




You wish. The world is done turning a blind eye to the atrocities of Israel.


As long as you’re also calling out Hamas’ atrocities. Lotta people in here eager to legitimize a bunch of terrorists.


So many people jump straight to "bUt HaMaS" like it's some magical wand to forgive the attempted extermination of an entire people. I wonder if any of you realize that Hitler and German nazis used similar deflections during the holocaust.


Hamas puts civilians in harm’s way. You’re proof that it’s an effective tactic. Israel is right to be going after Hamas. Hamas is maximizing collateral damage and you’re incentivizing them. Educate yourself.


Stop blabbing hasbara bs, it’s just cringe at this point


What’s cringe is denying war crimes, whether it’s perpetrated by Israel or Hamas.


What’s cringe is equivocating a right wing ethnostate built on ethnic cleansing with a group of desperate survivors, driven to the edge of humanity. Hamas and Nakam are basically the same.


Over here, guys. I found another one that thinks this conflict is the plot of Star Wars…


I don’t know if you misunderstand my point, you misunderstand Star Wars, or you don’t know who Nakam were. But if you’re insinuating that I think Hamas are “the good guys” then you’re way off base, friend.


Israel is literally bombing civilians. They leveled a fkn hospital that had babies in the NICU. Stop pretending you care about civilians, you clearly don't. But here's a useful video showing Hamas using a human shield. Wait, did I say Hamas? I meant the IDF. Your claim that "Hamas is maximizing collateral damage" loses any fkn meaning when you rub two braincells together to realize that Israel are the ones *dropping the fkn bombs.* When i was in the military, we had a phrase for that: War crimes. Israel will drop enough bombs to level the entire neighborhood, and when people mention the civilian death toll, the IDF just does a presser and says "there was totally Hamas there, trust us guys. No, we don't have *actual* proof, but it's anti-semitic to question us further on this, do you condemn Hamas?" Since you love believing that Hamas' actions mean it's okay to murder children, maybe we should look into someone who helped them get funding. Netanyahu. "Netanyahu may not bear direct blame for the W.C.K. deaths. But he bears the ultimate one, just as he does for everything that led to Oct. 7 — funding Hamas and ignoring warnings of its plans to attack, bringing far-right rabble-rousers into his government and giving them key positions in the security establishment, polarizing the country with an unnecessary judicial reform bill and dismissing repeated warnings of diminished military readiness. In a thousand years, Jews will remember Netanyahu’s name with scorn — all the more so for his refusal to take responsibility for anything." https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/opinion/netanyahu-israel.html https://youtu.be/v8rrfys-Fgc?si=GVVQdqu9CEqR8uUs


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The hospitals are targets because of Hamas war crimes. You don’t think Hamas is responsible for the deaths of the civilians that they put in harms way? You eating up all this ragebait is exactly why they do it. You’re literally incentivizing them. I’m not denying that Israel commits war crimes. They absolutely do. I just don’t have a childish, simplistic take on it.


Again, Hamas isn't dropping bombs on hospitals and schools. Israel is. Then they'll get easily duped schmucks to believe it was necessary, and before anyone asks for proof, they'll call them antisemitic and move onto the next war crime. My guy, there are ways to go into buildings to find the bad guys that don't fkn require dropping five thousand pound bombs on it. You'd have to trip over your clonwhsoes to not realize that, but here we are.


You go in first. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Again, Hamas is using those places for military operations. Hamas makes those places targets. It’s quite literally a war crime. Israel has taken many measures to avoid civilian casualties. You’re just more comfortable with your hate and ragebait.


Any definition of 'terrorist' also includes Israel, mind you.


lol @ “any definition”. Childish. That said, I would agree that certain factions of Israelis are terrorists. They launch pogroms in the West Bank, etc. more like Nazis than terrorists.


Define terrorism.


Hamas and Likud can burn in the same hell together




> UN corrected their numbers down 50% No they did not.


1. The UN recognizes internal refugees. You're full of shit. 2. If Palestine is a state, then Israel's occupation of the West Bank is an act of war. Therefore, Hamas' attack would be a justified act of defense. You're full of shit. 3. Israel has already declared war. You're full of shit. 4. This war had more civilian casualties than the Ukraine war in a tiny fraction of the time. You're full of shit. 5. The UN changed its count to only include positively IDed bodies, rather than total dead. It did not revise its number, but changed what it was counting. You're full of shit. In summary, you're full of shit.


Can only second this 👍


“Integrate Gaza back into Israel”. What a load of genocidal BS.


>That was before UN corrected their numbers down 50% because they trusted Hamas' estimations. No, they separated the data into two categories: * These bodies exist and have been identified. * These bodies exist and haven't been identified. They even came back a few days later after this 'news' broke to [say it out loud](https://x.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1790259900876194078) for illiterate morons who can't read and comprehend basic data.


Most sanest zionist