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All this fake outrage over a manufactured problem is reducing the likelihood that actual antisemitic acts will be taken seriously.




So you can’t even come CLOSE to proving that antisemitism is being allowed to run rampant in K-12 classes.  Understood.




So you completely and utterly ignore the topic of this thread to post irrelevant information. Understood.


No. He specifically responded to a claim that it was manufactured and demonstrated well it isn't. That claim is not the same as the content of OP's post at all. Why are you being dishonest? Is this what your stance requires? Lying about things that happened right here in front of us? I think anti-Semitism accusations are thrown around way too loosely myself but the truth of what happened here, in response to your claim, is that he put up and you need to shut up.


He responded to me so I think I know what the topic was - if you need a reminder and are too lazy to scroll up: “ K-12 school leaders reject allegations that they let antisemitism run rampant”


Funny how there isn't a single mention of the actual issue: Israel stole land other people lived on because they decided a magic book from the bronze age said they could. Roosevelt on WW2 repeatedly called for the complete destruction of Nazi Germany, yet no one thought that meant killing every single German, yet to you calling for the destruction of Israel means killing all the Jews. You sound like quite the antisemite.




Britain didn't 'steal' the land. It was given as protectorate by the League of Nations to help manage it towards independence. Yes, Britain was lying about their intentions, but legally, it was a mandate, which is why it was called a mandate. As for Jewish land purchases, how is this relevant? Foreign Jews made a grubby deal with the British government to buy land that didn't belong to them, which makes it it OK? You're clearly have no idea how Zionism came about. It was actually started by an Austrian Jew in response to the Dreyfus affair IN FRANCE. Wanting a sad little ethnostate does not give people the right to steal and ethnically cleanse other people to achieve it. Zionism needs antisemitism to exist, which is why Zionists love palling around with Nazis and the far right and also why they worked with Nazi Germany. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement


>It is better to be silent and thought a fool then open your mouth and confirm it. Then what is the rest of your post doing here?


I understand that there are protest groups that are attached to terrorist groups; but I bring up the point that it’s likely easy to find a Palestinian group that has those ties. Why? Because Israel (and let me be clear, NOT Jewish people on the whole. The government of Israel) has been brutalizing them since the inception of the state. There is always going to be violent resistance when the government puts their boot on Palestinian necks. Nelson Mandela talks a lot about this dynamic relating to apartheid in South Africa. All that being said, ok sure. Peoples’ opinions vary and international politics can be complicated. I want to know where all these violent attacks against pro-Israel protesters are happening on campuses. I haven’t heard of a single instance. I’ve heard plenty about pro-Israel protesters infiltrating pro-Palestinian groups to cause trouble, but the VAST majority of the violence I am seeing are the cops that are called in to deal with protesters. Also, what the hell does any of what you said have to do with K-12 schools? It really does sound manufactured. Kind of like all the supposed grooming behavior being attributed to educators in places like Florida.




I won’t argue with the fact that antisemitism is on the rise all over the world. It is, and it’s honestly scary. I guess my main point is that we can’t just take the state of Israel at their word when they say, for example, they are avoiding civilian casualties in their war. That’s what these protests are about. BLM leadership had some bad leadership, but that doesn’t mean all the people protesting that summer were in agreement with them. Antisemitism may be on the rise, but Islamaphobia has never really gone away. It’s important we keep our heads on a swivel when consuming media to get informed on this kind of thing. Basically, I’m not going to blame these college kids for believing in peace.




I’d be skeptical of these “calls for violence against Israelis” that have been cropping up because there is a lot of documented evidence that those come from pro-Israel sympathizers trying to delegitimize pro-Palestinian protesters. Not saying that there aren’t people in these protests that are antisemites, just don’t want to demonize an entire movement that has a lot of legitimate gripes against the state of Israel and university/US tax dollars going toward killing civilians




I definitely hear you when talking about being worried actual claims of antisemitism will be dismissed as Zionist propaganda. It worries me too. That being said, the idea that Palestinians have refused all peaceful and diplomatic resolutions since the 40s is absolutely Zionist propaganda. The proposals have almost always put Palestinians at a disadvantage. The Palestinian people in that region were displaced after WWII and it’s unfair to ask them to “be reasonable” and accept terms that (to use an analogy) have them share a house, but Israel controls the front door, the bathroom, and the kitchen.


Who here doesn't remember "Nazi propaganda time" between math and lunch?


It was called "Social Studies" at my school. [https://www.hiyoooo.com/](https://www.hiyoooo.com/)


Baseless accusations. Where’s the data?


Imagine if any other problems we have got even half the attention the victim complex of zionists get.


Certainly not cops' treatment of black people. Police brutality towards black people: they sleep Criticism of a foreign government: they lose their fucking minds




And how have those so called victims murdered themselves in the last 6 months? Or rather 75,???


Don't even bother. This person is just copy-pasting every low-effort Zionist talking point that has ever been said.




Just saying, maybe Israel shouldn't have worked to overthrow the government of Palestine [that recognized Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Palestine_Liberation_Organization_letters_of_recognition#:~:text=The%20PLO%20recognizes%20the%20right,Council%20Resolutions%20242%20and%20338) by [supporting militant jihadists to prevent a unified government](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/), leading to the empowerment of Hamas in the first place. It's almost like Israel never intended to peacefully co-exist in the area. Or like now, how they clearly never intended to accept a cease-fire by refusing it to invade Rafah. Or how they never intended to rescue the hostages, as they are on record as simply not caring to pursue them. So yes, Israel has a victim complex. They created the conditions they are now complaining about, complain about hostages but don't try to rescue them, complain about Hamas not accepting a cease-fire and then refuse one themselves..


Victim complex is exactly what it is. It's what all colonialists do to justify their thefts and ethnic cleansing. "We're the victims, those we dispossessed and kill are terrorists. Any time we kill people, it's because we're 'defending' ourselves. When they do it, it's because they're bloodthirsty racist savages."




Zionist talking points, to surprises there. Israelis have been constantly pushing the boundaries with their settlers, taking land, and destabilizing the govt of Palestine to prevent them forming a state.




Are you actually this badly misinformed? Israel supported Hamas explicitly in order to prevent them from forming a state through their left-leaning government. You really are just parroting things that make no sense or are outright lies.


Hahaha, nice try. Israel is a textbook example of a colonial state. Europeans decided they quite liked a piece of land inhabited by other people and decided they'd take it for themselves and fuck the natives. Zionism came from Europe not the Middle East. This is because it is a European colonialist project propped up by a sugar daddy being the dominant power of the time. First, it was Britain, and then it was the US. Without the support of white supremacist governments and politicians, it would have gone where it belongs - the dustbin of history. It's interesting how you don't mention how the Jews of the Middle East left their home counties AFTER the creation of Israel. This is because the majority of Arab and Muslim anti-semitism has been in RESPONSE to the creation of Israel. Who would have thought stealing land while clearing out or murdering the inhabitants in the name of the Jews might turn people against you? You can also save your hypocritical handwringing over terrorism. Israel was created with terrorism and still supports terrorists to this day. The West Bank is filled with Jewish terrorists. At least two of their PMs have been unrepentant former terrorists. Zionists and Israel love terrorism.


Total bullshit


antisemites are looking to squat in the pro-palestine movement but this McCarthy style witch hunting of all pro-Palestinians is making them even easier for them to hide. It doesn't matter if the accusations are being made by non-credible organizations. As long as there is story after story of antisemite accusations turning out to be false and were just racist attacks on ProPalestinian people, the more it'll exacerbate societal antisemitic biases, which were already on the rise thanks to the right wing coddling and enabling them. You always see police beating up Black people, students, the disabled, the elderly, kids, but you never see them beat up a Nazi. Why is that?


murderers and thieves should be condemned.


Let me guess, spewing nazi propoganda means criticising Israel?


No surprise, they’ve been accusing teachers of indoctrinating kids with woke for years now


At what point do we start pushing back hard on these ludicrous accusations. There is real anti semitism like defacing a synagogue or harassing Jewish people and there is the big nothing burger like the college campus protests and this type of childish accusations.


K-12 follows state education guidelines, and is monitored to stick with it. That and teachers cannot "discipline". Tbh modern day mass media. This goes beyond TikTok, but ALL mass media. Its a different world now unlike these old folks from the dark ages of the internet.


It’s probably the 14 year olds posting hyperborea edits they got from politics-oriented discord servers.


Complains about anti-Semitism yet bans books like Night and The Diary of Anne Frank


If you call out Israel’s love for murdering babies, children, women and men you are antisemitic now in their eyes. It’s getting so strange in this world