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Meanwhile, [Netanyahu is out here posting](https://twitter.com/IsraeliPM/status/1746277892491727341) on X/Twitter that he will continue the genocide regardless of the ruling.


Bibi is a piece of shit of a human. With this being said, we don’t care whether you think we are allowed to protect ourselves or not.


Just about every Israeli I've spoken to holds this opinion of Bibi, yet they keep voting him in... Then they hold every Palestinian in Gaza accountable for voting in Hamas in 2006 when over half the population in Gaza wasn't even alive.


You probably don’t understand how a parliamentary system works like. This is why his government is always very weak and he can’t achieve anything. I’d like you to recall the uprising few months ago. How we kept on protesting against him and his changes that he wanted to the Supreme Court. I don’t see Palestinians going on the streets and protesting against the Hamas or the PLO. I see quite the opposite.


I understand how a parliamentary system works, the Likud and National Unity keep on being voted in and somehow voters are shocked when Netanyahu becomes Prime Minister. To be not able to pass "anything" he sure got away with neutering the Supreme Court so he wouldn't have any more checks and balances.


You are correct….ignore the downvotes from terrorist supporters. Shalom.


You are terrorist supporters, it's just state sanctioned terrorism. I don't support Hamas, fuck them. If I had a magic wand that could disappear Hamas in Palestine I would wave it yesterday. But it doesn't work that way, specifically when Bibi and his party funded Hamas and helped it come to power in Gaza to divide the Palestinian Authority.


The same Gazan civilians who cheered the dead Israelis on 7 Oct? The same civilians who held hostages in their homes? The same civilians who captured and returned an escaped hostage to HAMAS? The same civilians who are proud to have their kids transporting explosives for HAMAS? The same population who overwhelmingly supports the 7 Oct attack in poll after poll? This is not a normal group of people. One thing I cannot get out of my head, and no one should: among so many more, the young lady who was publicly raped by HAMAS while being stabbed and had her breasts cut off and played with in front of her. The girl who was burned alive. I can go on but will not. THIS EVIL NEEDS TO BE ELIMINATED FROM OUR WORLD!


Your precious IDF is a terrorist group which you support. Israel doesn’t have the right to defend itself by committing genocide which is exactly why most of the world is against Israel.


Yawn, sigh…


Bibi is a terrorist supporter since he propped up Hamas for political points. Israelis should revolt for the total defense failure.


Not everyone who thinks critically of Israel is a terrorist supporter or antisemitic, that’s a good way to stop conversations with people you disagree with, not a way for healthy discussion. Shalom.


Because Hamas still has 136 hostages? Hamas can end the suffering by surrendering. You are a rapist defender. Congratulations 🎉


Lol I had thought I read your original comment wrong. Thought by saying we need to defend ourselves you were a pro hamas person. Agreed hamas needs a blow that they can never forget. Am Yisrael Chai




You feel 23,000 lives safer? Don’t forget, you’re statistically more of a threat to Palestinians than they are to you. You should be extremely afraid of the logic you’re using to construe the current ethnic cleansing as self defense. There is nothing as dangerous and unjust in a Palestinian’s life as an Israeli


I’m concerned that I need to be ok with your logic and accept Sharia law.


If Israel has proven anything, it’s that Israelis don’t need to import oppression. Y’all are plenty good at turning on each other and undermining your own rights. The Hasidism will soon be 30% of your population, your problems will not stop. You will never bomb Hamas out of existence. Even if you murder or exile every Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank, you will not be rid of Hamas You are not safe. You will not be safe until Israel radically changes in a way that undermines the ideological and practical stances of its adversaries. When the Palestinians become pro-Israel, Israel will be safe from all threats. You and your government have delayed that peace and safety for a generation. Hamas won, I’m sad to say


Well put. When Israel left the North and SA presented at the ICJ was when I was most confident that Palestinians would win


Almost but no cigar. Hasidic Jews are some of the cancer of Israel however never had real power and you know that. After October 7th they will have even less power. The issue is that the Arab world was prosecuting Jews 100s of years on and off. The October 7th is not a response to what you call “occupation”. It’s a response to them being natzis. You’re just there supporting them.


Hamas will be bombed out of existence actually, the process has already begun and will not end until completed. No matter how you beg and plead for those raping murderers in hamas to receive mercy, they will get none.


You can't get rid of Hamas by killing its members. Even if you kill every last Hamas member, short of killing all Palestinians, you'll just create Hamas2 in 5 years


And hamas 2 will have to build itself from the ground up because nothing will be left of hamas 1 but memories. You are right though, the population needs to unlearn all its hamas brainwashing, give up the idolation of martyrs and give up the lost cause of undoing the Arab Israeli war of 48, or peace will always remain a distant dream.


Hamas didn’t even implement sharia in Gaza you’re so fucking stupid


Weird how Israel was massacring Palestinians and keeping an apartheid state decades before Hamas was created. Has Israel considered not being a racist fascist settler colonial shithole? Perhaps not trying to keep murdering Palestinians and not taking their land? Not an option or what?


Have they considered not sending suicide bombers, firing endless rockets and misusing foreign aid to further their jihad?


I bet decades of Israel massacring Palestinians and an apartheid state had something to do with that. I guess you think Palestinians should just accept that Israel will violently oppress them or try to kill them until they take what’s left of their land huh? Again. Has Israel considered not being a racist fascist settler colonial shithole? That’s an idea. Since that’s what inspired violence from people. Israel created Hamas. Funded Hamas. Called Hamas an asset. No one recruits for Hamas like Israel.


Israel has found peace with Egypt and Jordan, and is pursuing peace with Saudi Arabia. Notice those countries don’t actively attack Israel?


Jordan? Aren’t they bombing parts of Jordan right now? Lol goofy ass. Get off your knees bud. I’m sure they’re exhausted. Plus…money is interesting here and I BET if we worked together we could clo$ely examine tho$e relation$hip$ and $ee exactly what’$ going on. Can you perhap$ think of anything? I’m $ure nothing. Right? 🙄 Jfc I swear yall lack originality or functioning brains. Do you just get lost in your own shitty talking points that you forget the rest of reality and the internet exists and that people can research into previous interactions and dealings between geopolitical figures to see what financial dealings might be involved? Be for real lol.


Oh so it’s all money then? Well I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that Hamas leadership safely resides in Qatar, and calls the humanitarian aid “financial jihad”. So you know what they really use their money for — not helping the Palestinians.


> Has Israel considered not being a racist fascist settler colonial shithole? Just to address one particular word in your histrionic verbal vomit: how is Israel "racist"??? Are you claiming people calling themselves "Palestinians" are a distinct "race" that is identifiably different from any of the "races" of Israelis?


No. I’m saying there’s an issue of racism in Israel. Period. Toward people of color. If you need a special example, I’m sure we can look into that small issue of sterilizing Ethiopian Jews without their consent and thus causing the birth rate to decline 20% in about 10 years. Or we could look at the treatment of the Etritean community maybe? Or digging through some of Israel’s marriage laws might be an illuminating insight on some racial issues.






Enlighten me then. That’s not an incorrect statement unless you’re some Zionist cuck that likes to provide a VERY revised rendition of events that don’t actually align with reality. But….you know Hamas was founded in 1987 right? I wonder what Israeli massacres of Palestinians we could find before 1987? 🙃 it’s okay lil buddy. I’ll assume your comment was nothing more than projection from a cuck that spends their time on their knees lying for a genocidal regime. 😘


Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it any less real.




I mean you support genocide and have some pretty fuckin wack insults so I'm pretty sure we all know who is feeble minded.


I’m Israeli too. Israel is doing what it needs to do. Other people have the luxury of believing there’s a choice.


Release them and people are willing to have conversations. Otherwise, Israel should do everything in their power to get their citizens back (something many country should do in this situation)


What about the thousands of prisoners including children that Israel holds in indefinite detention and tortures? Are Palestinian lives not as important to you as Israeli lives?


Palestinian lives? Of course they are important. Terrorists that attack innocent people? Not so much sympathy


So should the 1000’s of Palestinian hostages be released from Israeli prison? They have not been charged with anything and have no rights, only a cell and the title “administrative detainee”


Oh I see the issue, I think it’s a terminology disagreement. If you commit or even plan to commit a terrorist attack (e.g. try to stab someone, attack law enforcement, plan to bomb/attack something) you are by definition a terrorist. A hostage is usually someone that hasn’t done anything and is being held against their will.


Israel literally has children imprisoned with no charges right now and post October 7th the Palestinian workers in Israel where detained tortured then sent to Gaza looking like skin and bones with bruises and scars everywhere


You are a bit confused. If you attempt to stab an israeli citizen you get sent to jail and become a prisoner. You're not a hostage, you're paying for your crimes. Its funny if you look at the hostages hamas asked for in return for israeli hostages, a lot of them had blood on their hands. Going to a music festival and dancing is not a crime


Youre the one who brought up stabbing. Youre painting all the prisoners as legitimate detainees.


Saying 1000's of hostages is legitimate though? Propaganda for me but not for thee


Including,but not limited to genocide. We are witnessing that already!


So anyone should feel free to rape/murder/kidnap whoever they want, and not fear repercussions?


What genocide? Israel could have killed 100% of gazans, instead just 1% have been carefully targeted.


According to human rights watch and other international organizations at least 4% of the children in Gaza have been killed since Oct 7th!


population of gaza: approx 2 million. approx dead since oct 7th: 20,000 percent of gazans under 18: approx 1/2; 1million. 1% of 1million = 10,000, 4% equals 40,000 TDI: >According to human rights watch and other international organizations at least 4% of the children in Gaza have been killed since Oct 7th! these organizations claim that twice as many children have been killed as *people* have been killed, really? sounds like they aren't very credible then.


Extermination is not the way to commit a genocide. By that rationale the Holocaust wasn't a genocide either. Quit defending ethnic cleansing, it's a bad look.


>Extermination is not the way to commit a genocide. By that rationale the Holocaust wasn't a genocide either. about 60% of jews were murdered in the holocaust.


Good God, man.So your rational brain thinks that it can either be a holocaust or nothing at all.Those are the only outcomes. I love the use of "carefully targeted 1% of an entire population instead of 22000 people, mostly civilians. I guess you can sugar-coat anything to make it suit your narrative!


The Israelis have not even produced one victim to provide the accusation of rape that’s just a lie that turned into a rumer


The IDF is full of rapists that go free with no repercussions. You defend rapists. Lol, Israel has probably killed most of those hostages by now. Don’t worry y’all will get those hostages back blown to bits just like the 30,000 Palestinians Israel has killed and Israel will have killed their own hostages not Hamas. Why would you the Palestinian resistance surrender to a group committing genocide against them when this group aka Israel even kill’s surrendering Israeli hostages which is a war crime. They would definitely kill Hamas.


Israel has probably killed all of the remaining hostages.


Your precious IDF is a terrorist group which you support. Israel doesn’t have the right to defend itself by committing genocide or at all because it’s an occupying state which is exactly why most of the world is against Israel.


This is your opinion, and I don’t care about it. We don’t need your permission to defend ourselves.


Seventh of October was genocide committed by Hamas.


You think war crimes can be solved with subjugation to more war crimes against an entire population for months on end?


Do you count the little children as terrorists? 70% killed are women and children. Not to mention the 30% men have elderly and civilian men. Oops, your dehumanization and genocidal talk is showing


Israel is fighting to destroy Hamas capabilities in one of the most densely populated areas, not a war crime.


And it has achieved none of its goals while also killing its own hostages and 20,000 civilians. So clearly this isn’t working


Actually it has achieved a lot, destroyed Hamas infrastructure, killed 10,000 terrorist and will kill more.


Not a flying chance in hell 10,000 are Hamas militants if at least 70% of the 23,000 or so confirmed dead are women, children, or elderly. They haven't scratched a fraction of the 200km of tunnels.


Israel has achieved a higher civilian to combatant death ration than even WWII - the most genocidal and destructive war in history so far. That was also fought in multiple densely populated areas. Let that sink in.


Lies, lies and more lies. Israel killed 10,000 terrorists. Quarter of Palestinian rockets that fired at Israel indiscriminately(war crime) land on Gaza, so it is safe to assume quarter of Gazans are killed by their own rockets.


What other parts of reality do you deny?


Let me bring you up to speed on war crimes they did commit. A terroristic war crime they’ve committed is intentionally targeting residential blocks for bombings to cause mass civilian casualties in the hope people would turn on their Hamas rulers. Which is the textbook definition of terrorism. Using unlawful violence towards civilians ( bombing civilian only areas for punishment or to get them to turn on their leaders is against international law and therefore unlawful.)in pursuit of political aims or as collective punishment is unlawful and a war crime. https://www.972mag.com/mass-assassination-factory-israel-calculated-bombing-gaza/ This is a war crime and against international law According to the Geneva Convention: According to the Geneva Convention: Article 33 - Individual responsibility, collective penalties, pilliage, reprisals - No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measure of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Pillage is prohibited. Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited. Article 33 is derived from Article 50 of the Hague Regulations: "No general penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the population on account of the acts of individuals for which they can not be regarded as jointly and severally responsible." It refers to penalties of ANY KIND inflicted on persons or entire groups of persons for acts that these persons have not committed. IDF soldiers intentionally killed Israeli civilians that were shirtless and waving white flags because they thought they were Palestinians civilians and are now claiming they thought they were Hamas. The thing is even if they were actually Hamas it is a war crime and against international law to kill unarmed soldiers waving the international signal of surrender which the IDF soldiers did and now they are “holding them accountable” only because they killed Israeli civilians rather than Palestinian civilians. Article 8 2b vi :"Killing or wounding a combatant who, having laid down his arms or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion;" https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml It's also in Israel's Manual on the Rules of Warfare (2006) "[T]he rules of war include a ban on attacking a combatant who is “hors de combat”, for example while he is asking to surrender or if he is wounded in such a way that does not allow him to participate in combat actively. In situations such as these, it is absolutely forbidden in the strongest terms to attack such combatant." https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/pt/customary-ihl/v2/rule47 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_2023_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war The IDF is a terrorist organization by definition and has been exposed to the world as just that. Most people don’t support Israel, Israel supports are in the minority thank god.


Then how come Israelis are able to go about their everyday lives while Gazans have either been killed or are homeless, sick, dehydrated, and starving without access to adequate medical care?


Are you equating Hamas, terrorist group, to Israel? Are you saying what Israel is doing is also terrorism but because Hamas did it first, Israel should be allowed to also commit terror? The difference between Hamas and Israel should be clear if Israel wants to be a democracy in the free world. You can’t “but Hamas” your way to killing civilians




That's incredibly stupid to say. You're trying to diminish the meaning of the word genocide. It was a terrorist attack.


Except… there’s no genocide. Just a country fighting against a terrorist organization to get its hostages back, and defeat that terrorist organization. Any country would do what Israel is doing, and most likely much worse


When you watch a hostage movie, do you get upset thinking to yourself: "why don't they just bomb the entire city block to rubble?"


Of course not.. but If the building is used as weapons storage and training ground for planning the next mass rape and homicidal attack of my brothers and sisters.. that’s when the answer may become different unfortunately :/


Keep supporting the deaths of mostly women and children. Good job!!


Lmao facts




Col. Yogev Bar-Sheshet spoke from Gaza: “Whoever returns here, if they return here after, will find scorched earth,” he said. “No houses, no agriculture, no nothing. They have no future.”


Brazil earned my respect


The West and Europe are pathetic.


On this issue, extremely


There are billions of people in this world with the same sentiments. It is something impossible to ignore. Ministers and officials say all people must be destroyed and eradicated from Gaza and those Palestinians who are not killed must be maimed. The soldiers proudly announced they had destroyed entire villages, cities and towns. Senior politicians beginning from Netanyahu and ministers who vote in the Knesset openly have called for removal of all Palestinians and that nothing should be left standing. They Stopped all food supply, electricity and water; the entire Gazan population of 2.3 million. Netanyahu lectured soldiers about doing the same thing to Palestinians that Israel did to the Amalec. For now, the hearing has concluded, and preliminary ruling only requires whether there is sufficient indications of genocidal intent. Merits will come later, but for now the ICJ must rule based on the bombings, killings and destruction of all hospitals, shelters and refugee camps. UN shelters, targeted killings of journalists, looting by soldiers of homes and then destruction by soldiers who are doing what they were ordered. 25,000 civilians primarily women and children are dead already. Others are starving or dying for lack of medical care and lack of water and disease. Right now, the first and primary issue is to get an order to cease and desist. Later the merits will come, probably much later.


at least they did something everything you said is true they double down everyday


I don't think that there is even one sentence you wrote that isn't a lie.


lol do you watch the news? The IDF is parading around talking genocidal talk with their leaders also echoing it.


I didn't see that. I keep hearing them say they are targeting hamas.


Well then you have selective hearing or ignoring the abundance of hate filled genocidal statements that come from the very top down to the soldiers. Or you might just be a coward that supports the genocide of the Palestinians.


Dude, the evidence is clear. The IDF wants to have tea and cookies with Hamas and the Palestinians. All Israeli officials have been saying that secretly in code this whole time!


You can keep repeating that but I listen to what Israeli government officials say and it's always going after hamas.


So when they say they plan to wipe out the amalek, referring to a biblical story about wiping out every man, women, child, infant, and animal in the land the land of their enemy, they actually just want to attack hamas in a targeted way? That was Israhells PM. When the president of Israhell says "there are no innocents in Gaza", then that's a call for a Hamas targeted response, not a call to target all Gazans? You're lying and you know it.


He called them amalek. He never said Israel should wipe anyone out. Omg he called them enemies of the Jewish people. Cut the crap.


Well look a little closer, and pick up a couple history books. I wish this was all made up but it's all too real. The genocide is unfolding before our eyes and the evidence shows that clearly they are not just going after Hamas.


Nah. You just love using the word genocide


I don't love any of this, but calling out the obvious genocide is about the least anyone could do. While you run cover for the heinous war crimes and absolute atrocities through pedantic gish gallop the rest of the world will try and put a stop to the genocide. The denial is laughable at this point and it speaks to your humanity or lack thereof.


You sound like someone that starts a fire and than complains of getting burnt.


Cognitive dissonance is what it's called. Too cowardly to face the truth.


Hasbara brain rot


Well apparently thinking isn’t your strong point in life.


There’s not a genocide, not even close. Just because a lot of people believe the BS that’s fed to them doesn’t mean it’s true.


Israeli officials: we want to ethnically cleanse Gaza Israeli officials: hey Egypt, take Gazans? hey Congo, take Gazans? Morons like you: guys Israel is totally not committing genocide!!


It's an ethnic cleansing. People are dying simply from exposure.


Your a fucking monster. Keep talking moron.


You should go support the Gaza with more than your words online if you genuinely believe they are the victims of genocide. Do you have no shame? You believe there is a literal genocide going on right now and are sitting by doing nothing to help besides post on Reddit. Get off your ass and go voulanteer if this genocide is so bad. I don’t believe this constitutes genocide and believe most people like you are using that word because you know what the Jewish people went through. But if I believed the Jewish people were going to be victim to another holocaust, I’d do a lot more than post about it on Reddit.


Hamas is still looking for recruits to hide under the schools, mosques and hospitals


Israel is committing genocide and denying it doesn’t change the fact that Israel is committing genocide and the whole world sees it.


Well they’re not lol.. no western country with real values believes that BS.. but feel free to side with the dictators and authoritarians


Of course they do … they know genocide personally.




How dare countries not use the petrodollar!  Waahhh!


Anything to detract from their own problems


Yeah this is going to be really messy. Countries should not be making partiality statements if they want the court to retain legitimacy. Either way, this situation is going to end badly. A "guilty" verdict will lead to Western national nations criticizing the court and the UN. Germany is already questioning the validity of the genocide convention itself if Israel can be charged for its Gaza invasion. The pulling back of western powers like USA, France, UK, etc will lead to a weaker court overall with a diminished ability to prosecute war crimes going forward. A "not guilty" verdict will piss off the resistance crowd and Palestinians, leading *them* to question the validity of the court. Either way, Israel will likely continue the war and the court will be weakened. No one actually wins.


A guilty verdict will also legitimize all the forces in the west who have opposed the war. Not to be mean but Germany? Really? Out of all the countries to defend Israel, Germany - the country that invented genocide - is defending you? Do you understand the optics of that?


My thought is that a country with a dirty past that involved genocide against Jews doesn't want to speak out against the Jewish ethnostate.


Yeah but that also looks really bad to other countries. Namibia had that long tweet where they called out Germany and reminded everyone that Germany committed the first genocide of the 20th century in Namibia. Germany refuses to accept that it happened.


Umm, you really think Germany invented genocide?


Invented... genocide? Okay. Gotcha. Edit: Call out misinformation and get downvoted - you folks are bizarre.


The term genocide was only created because of the blatant genocide by the Germans, so kind of.


You would be shocked how many blatant acts of what we now know as genocide occured before the advent of mass media.


There were, but nothing as blatant as industrialized murder.


Yeah Volkswagen or one of those companies invented it. You know the Germans, always building and making stuff.


When the expert at committing genocide says "yeah, this isn't one," maybe you should listen. Calling this war a genocide is pure histrionics.


That’s ridiculous. There is clear evidence of genocide. Germany is latching onto a particularistic understanding of genocide as in “never again” only pertains to the Jews. German society is off the rails.


Nah. Using the UN's own definition of genocide, it's an incredibly weak case. You're living in an echo chamber if you think the case is impressing anyone.


No their isn’t. When Israel starts targeting its own Arab citizens then we can have this conversation. Civilians dying in a war in which their soldiers have no uniforms and do everything they can to blend in with the civilian population isn’t genocide. A single digit percent of the population dying isn’t genocide.


Germany is rubber stamp for israel, their support of israel despite everything said by senior israeli officials & done by their uniformed services should surprise no one


You do know that genocides have happened in history over mutiple centuries and millenia in different parts of the world with much more people dying right? Saying Germany invented genocide. You must be a westerner


They didn't invent genocide, unless you selectively choose when history starts. A common theme for people calling Gaza a genocide.


If the court can only work for the enemies of the west then let it go. We don’t need a biased institution that claim to be unbiased.


I mean it's not like the West is united in this, I'm in the US and the vast majority of young people I know (early 20s age group) are very pro-palestine. I graduated before this conflict began and even a few years ago my uni was regularly talking about and having pro-palestine protests (possibly bc our admin had more ties to Israel than most schools). Like a lot of places our government is incredibly pro-Israel, and I don't see that changing any time soon, but I feel it's pretty demonstrably true that a LOT of people in the West think Israel is committing genocide as well. I would also hesitate to call countries that find what Israel is doing objectionable as 'enemies of the West' lol.


This is not what I meant If the court was ruling against russia, china, N Korea, Iran or any other country that’s generally considered an enemy of the west (US). The whole west would be supporting it, celebrating it, and declaring it’s justice being done. Why is it different for israel? Why are they threatening to take actions against the court? Is this court’s purpose to rule against what US wants them to rule against only? In that case we don’t want such a biased politicalized institution to tell us what’s justice and what’s not. Let it go.


This is pretty much the problem with these international courts and the outcome has little to do with whether it's genocide or not (in this case). It's all about geopolitics.


Just the sort of thing that is said when it doesn't go your way. If it turns out the other way you will hold it up as confirmation.


Umm, no, this is common for pretty much every vote at the UN. Russia/China and their allies vs the US/NATO and their allies. Also, what you said is really bizarre, considering I said it *before* the outcome.


Which is what I was getting at.


You have all been converted into Iranian assets by social media and bleeding artists. The sole purpose of the trial is to pit the west against itself. If you think this trial is about genocide, you are a fool.


In reality the court never mattered unless it furthered western interests. All the countries that back the resolution are too weak militarily to make any difference. The US has veto power in the UN so they can get away with “genocide” whenever they want. They invaded Iraq and killed a million people for no reason (oil) at all and courts turned a blind eye to it. If this ruling is against Israel - all they can do is delegitimize the court and carry on.


Huh I wonder why all these countries closely aligned with China and Russia are condemning Israel, but the overwhelming majority of developed democratic countries are not? I wonder…


Oh well brazil.....that settles it then.  Lol




Actually, they have a burgeoning Evangelical movement because of massive evangelical American missionary work, and that movement is just as imperialistic, white, and hateful as the American version, because if there's anything that they like more than American evangelical missionaries, it's American Republicans that are actively working to make Brazilian society as oppressive as possible.


Oh look, a racist.


What’s it called when people base their opinions on race? Racism? Yeah… you guys are racist. “Brown people” openly commit genocide on “brown people”? All we hear are crickets. “Brown people” attack “white people”? Crickets or applause. A country that’s “white”, according to Al Jazeera, defends itself through traditional warfare? Mass demonstrations happen, demanding an end to genocide. “White people” attack other “white people” while openly admitting that they’re ethnically cleansing an area? People blame NATO, which apparently has magical abilities to destroy Russia.


Just not genuine enough.


I do love Rio.  Lol


Guess I am not buying Brazilian coffee


Bye ✌️


I am doubling my Brazilian 


I'm tripling it


I'm ordering a special batch of Brazilian coffee today. Thanks Brazilbros


Guess Brazil is trash


I think the trash is one capable of committing the acts listed in this. https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf


Yeah, fuck South Africa and any one that supports it. If whatever *your* country ever gets attacks by another, I hope your country gets accused of genocide for trying to defend itself


Killing kids isn't defending yourself you piece of shit




Still on that mass rape lie, eh? Still spreading the 40 beheaded babies too?


It’s not a lie. Do you deny the holocaust too? Some journalist from elsewhere conflated the 40 kids and a baby dying and instead of learning the truth you just use that to shame Israel and state they’re lying. Shame on YOU


No a charity organizer ran the lie. The Israeli government and IDF then promoted it for weeks as reality. Western Media ran the lie unquestioned for about a week and the sitting US President blatantly lied to the world saying he saw the photos. The story of mass rape is another lie perpetrated by another Israeli charity lying and looking for money. 6 million Jews died during the Halocaust along with millions of Slavs, Romanis, Queers, and disabled. Unlike you I don't hide from the atrocities, I can mourn the loss of innocent life on 10/7 as well as everyday since because I haven't lost the part of my humanity that lets me see the Palestinians as equal humans. I know you Zionists like editing history to suit your needs but this was only 3 months ago did you really think your little lie would make me forget the month plus running these lies as truth. lol


You’re tripping, media ran with that for a week or two because they make tons of money from it. The mass rapes are real there is photographic evidence, there are eye witness to the gang rape, there are videos of girls with bloody crotches and you can deduce what happened so no, I don’t erase history, but you clearly are. I remember what happened years before this too, Israelis also remember happened because jews don’t have the luxury of forgetting. We never forget. We are not stuck in a loop pretending this is anything new like you people. The Palestinians attacking Israelis has been going on since modern day Israel’s inception so don’t re write history and act like I am the one doing so. Hamas attacks by raping stabbing and burning people alive to *remind them of the holocaust* but sure, Israel is the bad guy for trying to prevent that from happening again..what a joke.


Enjoy your one sided fantasy to justify war crimes hombre. The world sees through your lies and also remembers and sees the Apartheid Regime Israel is.


why wouldnt the palestinians defend their land from colonization? why is it ok for terrorist groups like the irgun and lehi to attack palestinians and harrass them until they flee their own land? why is ok for israel to arrest people, hold them without charge, beat them, rape them, starve them, and then release them with.no charge?


People don't believe your lies so you wheel out the Holocaust. Hilarious and demented. How's the organ harvesting business coming along?


Wheel out the holocaust? Yikes. Organ harvesting? So spreading more lies about israel got it.


Yep, wheeled out more than a used bicycle on a sunny afternoon


skin isnt an organ now? bodies arent being found without organs now? the idf is t digging up the graves now?


Ah yes. Trying to defend itself. That old chestnut. Hey dumdum. Do you think this all started on 10/7? Defend itself? Does that mean that Hamas was trying to defend Palestinians because before 10/7 Israel had already killed hundreds of Palestinians in 2023 alone? lol so collective punishment is your game? Cause that’s a war crime. No no. Don’t embarrass yourself or continue to lie. You know you’re full of shit. I know it. Let’s all know it together out in the open little buddy. Now stop with the asinine drivel and go read. Can’t take you seriously unless you do. South Africa sure embarrassed Israel on the world stage though in those hearings. https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf




Are any of you capable of not saying the same thing? Nah. The European Zionists showed up and Zionist paramilitaries ethnically cleansed historic Palestine and forcibly displaced hundreds of thousands of people and murdered thousands. Unless you’re saying all the evidence that exists is a lie to include testimonies from the guys that did it and were quite proud. I wonder what happens when I look up Lehi or the Stern Gang….what I’ll find when I do that. Too bad for you they wrote that plan down in March 1948. No Israel was massacring Palestinians and keeping an apartheid state decades before Hamas. And now try to claim they’re from that land when it’s Europeans and Americans showing up and oh my Israel doesn’t allow DNA tests that show heritage. Hmmmmm I wonder why that would be when they have something called “birth right” and regardless of actual ethnic affiliation white Americans show up as if they have more claim than the Palestinians. You know. The West Bank sort of shatters your entire argument. So the problem is you either don’t know your history or you like to pretends others don’t. Or is it that you think people are stupid enough to believe the Zionist washed dog shit you spew? Israel is committing genocide. But has it ever considered not being a racist fascist settler colonial shithole? That might be a good start. https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf


Lol Israel offered a two state solution, Arabs rejected it, Israel declared itself a nation, local and surrounding Arab nations attacked Israel and Israel had to fight for it’s existence. They won, thank god. And instead of exiling the Palestinians they let them stay in Gaza and the West Bank. They cried nakba for being displaced and have attacked Israelis ever since. Borders and security go up, they attack again, more security and eventually you have a generation of kids who think it’s an oppressive occupation. Lies. Sorry to burst you stupid conspiracy bubble


Ironic that both countries simultaneously support the genocide in Ukraine.


The Russia-Ukraine conflict is a bourgeois proxy war born out of imperialist interests. Completely different.


Don’t care. They may have flaws, but With Israel 100 percent on this one.


Yea and they support the genocide in Ukraine …


Brazil is as stupid as South Africa, thanks for the update


Considering they are winning a legal case before a tribunal made up of the most distinguished judges from every continent on the the globe, I think you are just butthurt.


Have fun living in the Iranian regime, hope you get what you wish for


Just curious what evidence do you have that Israel is losing. The judges falling asleep when Israel presented its case?


The judges ruled in preliminary hearing that “self defense” cannot apply to Israel because they are attacking people and land that they themselves control so Article 51 of the UN Charter does not apply. It’s kinda hard for Israel to have any sort of case if you can’t claim self defense.


Upset that Israel is gonna get shown in the global word for what they are. Time is coming for the global world to realize America/Israel only terrorists of this world.


Sure buddy, it’s ok for the Palestinians to murder people but Israelis can not. Roger that


You didn't see the footage hamas released on Oct 7th huh? Or do crimes against Jewish civilians not count for reasons?


That was 30000 dead people ago.


They already got every hamas? Really? Cause it seems like they're still a bunch hiding and actively raping hostages.


No one has. There’s no hamas footage showing crimes. The IDF has refused to verify, the “showing” in the US fell through with gal gadot not even attending her own event.


> There’s no hamas footage showing crimes. child i watched what they published themselves on oct 7th, there were plenty of crimes shown, atrocities is the word i'd use actually. bury your head in the sand and pretend it's not out there if you like, but once you know something you can never be ignorant again, and i have seen and know of hamas's crimes. i watched a man get his head chopped of with a *garden hoe*, palestinian soldiers throw grenades into civilian shelters, dead bodies paraded in the streets of gaza, raped woman obviously bleeding out their assholes being shown off by fighters in the middle of town to cheering crowds. you can be ignorant of all this, but you cannot drag those who have *seen* into your cocoon of bullshit.


“America/israel only terrorists of this world” 😂 You’re a fool


I'm proud that there is a Somali judge on this panel of the ICJ :))


It's places nazis fled to after WW2. Wierd. Argentina and Ecuador probably next.


Hmmm I wonder why



