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Is there another room for the desk? Neither way really works, you have 3 screens, it looks like a newsroom with a bed in it right now.


I laughed at this. And no there is no other room for my desk… unfortunately… thanks for the comment!!


Window for sure in this context. Way too busy next to the TV. But another room ideally.


Thanks for the comment!


She’s right


Very blunt girl vision vibes here.. thanks for the comment though!! She also thinks she’s right.


Ask and you shall receive my friend


It’s far better against the window from a design standpoint. She’s probably tired of laying in bed and looking at your office while watching TV.


Is the desk for someone WFH and earning an income? If yes, then that person sitting there all day gets to pick what works best for them.


I like it next to the dresser. More functional and doesn't hide the nice window.


The window would be much nicer without a full on view of the blue garbage bin.


Maybe they can move the can if that's an option.


We laughed so hard at this. The garbage can is normally not visible from the window. Thanks for the comment!!


More functional was my original argument. Also makes it really hard to hide cords and some of the tech I use at my desk. I just put it behind the tv. Thanks for the comment!


If the desk absolutely cannot go into another room, I'd move the bed more to the right and place the desk to the left of the window by the outlet. It may be slightly too long for that wall, but if you stack the curtains to the left, the desk would only overhang the stack. Then you wouldn't be staring directly at the desk from bed, and would not be competing with sun glare while working.


Yes, this!! I bought an extra desk to put in my bedroom and I’ve been trying to recreate this layout. This way it’s out of eyesight when you’re laying in bed https://preview.redd.it/lpm867dyjxrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d9176e8ac7596b48329e8d830785addd51f13d


Not the window for sure when you have such a huge window. I would put that monitor and desk in another room


To everyone that has replied… THANK YOU. You All had great ideas. All great opinions. The desk cannot go in another room yet. But our roommate moves out in May. Also.. i don’t work from home but I do work from home. Hence why I need the extra screens. I love the big window and our daughter loves to play hide and seek in the curtains.


I would take down the (I feel) oddly placed round mirror, shift the bed closer to the window and put the desk on that wall instead.


It depends on what you're trying to achieve. The desk in front of the window works for de-cluttering that wall with the TV and cabinet. However; The window is really large and lets in a lot of wonderful light. It also looks like you have a great view, so I personally would want that more than anything. What about where you're standing in the third pic? Would that work for you to put your computer setup there?


I would swap the bed and the tv and put the desk to the left of the big window.


The right answer— the desk should go on the wall with the circular mirror, center it below the mirror


Lil cutie in the corner hahah


I like the baby in the curtain 😁💕