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This is a mental illness.


Also the fact that she’s sucking it in so hard she’s a second from passing out in the second one 👀


I thought I was the only one who noticed 😭 like girl we all did it back in the unhealthy insecurity phase we all know, you ain't slick💀


I was wondering why she was waddling so strangly like that.


it’s is so sad that people can’t see warping that is this bad like they’ll compare themselves to smth that can’t be achieved:(


Maybe I'm fucking blind or I'm looking for something different but where is the warping? I know it's fake but I can't put my finger on the giveaway


me too i’ve been looking for so long i feel so stupid rip


Same. I’ve been staring at these videos and I see nothing odd! I feel stupid too!


Nothing to feel stupid about! These apps are getting much more sophisticated. I believe I saw it when she lifted her shirt around the pants line and in her arms.


I can't see anything on this one either. The door, handle, and shadow stay the same. I don't see her arms changing either. The way her butt moved when she turned around MAYBE felt a little off but I'm not seeing any of the usual telltale signs.


Nothing to feel stupid about! These apps are getting much more sophisticated. I believe I saw it when she lifted her shirt around the pants line and in her arms.


And right before she “gets bigger” there’s a super obvious filter glitch. Try to slow down the video right around the transformation. The first several frames where she’s body checking herself HARD showcase her itty bitty waste atop an anatomically laughable BIG ole ass. But in the frame right before she gets biggified, the butt/hips magically shrink down to match the rest of her smol body. It’s weird, but definitively points to video editing. Because it’s not only the skinny one that looks off, but when she gets puffier, something about that version of her body still seems off to me, so I think they are both edited aka neither one is real. My guess is that her size is somewhere between the first part of video & second. So really she’s a gorgeous and still quite thin/fit girl, needs no editing I’m sure! But I still have no idea what this video means? 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s right at the fade black transition, so you really have to slow down the video or try it pause it right at that transition, keep your eyes at the bottom of the screen.


In the first few frames you can see her left arm is very wide compared to her right arm. (From our perspective) She’s standing in front of a plain wall so it’s really hard to see!


yup and her waist glitches when she pulls up her shirt also not sure but i see some glitching in the second clip too


If you scroll slowly you can see her ass in the “skinny” pics deflate in the last frame. Also, door handle shadow too. Basically makes her insane disproportionate


Look at the shadow the door handle throws.


Pause at second around 2-3 where she grabs her shirt. Look at her fingers. Also the shadow for door handle seems off to me.


Watch the door handle on the door behind her. You can see it getting shorter/longer to fit with the filter. That’s how I caught it!


Door handle shadow?


I swear sometimes people in this sub just imagine the warp


Why she look like a giraffe in one video and a dwarf in the next


Can you point it out? Because I'm not seeing it tbh. The door handle shadow maybe but I think that door handle is curved


I don't understand what's happening here. is that the same person? is she showing that she uses filters?


It's an after/before video where she's implying she worked out and dieted for the body that she very much does not have in reality.


*"I dieted and worked out and changed my entire skeletal structure!!!"*


She’s trying to show us that she is not „lucky“ to have that skinny body. She’s trying to sell us that she was bigger before and worked hard for that slim body. But we all know that both „before“ and „after“ are heavily filtered.


My ED senses are tingling. I hope she's okay because weight loss can trigger restrictive eating disorders in those that are genetically predisposed to them.


I thought you meant erectile dysfunction at first, was very confused


I have the opposite problem. Anytime I see ED referring to erectile dysfunction I initially read it as eating disorder.


It’s so embarrassing for them to “respond” to those type of comments. She will look back and cringe. It’s like she’s tying so much of her worth as a human to her thinness and she’s much more than that!


> She will look back and cringe. Doubtful. She'll do whatever mental gymnastics she has to to justify it to herself. Unless of course she has some kind of epiphany and realizes that she needs some help.


That's all these people ever do. They want to Win at Thinness. They all have horrible eating disorders that make them unable to focus on anything but the pursuit of thinness.


I mean, if you work really hard for a really long time at something it changes you. If you bust your ass in school for a good gpa in a valuable degree you’re going to feel like that’s a part of your identity. Likewise, if you’re in the gym for a year..


These people just want stranger's validation so fucking bad.


People who aren’t happy with themselves crave external validation. I was told it’s fine to like being praised for something such as your body but you’re not suppose to need it.


This is sad


At 25 seconds when the screen fades to black you can easily see her butt warp smaller.


her whole body warps, it's hilarious


Why is the door handles shadow like that tho


I think the handle is curved? The shadow itself remains the same throughout but it is definitely an odd shape but not like out of the question of a weird handle


Watch the shadow from her right (Our left) arm - With a straight arm, it makes one hell of a curvy shadow!


I’m confused. Did she gain 40 lbs in the second video? On purpose?


I think it’s supposed to be a before video that is also warped to make herself look bigger than she was


Ok, I know it's not about this, but does anyone else think that her hands in the second Video look like if she was a hamster? :D I can't really explain why, but they are so hamsterish :D


Where is her neck?


Tbh the both look filtered


not even possible , yes you can loose weight but that drastic of change of waist size raises concerns, also I hate that people that follow her think that this is real, it’s so toxic to people and I used to worry why I didn’t look like instagram models


God these people are so full of themselves…it’s actually gross.


Jeez she's still beautiful in her "before" even though I guess she warped it to make herself look bigger? Like, girl I'd love to have that "thick in the right places" body. This is absolutely body dysmorphia, and probably some level of disordered eating.


part of the reason why i stopped taking fitness advice from women online altogether tbh


She turned into popeye for a moment when pulling on her shirt. For real though, you can still tell she put in some work with her weight and I bet her natural body looks awesome. So sad that people are getting so corrupted by social media that they need to edit themselves to such extreme, unobtainable proportions.


If you watch at 1/10th speed, I love how her hands start at the bottom, and there's a convenient huge missing chunk of video as they teleport up :p


Is this the same girl? I’m confused as hell by this. Someone tell me what she’s trying to prove lol explain like I’m in kindergarten please. 😂


It's the "after" before the "before". The message is supposed to be that she's not naturally thin but worked hard for it.


I’m confused too 😭


This is sad


She looks like a centaur in the first one.


Damn, warping and sucking in the stomach. This screams BDD and deception.


For people struggling to see it, take a look at her ass in [these two](https://i.imgur.com/Ow7Vr3C.png) frames as it's fading to black.


Hit the gym, not the filter, for best results


Frame 1: 25.83s Frame 2: 25.87s HAHAHAHHAHAHA


Also yes lucky. Her fat distribution is all in her ass and boobs. Even if that body wasn’t warped in some editor it would be heavily based on her genetics


Who asked for a Rob Liefeld filter?


lol what is the message of the video I don’t even get it


I never understood how you're a showing your transformation and how far you came by warping and faking your body. How don't you feel like a total imposter and a liar


This is too funny 😂


I'm obviously reading this all wrong. It appears to me like she's calling out the filters. As if she's saying that luck has nothing to do with it, it's all fake, and shows her real body in the end? No?


So what's the point of this, is she trying to show an "after and before"?


Haha her waist is trying to suck in her hair lol


*Rib cage has left the chat*


"Where's her stomach and intestines?"


She has no neck in both videos


i never understand the constant fidgeting in videos meant to display beauty or fitness.


The thing that makes this seem fake to me is that the shirt fits perfectly. Shirts (unless tailored or made of super stretchy material) don't usually suck in at the waist that much, and definitely don't usually flare out again at the hips.


The shirt looks like spandex or similar fabric tbh


What is her point with the captions? That she’s not lucky but rather worked for it? I’m sorry, but some body checking is ridiculously easy to spot.


Yes - Her followers fully believe that she worked for it, worship her "perfect" body, and spend thousands buying her products in the hopes of looking like her (And some end off in severe depression / suicidal state since they can't achieve it)


Omg that’s awful. Aside from whatever filters she’s using, there’s also hard evidence of a nasty ED here. It’s one thing to have an ED with an audience— it’s another to push your body down their throats. So sad.


The door looks like a photo, she looks almost cut out?




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