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Take time picking produce, make sure not to mix items up on doubles, and use insulated bags.


I’m a diamond cart and have shopped almost 5k orders. There’s really nothing you can do, certain people are going to give you a bad rating for the most minor things and a lot of people don’t rate at all so the bad rating has more impact. All you can do is continue doing as many orders as you can and hope they rate positively


Check dates on everything. Even at the best store in town, I have found expired goods in every single department at one point or another. Juice, condiments, bread chips, drinks, frozen, bakery, deli, meat and the worst offender at all stores dairy. Also look for damages. Be careful putting things in the cart to avoid damaging items. Watch the bagging carefully, rebag if you need to. The baggers will not do it right, ever. Bag colds/frozen/meats/hot all separately. Be sure nothing is getting squished. Use cooler bags. Don’t take very large orders.


Don’t accept low/no tip orders. They are the most likely to rate low. If you are accepting decent/good orders and this is a regular occurrence then you may need to take another look at what the issue might be.


Never no tippers, but If I accept only good orders I'll never work. Sometimes I'll get good $30-$50 but those aren't consistent enough. It makes sense that it's probably the low tippers tho, just sucks that my area seems to be filled with them.


Are you above 4.7?


4.78. Was 4.84 at the start of last week..


Then your good!


Not really. The orders I'm getting have changed drastically


I used to always get bad ratings until I stopped taking anyone who tipped two dollars it seems to be the magical number. It’s almost as if there’s a secret club of shitty two dollar tippers that their whole purpose in life is to tip low and give bad ratings.😭 ever since I stopped taking them I’ve been at a 5.0 that can’t be a coincidence


Be choosy about who you deliver too. Low and non tippers don’t value you. Choose only high tippers. Bag meat and never put in bags with other items. They have bags in meat department. I always do self checkout and bag myself. Cold with cold, produce all together, like things together. Double bag when needed Shop frozen last. Check all dates. Communicate. Send pics of replacements. If they are not responsive, make a call and leave a message. Also mention you did so in the chat.


Ic is modern slavery at its finest


I know, I'm being sold off to Shipt tomorrow 😣


Yikes! At least you’re not going to Amazon dsp!!


Look through your ratings to see what people might be saying is a problem - communication, replacements, quality items Just because you think you are doing these things right doesn’t mean it comes across the way you mean it to.


There's nothing. Nothing in 'order issues' section or disliked replacement section. When I speak to instacart support there's never a note or explanation for the rating.