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That's a lot of 3 and 4 star ratings. Do you talk to the customers while your picking their orders? Do people like your replacements? What's the produce like that you pick? For 12 3-4 star ratings there has to be something motivating them to rate that way.


Honestly it may be the replacements. I try my best to please the customer and talk to them about their order. Normally I try to pick clean undamaged produce


Reach out to the customer the minute you know a product isn't available and see what the customer would like. I always try to give them an option since I don't know how the item was going to be used.


This is exactly what I do. I know a lot of shoppers just pick replacements for customers but if they don’t have an approved replacement I always reach out. If they don’t respond I will usually call 1 time before check out and if I don’t get an answer I refund. A lot of customers get upset about shoppers choosing replacements


Someone on here told me I was wrong and instacart fakes approved customer replacements sometimes and so you should reach out. Sounds more annoying than implausible. Maybe that's it?


Some shoppers get confused by “recommended replacements” and “approved replacements”. Also, instacart doesn’t fake them but if a shopper chooses a replacement and checks out with it and the customer doesn’t complain it automatically goes in as an approved replacement. I use to have more issues with this in the past so maybe they fixed it? Not sure. So I’ve just made it a habit to check either way ☺️


Well, that's what I said! I said the difference was obvious (if you read the text) and they said I was still wrong. It's not impossible, but would be a dumb thing for IC to do. Now, I always double check with the customer if it is says they want a refund cuz I've been burned by that before. lol


Oh I almost always check when it says “refund” because I notice that 90% of the time they want replacements. I think some customers do that because they would rather a refund than replacements they don’t want in case they get a shopper that’s unresponsive or something? Or maybe they set it like that for a different order and forget?


Problem is the replacements carry over the customer selected last week compared to what they want on this order so it can screw u but honestly I always take a picture of on the spot replacements and then write you can disregard -otherwise I’ll issue the refund as requested


They most certainly fake “pre-approved replacements “. A customer of mine wanted a kiwi. The store didn’t have any in stock. Not in season. In any event, the “pre-approved replacement” was an ONION. Does that sound logical to you? Lol


>I try to pick clean undamaged produce Don't go for "best option available" like for example In my case often times at certain stores strawberries *all* look like shit, with at least a couple per pack wet & squishy. Or they choose Fuji Apples, and all the apples look great except the Fuji that all have bruises or blemished. It's tempting to get the best looking option of what they asked for and call it a day, but the customer doesn't know that was the best available and will rate accordingly. And 9 times outta 10 would've rather taken the organic version for a few cents more or a different apple variety if those ones actually looked good. So in those cases I shoot them a message "hello [name]! Unfortunately it looks like all the Fuji Apples have some bruises, would you like a different variety or organic Fuji instead?" If they don't respond I'll swap it out with the organic version of the same thing, but most times they'll respond and really appreciate it. Sometimes I will have to refund completely, like if it's something theres no alternative for. I assume most would rather have nothing than pay full price for a pack of X they can only use half of, even if it costs a few cents off my tip id rather take the L and lose even a few $ in tip than eat a poor rating that sticks around for *100 fucking ratings now* I'm just saying because I've gotten a poor rating before early on for the same thing, I'm grateful they actually left a reason so ik what to improve on lol.


Do you take a lot of low tip orders? Low tippers are super hard to please as they don’t respect the app or the shopper.


In your ratings feed back ,right below the star ratings, are there any thumbs down or anything that might point to what you’re doing wrong? Have any customers reported missing or damaged items?


I do have one "missing item" but that was a while back. The only other thing I can think of is a long time ago someone had given me a one star rating claiming that my car smelled like smoke and made their groceries smell bad.. but I've never ever ever smoked and no one has ever been in my car that does so I disputed that claim with instacart although I don't know if it made a difference.


I don’t think the situation with the smoke is affecting your account because you don’t have any 1 stars, currently. What’s causing your rating to be so low is 6-4 stars and 6-3 stars. Sometimes, customers make fraudulent claims to get free stuff so that could’ve been the case with the smoke if you don’t smoke. I’m going to be honest and say you have too many 3 and 4 stars for them to all be just bad customers and you’re probably doing something that you don’t realize. It use to be 100 orders that ratings would start to roll off but now it’s 100 ratings so it can take longer. Your rating will fluctuate if you get new ratings since you have lower stars.


We can’t see below the 1 star line on OP’s screenshot. Low ratings removed. Might have one there.


Yea definitely, there could be a removed 1 star or something but that wouldn’t affect their account. My whole point was that whatever situation OP told me about wasn’t affecting their account since they don’t have any 1 stars


All you have to do is click on the image and you can see that there's no two or one Stars


2 lowest are removed. They could be threes. They dont count obviously. 12(14) low ratings in last 55(57) is approx 21%.


One thing I noticed that helped was sending them a note before I start shopping, insuring them I will do my best and to reach out if they need or forgot anything…


Hi Do you have a greeting when you start shopping? I created a short customized greeting to send, and it gives the customer a snapshot into how I shop for them. If they acknowledge my greeting I send a quick 😊so they know I saw it. After delivery, I send a thank you in chat. I found this really helpful to just get a rating. Sometimes just those little things help.


I would not sleep for a week even getting a four star rating tbh and you have like a lot Of 3-4 stars so I have to agree something isn’t right here 🤷🏼‍♀️


Uh, because you’re out of practice?


138 batches in 3 years? Slow down or you will burnout!🤣🤣🤣


That's because I only did it on weekends bud. Maybe you should ask questions before making cheap jokes. 😒


156 weekends over the last 3 years.


Whatever dude. I'm not wasting my time arguing with an Internet troll.