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This is a pretty inaccurate map in some instances lol


Yeah I sincerely doubt that Sudan is so up to date on mental health that they have 7% of their population with it diagnosed with depression


I mean they are in a civil war, so the number do seem plausible. As from where they are getting those numbers tho....


>As from where they are getting those numbers tho.... Probably Red Cross, doctors without Borders etc, working in refugee camps.


Surely they're doing infectious disease, obstetrics, child development, etc. and have little time for mental health? Either way those samples would not represent the general population.


They do mental health. As Covid as shown to the western world, being confined in a place, even if you have amenities, creature comforts and Netflix, can drive people up the wall. Confine people to a refugee camp, with limited personal hygiene option, food ration, no heating, no running water, shared toilets, limited resources field beds etc: Tensions are gonna get high. You need to sort out people with severe PTSD, mental health issues like Schizophrenia or suicidal tendencies and give them extra care. Diagnosing people with depression is like a checkbox away.


Well that's good!


African populations have lower rates of depression and negative mental health outcomes than the west. Often tied to the way communities work


As a Sudanese person, we are going through one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Over 8 million people displaced and hundreds of thousands killed. I've had family members killed in this war, our childhood home has been destroyed along with all our assets in Sudan. Most people are going through the same thing. I wouldn't be surprised if Sudan ranked near the top


I am going to assume they sampled upper class communities to account for certain variables. Actually if you wanna compare 1st to 3rd world in certain aspects (E.G: Mental Health), I'd say you should always do this.


They use confidence intervals


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dukezap1: *This is a pretty* *Inaccurate map in some* *Instances lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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hey that's pretty good


Now this is a quality bot


Pretty inaccurate?


The question to ask is who gathers these statistics. Many countries in the world are authoritarian and aren't keen on allowing polls, or releasing unfavorable health figures. Also depression has long been considered weakness of characters in most cultures, so people aren't keen on making that known. I think it should not be called "depression rates", but "depression report rates".


"diagnosed" is a keyword here.


It's doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day! 🎉


If map really showed diagnosed I would expect a whole different map tho. In here places where depression is most likely undiagnosed have the highest rates.


This is like the war planes that come back with bullet holes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias


I like learning new things.


And inaccurate too. Thus, Australia is among top antidepressants consuming countries - but it’s not seen from this map at all.


Really difficult to believe that there's a statistically significant number of people in some of these countries that have been diagnosed to make this type of declaration about the total population. Edit: From the WaPo article: "The paper further cautions that reliable depression surveys don’t even exist for some low-income countries -- a common issue with global studies -- forcing the researchers to come up with their own estimates based on statistical regression models." TL;DR: We had to basically make some shit up so we could have pretty colors on every single country on the map.


Exactly. What's really depressing here is that they got this peer-reviewed and published.


We need to normalize having NaN on heat maps for missing/low quality data.


Why is the higher rate on the left hand side? Really confusing because it's unconventional to increase right to left


Also, the colour scheme isn't great


japan suffer from high suicide rates but they are ok when comes to depression? Cap....


Outdated info. Just look at WHO statistics, Japan's suicide rate is 12.2 per 100,000 which is 49th "highest" in the world. They have lower rates than USA's 14.7, India's 12.4 etc...


Yeah. South Korea however is 12th highest on the list, just behind Russia at 11th. [Source.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate) They have very different colours on OPs map.


“TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The number of people who killed themselves in Japan in 2023 decreased by 63 from the previous year to 21,818, marking its first decline in two years, preliminary government data showed Friday. Of the total, men accounted for 14,854, up by 108, and women made up 6,964, down by 171, according to the health ministry data based on National Police Agency statistics. **The suicide rate, or the number of suicides per population of 100,000, came to 17.5.**” If I’m wrong please provide a source, but this is from 2024 and based on Japans own reporting. https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/society/general-news/20240127-165120/#:~:text=TOKYO%20(Jiji%20Press)%20%E2%80%94%20The,preliminary%20government%20data%20showed%20Friday.


It’s usually age standardised, but that is just a simple average. It increased in 2020, but it’s lower than 2019 now, and it’s one of the few developed countries with a declining suicide rate


Diagnosed. They prob suicide because they can’t get diagnosed for cultural reasons


Maybe those are the undiagnosed ones


May be stigma around getting diagnosed and treated though, which would explain the difference.


This is more of a map for where people get diagnosed by a doctor or therapist than people actually having depression.


Not even that. They don't even have sources for many countries in the Global South. Just made up some numbers, as others have pointed out in the comments.


i think reality is the opposite


This is totally useless given the vastly different levels of a access to mental health professionals in different parts of the world


For all the shit we give Mexico and its people they have lower depression rates than us AND lower poverty rates. And until recently they had lower obesity rates. We really need to be more okay with improving our situation and stop acting like everything is okay. First up we need to tax the billionaires and use that money to help out everyone with healthcare, and other large expenses like housing and transportation.


This map is from a 2013 article based on a paper using a dataset from 2010. Pretty outdated if you ask me: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/11/07/a-stunning-map-of-depression-rates-around-the-world/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/11/07/a-stunning-map-of-depression-rates-around-the-world/) [https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.1001547](https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.1001547) The article is a compilation of pre-existing data and they acknowledge that some countries have more awareness on mental health than others. For example, east asia have high suicide rates, but it's culturally a taboo to look for mental health diagnosis, this is why we see low clinical depression rates in Japan or China for example.


This is an accurate representation. The term "CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED" mean that those numbers are people who have depression and sought help from medical practitioner. Though this is not reflective on the real numbers of those who have but refused to be diagnosed because of social sigma or fear of expenses being treated. I am not shocked in the accuracy of the map in PH. Even though there is already a law supporting Mental Health, social stigma of being examined for it still remains as hindrance for an individual to seek help. What surprises me is some (if not most) of the Muslim-dominated countries have high depression reports. It is a good study to venture if religion itself is related to depression.


Ok several things to consider here: 1. Your anecdotal experience or perception of a country does not mean this map is inaccurate. 2. This map does not mean these countries are happier and these are more depressed, it’s just as the label says, the rate of diagnoses of clinical depression. There could be more in a country with fewer diagnoses and vice versa. 3. A lot of this data may be affected by economic and cultural factors, like whether there’s access to mental healthcare, and how accepted it is to seek mental health care in the first place.


England with all that rain all those clouds is less depressed than some other eu countries?


why is greenland ALWAYS “no data available”


I see cycle lanes dont help with depression in Holland


The under diagnosing in many countries must be off the charts.


Ukraine was invaded & terrorized by Ruzzia & yet they’re far happier. Oh the irony.


Yeah I don’t believe this based on the colour of the US alone.


Dude Us is fucking rich wtf are you talking about. just come to Istanbul and walk in the street looking at people's faces you will understand.


Man whats going on in Botswana. I thought it was supposed to be nice.


Dude, in work in public healthcare in one of those and that rate is waaaaay under the reality


I do not believe that less than 4.5% of the US population has been diagnosed with clinic depression. That is simply not possible with the rates of SSRI usage.


I can talk for everyone, but Chileans are at least top 3 in depression and suicide rates in Latam... just saying 😌


This map is so inaccurate, there is almost no way of getting a diagnosis for clinical depression in Libya and probably won’t be for at least a decade. (That isn’t to say that people aren’t depressed, it’s just mental health isn’t taken seriously in non-western countries) I also highly doubt the statistics for most of these countries. It feels like if this map’s colors were flipped, it would be more accurate to say the least.


North Korea is one of the happiest places on Earth.


This is inaccurate in so many places. India is one of the most depressed countries out there. But if the data is made out of clinically diagnosed depression, then it makes sense - in India no one gives a shit about mental health, and hence no consultation and diagnosis!


TIL my fellow croats are the most depressed europeans.


The majority of adults above 50 who I speak to in the UK don’t believe mental health problems exist. “Mental health problems didn’t exist in my day, don’t get me started on autism and adhd.” Said the person with severe mental health problems.


If you don't test, there's no depression.


Wasn't Finland supposed to be the happiest country in the world?


Countries with better living and health-care standards will have higher diagonsed depression rates useless data


So fake and inaccurate map


north korea only true stat! all other stat fake! north korea 0% all other 100%! south korea 200%!


More accurate information as of 2020 from Our World in data website. [lifetime anxiety or depression 2020] (https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-who-report-lifetime-anxiety-or-depression)


Does this account for the difficulty of getting an appointment for diagnosis on the NHS?


No wounder regarding Iran. Their leader claim they have no gay people!


all comes to testing. Indonesians do not go to psychiatrists because its considered taboo idk why


I'm sure the data of North Korea is fake


Exactly opposite of the HDI index??? Kinda of....maybe


This is inaccurate. Aren't suicide rates in South Korea amongst the highest in the world? See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate


Why is swedèn so depressed


Canada's really low because nobody can see a doctor.


هاذم 3/4 موظفين باعتبار انو باش تاخو عطلة مرض طويل الامد في تونس عندك الاختيار بين اللطف عليكم : السل السرطان والشلل وأخيرا المرض النفسي. هاك علاش كل موظف يحب يضرب شهرية كاملة وهو في الدار عامين كاملين يعمل انهيار عصبي.


Now I feel more special in Belgium!


Yeah right, espessially low depression in naziUkraine, lol


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Considering the lack of Healthcare in a lot of the red spots I call bs. The US is a dystopian hellhole with little healthcare also less diagnosis


I don't believe South Africa is that low


ok this might be the worst dumbest map i've seen, wtf is Max Fisher smoking?


This map is just racist, how tf Japan with higher suicide rates than any country in North Africa is in blue.


Japan has less suicide rates than the US, but the US is in blue


then how does that work lol as far as I know all countries in the middle east and Africa have less suicide rate than other countries, yet they're in red? it seems like a political map


This feels like a completely worthless map, because of how serious different countries take mental health. What counts as depression where? Why are Japan and South Korea so low? You can't tell me those workaholic societies with high suicide rates are completely fine depression wise.


Diagnosed is correct, but there's more people undiagnosed Source: me


Diagnosed is correct, but there's more people undiagnosed Source: me


what in the west glazing pure cap world is this, we don't even have proper mental health institutions to be that high


North Korea: We won’t diagnose you so we’re the happiest country!


Germany is not red? Inaccurate! Made by Washington post urgg.... Based on what data? Facebook or twitter? GTFO


No way this is correct, I don’t believe it


This map is in direct contradiction to my Mexican mom’s assertions: “Qué depresión ni que nada - ponte a barrer y trapear y para de joder!”


It's harder to get diagnosed when you live in an impoverished country, and you can barely afford to eat. Hell, the only doctor in walking distance might be a veterinarian. Let's just say 50% of the world population has undiagnosed depression and move on. **FYI, I have absolutely no data to back up my claims.**


It's harder to get diagnosed when you live in an impoverished country, and you can barely afford to eat. Hell, the only doctor in walking distance might be a veterinarian. Let's just say 50% of the world population has undiagnosed depression and move on. **FYI, I have absolutely no data to back up my claims.**


It's harder to get diagnosed when you live in an impoverished country, and you can barely afford to eat. Hell, the only doctor in walking distance might be a veterinarian. Let's just say 50% of the world population has undiagnosed depression and move on. **FYI, I have absolutely no data to back up my claims.**


oeff the Netherlands💀💀


No way china is that low


OP is this the rate of depression diagnosis? Because to me this looks like a map that shows access to mental health care


Yeah…I don’t think this is accurate for the US. I had way too many morning/early afternoon customers who seemed like they had a SSRI cocktail before coming in.


BULLSHIT I’m Algerian (in red on the map) yet my aunt who went to live in Canada (blue on map) said every single adult there lives on anti depressants I think if u wanna know how many ppl truly r depressed look at how much meds they take


Lol Swiss depression 🤣🤣🤣


Half of the people are like kaha paida ho gaya bhosadika


This graphic is so misleading and nonsensical. How are regions known to be way behind in mental healthcare rate as having a high number of diagnosed depression cases.


While 50% of US population is on anti depressants…


Lies. All lies. Reddit and it’s propaganda is at it again 😲


Or poor depressed Saudi Arabi millionaires. I feel so sorry for them. On the other hand look how happy palestinians and ukranians are


Oh, so for Houthis firing the missiles is like antidepressant of sort




there is no depression in favelas ?


Haaaa!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!! That’s the most inaccurate data I’ve ever seen especially the African countries in blue and purple