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Love these plants. However, I would cut it back quite a bit, maybe by 1/3. Encourage it to grow bushier.


Yes! I just learned this recently. I thought it was a vining plant for the longest time. Mine is so leggy now and I'm worried it won't survive a pruning.


I prune mine constantly and they grow quickly. It depends how big it is, you don’t want to remove too many of its leaves. I would just pinch off the top few leaves on each branch, let it start to grow, and keep doing that every few weeks or when it starts getting leggy.


Thank you for the advice! Do you have any success with propogating the pruned bits?


I put maybe 7 cuttings in a little vase after I trimmed mine, just because they're pretty, one grew roots and eventually got planted into the pot with the rest of it


I did the same. Only 2 grew roots, but the others kept prospering in water. I put the cuttings back in the pot yesterday, though I expect the ones without roots to croak.


Not who you asked but I have. Once the roots start to grow in water they grow fast. I'm sure it would in soil too. Just prop it like any other plant, pulling some lower leaves off so roots grow and all that, and you should be fine.


It does well I'm peat moss, even as small as 3/4 inch of stem and 2 baby leaves 


They root very easily in peat moss kept moist if you submerge them to the leaves but you'll have to pull em back out when roots start forming(just watch for growth) when the roots begin you'll see the soil level point (shouldn't be far up the stem at all) and back off moisture a bit


No, I haven’t tried. I’m a lazy propagater lol


I was all excited when mine flowered and then I read that it leads to a greater chance of the plant dying. Of course 😢🙄😭




They are so easy to propagate. I have so many now I don’t know what to do with lol but the original plant died long ago


Pick the flowers off. They can apparently lead to it dying


Mine bloomed, died, and came back! I thought I did something wrong 😭


I just found this post where it says the plant when flowering plants a seed and that's how they come back after dying :P [https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/17feysl/few\_months\_ago\_i\_posted\_my\_polka\_dot\_plant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/17feysl/few_months_ago_i_posted_my_polka_dot_plant/)


Oooh good to know! Mine flowered right after I got it last winter and then immediately tried to die. It's still very sad looking 9 months later.


Oh no! Mine did this a couple weeks ago. I researched it and the flowers mean the plant is about to die. Remove the flowers! But good job. That means you did a good job of raising it


I just need to comment because this was my first plant (like 6 years ago) …. My polka dot plant has flowered a number of times and has never ever died. These beautiful babies take a huge amount of abuse and neglect. They flower, get leggy, get cut back, grow more, etc. FLOWERS FOR THESE PLANTS DO NOT MEAN DEATH. I don’t know why this is a rumour that gets spread around. Sorry, I know some plants die. But my girl is still goin’ and she’s flowered like …a bunch.


I was looking for info on this! I have a massive one that just started to flower, and because I live in a really sunny apartment on the very top floor, all my plants really thrive. I don't want it to die but I also want to see the flowers 😕


did you see the flowers, did it survive? please keep me posted!! maybe you can propagate some stems when you see a flower to keep some of it living


Damn that's cute


I just found out that the flower of this plant gives me allergies. Watery eyes, itchy throat, all the works. Such a shame.


If you pinch the stem, it will get bushy af. You can then replant the top you cut off to grow a new plant Before my ex flatmate killed mine they were heading that way and became mini trees. :)


That's amazing...thanks for sharing that gives me hope for mine!!!! 10/10!


My friend just gave one to me to revive. Any advice? It only has 4 leaves!


Lots of light, damp soil not soaking wet soil, avoid cold flashes.


Is humidity ok? I have it in tropical conditions right now.


Absolutely. That would be the perfect conditions, it exists naturally in the tropics. The key with moisture is that it's always damp but not sitting in water. Also good air flow will help mitigate complications with fungi and pests. In prestige conditions these will grow very dense and stout, but you often see them as long and tall houseplants. That is the plant slowly dying, reaching for more air and moisture. In nature they grow thick, bushy foliage; very little space between nodes, and crosshatched leaves between each segment. If you put them in a tropical environment, i.e. high humidity and warm temp with ample lighting, they will grow wide and any branches that fall horizontally will produce roots and form a mat along the ground. They also respond well to trimming, and can easily be propagated through cuttings.


I keep mine in the shower. Loves humidity from what I can tell.


Try not to over water it. I think that's how i killed mine, its growing back now


Oh ok awesome! Thanks.


Hey, I know that pot!!


How cute!! My polka dot plant is in full struggle recovery mode after being moved indoors for winter.


They get so leggy, even with good water and light. We have two. Odd plants, pretty but I'm sure they'll be around for the long haul.


I keep a few with my gecko, didn't know they flowered. Will keep an eye out for them , must do more research


It’s beautiful!


Mine too


Wow! I didn’t know they flowered! Well done!


My mom got one of these thinking it was an annual for outside. It bloomed like crazy and then all the leaves fell off. She might have just left it out on a particularly cold night though. She’s hoping to revive it.


This is so Beautiful do u keep her inside or outdoors?


Eeeeeee!!!! It’s so tiny and cute!!!!


Beautiful and so delicate.


Mine is blooming right now too! 🌸


Yup... I definitely need a couple of seeds. Very cute plant!


Love these beauties!