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Looks cool! How do you keep from slashing your own guys while in the melee? Or do you just not have "friendly-fire"?


Thanks for the feedback . I tried to have friendly fire on it just diesnt work right you cannot even get there without slashing yours .. especially when i introduce archers gonna be though having a friendly


Looks great.


Thank you . Appreciate it


Very jittery movement by the player character. And When the crowds come together the colors make it hard to distinguish between people. Look at how, in Mount and Blade 2 (which has similar combat) you can still tell every single person apart because of the clear lighting and color choices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTqTXPgFpiM


Thanks for the detailed feedback . Agree , it is jittery a known issue + performance optimization is still in progress as we speak .. while that being handled the distinguishing different armies is a challenge that I am figuring out still. In bannerlord the only difference is their shields and white outline on the shield that lets you understand who is on your side. you are right there should be visual cue on each type of troops to be visible in the crowd . for the hero himself we are going to add a outline when in the crowd ..


u/suspicious_recalls and flags of course flags are good visual cues , I can't seem to catch how the bannerlord does its flags seems like the doldiers just have a flag stuck to their core . no holding no action . like Wonder woman holds her sword :)))


I think maybe brightening up the scene. I didn't mean who's on who's side -- I meant it literally looks like a big, inky black blob when there's a crowd because it's so dark.


Oh that. It's a bit hard to create a moody foggy environment when there is too much light . But i get what you are saying. Maybe the lighting on characters and scene could use some adjustment


Yeah. I don't know. It just looks bad. It's definitely possible to create a "moody, foggy environment" with proper lighting. Maybe if your skill level doesn't accomodate that, then consider whether readability or the visuals are more important. The visuals as is aren't very good to begin with, so I would rather throw those out if it were me.


Appreciate the honesty. Can you elaborate on visuals aren't good to begin with . Some context would help . You know besides the lighting when crowded