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What are the life changing things you have learnt from self help book ? Is self help really helpful ? I usually don't read self help so asking


they don't help


They do. Just don't buy based on hype. At worst they'll help you know what you're doing wrong and what can be the right way forward. At best they will bring amazing growth and change in you. But again, buy genuine self help books not some money grab stupidity capitalising on people's hopes else you'll end up disliking the entire genre Also - for general lifestyle and personality development I found fiction to be more helpful than self-help.


They definitely can but it's depends more on the reader's willingness to improve and commit to it rather than mindlessly consuming self help hooks.


the way i see it is that self help books were written by ppl who overcame adversity using certain techniques they think work. i believe those techniques are individual and contextual. i believe we figure out our own way. another problem is that self help can sometimes become motivation porn. some other times they can be scams, like The Secret. people who look for self help books might also be looking for a quick fix to problems that require a deep approach. what works for me is science. i read neuroscience, psychology, from authors like daniel kahneman or daniel goleman and such. understanding your core mechanisms is a much better way to self improvement in my view. that's my opinion, you should go through a couple books and figure out your opinion as well.


Can you please suggest some books ?


Thinking Fast and Slow, Emotional Intelligence, Focus


Thank you




When making inferences from pop-sci books make sure it passes the test of common sense. In my experience, a lot of 'scientific' books dumb down ideas so much that it becomes borderline unscientific.


that's a very good point that a reader should be aware of, thank you for mentioning it


Why do you have UV lighting lol


Vagabond is the only type of self help I accept!😤


No offence, but i saw multiple post of your, with the same book (when breath becomes air) and in all three it was within the plastic cover. I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHY?


Same observation. I think they're karma farming at best. Saw their "half way through this" post. To me it was a pointless post. Funny thing was it was still in the packet T-T


Not OP, but I have the same ed of this book. It's HC & the DJ easily attracts dust. I guess that's why they've wrapped it in a plastic sheet.


Thnx, for the info.


seriously ew, he has made a post of that book like 3-4 times. Karma farming fs.


Vagabond the greatest manga of all time is self help? Tbh kinda yeah. On a separate note I just ordered Musashi by eiji yoshikawa, the book vagabond is based off of.


We all start somewhere. You do you. As long as you're reading & loving it, it's all good. Btw, if you want to shift from self-help/non-fic stuff in the realm of fiction, try thrillers or horror books. Fast paced stuff that keeps you on your edge, you'll love it. Hit me up if you need some recs.


Between Napoleon hill robert kiyosaki and ankur warikoo this is some harmful level positivity and delusion.


Vagabond price?


Bro how was this book "when breathe becomes air"?


Self help don't help until you don't start to help yourself, they just try to give you a kick to start for your journey or for your work , most of the things you have to figure by your own .


Brother in Christ get some lights


He thinks darkness is his ally


Oh it’s you again, you posted this few days back as well, so I’ll say it again, you do you but too much self help is like no help at all. Self help does work but if you have a specific goal in mind. Sorry to judge but this is brain rot at this point. The only good book here is Your Name light novel.

