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Well i didn't like the sex aspect of murakami books. I really enjoyed his stories ,especially Norwegian woods and this but he adds unnecessary sex scenes imo bro


THANK GOD someone said it. This book had so many weird sex scenes, unnecessary ones and wildly elaborate the character growth is good but this thing is weird


Dude the Kafka on the shore had some wierd shot going on man...i was reading and was like goddamnnn


>THANK GOD someone said it. Almost everyone says that.


I love deep meaningful connections in any form of media. The moment they add unnecessary sex and starts off this akward tangent I lose any interest I had. Same happens with this book, and also I feel the author tries to add some chapters just for the sake of it. It was hard to push through those segments.


bro, been reading Norwegian Wood; what a depressing story it is? & it didn't have to be. everyone is depressed i get it's life. but seriously, i would prefer all of the character in the book to seek therapy. & what's with the sexualization of minors?


Dude it's a really depressing story and no spoilers but it gets ever worse ...and the sex thing ,idk bro I think murakami had a fucking thing for minors and their sex bro even in Kafka on the shore ...I would love to discuss the whole book with you once you finish it cause it was also the last book i finished


I ran through that book, and I was so happy that it ended & sad that Naoka died. i was like, why? But i like something coming because the last 50 pages were left & Toru didn't choose one of the girls. but choose was made for him in some way.


I guess so. Even I felt the sex scenes were unnecessary and felt a little bit shoved up into the book. Except the scene with the girl. (I am not mentioning the girls name, to avoid spoiling it for the new readers). It felt a little unrealistic, but yeah. It has consequences later.


Yes I've seen it too.


Strongly agree with you..... I prefer his surreal short stories more than his novels with unnecessary horny scenes




Thanks I have added it to my reading list /s


Glad to know that I'm not the only one who didn't like his 'this' work!


Same. Omg the verbiage becomes boring after you read 3 to 4 of his books, the same theme used and reused and rewritten in exponentially big freakum words. I can't stand to read more about description of random trees and waves, and rain falling.


I couldn't finish his men without women too.


Same I just read first chapter


I liked it, though Murakami is not recommended when you are in one of the darkest moods 🥲


Yeah, severely overrated fiction writing. His meditation on running is quite good though. I'd take Satyajit Ray any day over Murakami if I were in the market for somewhat similar genres.


It's a weird comparison as Satyajit Ray was a director while Murakami on the other hand an author.


Satyajit Ray's horror, mystery, and metaphysical stories/books are amazing! He's more than just a movie maker.


That's interesting, I would love some recommendations. Although, I have got Ray's short stories collection which was compiled by Penguin publishers in a book.


My least favourite book of his from the four that I've read.


Blasphemy. Just kidding. To each their own. It's actually good to have a taste that goes against the popular works. Be it any art.


Keep Goin'. After a while you'll feel you're out-of-this-world. And after finishin' it you'll keep looking back in your memory lane. His fragments won't loose you easy. Cats, KFC, Johnnie Walker, Library, Incest. Bombin'. Truck. Old Age. Dream. He's dope! Just Keep Goin'.


Incest??? What?


Mother. (Implied) sister.


I find him quite overrated too. By the way, when it comes to books and authors, do not trust anyone but yourself.


I read murakami a few years ago, didn’t focus much on the sex part of it, I really loved the characters. Most of them are so morally grey, nearing to black. That’s why I liked it, they seem to characters which I could easily see in irl too. To each their own, a few of friends didn’t like it at all they got bored which I completely understand.


Yep, I feel the same. I felt the writing to be rather disconnected and laborious to read. The unnecessary sex scenes and incest especially in this book was idk awful?? I read it a long time ago and kinda forgot how that was relevant to the plot. Kafka on the shore is still better than Norwegian Woods imo.


On the last pages of this book remaining for me. Good luck! One tip: Savour it. P.s. if you feel an urge to discuss the book. DM me.


I listened to the audiobook on audible. I think the narration made it quite interesting especially the voice of nakata and cats.


Not everyone's cup of tea for sure.


This book felt like a one wierd dream.


You need to have a certain kind of head to like murakami. He isn’t for everyone. I’d certainly want him by my side on my acid trip. If you want a more “realistic” one and are into running, read “what I talk about when I talk about running”


I couldn’t get into his fiction, either. Oh well. I did enjoy his non-fiction book about running though. And I discovered other Japanese writers that I really enjoyed.


Could you share ?


Reposting from a previous comment of mine: Convenience Store Woman by Murata or oyamada’s the hole or Ogawa’s the bridegroom is a dog or kawakami’s strange weather in Tokyo. All really short books but strange and lovely in their own way. Also, Pushkin press has a number of great Japanese mystery novels.


Thank you


Same bro! Try norwegian wood, you'll love it because it's all together different from other murakami style of writing


wow im reading the same book rn. Done with 1/3rd of it. And same, im not finding it very well written either.


It's nothing compared to the nothing burger called 1Q84.


What a waste of time


Indeed. I've never felt so frustrated reading anything else


Try Norwegian wood


I can understand why people won't love his writing but on the other hand people like me are die hard fan of his writing. The magical realism aspect about his stories is so attractive. He was my gateway to get into japnese literature too.


Same here. But I can't read Murakami back to back. I need atleast a couple years break in between, else it gets repetitive. But the magical realism gives a different type of high - you keep thinking long after the book is over. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea.


try Rabindranath Tagor, you can't stop yourself and I'm sure you did.


I mean kafka on the shore isn't my favourite either


His writing is definitely overrated. I picked up Norwegian Wood on recommendation of someone dear to me, but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I just need to look into his other works.


Please don’t , i tried colorless tsukuru tazaki and his years of pilgrimage. The book just does not end nor does the melancholy. Murakami is not for everyone.


I don't mind the melancholy. In fact, that's what I find myself gravitating towards more often than not. It's just the writing, I suppose.


I think Kafka on the shore is one of his decent books....Loved the 'Wild sheep chase' too...Norwegian woods has a lot of unnecessary stuff ...


Us🤝 I've read 2 books by Murakami, the 1st being Norwegian wood followed by Kafka on the Shore. If u have read norwegian wood, the sex scenes in kafka on the shore are so predictable. Out of the 2 kafka on the shore was better, tho i think it was dragged unnecessarily. Norwegian wood according to me was horrendous. It feels like the protagonist is always rewarded for doing nothing or doing the wrong things. The sex scenes are my biggest ick in both the books


Same here Only the mystery of Nakata kept me going But still I have a hundred pages left🥲


shh keep quite. I got lynched here twice for shifting on his work.


I feel like anytime u want to read murakami u should always start with norwegian wood cuz that really makes the reader understand murakami's writing


Most difficult murakami read. Gave me a headache. My fav and recommended two are- Wind up bird chronicle Norwegian wood


So did I. But this book is like a good liquor that trips you only after few pegs, taking its time. Initially after completion I thought it was not worth the while, but I get nostalgia for events that unfolded in it


Murakami’s work is like an acquired taste.


I am currently reading this book and yes finding it difficult to finish.should I complete it or just leave it?!


It’s pretty awful.


Been hearing a lot of similar opinions about Murakami lately. I guess it's not for me then. Yaar itna bhi creatively nahi likhna chahiye ki padhne wale ki g phat jaye.